impressing 发音
英:[ɪmˈpresɪŋ] 美:[ɪmˈpresɪŋ]
英: 美:
impressing 中文意思翻译
impressing 常用词组
impress on ─── 给…留下印象
impress upon ─── 使牢记;给…留下印象;留下印记
impressing 词性/词形变化,impressing变形
动词现在分词: impressing |动词过去分词: impressed |动词过去式: impressed |动词第三人称单数: impresses |
impressing 短语词组
1、impressing meaning ─── 意味深长
2、impressing the locals ─── 给当地人留下深刻印象
3、impressing the locals quick guide ─── 给当地人留下深刻印象的快速指南
4、impressing on the upward way lyrics ─── 印象向上的方式歌词
5、impressing definition ─── 印象深刻的定义
6、impressing somebody ─── 给某人留下深刻印象
7、impressing def ─── 压印def
impressing 相似词语短语
1、depressing ─── v.(使)沮丧;(使经济)萧条;按下;镇压;降低(价值或工资)(depress的现在分词);adj.令人沮丧的;造成萧条的
2、compressing ─── v.压缩;精简;被挤压在一起;把……紧压在一起;摘要叙述(compress的现在分词);n.压缩
3、expressing ─── v.表达;表达观点(express的ing形式)
4、impressive ─── adj.感人的;令人钦佩的;给人以深刻印象的
5、impression ─── n.印象;效果,影响;压痕,印记;感想;曝光(衡量广告被显示的次数。打开一个带有该广告的网页,则该广告的impression次数增加一次)
6、impregning ─── 竞争
7、adpressing ─── vi.紧压于…的表面
8、appressing ─── 逼近
9、impressions ─── n.印象;观感(impression的复数)
impressing 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、She repeated the words to impress them in her memory. ─── 她反复重复那名话以便将其铭记于心。
2、The sunshiny sky and winter sun of Niedersachsen will impress on my memory. ─── 下萨克森的晴朗天空,和冬日暖阳。
3、But he liked to impress his fellow workers. ─── 他可是喜欢在同事面前摆阔气。
4、She played up her past achievementsjust to impress us. ─── 她夸耀过去的成绩就是为了让我们觉得她了不起.
5、Never write or speak merely to impress. ─── 不论写文章还是说话,都不要哗众取宠。
6、He impress his audience by the profundity of his knowledge. ─── 他知识渊博给听众留下了深刻的印象。
7、His boast that he can drink ten pint of beer impress nobody. ─── 他自吹自擂说能喝十品脱啤酒,但无人理睬他。
8、Impress them on your children. ─── 也要殷勤教训你的儿女;
9、Try to memorize the details of the movie impressing you, and share with us. ─── 你可以和大家分享打动你的细节部分。
10、Last year, I took two Interactors to the RI Convention in Barcelona, impressing upon them Rotary's internationality. ─── 去年我带2名扶少团团员到巴塞隆纳参加国际扶轮年会,让他们深刻体认扶轮的国际性。
11、They did not alter the tenor of Greek mathematics or the subsequent impress of Greek thought. ─── 他们未能改变希腊数学的进程或希腊思想对后代的影响。
12、You'll have a better chance of impressing the interviewer if you think about this question before the interview. ─── 这是一个最好的机会,让你在雇主面前留下好印象。
13、I impress on him the importance of his work. ─── 他这个工作的重要性。
14、He wanted to impress this man with his utter willingness to comply and obey. ─── 他要这个人觉得他的绝对屈服与服从。
15、He tries to impress the girls by wearing flashy socks and jackets. ─── 他穿着艳丽的袜子和外套,试图以此吸引女孩子们的注意。
16、Jim is such a show-off. Who is he trying to impress? ─── 吉姆是个爱表现的人,他又在向谁卖弄了?
17、If you are unable to sign, please impress your left thumbprint. ─── 如不能签署,请印下左拇指指模。
18、Competitor selling at loss for impress your buyer. ─── 同行不惜血本销售,以赢得客户。
19、He must have been so exhausted from impressing her that when she finally gave in, he gave out. ─── 他给她留下深刻印象,一定是累坏了,所以当她终于让步时,他就筋疲力尽了。
20、He must have been so exhausted from impressing her that when she finally gave in, he gave out. ─── 他一定为了给她留下深刻印象而用尽全力,当她最终妥协的时候,他却筋疲力尽。
21、Don't overspend to impress someone who interests you. ─── 不要为了给倾慕的人留下印象而超支;
22、His avowed mission is impressing the "public heart" to care nothing about it... ─── 他所信守的使命就是影响“民心”使其对此漠不关心。
23、His honesty and hospitality left an enduring impress on her life. ─── 他们的诚实与好客给她一生留下了难以磨灭的印象。
24、The act or process of impressing. ─── 印制的动或者过程。
25、He could hear his own voice cracking with the desire to impress. ─── 他可以听见自己那希望引人注意的沙哑的声音。
26、A blanket proposal will not allow us to impress potential investors. ─── 一份没有重点的标书是不会给我们潜在的投资者留下什么好印象的。
27、They spend more time impressing tourists than plotting coups. ─── 他们的时间更多的用于取悦游客,而不是运筹帷幄。
28、Heh, heh, heh, I can tell he's impress. ─── 哈,哈,哈。我敢说他对我印象很深刻。
29、Purposely impressing people is an act that brings nothing but a momentary ego boost. ─── 刻意地让所有人记住你只是一种暂时的自我宣传行为,但这并不会为你带来任何好处。
30、He gave his biceps a flex to impress the ladies. ─── 他收缩他的肱二头肌以吸引那些女士们的目光。
31、She impress her teacher with her diligence. ─── 她的勤奋给老师的印象很深。
32、We'd rather say he's impressing the audience than educating them. ─── 他在对听众讲话时与其说是晓之以理不如说是动之以情。
33、Cheech: Don't you have a boyfriend to impress? ─── 奇契:难道你没男友要取悦吗?
34、A young man had a new girl friend, whom he wanted to impress. ─── 一个年轻的小伙子新交了一个女朋友,他想给她留下深刻的印象。
35、To impress(a pattern or design) as a watermark. ─── 压成水印作为水印而压制(某种形式或图案)
36、Are you driving that Ferrari because you want to impress someone? ─── 你开那辆法拉利是因为你想让谁留下好印象吗?
37、Q:What things impress you in colleagues? ─── 106问:同事给你印象最深的是什么?
38、Don't try to impress the new boss, he hates being sucked up to. ─── 休要去新上司面前显弄,他不吃马屁。
39、Only lively lectures can amuse and impress students. ─── 只有活泼生动的讲课才能把学生逗乐并给他们留下印象。
40、I make a great impress on your company. ─── 你的公司给我留下很深刻的印象。
41、I would say that step 1 for impressing your boss is to be enthused about what you are doing and to put your whole self into it everyday. ─── 可以说,要想给上司留下的印象,你要做的步对你的工作有热情,每天全身心地投入到工作之中去。
42、When trying to impress someone, there's a big temptation to brag. ─── 你很容易想通过夸耀自己以获得某个人的青睐。
43、Your muscular shoulders and chest impress me deeply. ─── 你肩膀和胸部肌肉发达、这给我留下很深的印象。
44、Your daughter is far too difficultto impress, Ruth. ─── 你女儿真是挑剔啊,露诗。
45、She's always trying to impress people with her new clothes. ─── 她总是试图用穿新衣给人留下印象。
46、He tried to impress me with his extensive knowledge of wine. ─── 他试图让我记住他广博的酒知识。
47、To perform ostentatiously so as to impress an audience. ─── 哗众取宠为引起观众注意而炫耀似地表演
48、Impress others with your English and knowledge! ─── 以流利的英语和渊博的知识令众人瞩目!
49、Domenico Criscito will return to Juventus at the end of the season after impressing with Genoa this term. ─── 克里西托在他这赛季效力热那亚后将会在赛季结束回到尤文图斯.
50、I should not be giving you these teachings even for the sake of impressing you for a moment. ─── 我甚至不应该仅仅是为了给你们留下深刻印象,而讲授这些教法。
51、They tried to impress a design on the table - cloth. ─── 他们试图在桌布上印一个图案。
52、That society stuff don't impress me. ─── 交际场上的阔气我不希罕。
53、Do not try to impress the new boss , he hates being sucked up to . ─── 休要去新上司面前显弄,他不吃马屁。
54、She is such a "do-gooder", always trying to impress other people. ─── 她倒是一个做好事的人,但常常是为了给人们留下深刻的印象。
55、She certainly had courage galore, as well as the gift of impressing foreigners, who often rallied to her in times of need. ─── 当然,她有着非凡的勇气,总能给外国人留下很深的印象,在她需要的时候外国人总是支持她。
56、So impressing your boss is a top priority. ─── 所以,给上司一个好印象是第一重要的事情。
57、Alan hoped to impress the girls with his new sports car. ─── 亚伦想用他的跑车来讨好女孩子。
58、They tried to impress a design on the table-cloth. ─── 他们试图在桌布上印一个图样。
59、You don't have to do this to impress me. ─── 他们要想跟踪我们就太疯了!
60、Fell over themselves to impress the general's wife. ─── 他们争相给将军夫人留下深刻的印象
61、She did not impress me at all. ─── 她没给我留下丝毫印象。
62、His charm doesn't work on me,ie doesn't affect or impress me. ─── 他的魅力对我不起作用.
63、Can you see the impress of my love? ─── 你已发现那爱的印记?
64、The Grand Canyon never fails to impress. ─── 大峡谷永远让人叹为观止。
65、They impress on thee as a favour that they have embraced Islam. ─── 他们以自己信奉伊斯兰,示惠于你,你说:“你们不要以你们的信奉伊斯兰示惠于我;
66、His charm doesn't work on me, ie doesn't affect or impress me. ─── 他的魅力对我不起作用。
67、Your muscular shoulder and chest impress me deeply. ─── 你肩膀和胸部肌肉发达,这给我留下很深的印象。
68、He only behaves like that for effect(= in order to impress people). ─── 他那样表现不过是为了哗众取宠。
69、Renting a luxury car to impress your friends is just overkill. ─── 为了能在朋友面前风光,而去租名车来开的行为不免有些过火。
70、He tried everything to impress her to no avail. ─── 他试了各种方法去加深她的印象都徒然无功。
71、He seems a little full of himself, but also trying to impress you. ─── 他是有点自满,但是也尽力想给你流下个印象。
72、The host's hospitableness make a good impress on us. ─── 主人的好客给我们留下了非常好的印象。
73、Maybe you're impressing Wall Street. ─── 也许你们重视华尔街。
74、He wanted to impress a design on wax. ─── 他想在蜡板上压印出图样。
75、How did that place impress you? ─── 你对那个地方的印象如何?
76、But I want to impress upon you that I am goddam well incensed. ─── 可我就要让你牢记的是,我他妈的是给气疯了。”
77、It's embarrassing the extremes he'll go to in order to impress his boss. ─── 他为了给上司留下深刻印象,不惜走极端,真令人难堪。
78、She's always trying to impress people with her writings. ─── 她总是试图用自己的作品给人们留下深刻印象。
79、The sights of the city never fail to impress foreign tourist. ─── 外国游客无一不对该市留有深刻印象。
80、His exhibition is very urbane to impress with her. ─── 他的彬彬有礼给她留下了深刻的印象.
81、He did not impress me at all. ─── 他没有给我留下丝毫印象。
82、A mark or pattern produced by or as if by impressing. ─── 压印;压痕通过或好象通过压产生的印记或图案
83、His parents try to impress on him that it is very important to be honest. ─── 他的父母尽力让他记住诚实是很重要的。
84、She played up her past achievements just to impress us. ─── 她夸耀过去的成绩就是为了让我们觉得她了不起。
85、He is a nobody trying to impress. ─── 他只是个想哗众取宠的无名之辈。
86、To brag of the good you have done will never impress anyone. ─── 善欲人见,不是真善;
87、The signs of the city never fail to impress the foreign tourists. ─── 外车游客无一不对该城市留有深刻的印象。
88、Quite impress with the pix quailty. ─── 像素品质真的不错。
89、Shanghai is very deeply impress for me. ─── 上海给我的印象很深。
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