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08-24 投稿


rowdy 发音

英:[ˈraʊdi]  美:[ˈraʊdi]

英:  美:

rowdy 中文意思翻译





rowdy 网络释义

adj. 吵闹的;粗暴的n. 粗暴的人;好吵闹的人n. (Rowdy)人名;(英)罗迪

rowdy 词性/词形变化,rowdy变形


rowdy 短语词组

1、rowdy rousey ─── 罗迪· ─── 罗西

2、rowdy roddy piper ─── 罗迪· ─── 罗迪·派珀

3、rowdy baby ─── 吵闹的婴儿

4、rowdy rathore ─── 喧闹的拉托尔

5、rowdy baby song ─── 吵闹的婴儿歌

6、a young rowdy ─── 一个吵闹的年轻人

7、rowdy baby song for download rowdy baby ─── 歌曲下载

8、rowdy podcast ─── 喧闹的播客

9、rowdy group ─── 吵闹的群组

10、rowdy rathore imdb rowdy rathore imdb

rowdy 相似词语短语

1、rowdyish ─── adj.喧嚣的;粗暴的

2、rowdydow ─── 罗德多

3、crowdy ─── n.(苏格兰)麦片粥;白色奶酪(同crowdie);n.(Crowdy)(英、美、加)克劳迪(人名)

4、howdy ─── int.你好

5、rowdily ─── adv.吵吵闹闹地

6、Cody ─── n.科迪(姓氏)

7、rowdyism ─── n.粗暴的行为

8、Goudy ─── n.(Goudy)人名;(法、英)古迪

9、dowdy ─── adj.懒散的;过时的;寒酸的;n.懒散的女人;邋遢女人;n.(Dowdy)人名;(英)道迪

rowdy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A rowdy argument; a brawl. ─── 喧闹的争论; 吵架

2、"Only Baoyu, disgusted by such rowdy, showy proceedings, soon slipped away to amuse himself elsewhere." ─── "宝玉见繁华热闹到如此不堪的田地,只略坐了一坐,便走开各处闲耍."

3、a raucous party; rowdy teenagers. ─── 喧闹的啤酒聚会;粗暴的青少年。

4、"The students were lying across the verges, lots of them were vomiting and they were singing rowdy drinking songs. ─── “学生们躺在路边的绿化带上,很多人在呕吐,喝得醉醺醺的,还闹哄哄地唱着歌。”

5、A night of raw uncut deep funk, rowdy afrobeat to smooth soul, with Motown stompers and modern and electronic funk excursions. ─── 一个未加修饰的深度放克之夜,融合了底特律重踩、现代感和电子放克旅行在内。

6、Despite their rowdy reputation, it would be a bad idea to think of the Fianna as merely drunken sots who can spout stories. ─── 因为他们喜欢吵闹的坏名声就把芬尼安看成是只会讲故事的酒鬼,这是不合适的。

7、crack the rowdy over the head ─── 猛击小流氓的头

8、But no one's more shocked than Milly,who discovers that she's now expected to cook and clean not only for Adam but for his six rowdy brothers too! ─── 全片气氛轻松热闹,歌舞场面编排几近天衣无缝,虽然没有观众熟悉的歌舞明星助阵,却充分发挥出群策群力的结果,极尽视听之娱。

9、Be rowdy and engage in fisticuffs ─── 拿拳打架

10、On a sunny day in Trinity term, the slow-drifting river would be packed with jostling punts full of rowdy students. ─── 在夏季学期阳光明媚的日子里,这条舒缓的河流上会挤满了相互碰撞的平底船,里面坐着大呼小叫的学生们。

11、They rarely have problems with drunks or rowdy animals, but residents of an elderly home in southern Sweden had to deal with both when a pair of intoxicated moose invaded the premises. ─── 日前,两只酩酊大醉的驯鹿打破了在瑞典南部一家养老院里安度晚年的老人们的平静生活。这两只驯鹿为了能再次吃到发酵的苹果,竟然大闹养老院。

12、Stepping confidently into the rowdy classroom, he opened the window as wide as possible. ─── 他很自信地步入乱哄哄的教室,把窗子尽可能大地打开。

13、He once took a motorcycle trip from Minneapolis to South America along with his Great Dane, Rowdy. ─── 他曾采取了摩托车之旅从明尼阿波利斯到南美洲随着他的伟大丹麦,粗暴。

14、We were sitting at a table with a man of about my age and a rowdy little girl, who gave way upon the slightest provocation to uncontrollable laughter. ─── 我们坐的一张桌上还有一位跟我年纪差不多的男子和一个吵吵闹闹的小姑娘,她动不动就忍不住要放声大笑。

15、Rowdy meetings should have no fears for an old professional like you ─── 会议上出现争吵当然不会使你这样的老行家感到惊惶失措。

16、The teacher made the rowdy class quiet down . ─── 老师使这吵闹的班级安静了下来。

17、One is that election news has temporarily snatched some limelight from the disgruntled farmers who, after eight months of tenuous peace with the administration, have grown rowdy again. ─── 一是选举新闻暂时地夺走了粗暴农民不悦的表情,八个月与管理者的和平处以后,农民的不满情绪又恢复到了从前。

18、He has complained to the police about rowdy neighbours. ─── 他已向警察投诉了吵闹的邻居。

19、They are chuck out of the pub for be too rowdy ─── 他们因为太吵闹被撵出酒馆

20、"He wanted to crack the rowdy over the head, but refrained." ─── "他想猛击小流氓的头,可还是忍住了。"

21、Rowdy meetings should have no fears for an old professional like you. ─── 会上出现的争吵捣乱当然不会使你这样的老行家感到惊惶失措。

22、He teases the rowdy fans with the launcher, waiting to hear which set of fans deserves to take home a prize. ─── 他用发射器不断挑逗吵闹的球迷,等待宣布哪些球迷将会得奖。

23、Inside a large thatch hut, musicians play loud, frenetic music before a crowd of rowdy onlookers. ─── 在巨大的茅草屋里,音乐家在一群闹哄哄的旁观者前面,大声地演奏着狂乱的音乐。

24、A Welsh inventor claims to have found the perfect solution to rowdy youngsters -- noise. ─── 威尔士一个发明者声称:已经找到了用噪音对付吵闹孩子的绝妙解决方法。

25、Because of her authoritarian air, she sometimes appears to be rather like a headmistress dealing sternly with rowdy students. ─── 因为她的强硬作风,她有时表现的象一位校长在对付不听话的学生。

26、Passers-by were shocked to see rowdy bikini- clad students struggling to stand up and vomiting at midday on a Sunday afternoon. ─── 星期天中午,路人看到穿着比基尼吵闹的学生在大街上蹒跚前行并一直呕吐感到很惊愕。

27、They are at their most rowdy when jockeying for position on a large carcass. ─── 为了捕获猎物它们不惜一切手段。

28、We will wear the same uniforms, carrying heavy schoolbags, rowdy, and we must catch the largest fish. ─── 我们会穿着一样的校服,背着沉甸甸的书包,吵嚷着,一定要逮到最大的鱼。

29、Funk Shui - A night of raw uncut deep funk, rowdy afrobeat to smooth soul, with Motown stompers and modern and electronic funk excursions. ─── 一个未加修饰的深度疯克之夜,融合了底特律重踩、现代感和电子疯克旅行在内。

30、He teases the rowdy fans with the launcher, waiting to hear which set of fans deserves to take home a prize. ─── 他用发射器不断挑逗吵闹的球迷,等待宣布哪些球迷将会得奖。

31、By his own admission, he was a lippy, rowdy brat who coasted through his youth on ample amounts of beer and bourbon. ─── 据他自己承认,他曾是一个傲慢、粗鲁的愣头青,整个青年时代充斥着啤酒和波本威士忌。

32、A violent or rowdy person; a hoodlum or thug. ─── 恶棍粗暴或爱吵闹的人;流氓或无赖。

33、At sunrise Marjorie was awakened by rowdy passengers singing on their way to bed. ─── 天一亮,玛卓丽被一群吵吵闹闹、唱着歌、刚准备就寝的旅客吵醒。

34、Don't be so rowdy. ─── 安静一点!

35、Because of her authoritarian air, she sometimes appears to be rather like a headmistress dealing sternly with rowdy students. ─── 因为她的强硬作风,她有时表现的象一位校长在对付不听话的学生。

36、Charlie frowned. "Some of the kids from the reservation being rowdy," he explained. ─── 查理皱起眉头。“一些禁猎区的孩子闹着玩的。”他解释道。

37、After several rounds of beer, the party reportedly became rowdy and, despite the efforts of captain Steven Gerrard and England international Peter Crouch to defuse the situation, police were called. ─── 在喝了一些酒后,聚会变得吵闹,即使队长杰拉德和英格兰国家队球员克劳齐努力缓解情势,警察还是来了。

38、It's a wild, rowdy, raunchy comedy with laughs that just won't stop. ─── 同时,他们又千方百计誓要重返男生会。

39、Einstein's original sketches were recovered in August 2005 in the Academical Library of Leiden, the Netherlands, where they were found by a student (Rowdy Boeyink). ─── 回覆如下(是国外(荷兰的)一名学生,大学的,无意间发现1924爱因斯坦手稿,正好是相对论100年后的2005发现.

40、South Korean and U.S. negotiators began talks on Monday for a FTA amid rowdy protests by farm activists and unionists on the resort island of Cheju. ─── 周一,南韩与美国的协商者在该岛农运与工运人士的激烈抗议中,开始自由贸易协定会谈。

41、While Chen hobnobbed with tycoons and officials on Taiwan's banquet circuit, he was mocked by comedians, cursed by rowdy street protesters and scrutinized by the island's aggressive media. ─── 当陈云林和台湾高层官员在盛宴上亲切的交谈.他被嘲笑像是一个喜剧演员,并被路上的抗议示威群众诅咒及咒骂.

42、All night long pianos jangled from behind drawn shades and rowdy songs and laughter floated out, punctuated by occasional screams and pistol shots. ─── 从拉下的帷帘背后通宵达旦地传出刺耳的钢琴声,以及狂野的歌声和笑声,还不时被尖叫声和枪声所打断。

43、A rowdy argument; a brawl ─── 喧闹的争论;吵架

44、Ming palace zaju stressed stagecraft, rowdy scenes and spectacular props, and their great entertainment value ensured that the form flourished. ─── 明宫廷杂剧注重舞台性,排场热闹,砌末辉煌,作品的娱乐性和观赏性等特点都是其长盛不衰的原因。

45、We don't let Timothy play with those rowdy children. ─── 我们不让提莫西和那些嚣张的孩子们玩。

46、Where most other puppies are robust and rowdy, It hurts me terribly just to move. ─── 大部分其他小狗都很健壮和顽皮。而我却连动一下都痛。

47、A rowdy kid like that is just the kind that parents dote on. ─── 做父母所宠爱的,正是这种调皮捣蛋的孩子。

48、These Cape gannets may be the picture of elegance, but they're surprisingly rowdy, as a photographer discovered during a three-day shoot of the birds on South Africa's Malgas Island. ─── 照片上的海角鲣鸟看起来很优雅,但摄影师在南非马尔哈斯岛上的三天拍摄过程中却发现它们其实令人惊奇的鲁莽。

49、The supply teacher blurted out: "it's your parents who leave out presents on Chrsitmas Day" when excited youngsters got rowdy as they talked about Christmas. ─── 当孩子们为圣诞话题兴奋争执的时候,这名代课老师脱口而出:“在圣诞夜送你们礼物的是你们的父母。”

50、He is not a bit fuddy-duddy profe or in a cla room of rowdy boys. ─── 在一间学生吵吵闹闹的教室里,他一点也不像一位一本正经的古板教授。

51、They had won the match and were in a rowdy mood. ─── 他们赢得了比赛,心情激动。

52、I pegged her as an opportunist. Why do you have me pegged as the rowdy one? ─── 我把她视为机会主义者。为什么你认为我是行为粗暴的那一类人呢

53、He has a rowdy look. ─── 他有一张嚣张的脸。

54、They are chucked out of the pub for being too rowdy. ─── 他们因为太吵闹被撵出酒馆。

55、A rowdy group of boys ran through the streets. ─── 一群吵闹的男孩跑过街道。

56、4.Despite their rowdy reputation, it would be a bad idea to think of the Fianna as merely drunken sots who can spout stories. ─── 因为他们喜欢吵闹的坏名声就把芬尼安看成是只会讲故事的酒鬼,这是不合适的。

57、They were chucked out of the pub for being too rowdy . ─── 他们因为太吵闹被撵出酒馆.

58、He could see Qi Yuankai out of the corner of his eye playing a very rowdy game of guess-fingers with another member of the Prince's Martial Arts team. ─── 一斜眼间,见齐元凯正在和一名武师豁拳,“五经魁首”,“八仙过海”,叫得甚是起劲。

59、I hope my family is happy, no quarrel, no rowdy session. ─── 我希望我的家庭是其乐融融,没有争吵,没有打闹。

60、I will assist you in entertaining all the guests, I'll make sure that Erbao doesn't get too rowdy, and I'll take my turn holding Yan Lin's fat little son. ─── 我会帮助你们接待宾客,会管住二宝不要吵闹,会替换颜林抱那个胖儿子。

61、He says it will give police some rules to enforce when things get too rowdy. ─── 他说,这将能让警察在情况太过喧嚣时执法有据。

62、to hustle a rowdy customer out of a bar ─── 把吵闹的顾客逐出酒吧间

63、Rowdy or rough play. ─── 喧闹的嬉戏;胡闹

64、a group of rowdy teenagers ─── 一群吵吵嚷嚷的青少年

65、In a rowdy session of Kuwait's parliament, even liberal MPs felt obliged to proclaim solidarity with Hizbullah. ─── 在喧闹的科威特议会里,即使是自由派议员也觉得应该站在真主党一边。

66、As Rowdy Yates, he made the show his own and became a household name around the country. ─── 扮演劳迪·叶慈的他,使这部电视剧成为了他的个人表演,而且成为了全国家喻户晓的人物。

67、A violent or rowdy person;a hoodlum or thug. ─── 恶棍粗暴或爱吵闹的人;流氓或无赖

68、He wanted to crack the rowdy over the head, but refrained. ─── 他想猛击小流氓的头,可还是忍住了。

69、A rowdy person suffered the extreme penalty ─── 恶棍伏诛

70、Why do you have me peg ged as the rowdy one? ─── 你为何将我归类为好勇斗狠的人呢?

71、If the owners failed to comply, their rowdy visitors would terrorize them with mischief. ─── 他们十分畏惧奥登,并尽力给他应得的崇敬。

72、Late at night, when crowds of rowdy proles roamed the streets, the town had a curiously febrile air ─── 到半夜,大群粗暴的无产者在街头闲荡,整个城市癫狂躁动,奇怪兮兮。

73、If they get rowdy, he'll raise his voice to embarrass ‘em. ─── 如果他们吵闹起来,老板就提高嗓门给他们难堪。

74、On the eve of the election, one campaign float was particularly rowdy with weird and loud music. ─── 晚上临睡前,好奇记者偷偷的找老爸询问这次选举的结果怎会这样。

75、i'm not gonna have a relationship with someone who's always spitty, snotty, rowdy and hot-headed. ─── 我接受不了随地吐痰的人,也接受不了说话大声的人,而且没耐心的男人,更接受不了在公共场所醒鼻涕的男人

76、A rowdy beach party with the hottest young crowd. ─── 热闹的海滩聚会,有着最具热情的年轻人群。

77、Passers-by were shocked to see rowdy bikini-clad students struggling to stand up and vomiting at midday on a Sunday afternoon. ─── 星期天中午,路人看到穿着比基尼吵闹的学生在大街上蹒跚前行并一直呕吐感到很惊愕。

78、Much of her custom was rowdy young groups of men keen to show off to friends. ─── 她的大部分客人都是闹哄哄的青年人,成群结队的,喜欢在同伴面前显摆。

79、He wants to crack the rowdy over the head,but refrain. ─── 他想猛击小流氓的头,可还是忍住了。

80、Ron Yeats Six foot two and strong as an ox, Rowdy Yeats was a man mountain of a player, the 'Colossus' of Shankly's first great Liverpool team and as commanding a centre-back as you'd wish to see. ─── 利物浦七十年代中后期,不管什么时候开球,你都会认为你省钱来看球是正确的决定,因为吉米会有对的起你的表现。

81、The meeting broke up amid rowdy scenes. ─── 会议在混乱中结束了.

82、Bolstering armies for battles and prolonged campaigns these untrained and rowdy troops fight with halberds, and whatever weapons they have acquired in battle. ─── 无论在短暂战斗或长期战争中,这些未经训练的农民都可以支援主力部队,以长戟或任何战场上夺取的武器奋勇厮杀。

83、St. Charles City officials contend the bill is needed to keep rowdy crowds under control because the historic downtown area gets a little too lively on some nights. ─── 圣查尔斯镇的官员辩称,因为这座具有历史意义的城镇的市中心在某些夜晚过于热闹,为节制喧闹的群众,该法案有其必要。

84、Several pedlars had put down their wares there and about two dozen rowdy servant boys had crowded round those selling snacks and toys. ─── "只见门前歇着些生意担子,也有卖吃的,也有卖顽耍物件的,闹吵吵三二十个小孩子在那里厮闹."

85、And the near absence of rules encourages a rowdy, fast-paced, frequently violent clash. ─── 比赛规则甚至鼓励对抗、快节奏、激烈的身体冲撞。

86、On a few rowdy nights, I almost wished my contemporaries were still confined to whispering in Latin. ─── 在几个喧闹的夜晚,我真希望我的同辈学生们仍然受到这个限制,只能低声哼几句拉丁语。

87、The rowdy schoolboys and apprentices take centre stage; behind them, stitching in a corner or singing to a doll, the girls remain as ghosts. ─── 嬉闹的男生和学徒们始终站在前台,他们身后是躲在角落里或者对着玩偶唱歌的女孩,就像一道魅影。

88、He want to crack the rowdy over the head, but refrain ─── 他想猛击小流氓的头,可还是忍住了

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