deadening 发音
英:[ˈdednɪŋ] 美:[ˈdednɪŋ]
英: 美:
deadening 中文意思翻译
deadening 短语词组
1、deadening strip ─── 隔音条
2、deadening routine ─── 沉闷的例行程序
3、deadening travail ─── 减轻痛苦
4、deadening conviction ─── 令人窒息的定罪
5、deadening blow ─── 致命一击
6、deadening sound in a room ─── 房间里令人窒息的声音
7、deadening effect ─── 缓冲作用 ─── 缓冲(减震)作用
8、deadening roar ─── 震耳欲聋的咆哮
9、deadening agent ─── 黯淡剂
10、deadening felt ─── [化] 隔音毡
11、deadening spray ─── 消光喷雾
12、deadening fabric ─── 隔音布
13、deadening predictability ─── 减弱可预测性
14、deadening def ─── 消音def
15、deadening synonym ─── 消音同义词
16、deadening mat ─── 消音垫
17、deadening sounds ─── 沉闷的声音
deadening 词性/词形变化,deadening变形
deadening 相似词语短语
1、reddening ─── v.变红(redden的现在分词);[天]红化
2、neatening ─── v.整理;整顿(neaten的现在分词)
3、dearning ─── 脱铝
4、leavening ─── n.发酵;酵母;引起渐变的因素;v.发酵;影响;渐变(leaven的ing形式);adj.发酵的
5、loadening ─── 加载
6、deafening ─── adj.震耳欲聋的;极喧闹的;v.使…聋(deafen的ing形式);n.隔音
7、deepening ─── v.加强;(使)恶化;(使)变深;加深(理解);(使)色泽变浓;(使)变昏暗;(使)声音变低沉;深(呼吸)(deepen的现在分词);adj.加深的;渐暗的;n.加深
8、deadeningly ─── 死气沉沉的
9、dead-ending ─── 死胡同,尽头
deadening 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、But I worry that so much of this potential spirit of enterprise is squandered, thanks to the deadening hand of the state. ─── 但我担心,很多此类潜在的企业家精神,会因为政府的压制而白白流失。
2、So little was needed to deaden her. ─── 仅仅这么一点点打击就足以使她消沉。
3、Best of all, there are none of the glass cases that can be such a deadening barrier to viewers. ─── 最妙的地方在于,所有的展品都没有用可能损及文物美感的玻璃容器罩起来。
4、238."Conformity almost always leads to a deadening of individual creativity and energy." ─── 一致性几乎总是压抑个性化创造和活力。
5、It takes an extreme amount of focus to just deaden that noise. ─── 我们需要非常集中才能不去理会那些观点。”
6、I often deaden street noises with earplugs ─── 我经常用耳塞来隔开街道的噪音。
7、Thick walls deaden the noise from the street. ─── 厚墙阻隔了街上的喧嚣。
8、It becomes economical to automate some aspects of the work, employing machines to do the deadening humdrum toil that men and women are no longer willing to put up with. ─── 把一部分工作自动化、使用机器去做那些男人和女人都不愿再忍受的、减弱的、乏味的、劳累的工作将会变得经济。
9、A new study by Greek scientists confirms cigarettes destroy taste buds and deaden the sense of taste. ─── 希腊一项最新研究显示,经常吸烟者舌头的味觉灵敏度会下降,损害舌头的味觉功能。
10、My husband and I settled into a deadening routine ─── 我和我丈夫陷入了一种呆板的生活中。
11、I must remember not to add to the destruction by breaking a child's spirit and deadening his sense of liveliness. ─── 我必须记得不要打破一个孩子的心灵,使他们充满活力的感觉变得麻木,再增添更大的损失。
12、a device in various keyboard instruments for deadening the vibrations of the strings ─── 制音器在各种键盘乐器中,一种用来消除琴键震动的装置
13、3.The tender committee have not set bidding deaden yet. ─── 投标委员会还没有确定提交申请的最后期限。
14、deaden (a sound or noise), esp. by wrapping. ─── 尤指用包装使声音或噪音消失。
15、The flowers are already dead.I must remember not to add to the destruction by breaking a child's spirit and deadening his sense of liveliness. ─── 我必须记得不要打破一个孩子的心灵,使他们充满活力的感觉变得麻木,再增添更大的损失。
16、After theanalyzing and the researching, the program of developing the deadening composites was worked out; ─── 摘要通过分析和研究,探索出开发防噪复合材料的工艺方案;
17、Against that grape-shot, they could not hold out a quarter of an hour longer.It was absolutely necessary to deaden the blows. ─── 在这样的连珠炮弹轰击下街垒在一刻钟以后就要垮了,必须削弱它的轰击力。
18、of deadening life for the sake of increasing uniformity; ─── 为了不断加深的统一令生活死亡的途径;
19、1.He knew what it mean to be one of the disinherited, to be chained to the deadening routine of the machine and to soul-destroying labor for an insufficient reward. ─── 他知道成为被剥夺继承权的人之一,被震耳欲聋的机器轰鸣所困,为了少的可怜的回报付出艰辛劳动意味着什么.
20、Causing dullness or apathy; deadening. ─── 引起迟钝或冷淡的
21、To cause to become stiff or stonelike; deaden. ─── 使僵化,使丧失活力使变成坚硬的或石头状的;使丧失活力
22、sound deadening coating ─── 吸音涂料
23、She was bored with the deadening routine of her life. ─── 她厌倦了死气沉沉的生活常规。
24、noise deadening ─── 吸音
25、Excellent thermal insulation and deadening performances. ─── 具有良好的绝热、吸音特性。
26、To deaden,as to feelings or moral scruples;callous. ─── 使麻木不仁如使感情或道德良知麻木;无情
27、often they become enmeshed in deadening routines. ─── 他们时常陷入枯燥的日常事务中。
28、Practice replacing deadening filler words like "um," "so" and "like" with silence. ─── 练习用沉默来代替没有感觉的填充词,像“嗯,”“这样”和“像”。
29、To dull; deaden. ─── 使昏迷;使麻木
30、You will never lose your child-like love of learning, but you may find traditional teaching methods very boring and even mentally deadening. ─── 你将永远不会丧失孩子般的好学的天性,不过你可能会觉得传统的教学方法非常枯燥甚至会僵化你的思维。
31、to deaden sound ─── 减弱声音
32、I will give you a shot to deaden the pain first. ─── 我先给你打一针止痛。
33、In other ways the Bible limited Puritan writing, blurring and deadening the pages. ─── 另一方面,圣经又限制了清教时期的作品,使它们显得晦涩沉闷。
34、Acoustic Material|---|Acoustic material is any material considered in terms of its acoustic properties, especially its properties of absorbing or deadening sound. ─── 声音材料 |---|声音材料,特指有吸音或隔音特性的材料。
35、And not weakening in his faith, he considered his own body as already dead, being about a hundred years old, as well as the deadening of Sarah's womb; ─── 19他将近百岁的时候,虽然想到自己的身体如同已死,撒拉的生育也已断绝,他的信还是不软弱,
36、Survey after survey has revealed how moral standards have been lowered under the deadening influence of environmental input. ─── 显然地球上的居民只有小部分能从末世这场强势的骗局中逃离并且获救。
37、Development of special absorber for box-style material interflow vibration deadening truck ─── 厢式汽车专用胶碗气阻减振器的研制
38、It is well insulated to deaden sound from the outside when in the closed position, making for easy conversations with your passenger. ─── 众所周知隔热至诛戮声音从外面当在关闭位置,从而方便您的旅客交谈。
39、Actually, anxiety is a natural alarm system that keeps us safe and productive. But it can become a chronic mindset. When that happens, it can deaden joy and stifle creativity. ─── 事实上,焦虑是一种天然的预警系统,它帮助我们趋利避害;但它也可能成为一种慢性情绪问题,焦虑情绪的出现可能会让我们丧失感知愉悦的能力,并扼杀我们的创造力。
40、Another approach is to use more effective sound-deadening insulation around the engine compartment . ─── 另一个办法是在发动机室的周围采用高效消声隔音材料。
41、I think you need a shot to deaden the pain first. ─── 我看你需要先打一针止痛针。
42、it is detached from the deadening edifice of clever ambitions, of power, and of the incredible vanity of knowledge, that has already dulled the capacity for the poetry of life in contemporary society. ─── 它分隔于那幢隔音建筑中的精明野心,权力,以及知识所生的不可思议的虚荣,这虚荣已经钝化了当代社会中生活的诗意可能性.(译注:这不是我从计算机系退学时想说的么...
43、A terrified old woman fixed a mattress in front of her window on two clothes-poles for drying linen, in order to deaden the effect of musketry.The wine-shop alone remained open; ─── 一个吓破了胆的老妇人,把一块厚床垫系在两根晾衣服的杆子上挂在窗口外面,用以阻挡流弹。
44、Unlike America and most of the world, the Chinese audience could develop artistic sensibilities that Hollywood blockbusters deaden. ─── 不像美国和世界上的多数人一样,如果中国观众肯开发我们自己的艺术鉴赏力,那么好莱坞大片将削弱。
45、My husband and I settled into a deadening routine; one night at the hospital, the next night at home to be with our daughter, then right back to the hospital. ─── 我和我丈夫陷入了一种呆板的生活中:头一晚在医院,第二天晚上在家陪女儿,然后又一晚待在医院。
46、At the same time, after deadening the pressure, we can get the consequence of advancing the creation and encouraging the potential. ─── 在练习放松技巧的同时,不仅可以让生活过的更有品质,同时也可以让身心更健康,进而在压力消除之后,更可以达到提升创意,激发潜能。
47、7.Basing on the form of a single bubble and the resonance phenomenon caused by the effect of sound waves on the bubbles in water, the paper expounded "deaden sound" character of bubbles. ─── 摘要从单个气泡的存在形式及其物理意义出发,针对水中声波对气泡的作用,进而形成的共振现象,阐述了气泡的“消声”特点。
48、"Conformity almost always leads to a deadening of individual creativity and energy." ─── 一致几乎总是阻隔个人的创造力和活力。
49、Mobilization and Deadening during Object Management of Medical Treatment and Nursing Quality ─── 医疗护理质量目标管理中的动员与隔阻
50、Conflict and struggle are far more deadening than the seeing of a woman's face, or even perhaps than sex itself. ─── 冲突和挣扎比看到一个女人的脸,甚至也许比性本身要致命得多。
51、I must remember not to add to the destruction by breaking a child's spirit and deadening his sense of liveliness. ─── 我必须记得不要打破一个孩子的心灵,使他们充满活力的感觉变得麻木,再增添更大的损失。
52、But it can become a chronic mindset.When that happens, it can deaden joy and stifle creativity. ─── 但它也可能成为一种慢性情绪问题,焦虑情绪的出现可能会让我们丧失感知愉悦的能力,并扼杀我们的创造力。
53、Grave grass will grow over the graveyard and will deaden your grief, my old father. ─── 墓草严重将超越悲痛,将你的耳目,我的老父亲。
54、Deaden with ─── 因某种原因使身体某一部分失去知觉使麻木
55、deadening of vibration ─── 振动消失
56、Don't deaden your senses with alcohol (although if you're a wine connoisseur, your special wine can be a gift) or spend big bucks at the mall. ─── 不要让自己麻醉在酒精中(如果你是一名品酒师,一杯独特的酒也是一份很好的礼物)或是在大型购物商店中挥金如土。
57、To replicate the feeling of being in love.Unfortunately, what usually occurs is deadening depression. ─── 幻想爱人是成瘾者只渴望在异地喜爱的人。
58、Thick walls deaden noise. ─── 厚墙隔绝嘈杂声。
59、Just the material costs for sound deadening alone were $1000. ─── 仅隔音材料成本一项便花费1000美元。
60、He knew what it meant to be one of the disinherited, to be chained to the deadening routine of the machine and to soul-destroying labor for an insufficient reward. ─── 他知道这意味着为了一项少得可怜的奖励就要成为其中一个被剥夺继承权的人,就要被机械式的乏味生活和啃噬灵魂的烦闷劳活所束缚.
61、When politicians seek to deaden thatpain and supplant those lessons with hasty fixes of their own, they almostalways blunder. ─── 当政客们用自己草率的补丁,尝试着去寻找缓和这种疼痛和替代这个教训的方法时,他们几乎总是在犯错误。
62、Design of Resonance Board Composite Sound Deadening ─── 共振微孔板复合型消声器设计
63、to deaden the senses ─── 使失去知觉
64、To deaden, as to feelings or moral scruples;callous. ─── 使麻木不仁如使感情或道德良知麻木;无情
65、Its gravitational repulsion would offset galaxies' gravitational attraction , thereby deadening their motion. ─── 暗能量的斥力会抵消星系间的引力,从而减弱了星系的运动。
66、To make less intense; dull or deaden. ─── 使迟钝使迟钝;滞缓或失去感觉的
67、to deaden the polish on the clothes cabinet ─── 使衣橱的上光漆失去光泽
68、You don’t have to let go of the memories or the lessons learned, just the life-stopping, deadening weight of the past. ─── 你不需要抛弃记忆或者学到的知识,只是让生活暂停,隔音材料的重量留在过去。
69、And then, those little anodynes That deaden suffering; ─── 其后,要那些小止痛片 来减轻苦痛;
70、These were no small achievements.But Mao's efforts to impose socialism had a deadening effect on urban and rural society alike, as political movements repeatedly harassed different groups of people. ─── 他还清除掉一些社会恶习,民众的文化修养迅速提高,平均寿命增加,婴儿死亡率下降,这些都是不小的成就。
71、To deaden, as to feelings or moral scruples; callous. ─── 使麻木不仁如使感情或道德良知麻木;无情。
72、Acoustic Material Acoustic material is any material considered in terms of its acoustic properties, especially its properties of absorbing or deadening sound. ─── 声音材料声音材料,特指有吸音或隔音特性的材料。
73、to deaden the force of a blow ─── 减弱打击的力量
74、New to the flagship is a new form of sound deadening mat that has improved noise reducing properties and is lighter than conventional materials. ─── 新的旗舰是一个消音垫的新形式,改善了性能和降低噪音比传统材料更轻的。
75、to deaden the headway of a car ─── 减缓汽车的前进速度
76、I think you need a shoot to deaden the pain first. ─── 我看你需要先打一针止痛。
77、I had shut my eyes, I confused myself on purpose to deaden the pain. ─── 为了减轻痛苦,我闭上双眼,故意幻想这是幻象。
78、He took the candlestick in his right hand,holding his breath and trying to deaden the sound of his tread, he directed his steps to the door of the adjoining room, occupied by the Bishop, as we already know. ─── 他用右手握住那根烛钎,屏住呼吸,放轻脚步,走向隔壁那间屋子,我们知道,那是主教的卧房。
79、Additional, wall, condole can choose deadening very, if mineral wool is sound-absorbing board wait. ─── 另外,墙壁、吊顶可选用隔音材料,如矿棉吸音板等。
80、Order has been established. At the price of a paralysis of the spirit, a deadening of the heart, and devastation of life. ─── 秩序已经建立起来,其代价是精神上的麻痹、心灵的麻木、生活的荒芜。
81、You are leaving behind the deadening world of mental abstraction, of time. ─── 你正将那个消失中的思维抽象及时间的世界抛在背后。
82、But Mao's efforts to impose socialism had a deadening effect on urban and rural society alike, as political movements repeatedly harassed different groups of people. ─── 但是毛执意推行社会主义给城市和农村社会都造成了不好的影响,政治的建设干扰了人民的生活。
83、Her feet were deaden with cold ─── 她的脚都冻得麻木了。
84、He contrasted America's tradition of lively religious liberty with the deadening effect of state sponsorship in Europe. ─── 他将美国充满活力的宗教自由的传统和欧洲由于国家支持使得宗教的影响逐渐丧失进行了比较。
85、228"Conformity almost always leads to a deadening of individual creativity and energy." ─── 一致性几乎总是压抑个性化创造和活力.
86、Its gravitational repulsion would offset galaxies' gravitational attraction, thereby deadening their motion. ─── 暗能量的斥力会抵消星系间的引力,从而减弱了星系的运动。
87、This drug will deaden the pain. 2.The thick walls of the shelter deadened the noise of the bombing. ─── Notes 20: deaden注意它的使动意思,TO CAUSE TO lose strength, feeling, brightness, etc.如:1.
88、It is a joint venture specializing in producing the deadening, shock absorption and damping material.In terms of its technological expertise, it is staffed with over 20 technologists. ─── 公司技术力量雄厚,拥有20多名专业技术人员,并与无锡市江南大学、二汽工程研究院保持良好的技术开发合作关系。
89、They, therefore, endeavour, and that consistently, to deaden the class struggle and to reconcile the class antagonisms. ─── 因此,他们一贯企图削弱阶级斗争,调和对立。
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