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09-10 投稿


credulous 发音

英:[ˈkredʒələs]  美:[ˈkredʒələs]

英:  美:

credulous 中文意思翻译



credulous 网络释义

adj. 轻信的;因轻信而产生的

credulous 短语词组

1、credulous definition for kids ─── 对孩子的轻信定义

2、credulous boomer rube demo definition ─── 轻信婴儿潮一代rube演示定义

3、credulous definition sentence ─── 轻信定义句

4、credulous boomer ─── 轻信的婴儿潮一代

5、credulous boomer rube demo ─── 轻信婴儿潮一代rube演示

6、credulous character ─── 轻信的性格

7、credulous definition ─── 轻信的定义

credulous 词性/词形变化,credulous变形

副词: credulously |名词: credulousness |

credulous 反义词


credulous 同义词

trusting | gullible | incredulous | childlike | innocent | believing | unsuspecting | naive | imprudent | uncritical | undoubting

credulous 相似词语短语

1、scrupulous ─── adj.细心的;小心谨慎的;一丝不苟的

2、sedulous ─── adj.聚精会神的;勤勉的;勤苦工作的

3、crapulous ─── adj.饮(吃)过量的,暴饮暴食的

4、scrofulous ─── adj.堕落的;淋巴结核的,瘰疬的

5、credulousness ─── n.老实;轻信

6、credulously ─── adv.轻信地;易被瞒地

7、tremulous ─── adj.胆小的;战栗的;震颤的

8、incredulous ─── adj.怀疑的;不轻信的

9、stridulous ─── adj.喘鸣的(等于stridulant);作唧唧声的;发出刺耳叫声的

credulous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Only a credulous person would fall for that old trick. ─── 只有轻信的人才会被那个陈旧的骗局骗倒。

2、The credulous investors believed in every word the analysts said. ─── 轻信别人的投资者完全相信分析员所说的一切。

3、The following circumstance includes 1, super- use drug quantity, for a long time. 2, use is improper 3, abusive invigorator 4, secret recipe of credulous folk prescription. ─── 以下情况包括1、超量、长期用药。2、用法不当3、滥用补药4、轻信偏方秘方。

4、credulous people who believe what the advertisements say ─── 轻信广告的人.

5、He is credulous of the rumour. ─── 他轻信谣言。

6、Ino persuaded her credulous husband into believing that his son, Phrixus, was the actual cause of the disaster, and should be sacrificed to Zeus to endit. ─── 伊诺在爱轻信的丈夫耳边进谗言,终于使国王相信:他的儿子法瑞克斯是这次灾害的罪魁祸首,并要将他献给宙斯以结束瘟疫。

7、She is a credulous girl. ─── 她是个易受骗的女孩。

8、Not credulous Baidu searchs the result of engine, do not let a few illegal elements use a search the result is revulsive be duped. ─── 不要轻信百度搜索引擎的结果,切勿让一些不法分子利用搜索结果诱导上当。

9、Even as the dot-com bubble deflated, credulous bankers and investors began inflating a new bubble in housing. ─── 还在互联网泡沫破裂时,轻信的银行家和投资人开始在房地产方面制造新的泡沫。

10、In chatting, ask not message of credulous remittance, win a prize in a lottery, do not dial new telephone easily. ─── 交谈中请勿轻信汇款、中奖消息,勿轻易拨打生疏电话。

11、John is so credulous that he wil believe what you tell him. ─── 约翰很容易受骗,所有你说的,他都会相信。

12、Ke Luli provides an extreme case to Afp reporter, namely credulous rubbish report mails model of a Brazil content, buy and take some kind of pill reducing weight, final meet one's death. ─── 克鲁利向法新社记者提供一个极端案例,即一名巴西模特儿轻信垃圾电邮内容,购买和服用某种减肥药丸,最终丧命。

13、TRANIO.If he be credulous and trust my tale, I'll make him glad to seem Vincentio, And give assurance to Baptista Minola As if he were the right Vincentio. ─── 特拉尼奥:他要是能够听信我随口编造的谣言,我可以叫他情情愿愿地冒充文森修,向巴普提斯塔一口答应一份丰厚的聘礼。

14、too credulous for your own good. ─── 为了自己的利益而太过容易相信。

15、The credulous old Priam after slew; ─── 终于把耳软轻信的普里阿摩斯害死;

16、This is a credulous age, and the burden of knowledge which we now have to carry is partly responsible. ─── 这是一个轻信的时代,究其原由,部分在于如今我们必须掌握的知识实在太多。

17、the manager of the bank was credulous individual named mr. fish. mr. fish invited the crab and his daughter into his cozy office. ─── 银行经理称“鱼先生,”是个轻信的人。鱼先生把蟹和他女儿请进他舒适的办公室。

18、for he knew of old that this insect was credulous about conflagrations. ─── 因为他早就知道这种小虫子容易相信火灾的事情。

19、3 it is not credulous advertisement. ─── 三是不要轻信广告。

20、In addition, disappear assist the personage still warns customer, should remember demanding consumptive proof after consumption, head of members of a family of not credulous business is affirmatory. ─── 此外,消协人士还提醒消费者,消费之后要记得索取消费凭证,不要轻信商家口头承诺。

21、Simple and credulous as a child; ingenuous. ─── 天真的如同孩子般简单和易轻信的;天真的

22、Do not want credulous ad in cure, hospital of choice distinctive specialized subject makes effective treatment! ─── 在治疗中不要轻信广告,选择有特色的专科医院做有效治疗!

23、As for talkers and futile persons, they are commonly vain, and credulous withal . For he that talketh what he knoweth, will also talk what he knoweth not. ─── 至于多言饶舌之人多虚妄而且轻信。盖言其所知之人,也会言其所不知也。

24、Professional warns customer, do not want above all credulous " entrance " , have " certificate of environmental protection green " . ─── 专业人员提醒消费者,首先不要轻信“进口”、有“环保绿色证书”。

25、Professional warns customer, do not want above all credulous " entrance " , have " certificate of environmental protection green " . ─── 专业人员提醒消费者,首先不要轻信“进口”、有“环保绿色证书”。

26、He has suffered several times because he is credulous. ─── 他太轻信,吃了好几次苦头。

27、current real estate market information asymmetries still exist problems rashly credulous developers with the same concept of investment risk. ─── 时下房地产市场仍存在信息不对称的问题,贸然轻信开发商的投资概念同样充满风险。

28、Not the most credulous of art lovers, not the most trusting of wives. ─── 哪怕最容易受骗的艺术爱好者也不会,哪怕最容易信人的妻子也不会。

29、The evil of falsehood can claim as much purchase on the credulous as the good of truth. ─── 对轻信者来说,邪恶的假相可能与美好的真相一样有市场。

30、so credulous he believes everything he reads. ─── 他是如此轻信,相信他读取的每件事情。

31、the gimmick would convince none but the most credulous. ─── 这个花招除了最容易轻信的人之外谁也骗不了。

32、Credulous person believes without adequate evidence. ─── 有人很容易相信:虽然证据不足够。

33、If Cancer ascend, and the Moon be in Moveable or Common signs, especially remote from an Angle, the Native is credulous, light, and inconstant. ─── 如果上升星座是巨蟹,且月亮位于本位或变动星座(特别是远离四轴),盘主易轻信、浅薄且变化无常。

34、Only a credulous person would believe your story. ─── 只有轻信的人才会相信你的故事.

35、You are credulous of his words. ─── 他的话你动辄就相信。

36、in a credulous manner. ─── 以轻易相信别人的方式。

37、This is a credulous age, and the burden of knowledge which we now have to carry is partly responsible. ─── 这是一个轻信的时代,究其原由,部分在于如今我们必须掌握的知识实在太多。

38、Credulous people are easily misled by false advertisements. ─── 轻信的人很容易上虚假广告的当。

39、but only the hopelessly credulous will without further ado count such experiences as establishing the existence of ghosts and pink elephants ─── 但是,只有那些盲目轻信的人,才会想当然地以这样的经历来证实幽灵幻象或粉红大象的存在。

40、over credulous ─── 过分轻信

41、He is credulous of rumors. ─── 他容易相信谣言。

42、He has a wife and eight children in Bombay, but that does not prevent him from proposing marriage to any little femme de chambre who is stupid and credulous enough to be taken in by him. ─── 他在孟买有一个妻子和八个孩子,不过这并不妨碍他向又蠢又没有心眼、上了他的当的女仆求婚。

43、be credulous; readily place trust in; readily believe ─── 轻信

44、But Bernard Madoff has robbed the world of such a catharsis, just as he robbed almost 5, 000 credulous clients of billions of dollars. ─── 但是伯尼·梅道夫就像他掠夺了5000位信誉良好的客户数以十亿计的美金那样,夺走了全世界人们发泄情绪的机会。

45、You must be credulous if she fooled you with that story. ─── 连她那种话都能把你骗倒,你一定是太容易相信别人了。

46、The manager of the bank was credulous individual named Mr. Fish. ─── 银行经理称“鱼先生,”是个轻信的人。

47、credulous rumor ─── 荒诞的谣言

48、Deceiving the credulous young girls ─── 欺骗这个轻信的女孩

49、credulous people who accept all the promises of the politicians ─── 接受政客一切承诺的轻信的人们

50、He always cheats credulous people. ─── 他总是欺骗容易上当的人。

51、In addition, clean out treasure to also remind the home sells the commitment that difference revises to judge on not credulous net on the net. ─── 此外,淘宝也提醒网上卖家不要轻信网上修改差评的承诺。

52、When life is hard, people become credulous. ─── 时世艰难时,人们就容易轻信。

53、Here, consumer society warns broad customer, in sale busy season, want to hold to rational consumption, goods compares 3, do not want credulous conduct propaganda, do not pursue cheap, have an insatiable desire for low. ─── 在此,消费者协会提醒广大消费者,在销售旺季,要坚持理性消费,货比三家,不要轻信宣传,不要图便宜,贪低价。

54、The man deceived those credulous people by cheating on cut and shuffle. ─── 那个男子在洗牌的时候做了点手脚,把一些轻信的人给骗了2009-6-1721:59:39回答者:疾冻博士

55、You're so credulous that you could be easily fooled. ─── 你这么轻信,你很容易上当受骗。

56、Mary is so credulous that she may readily accept any excuse you make. ─── 玛丽很轻信,你随便找个借口她都可以相信。

57、More not credulous and alleged the purify rate of 90% above. ─── 更不要轻信所谓90%以上的去除率。

58、They are credulous people who accept all the promises of the politicians. ─── 他们是易受政治家们许诺哄骗的人。

59、credulous and pliable ─── 耳朵软

60、Join in chain bilk runs rampant, credulous these advertisement, make a lot of people disastrous. ─── 加盟连锁诈骗泛滥,轻信这些广告,使得许多人损失惨重。

61、Ino persuaded her credulous husband into believing that his son,Phrixus,was the actual cause of the disaster,and should be sacrificed to Zeus to endit. ─── 当他们飞过隔开欧洲和亚洲的海峡时,赫勒由于看到浩瀚的海洋而头晕目眩,最终掉进大海淹死了。

62、Complexity Results for Restricted Credulous Default Reasoning ─── 若干限制形式的缺省推理的复杂性

63、Simple and credulous as a child;ingenuous. ─── 天真的如同孩子般简单和易轻信的;天真的

64、" And yet their pitch was convincing precisely because they could explain the nuances of wedding registries to highly credulous men. ─── 但正是由于她们能把网上结婚礼品店的微妙之处向轻信的男人解释清楚,她们的推销才有说服力。

65、1 Human is credulous creature,they need something to believe.even if no good foundation,they will deal with the bad one. ─── 1人是轻信的动物,必须得相信点什么。如果这种信仰没有什么好的依据,糟糕的依据也能对付。

66、City Consumer's Committee warns customer for this, want to learn ego protection when choosing this kind of shopping way, not credulous any hyperbole, cheap conduct propaganda. ─── 市消委会为此提醒消费者,在选择此种购物方式时要学会自我保护,不要轻信任何夸张、便宜的宣传。

67、The credit card is no credibility. It is incredible. Don't be credulous. ─── 这信誉卡没有可靠性,是不可信的,不要轻易相信。

68、Naively credulous or foolish. ─── 盲信的,愚蠢的天真地轻信或受骗的

69、It was a world of good little people, comfortable, industrious, credulous ─── 住在这里的是些善良的小人物,舒适,勤恳,自信。

70、Credulous: Disposed to believe too readily; gullible. ─── 太容易相信的;易受骗的。

71、Not credulous Baidu searches the result of engine, do not let a few illegal elements use a search the result is revulsive be duped. ─── 不要轻信百度搜索引擎的结果,切勿让一些不法分子利用搜索结果诱导上当。

72、Credulous people are easily misled by false advertisements. ─── 轻信的人很容易上虚假广告的当。

73、She was so credulous that she could be easily fooled. ─── 她这样轻信,很容易受骗的。

74、She was credulous when she listened to the salesman and bought the car for too much money. ─── 她很容易轻信别人,竟然听信那个销售员的话以高价买了那辆车。

75、Man is a credulous animal, and must believe something; in the absence of good grounds for belief, he will be satisfied with bad ones. ─── 人是一种很容易受骗的动物,且一定要相信一些事;在缺乏信仰的好基础,他就会满足一些坏的。

76、Lily had a vague sense that the subject of their experiment was too young, too rich and too credulous ─── 丽莉认为他二人开玩笑的对象未免太年轻,太富有,太无生活经验了。

77、Request happens, but also to meet with;Credulous not dangerous, and that the so-called online dating. ─── 私售车或不在国家汽车生产计划中的小厂车。

78、Credulous people are easily misled by falseadvertisements. ─── 轻信的人容易上假广告的当。

79、In chatting, ask not message of credulous remittance, win a prize in a lottery, do not dial new telephone easily. ─── 交谈中请勿轻信汇款、中奖消息,勿轻易拨打生疏电话。

80、He has suffered several times because he is credulous. ─── 他太轻信,吃了好几次苦头。

81、One who is artless, credulous, or uncritical. ─── 天真的人,易轻信的人,无批判力的人

82、According to a survey, over 70% of Shanghai's real estate advertisements expressly not credulous. ─── 据调查,上海70%以上的老百姓明确表示绝不轻信房地产广告。

83、And for good reason: We are a credulous people.For proof, open your spam folder and count the chain emails from 1998 that are still coming in, dutifully forwarded by friends and relatives. ─── 证据就是打开你邮箱的垃圾箱,数数看有多少早在1998年就开始的连锁邮件仍在被你的亲戚朋友仍忠贞不贰地传递着,陆续涌入你的邮箱。

84、Nowadays not many people are credulous to believe what the advertisements say. ─── 现在并不是有许多人轻信广告。

85、Credulous We are less credulous than we used to be. ─── 我们不再像以往那样轻易相信别人了。

86、Because the user is careless, custodial not good at or credulous other, the discharge outside causing information of account of net silver-colored individual and steal. ─── 由于用户马虎、保管不善或轻信他人,导致网银个人账户信息外泄而遭窃。

87、Second, by taking advantage of people's lax, credulous psychological crime. ─── 二是利用人们麻痹、轻信的心理作案。

88、Credulous people might accept that theory, but as for me, I don't believe one half of it. ─── 轻信的人也许会接受那条理论,至于我,我半点都不相信。

89、They are credulous people who believe in the advertisement. ─── 他们是一些轻信广告的人。

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