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09-10 投稿


eroticism 发音

英:[ɪ'rɒtɪsɪz(ə)m]  美:[ɪ'rɑtə,sɪzəm]

英:  美:

eroticism 中文意思翻译



eroticism 网络释义

n. 色情;性的兴奋,性欲亢进;性爱倾向

eroticism 短语词组

1、auto-eroticism ─── [医] 自体性欲

2、oral eroticism ─── 口腔色情

3、allo-eroticism ─── [医] 异体恋

4、eroticism magazine ─── 色情杂志

5、organ eroticism ─── 器官色情

6、eroticism in europe and america ─── 欧美情色

eroticism 词性/词形变化,eroticism变形

名词: eroticist |

eroticism 相似词语短语

1、eroticised ─── 色情的

2、eroticist ─── n.(Eroticist)《情欲主义者》(电影名);n.性欲旺盛的人;创作色情作品的人

3、erraticism ─── 反复无常

4、exoticism ─── n.异国情调;异国风味;洋派

5、eroticists ─── n.(Eroticist)《情欲主义者》(电影名);n.性欲旺盛的人;创作色情作品的人

6、eroticise ─── 色情的

7、exoticisms ─── n.异国情调;异国风味;洋派

8、neuroticism ─── n.神经质,[心理]神经过敏症

9、eroticises ─── 色情

eroticism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In imperial China, no foot fetishist would ever been considered abnormal, because his entire social environment took his erotic interest for granted and catered to it. ─── 在皇权文化的中国,未曾把恋足癖者当作异常来看待,因为整个社会环境接纳了恋足癖的性兴趣,而且迎合这种性兴趣。

2、Certainly, a strong vein of erotic fantasy, with deep draughts of sado-masochism, runs just beneath the order of Japanese society. ─── 当然,性幻想的强烈冲动和受虐施虐构想在日本社会的规则下暗自涌动。

3、The sidewise look and a pull at the beard expressed concurrence with a naughty erotic taste. ─── 他眼光朝旁边一瞟,捋了捋胡子,同时装出一副色迷迷的轻薄相。

4、There is also a suspicion that Chuan Ying Lou seems to carry an erotic undertone--does it in any way reflect my romances? ─── 又怀疑着这钏影楼三字,好像是个香艳的名词,有没有我的什么罗曼史在里面?

5、Thus begins a lustful and erotic breath-taking love story among the four . ─── 史丹利早有女友陈宁,于是一段错纵复杂的恋情展开连串出人意表的故事。

6、Erotic pleasure derived from contemplation or admiration of one's own body or self, especially as a fixation on or a regression to an infantile stage of development. ─── 自恋症自己对自己身体或品性的过度眷恋而产生的强烈兴奋,尤指这种爱恋持续发展或因退化不再次出现

7、German expressionist artist whose woodcuts and paintings, such as The Street(1913), convey psychological tension and eroticism with sharply contrasting colors and angular forms. ─── 基尔希纳,厄恩斯特 路德维希1880-1938德国表现主义艺术家。他的木版画和油画,例如大街(1913年),用鲜明对比的色彩和棱角结构表现出心理紧张和性的渴望

8、The Queen of Sheba is one of the most alluring names in history, synonymous with the exotic and erotic, a femme fatale whose epic legend has graced Hollywood"s silver screen. ─── 三千多年来,阿拉伯的黄沙下一直掩藏着一段故事。

9、I have never had an erotic scene. I have always wanted to try it. ─── 我从未拍过外国电影,我一直想试一试。

10、Erotic fictions in Ming and Qing Dynasties reflected time vogue of carnalism with anamorphic forms.They expressed comprehension to lust and emptiness in the form of allegory. ─── 摘要明清艳情小说以扭曲的形态反映了欲望横流的时代风气,另一方面又以近似寓言的形式表达了对色和空的理解。

11、I am really holp myself and all people here and outside can terminate that erotic desire. ─── 我真的希望自己和所有的人都能戒除邪淫的欲望。

12、Anyone who reads the British national papers on 14 February will see romantic Britons at their most lovelorn, cryptic and erotic. ─── 一个英国人假装给海外游客一些忠告,他提议:“一上列车就该和所有的乘客握手。”

13、She was the child-woman who, unknowingly, had tormented him with fantasies he could not exorcise by day, and with erotic fever-dreams by night. ─── 这个小女人不知不觉地,出现在他白天挥之不去的幻想里,出现他在夜晚情欲燥热的梦境中,让他受尽折磨。

14、Eroticism was, in some way, dangerous business, unseemly to his way of thinking. ─── 性感这东西对他说来是危险的,在他的思想方法中是不体面的。

15、For the adolescents, they have come to a battlefield on which sprit wages war against flesh, eroticism against amour. ─── 对于青春萌动的少年,也许他/她正在进行一场灵与肉、性与爱的抗争。

16、Great graphics and simple controls ,this game is a must,have ,not just for lovers of hot eroticism! ─── 快点开始吧!

17、Everyone knows what eroticism is. There's no need to talk about it. Everyone has their own sense of the erotic. ─── 每个人都知道性爱是什么。所以我们没有必要谈论这个。每个人在性爱方面都有自己的看法。

18、A revolutionary exploration of female eroticism, Women on Top reveals the powerful and astounding sexual attitudes that are forever changing our intimate lives. ─── 一个革命性的探索**业的女性,妇女除了揭示了强大的骇人听闻的性态度是永远改变我们体内的生命。

19、In this erotic video collection, the sexy brunette shows off her Southern accents in a way that'll have you whistling "Dixie" with delight! ─── 一众梦寐以求多时的男性,来一同窥探这位2005?最具代表性的花花公子女郎真面目。

20、I've always been obsessed with the genre, and the beautiful romanticism and erotic kind of nature of the immortal being, the undead who lives on human blood. ─── 我一直对这种体裁十分着迷,那种美丽的浪漫主义,那种永生之体情欲上的天性,靠着人类血液而生存的不死之身。)

21、Orgasm consists of involuntary contraction of the pelvic muscles and erotic pleasure. ─── 性高潮是产生自骨盆肌肉的自然收缩状态以及情欲的快感。

22、He resumed writing and met fellow prisoner Comte de Mirabeau who also wrote erotic works. ─── 为了节约纸张不被别人发现他写的字非常小。

23、Through a comparison between Wu Juris poetry and other erotic poems. ─── 但通过吴均诗与宫体诗的比较,使我们对吴均的艳情诗有了更深入的认识。

24、For instance where the whole underwear is made of candy.This is eroticism at its best. ─── 比如,整件都用糖果制作的内裤,充满性意味。

25、Love is a very realistic thing.You may complain about materialism, eroticism, and racialism etc that pulls down love form the altar to boiled pan. ─── 每天晚上睡的早了,又开始偶尔用笔写写字儿了,发现好多朋友很久没有联系了,觉得开始喜欢深圳了,偶尔能看见天上的星星了。

26、The growth of sexual awareness can be most easily attained through erotic fantasies. ─── 两性意识的成长最简单的途径是通过性幻想。

27、By awakening the spirits, they've unwittingly unleashed erotic pleasures - and ancient, unspeakable horrors. ─── 他们除唤醒了这些灵魂外,更唤起了众人的情欲,勾起了难以抗拒的恐惧及欲望。

28、As a result, Liao Feng sisters started to take the initiative to search for those devoted to erotic. ─── 于是,廖凤姐妹俩开始主动出击,专门寻找那些好色之徒。

29、Giorgione's work displays an unprecedented feeling for landscape as a poetic and erotic space, where mortals and muses play. ─── 乔尔乔内的作品呈现出对自然风光前无古人的感受,那是一个诗意与爱欲的空间,凡人和缪斯一起徜徉其中。

30、In order to emphasize the exhortatory purport of erotic fictions and win their deserving position, comeuppance is adapted into erotic fictions. ─── 将为大众普遍接受的因果报应观念引入艳情小说,是为了强调艳情小说的劝惩意义,从而为艳情小说在大众文化中赢得一席之地。

31、Why do AFF censors post warning that this is an explicit or erotic video? ─── 为什么AFF审查员不贴一个标示说明这是限制级影像?

32、These virtues ensure that even his most erotic subjects are never vulgar, and this painting, considered one of finest, has an irresistible verve and joyfulness. ─── 由于这些长处,即使是他最情色的主角也不至于显得龌龊,而这幅被视为极品之一的作品,确实拥有难以抗拒的活力与欢愉。

33、Erotic literature is an inherent part of traditional Japanese literature. ─── 好色文学是日本传统文学由来已久的一个部分。

34、"Think about it when you're having erotic dreams, that pure illusion scene, it's so real that you can jizz instantly in your pants. ─── “想想看你作春梦的时候,那种纯粹精神的幻境,真实得可以让你就这么射掉。

35、An international hit featuring a funny plot and lots of eroticism. ─── 她们皆身段诱人,另日本三级女星村上丽奈倾力合演。

36、Your erotic touch engulfs us in the world of fantasy, your naked desire oozes through the gaps between the lines of you blog. ─── 世俗的眼光不能批判你描述情欲的笔触,你能挑起人类最原始的本能,在你部落格的字里行间游走著的是那毫无掩饰的情色。

37、As late as 1940, a pediatric text in the US proclaimed masturbation and any other non-reproductive erotic outlet as harmful to the growth of society. ─── 晚至1940年,在美国做的一次儿科实验还声称:手淫和非生产性的性活动对社会发展有害无益。

38、This painting was also called "Loving Woman" by Munch.This indicates that the painting carries both, religious and erotic content. ─── 他捂著耳朵,几乎听不见那两个远去的行人的脚步声,也看不见远方的两只小船和教堂的尖塔。

39、Erotic pleasure derived from contemplation or admiration of one's own body or self,especially as a fixation on or a regression to an infantile stage of development. ─── 自恋症自己对自己身体或品性的过度眷恋而产生的强烈兴奋,尤指这种爱恋持续发展或因退化不再次出现。

40、Strangely for someone whose work can pack such an erotic charge.Bitesnich insists he wants to make the nude body "less kinky". ─── 很少有人可以像他那样将性的动力如此凝聚在一起的,用他的话来说,就是使人体摄影“稍微曲卷和怪异”。

41、Pastoral scenes such as this were frequently mere excuses for erotic paintings. ─── 类似此图的田园景象,通常只是情色之作暗渡陈仓的表象。

42、You could cook a severed limb and eat it as part of an erotic game, much the same as bored suburban couples lick whipped cream off each other's genitalia. ─── 你可以切一条肢体煮来吃并把它当作一种艳情游戏的组成部分,就像城郊那些百无聊赖的情侣们用舌头给对方的生殖器清理蛋奶沫。

43、Welcome to Sarah Borghese VIP Art Collection Space feeling the erotic, sensational and toxic visual impact! ─── 欢迎您至拿铁公主的艺术包箱空间感染情色的冲击与快感!

44、Almost all of Massenet's works are pervaded with an aura of eroticism. ─── 几乎所有马斯奈的作品都弥漫着色情的味道。

45、Love, erotic love included, can be cultivated no matter how undesirable the object of our love is. ─── 爱情,包括男女的爱情,是可以被耕耘的,不论这爱的对象是如何难以想象的。

46、This may include a hot bath beforehand, an erotic massage or even just a good workout. ─── 可以先来个热水澡,再按摩挑逗,或者干脆先试试看。

47、You may hear erotic sound from earphone or loudspeaker! ─── 超级女声是世界第一款配置"耳机声讯"服务!

48、Chapter three is about his erotic lyric poetry and chapter four is the poetry of Irish opposition and revolt. ─── 第三章论述穆尔的抒情恋歌。第四章论述穆尔描写爱尔兰反抗与起义的诗歌。

49、I bet Steve - Mike board is not the one he was wearing the printed word looping Y underpants, chased the room Erotic her old man. ─── 我敢打赌史蒂夫-麦克法登不是第一个穿着他那印有Y字缝内裤,在房间里追着她的好色老男人。”

50、Together they are credited with introducing sensuality and eroticism to Chinese cinema. ─── 在他们的电影中,第一次将男女之间的情色暧昧带入了中国电影之中。

51、Gay Japanese woman. Intrigued by transexualism and love erotic email with women. ─── 我是女性且对恋爱抱开放态度。

52、Tags: and, anthony, chan, charine, chau, chik, erotic, ghost, hk, ka, kinhg, ling, macau, man, miss, ... ─── 故事结尾, 魔神黄秋生跟曾小燕回归魔道, 郭耀华, 陈加玲,则回归人间, 片尾曲为黄秋生, 陈加玲合唱.

53、His plays exuded tension, were spiced with erotic fantasies and were full of obsession, jealousy and hatred. ─── 他的作品流露出紧张配合了性幻想,并充满痴迷,嫉妒和厌恶。

54、The subtle eroticism of the figure leads to many nude variations, some done almost contemporaneously and often attributed to Leonardo himself. ─── 画中隐约的情欲导致了许多裸体版本的产生、有些产生于同一时代,经常被认为是列奥纳多自己所作。

55、Since they have no sexual education, the sudden discovery of eroticism was too much for them. ─── 因为她们没有性教育,突然间对性的认识对于她们来说,太难接受了。

56、Developed by the Austrian peasantry, the waltz was originally rejected by the upper class because of its humble social origins and because it was seen as too erotic. ─── 蓝曲一因系改编自奥地利乡野小曲,社会背景卑微,二则因过于新潮,为上流人士排斥。

57、In this case, an erotic preference for males, would, of course, have to be considered heterosexual. ─── 该例中,他的性偏好是男性,当然,毫无疑问地被认为是异性恋者。

58、The eroticism that informs Jock Sturges' photographs is, on the one hand, a metaphor of the potential that awaits fulfilment. ─── 至于斯滕格斯作品中的性倾向,一方面,就是一种潜在的暗示。

59、Conversely, older women may fear to lose their femininity if they take the lead and initiate erotic variations. ─── 反过来,老年妇女可能担心,如果她们主导和主动发起各种性活动,会有失女性的文雅。

60、And painters 11)alluded to her 12)eroticism in their 13)bare breasted portrayals of the dying queen. ─── 文艺复兴时期的诗人将她视成为爱情献身的女英雄。画家们把她描绘为裸胸垂死的贪欲的女王。

61、This chapter summarizes three main points of "Feng Suo":1.The erotic writing of Eileen points out that sorrow of female comes from the image of traditional boudoir.2. ─── 本章总结出一篇中三个主要的问题:1.张爱玲在书写情色时道出了女性的悲哀乃源自女性一直被套上传统闺阁的形象。

62、The following year Cruise starred in the erotic thriller remake of 1997's Abre Los Ojos, Vanilla Sky. ─── 英俊的飞行员、疾驶的摩托车、激烈的空战、美丽的姑娘,还有动听的音乐......这部现代英雄神话不知迷倒了多少少男少女。

63、And painters alluded to her eroticism in their bare *ed portrayals of the dying queen. ─── 画家们把她描绘为裸胸垂死的贪欲的女王。

64、Among the first prerecorded products available will likely be erotic encounters, but other intense sensory experiences will be in demand as well. ─── 在首批预录制的产品中,性冲突很可能将首先上市出售。但是其他的强烈感官体验也会拥有很高的需求。

65、The Kama Sutra has long been revered by lovers around the world as a source of sublime inspiration on romance and eroticism. ─── 卡马经一直崇敬约作为一种崇高的爱情和性欲的灵感来源世界爱好者。

66、eroticism of the figure leads to many nude variations, some done almost contemporaneously and often attributed to Leonardo himself. ─── 画中隐约的情欲导致了许多裸体版本的产生、有些产生于同一时代,经常被认为是列奥纳多自己所作。

67、In studies when researchers showed erotic photos to people as they underwent brain scans, they found activity in the hypothalamus and amygdala areas of the brain. ─── 在研究中,研究人员在扫描时给受测者看黄色图片,他们发现此时大脑中的下丘脑和杏仁核区域变得活跃。

68、Dutch carpenter's range of erotic furniture is going on display at an art gallery. ─── 一名荷兰木匠制造了一系列反映女性身体的家具,他的作品即将在艺术馆展出。

69、These were women Nino had seen on the darkened movie screens when he had been a teenager. They had played their part in his erotic dreams of adolescence. ─── 这些女人都是尼诺十几岁时在灯光昏暗的银幕上见过的,她们都曾经是他多年春梦中的佳人。

70、And painters alluded to her eroticism in their bare breasted portrayals of the dying queen. ─── 画家们把她刻画为裸胸垂死的贪欲的女王。

71、Here too we experience Goethe's characteristic humor, the excitement and eroticism of the witches' Walpurgis Night, and the moving emotion of Gretchen's tragic fate. ─── 蔡元培这本书,秉承中华修身传统,融汇西方公民教育观念,是一部百年罕见的公民道德教育实践之书,放在现在尤其意义非凡。

72、BabeMachine masterly combines game and erotic elements into a thrilling experience. ─── 够幸运的话,你还可以得到正确的合拼块,并得到金钱。

73、The second was that commercials that had an erotic element would be recalled more readily than those that did not. ─── 第二,假设含有性诱片段的广告比无性诱广告容易回忆。

74、German expressionist artist whose woodcuts and paintings,such as The Street(1913),convey psychological tension and eroticism with sharply contrasting colors and angular forms. ─── 基尔希纳,厄恩斯特·路德维希1880-1938德国表现主义艺术家。他的木版画和油画,例如大街(1913年),用鲜明对比的色彩和棱角结构表现出心理紧张和性的渴望。

75、Under their stagnant respectability are whirlpools of evil and erotic passion. ─── 在他们一本正经的体面外表下, 满肚子的邪恶和情欲。

76、The story-tellers and spinners of erotic tales are hardly more than butchers who hang up for sale morsels of meat attractive to flies. ─── 故事作者和米利都得寓言作者们,如同屠夫一样,除了在肉案上售卖受苍蝇欣赏的一块块肉而外,几乎没做什么。

77、The easy rhythm and pop arrangement even instill a feeling of musical eroticism. ─── 轻松的旋律和流行音乐的安排甚至逐渐注入了一种音乐的情色的感觉。

78、Not playful, or erotic, at all. ─── 全然不存在嬉戏和爱的成分。

79、These elements are not necessarily indications of the book's eroticism, which can be more than a little peculiar. ─── 这些元素并不一定就是这部作品性爱主题的表现,那可能不仅仅是有点奇怪了。

80、Amy: Yeah but understand, the hands of an artist can take cold stone and turn it into a sublime level of eroticism. ─── 艾米:你并不懂些,艺术家的手能够把冷冰冰的石头变成充满欲望,栩栩如生的人物。

81、In these works, he chose the erotic images intercepted from the internet, compiling and reorganizing them, to constitute immediate erotica "file. ─── 在这批作品中,他选择从互联网上截取的情色图像为资源,进行拼接与重组,以构成当下的情色“档案”。

82、Her eyes were brown, sensitive and shrewd, erotic and calculating. ─── 他的眼睛呈褐色,显得机警、灵敏、风骚而又工于心计。

83、Comeuppance is an important element in the erotic fictions in Ming and Qing dynasties.It is a necessary link between lust and emptiness. ─── 摘要明清艳情小说中的因果报应观念,是情节结构中的重要因素,是由欲的极度张扬到曲终奏雅的“空”之间必不可少的转换环节。

84、He slept, finally, and his dreams were erotic. ─── 最后他总算睡着了,做的全是春梦。

85、His black and white pictures are timeless classics, capturing the onlookers attention through their very own interpretation of aesthetic eroticism. ─── 可是,让这些图片带你逃脱那个守旧的思想吧!

86、Most individuals develop a clear erotic preference for partners of the other sex (heterosexuality). ─── 大多数个体发展成明显的对另一性的性伴有性喜好( 异性恋 )。

87、Ci are basically erotic and coquetry.Ci has an intimate and inborn link with love affairs, also mainly describe and "illustrate them. ─── “诗庄词媚”,“词为艳科”,词与男女艳情有着与生俱来的密切关系,并以之作为描写和表现的中心内容。

88、Thurston, Carol. The Romance Revolution: Erotic Novels for Women and the Quest for a New Sexual Identity. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1987. ─── 《午后的爱情与意识形态:肥皂剧、女人和电视剧种》,林鹤译,北京:中央编译出版社,2000年。

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