delineated 发音
英:[dɪˈlɪnieɪtɪd] 美:[dɪˈlɪnieɪtɪd]
英: 美:
delineated 中文意思翻译
delineated 短语词组
1、delineated area ─── 划定的区域
2、delineated definitions ─── 界定的定义
3、delineated canal ─── 划定的运河
4、delineated above is ─── 上述描述为
5、delineated from ─── 划定自
6、delineated above ─── 如上所述
7、delineated mri ─── 描绘的mri
8、delineated target ─── 圈定目标
9、delineated meaning ─── 勾勒意义
10、delineated ef ─── 划定ef
11、delineated means ─── 划定的方式
12、delineated clips ─── 轮廓剪辑
13、delineated by ─── 描述人
14、delineated mean ─── 圈定平均值
15、delineated synonym ─── 圈定同义词
16、delineated define ─── 界定
delineated 词性/词形变化,delineated变形
形容词: delineative |名词: delineation |动词过去式: delineated |动词第三人称单数: delineates |动词现在分词: delineating |动词过去分词: delineated |
delineated 同义词
sketch | explain | delineated | present | set out | mark out | characterize | specify | limn | allocate | outline | delimitate | set | depict | demarcate | define | delimit | trace | portray | represented | line | draw | style |describe
delineated 反义词
delineated 相似词语短语
1、lineated ─── 画有线条的;有线的;画有条纹的
2、delineates ─── vt.描绘;描写;画…的轮廓
3、delineator ─── n.描写的人;描绘器;裁剪用图样
4、deliberates ─── adj.故意的;深思熟虑的;从容的;vt.仔细考虑;商议
5、delineate ─── vt.描绘;描写;画…的轮廓
6、delaminated ─── v.分层(delaminate的过去式形式);剥落;adj.剥落的;分层性的
7、bilineated ─── 双线性的
8、deliberated ─── vbl.思量
9、delibated ─── 软化
delineated 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Certain water areas and land-based areas near the intakes of domestic and drinking surface water sources may be delineated as the first-grade protection zones. ─── 在生活饮用水地表水源取水口附近可以划定一定的水域和陆域为一级保护区。
2、Author Wang Quanchu;Sheng Delin;Zhang Chengdao;et al 153 Hospital of PLA;Zhengzhou 450042; ─── 作者王全楚;申德林;张成道;许丽芝;聂青和;谢玉梅;周永兴;
3、The four green stripes represent the four subdivisions of mans urge to survive which are delineated in Dianetics. ─── 四个绿色的色带表示了戴尼提当中所描述到,人类趋向生存的四个分支。
4、A type of manufacturing organization in which both plant and staff management responsibilities are delineated by production process. ─── 一种制造企业模式。在这种制造模式中,生产车间和人员的管理职责都由生产流程决定。
5、The composite mineralization anomalies are delineated by factor scores of ore-forming and major elements, which can make prominent the ore-induced information. ─── 以成矿成晕元素标准化数据的因子得分圈定矿化类型综合异常,集中体现了矿致异常信息。
6、Author Feng Qing;Zhou Jianer;Luo Minhua;Liang Huayin;Wang Delin;Li Zhihua (Jindezhen Ceramics Institute;Jindezhen 333001); ─── 作者冯青;周健儿;罗民华;梁华银;王德林;李智华;
7、It was surrounded by clearly delineated areas for agricultural, artisan and industrial production. ─── 古城的四周是清晰可见的农业,手工业和工业区。
8、What is delineated in front of us is a pair of parents who are eager to cultivate their little child into a well-rounded person. ─── 呈现在我们面前的是一对急于把他们的小女儿培养成为一个通才的夫妻。
9、The mountains and stones were all delineated with lines.Instead of ink,the painter used many flamboyant colors,such asazurite,stone green,ocher,vermilion,and so on. ─── 图上山石纯用线条勾斫,不施墨染,敷染浓艳的石青、石绿和赭石、朱红等色,极为富丽灿烂。
10、The ship's route is clearly delineated on the map. ─── 这条船的航线清楚地标在地图上。
11、In this brief outline of the promise and performance of my immediate predecessor the line of duty for his successor is clearly delineated. ─── 在此简短的关于我的前任的允诺和功绩的略述中清楚归纳出他的接班人的职责范围。
12、Author Cao Yang;Wang Xiangdong;Dai Shaojun and He Delin (Department of Chemical Engineering;Beijing Institute of Light Industry;Beijing 100037); ─── 作者曹阳;王向东;代少俊;何德林;
13、Author Wu Guanhua;Chen Yiping;Rao Delin (Detp.of Materials Eegineering); ─── 作者邬冠华;陈益平;饶德林;
14、In his speech he delineated the country plan with great care. ─── 他在讲话中精心描述了该国规划。
15、Author Yang Shuyong;Yang Weidong;Lei Delin;et al. Stomatological College;Fourth Military Medical University;Xi an 710032; ─── 作者羊书勇;杨维东;雷德林;陈富林;唐立辉;陈希哲;杨连甲;毛天球;
16、The personal relationship between the humanist Erasmus and the religious reformer Martin Luther has never been clearly delineated. ─── 人文主义者伊拉斯谟和宗教改革领袖路德之间的私人关系一直没有被清晰地描绘。
17、Direct percutaneous sinography well delineated the direct communication between the extracranial venous sac and the SSS. ─── 因此,直接经皮穿刺窦内摄影才可见颅骨膜窦与颅内上矢状窦直接相交通。
18、KITT:My programmers delineated the difference between a big dog and an alpha male. ─── 凯特:我的程序描绘了一下,大鱼和领导的区别。
19、Delin dequafunoan ─── Delin Tablets
20、Use a simple layout with minimal distractions, offer interestingwellchunkedand delineated content, and make navigation and performance transparent. ─── 使用简单的布局,最少化干扰项,提供有趣的内容,让导航和页面效果清晰可见。
21、The main rivers are Delin River, Marty River, vjosa so rich in waterpower resources. ─── 主要河流有德林河、马蒂河、维约萨河等,水力资源丰富。
22、Data were analyzed using the content analysis method.Findings delineated five quality of life themes and ten sub-themes for hemodialysis patients. ─── 以内容分析法进行资料分析,最后归纳出病患的生活品质主观经验由五个主要主题与十个次主题所构成。
23、Atheromatous plaques were well delineated on CTA. ─── CTA显示硬化斑块3例。
24、Author Wang Delin et al; ─── 作者王德林;姚凯;
25、The causal mechanisms and temporal sequence of this association hae not been clearly delineated. ─── 但是对两者的发病机制及相关影响因素还有待进一步的研究。
26、"I think it'll take at least three years before the property market becomes healthy again," said Zhu Delin, a finance professor at Shanghai University and former head of the Shanghai Banking Assn. ─── 上海大学的教授ZhuDelin说,“我估计房产要回复健康还要3年”。
27、The author reviewed the research progress on opium poppy celandine s chemical component and phytochemistry classification basis, and delineated the perspective. ─── 作者对白屈菜族植物的化学成分及植物化学分类进行了综述,并对其开发前景进行了展望。
28、Emotional concepts, as they are not clearly delineated in our daily experiences, are suggested to be structured entirely metaphorically by Lakoff and Johnson (1980). ─── 因此Lakoff 和Johnson (1980) 认为人们对于感情的认识完全借助于隐喻。
29、Delin Tablets ─── 利林片, 利林, 克菌定, 特快灵, 醋酸克菌定
30、Author Gong Ming Shu Delin Niu Xiaoming;(Anhui Institute of Technology;Hefei 230069;PRC); ─── 作者龚明;束德林;牛晓鸣;
31、The middle lines detailed my raw ECG data and heart rate, and the bottom lines delineated the jolts of my physical movements. ─── 中间的几条线则是我的心电图资料与心搏速率的详细情形,底下的几条线则显现我生理上的活动。
32、Compared with the genomic sequence, the HSD-3.8 gene can be delineated into 19 exons and 18 introns. ─── HSD-3.8基因全长3818bp,编码蛋白质全长926个氨基酸,GenBank接收号为AF311312。
33、Clusters of Orthologous Groups of proteins (COGs) were delineated by comparing protein sequences encoded in 43 complete genomes, representing 30 major phylogenetic lineages. ─── 同源蛋白质簇是通过比较43个完全测序的物种(分别代表30个主要的物种系统发生世系)的蛋白质序列描绘出来的。
34、In this study, multi-size individual trees and the tree of the tree clumps can be detected effectively, and the tree crown also could be delineated accurately. ─── 因此本研究之方法可以有效的侦测出影像上不同尺寸的单一立木及树丛中不同尺寸的立木之个数,并描绘其树冠范围。
35、MPR delineated the fracture lines and the surrounding changes in arbitrary plane. SVR and 4D resolved thestereotaxic relationship of the fractures. ─── MPR可从任意平面观察骨折及其周围情况,SVR和4D可以显示骨折的立体关系。
36、The set is a delineated section of a graph so that you would never be retrieving more or less than was necessary for your intended use. ─── 此集合是关系图的精确剖面,因此您检索到的数据绝不会比您所需要的数据多或少。
37、He delineated the State of Texas on the map with a red pencil. ─── 他用红笔在地图上勾出得克萨斯州的边界。
38、A 400-kilometer wide impact basin is visible near the image center, delineated by deep scarps that drop sharply to the crater floor. ─── 一个400公里宽的冲击坑在图近中间处可见,是被深深的碎片直接掉落在表壳所勾勒出来。
39、Author Tao Lan;Zhang Huashong;Wang Delin;Pan Jianli;Gu yixin(Department of Chemistry. Hangzhou Teacher's College;310036 ); ─── 作者陶兰;张华松;王德琳;潘建林;顾一新;
40、The peripheral part of putamen showed characteristical shorter T1 signal and longer T2 signal, so that the lateral borders of putamen were delineated. ─── 壳核区病变较具特征性,其病变外侧缘呈更长T1、长T2信号改变,使其轮廓清楚。
41、Generally they were fatter, stumpier, less white, and less elegant than the ideal models, but they delineated a new set of conventions nevertheless. ─── 一般来说,尽管这些建筑与理想的房子相比,都较肥大,矮小,颜色较暗,线条也没那么优雅,但却描绘了一种全新的住宅模式。
42、LIN Jingqi; QIAO Delin Shanghai 5th People's Hospital; Shanghai 201100; China; ─── 上海市第五人民医院;上海市公利医院;
43、He Delin Wang Gengyun Li ZhigangDoctoral Candidate; State Key Lab. of Plastic Forming Simulation and Die &Mould; HUST; Wuhan 430074; China.; ─── 华中科技大学塑性成形模拟及模具技术国家重点实验室;
44、The human portion of you has delineated who is a good guy and who is a bad guy and who is who in the space hierarchy. ─── 你们人类的一部分已经描绘谁是一个好人和谁是一个坏人和谁是谁的空间层级。
45、Author Zhu Zhengqiang Chen Ligong Rao Delin Ni Chunzhen Shanghai Jiaotong University;Shanghai;200030; ─── 作者朱政强;陈立功;饶德林;倪纯珍;
46、Author by Wang Xiuchen;Yao Haijing;Lan Chenyu;Hou Delin; ─── 作者王秀臣;姚海晶;兰乘宇;侯德林;
47、Author Li Mingzhi;Yan Yajuan;Yang Delin Wu Shuhai;Yi Mingxing(Zhongyuan Oilfield Branch;Sinopec Ltd.); ─── 作者李明志;燕亚娟;杨德林;吴树海;易明新;
48、Certain water areas and land-based areas beyond the first-grade protection zones may be delineated as protection zones of other grades. ─── 在生活饮用水地表水源一级保护区外,可以划定一定的水域和陆域为其他等级保护区。
49、A Comparative Study of Rebellious Female Images Delineated by Modern Chinese Writers ─── 中国现代作家笔下的叛逆女性形象比较研究
50、Booleans are delineated by the values true or false, without quotations. ─── Booleans通过值true或者false来划定,没有分号。
51、China plans to apply to make Chinese cuisine a world and national intangible cultural heritage, according to Qiao Delin, vice secretary-general of the China Cuisine Association. ─── 中国烹饪协会副秘书长乔德林近日透露,正计划将"中国烹饪"申报为世界和国家级非物质文化遗产。
52、As delineated by Mr. Daly, it was true to the most sacred traditions of melodrama as he found it when he began his career. ─── 正像剧作家戴利先生描述的那样,这个戏符合通俗剧的最神圣的传统,这些传统从他当剧作家起就没有变过。
53、Been delineated for the actress to speculate in the talents candidates, journalists call on the 12th signatory companies Huang: "This is nonsense, nothing. ─── 对于被圈定在优才女星猜测人选中,记者12日致电黄奕签约公司负责人:“这真是胡说八道,无中生有。
54、The favourable areas for hydrocarbon accumulation are delineated by means of seismic inversion based on the research of depositional systems. ─── 在沉积体系研究的基础上,利用地震反演预测了有利的储集砂体的发育区。
55、Authors: CHEN Chunbao, YANG Delin, ─── 作者:陈春宝,杨德林
56、The author delineated many characters in his story. ─── 作者在其故事中刻画了许多人物。
57、Fei Delin says in the phone: ' we must earn money to cover a house then, cash already not much. ─── “费德林夫人在电话中说:‘我们必须为了那套房子挣钱,现金已经不多了。
58、Therefore, the responsibilities of WIPO should be delineated in setting out objectives and guidelines for initiating norms and standards setting. ─── 因此,WIPO的责任应界定为为主动开展规范和标准制定工作设立目标和指导原则。
59、In addition, because of a painter outside the System, Delin's art world is far beyond free. ─── 另外我认为,德林如此自由自在的艺术探索,概得益于,他是一个体制外画家。
60、According to the TM image in Baicheng of Xinjiang as well as the information of geology and mineral resources, the coal self-combustion zone in the Baicheng coalfield was delineated. ─── 利用TM图像,结合区域实测、地质和区域能源分布资料,分析了煤田煤层自燃的光谱特征,对煤田地火燃烧区进行定位;
61、Author Peng Delin;Xing Dawei;Yang Guiqian;An Geying (Harbin Institute of Technology); ─── 作者彭德林;邢大伟;杨贵谦;安阁英;
62、Our objectives need to be precisely delineated. ─── 我们的目标需详细解释清楚。
63、It reached down to touch its own reflection, so perfectly delineated that there might have been, not one starfish, but two. ─── 它向下接触到自己的倒影。多么完美的画面仿佛不是一只海星,而是一对海星。
64、The results fromcomparison show that these anomalies spread over a DZ nose delineated by seismic survey,which has been confirmed to be a gas-bearing structure by drilling. ─── 对比结果表明:这些异常分布在地震勘探圈定出的DZ鼻状隆起上,后者被钻探结果证实为含天然气的构造,有力地说明放射性方法探测天然气藏的有效性。
65、1 Aspirin has been recognized as inhibiting normal platelet function and the mechanism has been clearly delineated. ─── 人们发现阿斯匹林有抑制正常血小板的功能,且这种机制曾有人清楚地描述过。
66、Author Wu Huiqun Wang Delin Gong Huiren(Department of Chemietry); ─── 作者伍辉群;王德林;龚惠仁;
67、Author Wang Xiaoshui;Liu Guangping;Liu Xiukun;Wu Junling;Zhao Delin(Northeast Forestry University); ─── 作者王晓水;刘广平;刘秀坤;吴俊玲;赵德林;
68、Welding Institute; Shanghai Jiaotong University Rao Delin; Chen Ligong; Ni ChunzhenShanghai Boiler Works Ltd. Gu Zhenbo; ─── 上海交通大学焊接研究所;上海锅炉厂有限公司;200030;200245;
69、Author Zhou Haixia;Wang Delin(Department of Chemistry;Hangzhou Teacher's College;310036 ); ─── 作者周海霞;王德琳;
70、Author Ma Yongqing Guan Delin Yang Daozheng Wan Liqun (Dalian Maritime University); ─── 作者马永庆;关德林;杨道正;万立竣;
71、Author Ma Xiujing;Ma Dongchun;Pan Hanqing and Ma Delin (Jinan General Hospital of PLA;Jinan 250031); ─── 作者马冬春;潘菡清;马德林;
72、Author Wang Quanchu;Shen Delin;Zhang Chengdao;et al (153th hospital of PLA;Zhengzhou 450042); ─── 作者王全楚;申德林;张成道;傅恩清;许丽芝;
73、Accessible areas below the work into which paint or tools might fall should be delineated by tape barriers and marked by Men Working Overhead warning notices. ─── 应将作业处下面的,油漆或工具可能落下的可接近区域周围用警戒带拦上并设置“上方有人作业!”的警告通知。
74、However, for fine detail it was always important to start off with a carefully delineated drawing as an underlay. ─── 不过重要的是,对于极为细节的设计,一般从以细致描绘的图纸为衬垫处开始着手设计。
75、Author Ji Yingru;Wang Delin;Li Yanping(Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Engineering and Metallurgy;CNNC;101149); ─── 作者纪英如;王德林;李艳平;
76、Finally, implications of clinical practice, education/training and research were delineated. ─── 作者最后探讨相关实务、研究、与教育训练的议题。
77、Author Hu Delin;Zhang Fan;Li Dingqiang;Chen Yan; ─── 作者胡德林;张帆;郦定强;陈彦;
78、The introduction of the target company to be delineated with solid experience in dealing with international strategic investors. ─── 公司拟引进的对象圈定为具有固废处理经验的国际战略投资者。
79、It reached down to touch its own reflection, so perfectly delineated that there might have been, not one starfish, but two. ─── 它向下接触到自己的倒影。多么完美的画面仿佛不是一只海星,而是一对海星。
80、delin tablet ─── 利林片
81、Author Zhu Guangying Liu Delin Wang Xu et al Department of oncology;Xuzhou Medical College;Xuzhou221002;China; ─── 作者朱广迎;刘德林;王绪;彭猛青;陈杰;贾晓民;
82、Despite the growing need, nonprofit organization marketers have not yet fully delineated the most effective ways to position charitable appeals. ─── 尽管需求增长,非营利性组织营销商仍没有完全找出定位慈善诉求的最有效的方式。
83、Procreation and the desired development in the material existence of the physical bodies of all living entities is delineated as fruitive actions. ─── 存在于所有众生肉体的物质存在之中的本能行为被描绘成是因果利益行为。
84、The results are compared with those calculated under fuel-controlled conditions.The features of smoke flow and fire spread are delineated under different combustion conditions. ─── 将模拟结果与燃料控制下通道内火灾烟气运动的计算结果进行了对比,揭示了不同燃烧状况下通道内烟气运动与火蔓延的特点。
85、Author Xu Xiaocun;Zou Weidong;Chen Hongjun;Wang Delin; ─── 作者许小村;邹卫东;陈红军;王德林;
86、MAO early, he said for next day programme is delineated chairman penalty, let change without permission. ─── 毛帮初怒发冲冠,他说刑天方案是委员长圈定的,不许擅自更改。
87、I have delineated a method that allows people to feel a release of perception. ─── 制定一种让人的感觉释放的方式。
88、He shifted his focus to the sea slug Aplysia, a model in which the neural pathway of a simple reflex could be delineated. ─── 于是,他把精力转向研究海兔这个动物模型,因为其简单反射的神经通路可以被很好地描绘出来。
89、In fact, you can clearly see the request and response, delineated by each new page you see. ─── 事实上,通过看到的每个新页面可以清晰地看到请求和响应。
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