bankside 中文意思翻译
bankside 词性/词形变化,bankside变形
bankside 短语词组
1、bankside house ─── 岸边房屋
2、bankside recruitment agency ─── 银行招聘机构
3、triptych bankside ─── 三联河岸
4、bankside pier ─── 岸边桥墩
5、bankside food ─── 岸边食物
6、bankside def ─── 河岸边定义
7、bankside lse ─── 伦敦证交所
8、bankside recruitment ─── 银行招聘
9、bankside bronx ─── 布朗克斯银行
10、bankside baits ─── 岸边诱饵
11、bankside dr ─── 岸边dr
bankside 相似词语短语
1、banksides ─── 岸边;河岸坡
2、backside ─── n.背部;后方;臀部
3、banksias ─── n.山龙眼,拔克西木属
4、dark side ─── 阴暗面;暗边
5、beachside ─── adj.靠海滨的(等于beachfront);n.海滨地
6、blindside ─── v.出其不意地袭击;(使)遭受意外的打击;拦腰撞上(其他车辆)
7、planeside ─── 刨花板
8、landside ─── n.犁侧板;(对旅客开放的)机场公共场所
9、banksia ─── n.山龙眼,拔克西木属
bankside 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、It is this hour of a day in mid June, Stephen said, begging with a swift glance their hearing. The flag is up on the playhouse by the bankside. ─── 那是六月中旬的一天,就在这个时辰,”斯蒂芬迅疾地扫视了大家一眼,好让人们注意倾听他的话,“河滨的剧场升起了旗子。
2、With his Bankside cellars expanding throughout the 1860's towards capacity, Thomas looked again for expansion. ─── 这就是澳大利亚的哈迪酿酒有限公司的初建。
3、Come and work with Lord Strange's Men at the Rose theatre on Bankside. ─── 到河畔街的玫瑰剧场来为斯顿基伯爵剧团工作吧。
4、All at once, in the thatch house across the clearing behind us came the sound of a recorder, playing a tune that twined over the village clearing, muted our talk on the bankside, and wandered over the river, dissolving downstream. ─── 突然,我们身后空地旁的茅屋里,传出了录音机的声音,一首乐曲在村子空地之上缭绕,减弱了我们在河畔谈话的声音,然后又传至河面,随流飘去。
5、The Shakespeare Globe Museum at Bankside, Southwark, a museum of Elizabethan theatre history, includes a reconstruction of Shakespeare's first Globe theatre. ─── 它向公众介绍伊丽莎白一世时代的剧院历史。重建的莎士比亚的第一个环球剧院,也是博物馆的一部分。
6、Come and work with Lord Strange's Men at the Rose theatre on Bankside. ─── 到河畔街的玫瑰剧场来为斯顿基伯爵剧团工作吧。
7、bankside storage ─── 岸边贮水
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