outrage 发音
英:[ˈaʊtreɪdʒ] 美:[ˈaʊtreɪdʒ]
英: 美:
outrage 中文意思翻译
outrage 网络释义
n. 愤怒,愤慨;暴行;侮辱vt. 凌辱,强奸;对…施暴行;激起愤怒
outrage 词性/词形变化,outrage变形
outrage 短语词组
1、provoked justified outrage ─── 激起义愤
2、outrage 1950 ─── 愤怒1950
3、commit an outrage ─── [法] 使用暴力
4、outrage fatigue ─── 极度疲劳
5、justified outrage ─── 正当的愤怒
6、molestation outrage ─── 猥亵暴行
7、outrage pokemon ─── 激怒口袋妖怪
8、outrage movie ─── 愤怒电影
9、outrage emoji ─── 愤怒表情
10、outrage beyond ─── 超越愤怒
11、fake outrage ─── 假愤怒
12、outrage movie 1950 ─── 愤怒电影1950
13、outrage gif ─── 愤怒的gif
14、public outrage ─── 公众愤怒
15、outrage imdb ─── 激怒imdb。
outrage 相似词语短语
1、outrate ─── 其他
2、outranged ─── v.(距离、射程、范围等)超过,超出(outrange的过去式和过去分词)
3、outage ─── n.(电力等)停止供应期,断供期;设备停开期
4、outrange ─── vt.超过,胜过;射程比…远;n.超量程
5、ouvrage ─── 工作
6、outrages ─── n.愤怒,愤慨;暴行;侮辱;vt.凌辱,强奸;对…施暴行;激起愤怒
7、outrave ─── 其他
8、outraged ─── adj.义愤填膺的;愤慨的,气愤的;v.使愤怒(outrage的过去式,过去分词)
9、outrace ─── vt.胜过;超过……速度(同outpace)
outrage 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、"The building of the new shopping centre is an outrage," she protested. ─── “修建新购物中心是践踏民意,”她抗议道。
2、Characters inform, argue, amuse, outrage, argue through the ebb and flow of dialogue. ─── 人物的喜怒哀乐都要通过对话的变化来展现。
3、That outrage, like the car bomb that murdered Mr Kerr, was the work of dissident republicans opposed to Northern Ireland's peace process. ─── 同杀死科尔的汽车炸弹一样,那次暴行是反对北爱尔兰和平进程的持不同政见的共和党所为。
4、Angry American consumers can take heart that in today's globalised world, outrage also crosses borders. ─── 愤怒的美国消费者可以宽慰的是,在当今的全球化世界中,愤怒也能穿越国境。
5、The outrage will pass, and when it does, we're going to have to focus on whether keeping AIG afloat is preventing a sharp recession from becoming a prolonged one. ─── 愤怒终将平息,当尘埃落定的时候,我们将会聚焦于:维系AIG是否有助于防止骤然的经济低迷演化成长期的颓势不振?
6、Gongadze, an outspoken criticof the then President Leonid Kuchma was found dumped in a forest,provoking widespread outrage in Ukraine. ─── 他被斩首后丢弃在森林中,这引起了所有乌克兰人民的愤怒。
7、OFFICIALS are bracing themselves for a storm of public outrage over their controversial X-ray cameras scheme. ─── 官员们已经做好迎接公众怒气的准备了,因为公众对他们那项颇有争议的X射线透视摄像头计划感到非常愤怒。
8、Outrage greeted her comments and she was fired on the spot by German public broadcaster ARD. ─── 她的评论招来了愤怒,而她本人当场遭到了德国公共广播电台ARD的解雇。
9、"Thanks, but I can't." Jessica was hesitating in the middle of the street, her eyes wide with outrage and betrayal. ─── “谢谢,但,我不能。”杰西卡停留在路中央,双眼瞪得滚圆,眼里满是被侮辱与被出卖的愤怒。
10、There will continue to international outrage if Josephine Ho is criminalized for the crime of hosting difficult and important thinking. ─── 如果何春蕤因为收集难以接受但是十分重要的思想论述而入罪,将会持续引发国际愤慨。
11、Caesar is stabbed by the senators;Christ is cuffed by lackeys.One feels the God through the greater outrage. ─── 可是佐伊尔和西塞罗是两回事,西塞罗用思想来裁判,布鲁图斯以利剑来裁判。
12、Carvalho slumped to the floor, faking an offence, prompting outrage amongst the Bolton fraternity. ─── 卡瓦略摔到了地上,假装遭到了一次侵犯,这激怒了博尔顿兄弟会。
13、Just last month, public outrage forced Pennsylvania lawmakers to roll back a pay hike they had given themselves in the dead of night. ─── 就在上个月,怒气冲天的公众强迫宾夕法尼亚州议员取消了他们暗中给自己增加的工资。
14、Its execution involved an outrage upon the law of nations. ─── 它的实施是对国际法的严重违反。
15、A Montreal auctioneer has put four sketches by Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler up for sale, sparking outrage and condemnation in Canada" s Jewish community. ─── 加拿大蒙特利尔的一名拍卖商准备拍卖德国纳粹头子希特勒的4幅建筑素描,此举引发了加拿大犹太人的普遍不满和强烈谴责。
16、When I circulated my Penkovsky paper, it was greeted with howls of outrage. ─── 当我把我写的关于潘科夫斯基的文件送交传阅时,这份文件引起了愤怒的吼叫声。
17、Likening that terrorist outrage to the ones in America on September 11th 2001, Mrs Clinton expressed America's “very strong sense of solidarity and sympathy”. ─── 希拉里还将孟买事件比作美国的911,并表达了美国方面“强烈的声援与同情”。
18、Odom's inconsistency invites outrage among talk-radio callers and message-board posters who clamor for him to be more aggressive, more like Bryant. ─── 奥多姆的不稳定让那些媒体或球迷愤怒,呼喊着想让他能更有侵略性一些,更像科比一些。
19、Under-Secretary-General Lynn Pascoe said Mr.Ban visited some of the these sites and expressed his outrage. ─── 副秘书长林说,潘基文访问了上述一些地点,并表达了其愤慨之情。
20、He leapt up and down in sheer outrage. ─── 他气得暴跳如雷。
21、Mr Thain had cheekily lobbied for a 2008 bonus of at least $10m for successfully selling Merrill, but was forced to back down amid a storm of public and political outrage. ─── 塞恩曾厚脸皮地要求得到至少一千万美金作为成功出售美林的奖励,但是在公众与政治舆论下,他不得不让步。
22、But by revving up the outrage he will probably weaken his position with Congress. ─── 但如果通融这些让人愤怒的事情,他在国会的地位很可能会被降低。
23、Though AIG's bonus plans were disclosed last year, Congress' outrage and threats have begun pouring forth only recently. ─── 尽管AIG的奖金计划去年就已披露,国会最近才表达了愤怒和威胁。
24、His recollection of having a flag torn off his army uniform mixes sadness, outrage and poetry in a manner that is quintessentially Wilsonian. ─── 他回忆在军队制服上扯掉国旗徽章的那刻,搀杂着悲伤、愤怒和诗意,某种意义上说,这便是威尔逊作品精髓所在。
25、Child rights activists expressed outrage after the Headlines Today television channel showed the babies being dropped. ─── 儿童维权人士对今天电视台的新闻提要播出婴儿坠落的新闻表示愤慨。
26、Thousands of Mu-slims took to the streets in Jerusalem and Gaza Friday demanding vengeance for a controversial cartoon that has sparked outrage across the Mu-slim world. ─── 成千上万的穆-斯-林星期五前往耶路撒冷和加沙,要求为那幅激怒了整个穆-斯-林世界的有争议的漫画复仇(报复)。
27、It no longer provoked and gave point to outrage as it had done in the summer. ─── 它也不再象夏天那样刺激我,使我有心思去干些捣乱的事情了。
28、A first reading of this book provokes a mix of outrage and hilarity. ─── 初读这本书,令人感到半是气愤,半是好笑。
29、The NRA has opposed virtually every gun control initiative in a period of gun outrage and still gained 500,000 members last year. ─── 全国步枪协会实际上反对了每一项控制拥有枪支的提案,并在去年仍然增加了五十万协会成员。
30、You incite them to outrage for bad purposes of your own. ─── 你是为了你自己的恶毒目的而挑拨他们犯法的。
31、The leader of South Africa's ruling party, Jacob Zuma, likely to be the country's president next year, must surely respond to the crescendo of outrage. ─── 南非在野党领袖祖马很可能在明年成为总统,他必须做好准备应对日益野蛮的形式。
32、And he said that many people in his state were calling the treatment of Judge Alito by some Democrats "an outrage and a disgrace. ─── 他深知法官的角色就是严格地释法,而非为推进个人或政治的进程。
33、She could see only outrage and humiliation, leering at her, mocking her. ─── 她看见那个奇耻大辱就站在她的面前,带着狞笑看她,讥笑她。
34、India 'expects thatstrong action would betaken against those elements, whosoever they maybe, responsible for this outrage. ─── 印度希望看到巴方能采取有力行动打击发动袭击的犯罪分子,无论他们是何人。
35、It may outrage your intellect, and the evidence of your physical senses may shout that it is untrue, yet a belief in good without a belief in evil is actually highly realistic. ─── 它可能会触怒你的智力,你物质感官的证据也会叫嚷它是不真实的,然而只相信善而不相信恶实际上是非常现实的。
36、She was filled with an overwhelming sense of outrage. ─── 她义愤填膺。
37、There is no constitutional bar to waiting until June 2010, by which time the recession and outrage over MPs' expenses may both have abated. ─── 2010年6月之前等待无宪法限制,到那个时候经济衰退和“报销门”愤怒可能都已经淡出民众的视线。
38、Outrage, disobedience, aspiration, dispute, loneliness and loss called my name at those dusks.What should I have done, to weep with smiles or to smile with tears? ─── 愤怒、叛逆、渴望、争吵、孤独、迷茫在那些黄昏悄然来访,究竟是该微笑着流泪还是留着泪去微笑?
39、Mr. Mughal said he believed the cable operators were acting out of a sense of outrage following the NATO attack. ─── 穆加尔说,有线电视运营商这么做是出于他们在北约空袭之后的愤怒感。
40、It did surprise me in the beginning that there was outrage only because I totally underestimated the impact of my character because that's my nature. ─── 当初大家知道结局而感到愤怒的时候,我倒是觉得意外的,因为那时我完全低估我的角色所带来的影响力,我的个性就是那样。
41、The unearthing of the graves sparked outrage and frustration in the Hmong community in St.Paul when it was discovered about three years ago. ─── 三年前被发现的挖掘苗族坟墓的事情时,引发了在圣保罗的苗族巨大愤怒,他们对此表示失望。
42、We must save our outrage for the times when justice is not rendered. ─── 不是不报,时候未到。
43、They would have spoken out with great outrage and conviction. ─── 他们会带着极大的愤怒与信念发表他们的观点。
44、cries of outrage about this expenditure. ─── 对这项开支发出了愤怒的呼声。
45、Her behaviour was a positive outrage. ─── 她的行为残暴到了极点。
46、Equally, much of the outrage over bonuses is unjustified. ─── 同样,许多对于奖金的愤怒也是不公正的。
47、Mr.Obama also needs to deflect a growing populist outrage over sky-high pay among the banks and other companies now on the public dole. ─── 奥巴马也需要转移公众对于银行及其他行业仍然发放高薪的愤怒到公众救济上去。
48、Sean Hannity of Fox News mischievously suggested taking Trinity's mottos, exchanging "white" for "black" and imagining the outrage that would cause. ─── 主张超越种族差别的竞选者难道真的要对这些负责人吗?
49、Her brow wrinkled with outrage. ─── 她愤慨得皱起了眉。
50、Why do you think Muslims are expressing such outrage now, when other religiously offensive cartoons have been published in the past? ─── (记者问:过去常有攻击宗教的漫画问世,为何你认为这次是穆斯林反应过度?
51、Just to quickly review: The “outrage script” is the mindset that balks at seeing someone spend $10,000 for a hotel room stay. ─── 仅快速地回顾一下:“引起愤怒的剧本”描写的是回避看到有人花费$10,000 用于住一间酒店房间的精神态度。
52、Environmentalists have expressed outrage at the ruling. ─── 环境保护主义者对这一裁决表示愤慨。
53、The wheelchair-bound Chinese athlete became a symbol of Chinese outrage after a protester tried to grab the Olympic torch from her during the Paris leg of the relay. ─── 在巴黎举行的奥运火炬传递活动中,一名抗议者曾试图把奥运火炬从金晶手里夺走。自那时起,坐轮椅的中国运动员金晶成为中国愤怒的象征。
54、Photos of their home's precarious situation were posted on the Internet, sparking outrage among Chinese across the country. ─── 他们房子的照片被发到网上,引发了全国的愤怒。
55、Many people were nevertheless quick to express outrage at this first apparent instance of sleaze in the new government of President Jacob Zuma. ─── 但很多人很快对祖玛新政府初次昭然的放纵行为表示愤怒。
56、When this activity was revealed, international outrage led to the drafting and adoption of the Basel Convention. ─── 当这项活动被披露时,国际的愤慨促使巴塞尔公约的起草和通过。
57、The challenge for this President is to prevent waste and fraud, get the banks healthy and hold back the populist outrage that some say "is overshadowing those efforts". ─── 总统所面临的挑战是制止浪费和欺骗,使得银行资产更健康,控制平民的愤怒,这些愤怒据说正在是那些努力失色。
58、Unfortunately, this outrage is directed, not at banking abuses, but at those trying to hold banks accountable for these abuses. ─── 不幸的是,这种愤怒情绪针对并不是银行的违规操作,而是对着那些努力让银行对这些行为负责的人士。
59、It was no secret the U. S. was considering compulsory Iraq service for its diplomatic corps, but the e-mails sparked outrage nevertheless. ─── 美国正在考虑强制性地派外交团队前往伊拉克,这已经不是什么秘密了。但是,这些电子邮件还是引发了一片愤怒。
60、All the outrage and marches simply made Christians look bigoted and silly, and brought a tedious film much publicity. ─── 义愤填膺也好,示威游行也罢,到头来基督教徒反而给人一种顽固愚昧的印象,并且促使一部原本单调乏味的电影名声大作。
61、The boys thieving activities and others who desire to cash in on Oliver's fortune by criminals activities leads to murder and community outrage as they are hunted down. ─── 善良的女扒手南希为了营救奥利佛,不顾贼头的监视和威胁,向布莱罗报信,说奥利佛就是他找寻已久的外孙儿。
62、Under pretence of softening the previous outrage, of stroking and soothing me into placidity, you stick a sly penknife under my ear! ─── 原来你假装要缓和一下刚才的伤害,抚慰我让我平静下来,可实际上又狡猾地在我耳朵跟上捅了一刀。
63、You Idiot! I should have you shot for this outrage! Do you know who I am? ─── 你们这群白痴!我刚出应该马上把你们枪毙了!你知道我是谁吗?
64、I'm torn between relief-I've stepped back from the BRINKMANN, the confession of no return-and outrage. ─── 悬崖勒马和不归的坦白(没有上下文,无法保证翻译质量了)之后的解脱感和愤怒交织着、煎熬着我,
65、He was not cool. He spewed sentences whose dependent clauses piled up into midden heaps of outrage or joy. ─── 他并不很酷。讲话总是滔滔不绝,通过大量的语法从句表达自己的愤怒或欢乐。
66、"Well, that's an outrage," said Drouet. "You oughtn't to be working for those people. ─── “这太不像话了,"杜洛埃说,"你不该给这种人干活的。
67、No! What are you doing!? Stop this instant! This is an outrage! Please, don't! Villains! Fiends! You'll all live to regret this! ─── 你要干什么!?马上停手!太卑鄙了!请不要!混蛋!魔鬼!你要后悔的!
68、Stung by such outrage, the Taiwanese opposition succeeded in watering down the government's proposal. ─── 因为这样的刺激,台湾的反对派成功的阻挠了政府的提案。
69、The remorseless demolition of wretched homes and lives by a mighty high-tech war machine cannot but cause grief and outrage in any decent onlooker. ─── 在任何一个正派的旁观者看来,用威力强大的高科技战争武器无情地摧毁破旧的房屋和脆弱的生命只能引起悲痛和义愤。
70、Expecting outrage and imposition , she was relieved to find she felt nothing. ─── 她本以为会遇到粗暴强迫的举动,现在觉得事情并非如此,倒松了口气。
71、CA: And releasing this caused widespread outrage. What was the key element of this that actually caused the outrage, do you think? ─── CA:这段视频的公布引起了广泛的愤慨你认为引起这些愤怒情绪的关键因素是什么?
72、When he heard the news he reacted with a sense of outrage. ─── 他得悉此事义愤填膺.
73、A new toll road in Texas, which is being built by a Spanishcompany, raised howls of outrage. ─── 一家西班牙公司正在得克萨斯州修一条收费高速路,引起了社会上的不满。
74、Conley's case sparked public outrage and prompted police to re-think its emergency response after it was learned it took officers a half-hour to respond to the attack. ─── "他们都很愤怒.这种时候人们会有不同的方法表达他们的哀伤.他的朋友有很多人都很愤怒.
75、Her answer was greeted with cries of outrage. ─── 她的回答引起了一片愤怒的吼叫。
76、THE massacre last month of 57 people in the southern Philippine province of Maguindanao, on Mindanao, has provoked outrage. ─── 上个月菲律宾南部棉兰老岛的马京达瑙省大屠杀事件引发了公愤,屠杀中57人受害。
77、The christian system of religion is an outrage on common sense. Why is man afraid to think? ..... ─── 宗教里的基督教体系是对常识的一个侮辱。为什么人们怕思考?.....
78、Even if official American outrage may smack of domestic political posturing, that of the victims' relatives does not. ─── 如果说美国当局表现出的愤怒可能带有政治手腕的味道,那遇难者家属的愤怒绝对是发自心底的。
79、A century ago, President Theodore Roosevelt's invitation of Booker T. Washington[Jessie4] to dine at the White House was taken as an outrage in many quarters. ─── 一个世纪以前,西奥多-罗斯福总统邀请布克-T-华盛顿在白宫共同进餐,这曾引起了许多人的愤怒。
80、Tyrone Luther Hadnott in the alleged rape of a 14-year-old girl in Okinawa has sparked outrage in Japan, which is host to some 50,000 U. ─── 17日、18日,两名美海军陆战队士兵分别因酒后驾车和私闯民宅被逮捕;3月2日,又有一名驻冲绳美国空军上等兵因私闯建筑物被日本警方逮捕。
81、The September 11th outrage in America had a huge effect; stockmarkets had to close. ─── 911对美国造成了重大影响,证券市场不得不关闭。
82、The farmers felt outrage at the attack on their villages. ─── 农民们对进攻他们的村庄感到愤怒。
83、All great art comes from a sense of outrage. ─── 伟大的艺术都源于愤世疾俗。
84、However the news sparked outrage from fans, with some burning season ticket renewal forms outside the club's Old Trafford stadium. ─── 但这一消息引发了球迷的愤怒,一些球迷在俱乐部的老特拉福德球场外焚烧赛季球票续订表。
85、Her speech today evoked surprise and outrage from many French officials. ─── 她今天的演讲引起了许多法国官员的惊讶和愤怒。
86、A century ago, President Theodore Roosevelt's invitation of Booker T. Washington to dine at the White House was taken as an outrage in many quarters. ─── 一个世纪前,罗斯福总统(西奥多罗斯福)邀请布克华盛顿(布克华盛顿)在白宫共进晚餐曾激怒很多人。(注:布克华盛顿是一名非裔美国人)
87、The judge's remarks caused public outrage. ─── 裁判的话引起了公愤。
88、They plunder us, outrage us, beat us, kill us; but we have a little pride left, sometimes. ─── 他们掠夺我们,凌辱我们,鞭打我们,杀戮我们;但是,我们有时也还有一点自尊心。
89、A bid for Taittinger, a posh champagne brand, by United Breweries, a Bangalore-based booze giant, has also caused outrage. ─── 在泰坦瑞高级香槟酒品牌的竞标中,总部设在班加罗尔的酿酒巨人联合酿酒集团也招来众愤。
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