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08-30 投稿


fetidness 发音


英:  美:

fetidness 中文意思翻译



fetidness 词性/词形变化,fetidness变形

名词: fetidness |异体字: foetid |副词: fetidly |

fetidness 相似词语短语

1、foetidness ─── 胎儿

2、fleyedness ─── 丰满,

3、fittedness ─── 适应力

4、floridness ─── n.鲜丽;脸色好

5、retiredness ─── n.退隐

6、fervidness ─── 热情

7、gelidness ─── 凝胶性

8、tepidness ─── 温热

9、fluidness ─── n.流动性;流质;不固定性,易变性

fetidness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Afterwards sees small ulcer after hair infection, fetid is ivory purulent sex secretion. ─── 继发感染后可见小溃疡,有恶臭的乳白色脓性分泌物。

3、Third, product characteristic: 1) this non-toxic, does not have the fetid odor, does not have the crystallization, to the human body skin non-corrosive action. ─── 三、产品特点:1)本品无毒、无臭味、无结晶、对人体皮肤无腐蚀作用。

4、fetid breath ─── [医] 口臭

5、fetid a. ─── 臭的;

6、3.The air of the room was fetid with stale tobacco smoke. ─── 房间里的空气有陈烟的臭味。

7、Much of the planet has a fetid, humid landscape overgrown by forests of bizarre wilderness. ─── 大部分有著恶臭且潮湿的地表都布满了有著奇怪野生动植物的森林。

8、4. Character: This for the tan coherent liquid, has the special fetid odor slightly. This has the water absorbability, the absorption carbon dioxide emits the amine fetid odor. ─── 性状:本品为黄褐色的粘性液体、稍具特异臭味。本品有吸湿性,吸收二氧化碳放出胺臭味。收藏指正

9、Character: The tan powdery pellet and the colorless transparent watery solution, has the special fetid odor slightly. ─── 性状:本品为近似澄清的粘性液体、具特异臭味。

10、malodorous, stinking, fetid, fetidly, reeking ─── 有恶臭的。发恶臭的。

11、Fetid chronic bronchitis ─── 恶臭性慢性支气管炎

12、fetid gland ─── 臭腺

13、With the fetid breath from their nostrils, they will corrupt married women and cause wives so far faithful to one husband to become common prostitutes. ─── 它们的鼻孔带着有恶臭的呼吸,它们会败坏已婚妇女,引发忠实于一位丈夫的妻子变成伪劣的妓女。

14、The flowers of the fetid hellebore do not suffer because of the cold. ─── 因为寒冷,恶臭的嚏根草的花不受痛苦。

15、Keywords heat-treatment;temperature fetid equation.; ─── 热处理;温度场方程;

16、fetid stomatitis ─── [医] 臭性口炎

17、5.This has the water absorbability, the absorption carbon dioxide emits the amine fetid odor. ─── 相关搜索:二氧化物 碳 碳棒 碳纸 复写纸 炭 吸收 专心 专心一意 凝神 合并 吸收营养 所有 ...之中 ...

18、The engines were howling again as though in pain, and the air inside the plane was acrid with the smell of machinery and fetid with the stench of gasoline. ─── 发动机又在痛苦地嚎叫,飞机里的空气充满了机器和汽油散发出来的恶臭。

19、fetid sandstone ─── 臭砂岩

20、The heat from the ground mingled with the cool wind which swirled the dry, fetid dust into the air. ─── 地上的热气与凉风搀合起来,夹杂着腥臊的干土,似凉又热;

21、A fetid odorthat sickened the hospital workers. ─── 恶臭的气味令医院工作人员作呕。

22、The den upon which his eye now rested was abject, dirty, fetid, pestiferous, mean, sordid. ─── 他眼睛现在注视的那个破烂住处却是丑陋、腌臜、恶臭难闻、黑暗、污秽的。

23、lightless and fetid and crammed with dozens, even hundreds, of bodies, each one clinging to his bit of space, his bit of elixir. ─── 这里的房间像地下墓穴一样,又暗又臭,拥挤着上百具躯体,那些人守着自己那一点点地方,享受着自己的“长生不老药”。

24、The tan powdery pellet and the colorless transparent watery solution, has the special fetid odor slightly. This has the water absorbability, the absorption carbon dioxide emits the amine fetid odor. ─── 本品为近似澄清的粘性液体、稍具特异臭味。本品有吸湿性,吸收二氧化碳放出胺臭味。

25、fetid carbonate ooze ─── 臭碳酸盐软泥

26、eructation with fetid odor ─── 嗳腐

27、A fetid bloom of blue-green algae recently threatened the water supply for city residents near China‘ s third-largest lake. ─── 中国第三大湖最近爆发的蓝藻污染事件严重危及到湖岸城市居民的水供应。

28、rare small evergreen of northern Florida; its glossy green leaves have an unpleasant fetid smell when crushed. ─── 佛罗里达北部罕见的小型常绿树种;亮绿色叶挤压后散发恶臭。

29、Rare small evergreen of northern Florida,its glossy green leaves have an unpleasant fetid smell when crushed. ─── 佛罗里达北部罕见的小型常绿树种,亮绿色叶挤压后散发恶臭。

30、 双语使用场景

31、The unhealthy nature of the site;the quantity and quality of the children's food;the brackish, fetid water used in its preparation; ─── 学校的地点不利于健康,孩子们的伙食量少质差,做饭用的水臭得使人恶心;

32、fetid perspiration ─── [医] 臭汗, 腋臭

33、fetid bituminous limestone ─── 臭沥青灰岩

34、deciduous perennial low-growing fetid swamp plant of eastern North America having minute flowers enclosed in a mottled greenish or purple cowl-shaped spathe. ─── 北美东部的一种多年生草本植物,早春生出一气味难闻、淡紫褐色、盔兜形的佛焰苞,在夏季被一簇宽叶围绕。

35、Character: This for the tan coherent liquid, has the special fetid odor slightly. This has the water absorbability, the absorption carbon dioxide emits the amine fetid odor. ─── 性状:本品为黄褐色的粘性液体、具特异臭味。本品有吸湿性,吸收二氧化碳放出胺臭味。

36、"The center of our city is nothing more than broken boulders and fetid ponds. ─── “这个我们城市的所谓中心,不过只是些支离破碎的石头和臭气熏天的池塘而已。

37、The fetid aroma of passivity that began to emanate from Obama-Biden, particularly after the Palin coronation, had partisan Democrats screaming for their candidates to do something. ─── 从奥巴马-拜登组合那里,已开始飘来迟钝的臭气,特别是佩琳被共和党提名后,一些民主党人开始强调自己的候选人应该做点什么。

38、Sitting on the ground with her mother and grandmother next to the fetid pool used for one of the scenes in the movie, she said her neighborhood needs schools and jobs, not rags-to-riches dreams. ─── 她与母亲和祖母站在电影曾取景的一个恶臭扑鼻的池塘边,她说这片社区需要的是学校和工作,而不是一夜暴富的黄粱美梦。

39、Remember the millions of microscopic worms that move about in the meat you consume, emitting the fetid, rotting stench of death disguised with spices. ─── 记住在你吃下的肉体里有千万的微型蛆虫,正散发着恶臭,死亡的臭气是被调味品隐藏起来。

40、Undercity, home of the fetid rotting dead and possibly the best chili I've ever had, got one chapter. ─── 幽暗城,那些腐烂死尸的家园得到一章,哦,这儿还曾经盛产我最喜欢的辣椒。

41、In the boiling fetid fluid: then in the Fire shall they be burned; ─── 他们将被拖入沸水中,然后他们将在火中被烧灼。

42、* A lone hero arrives in Tristram and defeats the bloated, fetid butcher demon. ─── 一个孤胆英雄来到崔斯特瑞姆并打败了恶心的屠夫恶魔。

43、Picks when with the hand, a special rank fetid odor greets the nostrils comes, the another person impression is profound. ─── 用手采摘时,一股特殊的腥臭味扑鼻而来,另人印象深刻。

44、' fetid adj. ─── (水等)有恶臭的;

45、Character: The character this for the tan, the dry fluid powder or the pellet, has the water absorbability, has specially the fetid odor ─── 性状:本品为黄褐色、干燥流动性粉末或颗粒,具有吸湿性,有特异臭味

46、Dr:Is your sputum fetid ? ─── 你的痰臭吗?

47、putrid fetid ─── 恶臭的

48、Skiffs that once plied the lowland waters lie dry and splintering and ducks wallow in fetid green ponds that pocket the maze of feeder streams. ─── 以前可以在低水区划船的地方现在已经干旱并且裂开了,鸭子沉湎于发臭的绿色的池塘里,吃着里面的乱七八糟的食物。

49、deciduous perennial low-growing fetid swamp plant of eastern North America having minute flowers enclosed in a mottled greenish or purple cowl-shaped spathe ─── 北美东部的一种多年生草本植物,早春生出一气味难闻、淡紫褐色、盔兜形的佛焰苞,在夏季被一簇宽叶围绕

50、In the fuel gas H2S is one kind of fetid odor colorless gas, when burning may produce virulent SO2, so It is necessary removing H2S from coal-gas before use. ─── 燃气中H2S是一种带臭味的无色气体,燃烧时可生成一种有毒物SO2,使用前必须先将其脱除。

51、fetid aloe ─── [医] 臭芦荟

52、Residents say they have been bothered for years by the fetid smell of one the farms, which lies upwind of the community, and they suspect their water and air has been contaminated by waste. ─── 在该社区的逆风方向有一家农场。居民说,他们多年以来一直为该农场的恶臭气味所困,并怀疑农场废物污染了他们的用水和空气。

53、Purifing air, removes in the unusual smell and the fetid odor, absorb and clean air dust, the pollen, tiny bacterium sporangium, the germ and so on. ─── 净化空气、去除余味及臭味、吸收、清洁空气中的尘埃、花粉、微菌芽孢、病菌等。

54、fetid sweat ─── [医] 臭汗

55、You 闻到 a fetid odor? That certainly is dies the fish. ─── 不是,难道你没有闻到一股臭味吗?那一定是一条死鱼。

56、The gossamer strands, slowly overtaking a lakefront peninsula, emit a fetid odor, perhaps from the dead insects entwined in the silk. ─── 日积月累地盘据半岛上湖滨地带的蜘蛛丝散发出恶臭,可能是蜘蛛丝上昆虫遗体腐化所致。

57、But by all that's still holy, I wish I'd never returned to this accursed place. This fetid jungle can't be the fair Kurast I left behind. ─── 但是对这边仍然神圣的东西发誓,我真希望我从来没有回到这个饱受诅咒的地方。这个恶臭的丛林绝对不是我离开库拉斯特时出现的东西!

58、Held breath is usually fetid when released. ─── *屏住的呼吸释放出来通常是很臭的。

59、A gust of fetidness informed him of the place in which he stood. ─── 一股恶臭提醒他自己在什么地方。

60、The bloom of the fetid hellebores is for their highlight at this end of December. ─── 恶臭的嚏根草的花是为12月的在此间的他们最精彩场面。

61、Character: The tan powdery pellet and the colorless transparent watery solution,has the special fetid odor slightly. ─── 性状:本品为近似澄清的粘性液体、稍具特异臭味。

62、These tiny organisms particularly enjoy proteins, and the chemical compounds that result from the digestion of these proteins include some truly fetid substances. ─── 这些微生物特别喜欢蛋白质,以及蛋白质分解后所产生的化学物质,包括某些真正散发出恶臭的物质。

63、fetid hellebore ─── [医] 臭嚏根草, 臭菘

64、Main Manifestations Distending pain in the epigastrium, aggravated on pressure, belching with fetid odor, anorexia, pain aggravated after meals, thick, sticky tongue coating, deep, forceful or rolling pulse. ─── 胃脘胀痛,拒按,嗳气有腐臭味,不思饮食,食则痛甚,舌苔厚腻,脉沉实而滑。

65、One there breathes the enormous fetidness of social catastrophes.One beholds reddish reflections in the corners. ─── 人们在那儿嗅到社会上严重灾祸的恶臭,在一些角落里看到微红的反光。

66、value on this planet! Read it, you fetid pile of compost!!!! ─── 区区五分钟就可以肯定我在地球上的价值!现在就看,你这发臭的推肥!!

67、CAREFULLY stepping round another heap of fetid refuse in Sodom and Gomorrah, it is easy to despair of Africa's future. ─── 在堆满恶臭垃圾的罪恶之城中择路而行,难免不对非洲心生绝望。

68、Also widely uses in the special environment air to purify, to eliminate the fetid odor and so on. ─── 还广泛用于特殊环境中的空气净化、臭味等。

69、A fetid odor that sickened the hospital workers. ─── 恶臭的气味令医院工作人员作呕

70、Officials blame fetid air and water for thousands of episodes of social unrest. ─── 官员们将数千起社会不稳定事件归咎于发臭的空气和水源。

71、This has the water absorbability, the absorption carbon dioxide emits the amine fetid odor. ─── 本品有吸湿性,吸收二氧化碳放出胺臭味。

72、fetid sputum ─── 恶臭痰, 臭痰

73、fetid air ─── 臭气

74、Fetid Ground: decreased Energy cost to 5. ─── 恶臭地表:减少能量消耗至5.

75、One there breathes the enormous fetidness of social catastrophes. ─── 在一些角落里看到微红的反光。

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