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epiphany 发音

英:[ɪ'pɪfəni]  美:[ɪˈpɪfəni]

英:  美:

epiphany 中文意思翻译



epiphany 网络释义


epiphany 短语词组

1、epiphany photography ─── 顿悟摄影

2、epiphany meaning ─── 顿悟意义

3、twelfth night and epiphany ─── 第十二夜与顿悟

4、epiphany dubai ─── 顿悟迪拜

5、epiphany definition ─── 顿悟定义

6、anticus epiphany ─── 反显

7、preaches epiphany ─── 主显节宣讲

8、epiphany lutheran pearland ─── 主显节路德会珍珠

9、epiphany episcopal church ─── 主显节圣公会

10、Epiphany of Our Lord ─── [网络] 我们主的主显示

11、epiphany church pittsburgh ─── 匹兹堡主显节教堂

12、Epiphany (holiday) ─── 顿悟(假期)

13、epiphany cathedral ─── 主显节大教堂

14、epiphany taylor swift ─── 顿悟泰勒·斯威夫特

epiphany 词性/词形变化,epiphany变形

名词复数: epiphanies |

epiphany 相似词语短语

1、epiphanize ─── 顿悟

2、epiphanous ─── adj.光辉的,辉煌的;光耀的

3、Epiphany ─── n.主显节(每年一月六日纪念耶稣显灵的节日);显现(特指神的显现)

4、epiphragm ─── n.膜厣,冬盖

5、epiphanies ─── 对事物真谛的顿悟;主显节(每年一月六日纪念耶稣显灵的节日);显现(特指神的显现)

6、epiphanic ─── adj.顿时领悟的;使人顿悟的;显灵的

7、-phany ─── 幻影

8、Oliphant ─── n.象牙号角;n.(Oliphant)人名;(英)奥利芬特;(法)奥利方

9、epiphanise ─── 顿悟

epiphany 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I had an Epiphany recently. ─── 最近,我有一种顿悟。

2、Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany ─── 显现节后第五主日

3、"Here is the inscape, the epiphany, the moment of truth. That stubborn spot has become an image of the agony of human life and death" (Madison Bell) ─── “这是本质,是对真谛的顿悟,是真理的时刻。那倔强的一面已成为人类生命与死亡痛苦的形象”(麦迪逊·贝尔)

4、But it is also used in literature, either conferring a living feature upon language or as a way of epiphany conveying abstract ideas of ordinary objects or translating a traditional literary work into a specialized form. ─── 但这一概念也经常出现在文学中,或是赋予语言以生命形式,或是作为一种顿悟的方式表达普通事物背后的抽象意义,或是使某一传统形式的作品转换为一种特定的形式,等等。

5、By epiphany he means "the most delicate and evanescent of such memorable focusing moments. ' ─── 他的“显现”指的是“那种难于忘怀的了,令人聚精会神的最微妙最短暂的时刻。”

6、In 1927 Fuller, living in Chicago, and his wife, Anne, in New York, exchanged almost daily letters and telegrams.Not one makes reference either to thoughts of death or to an epiphany. ─── 1927年,住在芝加哥的富勒与人在纽约的妻子安几乎每天相互通信或拍电报,里面并无片言只字提及寻短之念或顿悟。

7、On the Epiphany of James Joyce in the Stories on Childhood from Dubliners ─── 从《都柏林人》中“童年篇”看乔伊斯之“灵光顿悟”

8、The story must teach a lesson--or help you gain an insight or experience an epiphany. ─── 故事一定要能教会我们某些事情,或帮助你理解某件事情,或因此顿悟某些道理。

9、In the process, Ms.Loh has an epiphany: that all kids, not just the gifted ones, should be equally entitled to the love, attention and nurturing afforded by a good school. ─── 在这个过程中,陆赛静有了一个顿悟:所有的孩子,而不仅仅是天才少年,都应该拥有平等的权利,获得好的学校所提供的关爱和教育。

10、On the feast of the Epiphany, children leave their shoes on the windowsills, filled with straw and carrots for the horses of the wise men, who in turn leave them presents. ─── 在主显节的宴会上,孩子们把他们的鞋放在窗沿,并为圣诞老人的马儿们准备好稻草和胡萝卜,以便换来他们的礼物。

11、During today's Epiphany Mass, Pope Benedict says he's worrying about military conflict in Gaza Strip and encourages the efforts to bring the violent struggle to an end. ─── 在今天主显日群众集会上,教皇本尼迪格说,他担心加沙地带的军事冲突,并促使有关各方努力以结束该地区的激烈战争。

12、Don't tell me you've had a religious epiphany. ─── 不要告诉我你是个刚过了个主显节。

13、It is the epiphany of infinite transcendence, of an alterity that cannot be accounted for within the sameness of a self or genus or species. ─── 它是无限的超越性的主显,是不能在自我的同一性中或同种类中被思考的外在性(他性、他异性)。

14、By epiphany he means 'the most delicate and evanescent of such memorable focusing moments. ' ─── 他的“显现”指的是“那种难于忘怀的了,令人聚精会神的最微妙最短暂的时刻。”

15、Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany ─── 显现节后第六主日

16、Italy's main festivals are Christmas, Epiphany and Easter.It's said that Italy Viareggio and Nice(France) are considered as the two largest centres of European carnival. ─── 意大利的主要节庆有圣诞节、主显节、复活节,据说意大利中部的濒海城市维亚雷与法国的尼斯并列为欧洲狂欢节活动的两大中心。

17、According to Roman Catholic tradition, Epiphany signifies the first appearance of Christ to the gentiles in the story of the visit of the three wisemen to the divine infant Jesus. ─── 依照罗马天主教的传统,主显节是代表三位智者拜访圣婴耶稣的故事上,基督首次向异教徒展现。

18、Compared with the idea of epiphany in Modernist literature,the Modernist features of Wordsworth's idea of "spots of time" are discussed in this paper in the aspects of the bases of its opera... ─── 本文通过与现代主义的诗学概念“顿悟”进行对比,认为华兹华斯的诗学观念“瞬间”在其客观机制、叙事手法和感官意象方面都具有现代性特征。

19、I left, I left what I love so much, no great epiphany, just not at that moment. ─── 我离开了,离开了我如此热爱的一切,不仅仅是在那一刻,我始终都心平气和。

20、"I experienced an epiphany, a spiritual flash that would change the way I viewed myself" (Frank Maier) ─── “我经历了对事物真谛的顿悟,那是精神的灵光,它将改变我对自己的看法”(弗兰克·梅尔)

21、Hi, my name is Jessica. I'm here at the Epiphany Hair Salon about to get my hair done by Miss Kimberly Kimble. ─── 就像你们看到的,我的头发确实需要做了。我是一名学生和模特。

22、The Christian festival of Epiphany. ─── 基督教主显节。

23、5 . We didn't expect anybody to stand up and holler that they had an epiphany. ─── 我们不能指望某些人站出来大声喊他们顿悟了真谛。

24、The feast of Epiphany and the Period of Epiphany ─── 主显节和主显节期

25、One day he suddenly had an epiphany. ─── 有天他突发奇想。

26、If you're attached, the two of you are about to experience an epiphany -- a reawakening of the fire that first brought you together. ─── 桔解:如果你们两个人相互依恋对方,你们会经历一段豁然开朗的景象,最初使你们走到一起的火花会再次燃起。

27、Also known as The Epiphany, ─── 三王节也被称作主显节,

28、“I had an epiphany that existing labour laws and regulations didn't fit the way people were working,” she says. ─── “我突然恍然大悟,现在的劳动法规和人们工作的方式已经不协调了,”她说。

29、My contact is an example: he is like the "Thief on the Cross" (Bible story). Everyone can have an epiphany. All people are capable of it. ─── 我的采访者是一个例子:他像一个“阴暗里的小偷”(圣经故事)。每个人的心中都有一个佛。每个人都能做到。

30、A Christian festival observed from December 24, Christmas Eve, to January 5, the eve of Epiphany. ─── 圣诞节节期圣诞节假日从十二月二十四日的圣诞前一天,到一月五日的显灵节前一天。

31、As a boy growing up in Massachusetts in the 1960s, Grover Norquist claims to have had a political epiphany. ─── 上世纪60年代的马萨诸塞州,小男孩格罗佛•诺奎斯特(GroverNorquist)宣称有了一个政治顿悟。

32、Iqbal Quadir, a Bangladeshi who moved to America and became an investment banker, looked at this model and had an epiphany: “A cellphone could be a cow. ─── Iqbal Quadir是一位移居美国并成为投资银行家的孟加拉国人,发现这种经营模式后恍然大悟:“一部手机好比一头奶牛。”

33、In my second year of grad school, I had something of an epiphany I've never done anything but go to school ─── 在读研究生二年级时,我似乎有一种顿悟的感觉,我想除了上学以外,我什么也没有做过。

34、Epiphany as Related to Joyce's Literary Thoughts ─── 从乔伊斯的文学观看他的显形概念

35、Through long-term field studies, we know the activity records related catastrophe and legends, the background of deities, Feng Shui stories, epiphany and heroic stories. ─── 其记录了有关的灾难传说、神明来历、风水故事、显灵事迹和英雄故事。

36、Vernadsky came very close to Lovelock's epiphany that the Earth's biosphere exhibits a regulation beyond chemical equilibrium. ─── 沃尔纳德斯基的看法与洛夫洛克的悟见很接近,即地球的生物圈展现的是一个超越化学平衡的规则。

37、Second Sunday after the Epiphany ─── 主显节后第二主日

38、The Armenian Church celebrates Epiphany, but not Christmas. ─── 亚美尼亚教会庆祝主显节,但不是圣诞节。

39、The history of this feast coheres so closley with that of Epiphany (q.v.), that what follows must be read in connexion with the article under that heading. ─── 圣诞节本来是基督教徒的节日,由于人们格外重视,它便成为一个全民性的节日,是西方国家一年中最盛大的节日,可以和新年相提并论,类似我国过春节。

40、Traditionally in Spain gifts were brought by the Magi on Epiphany( January6), and in Scotland, presents were traditionally given on Hogmanay, which is New Year's Eve. ─── 传统上,在西班牙的礼物通常由东方三博士在主显节(月六日)颂。在苏格兰,礼物在传统上是在苏格兰的除夕夜送发的。

41、Third Sunday after the Epiphany ─── 显现节后第三主日

42、Yet these sometimes, very subtle promptings and guidings can lead us closer and closer to the epiphany of the Light within us. ─── 有时候,这是非常微妙的激励和指引,可以引领我们越来越接近我们内在的光的出现。

43、I've had what is called an "epiphany" over the past few days. ─── 我已经在过去的几天里经历了一次‘耶稣显灵节’。

44、“Here is the inscape, the epiphany, the moment of truth. ─── “这是本质,是对真谛的顿悟,是真理的时刻。

45、Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany ─── 主显节后第七主日

46、By epiphany he means "sudden spiritual manifestation" ─── 他的“显现”指的是“神灵的突现”。

47、If you're attached, the two of you are about to experience an epiphany -- a reawakening of the fire that first brought you together. ─── 如果你们两个人相互依恋对方,你们会经历一段豁然开朗的景象,最初使你们走到一起的火花会再次燃起。

48、A Christian festival observed from December24, Christmas Eve, to January5, the eve of Epiphany. ─── 圣诞节节期圣诞节假日从十二月二十四日的圣诞前一天,到一月五日的显灵节前一天

49、To Kaohsiung TIMA doctor Hong Hongdian, such an epiphany only dawned on him after he had practiced medicine for more than 20 years. ─── 对高雄人医会医师洪宏典来说,在行医二十多年后才有所领悟;

50、They believe that holy water blessed on Epiphany has special healing qualities. ─── 他们认为主显节的圣水有特殊的疗效。

51、What an epiphany! ─── 可真是菩萨显灵,上天保佑!

52、At some point in his studies he had an epiphany: economists, he realized, 'were interested in the behavior of commodities, while I was interested in the behavior of people. ─── 后来他在研究中顿悟出:经济学家感兴趣的是商品的运行,而我则对人的行为感兴趣。

53、They are to explore the hero's internal conflict between Id and Superego as well as the paradox between epiphany and perplexity by presenting the external conflict between individual and social norms. ─── 本文从个人与社会矛盾的外在表象入手,探析故事主人公本我与超我的内在冲突、成长中顿悟与困惑的悖论。

54、They get an intellecture epiphany and think they have experienced catharsis. ─── 他们有一个较深刻的领会并且他们的心灵(精神/情感等)得到了净化。

55、Hi. My name is Brenna Smith, and I'm here at Epiphany Hair Salon with Kimberly Kimble, I'm about to get my hair done. ─── 嗯,我是一名在路易斯高中上学的学生,我今年上十年级,而我想自己的头发多一点儿颜色。

56、One of the many customs of gift timing is suggested by the song Twelve Days of Christmas, celebrating an old British tradition of gifts each day from Christmas to Epiphany. ─── 作为众多习俗之一,适合地赠送礼物已经被“圣诞节的十二天”这首歌所暗示,从圣诞节到主显节,每天赠送礼物是一种古老的英国传统。

57、Christmas season continues until January 4, such as the day is a Saturday, then to January 5, when the Epiphany (apparent Day) celebrations. ─── 圣诞季节继续直至1月4日,如当日是星期六,则至1月5日,当主显节(显现日)庆祝时。

58、"I had an epiphany a few years ago where I was out at a celebrity party and it suddenly dawned on me that I had yet to meet a celebrity who is as smart and interesting as any of my friends. ─── "几年前在一次名人聚会上我逐渐明白我还需要认识一位名人,像我的所有朋友一样睿智和有趣的名人。"

59、Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany ─── 显现节后第四主日

60、And then I think Anderson made a special contribution to American literature because of his unique form of telling stories, his simple language, use of epiphany. ─── 其文学价值还体现在既松散又连贯的故事叙述形式,简单的语言,使用顿悟等。

61、He remembers being on a plane on his way to a conference and having an epiphany. ─── 他记得有一次在前往参加一个会议的飞机上,曾经有过一个顿悟。

62、Sofia, Bulgaria, January 6, 2009--Tuesday was Epiphany Day, and a cold one for Bulgarians who wanted good fortune in 2009. ─── 2009年一月六号,保加利亚,索菲亚---星期二是主显节,保加利亚人在这寒冷的一天希望2009的拥有好的运气。

63、His original employment of epiphany gives a full display of the momentary ideological workings and psychological changes of the characters, which helps the re... ─── 他以独创的“精神顿悟”,展示了人物瞬间的意识活动和心理转变,从而带给读者对那个时期、那个社会深刻的认识。

64、Epiphany [Jan. 6] ─── 主显节

65、"The Sistine Madonna" was said to be a picture for the Epiphany which in tradition includes the 3 kings. ─── “西斯廷玛丹娜”说是一个图片为顿悟,这在传统的包括3国王。

66、I experienced an epiphany,a spiritual flash that would change the way I viewed myself(Frank Maier) ─── 我经历了对事物真谛的顿悟,那是精神的灵光,它将改变我对自己的看法(弗兰克·梅尔)

67、"In neurology, myelin is being seen as an epiphany," Douglas Fields, the lab's director, had told me earlier. ─── “在神经学中,髓磷脂被认为是一种使人顿悟的物质。”道格拉斯,这个实验室的主任,早先告诉我的。

68、Ethical practice, integrated in religious faith, originates from epiphany and sacred feeling inspired by love for God, the spiritual elevation and sublimation of the individual. ─── 溶于宗教信仰中的道德实践起始于对上帝之爱所导致的顿悟和神圣的宗教情感,是建立在这种信仰之上的个体精神境界的超拔和升华。

69、A Brief Analysis of Epiphany in Araby ─── 浅析小说《阿拉比》中的精神顿悟

70、night before the feast of the Epiphany,formerly celebrated with festivities ─── 显现节的前夕(旧时有庆祝活动).

71、Traditionally, from the beginning of December till the Epiphany, this piazza is occupied by stalls selling sweets and toys. ─── 一直以来,从十二月初到主显节,广场上总是摆满了卖糖果和玩具的小摊。

72、Yet there is controversy over the connotation of epiphany,for the explanations are often ambiguous in their perspectives and thus fail to grasp the realistic nature of the relationship between epiphany and Joyce as an artist. ─── 但关于如何理解显形概念的具体内涵却一直众说纷纭,其症结是阐述者透视角度含混,没能抓住显形与乔伊斯艺术家身份之间关系的现实性。

73、First Sunday after the Epiphany ─── 主显节后第一主日

74、Dec 6, 08 - Epiphany - After each mass, a group of parishioners visited the elders at their homes or at the old aged homes. ─── 2008年1月6日-主显节-每台弥撒完毕后,一班教友到他们的家或安老院探访老人。

75、I experienced an epiphany, a spiritual flash that would change the way I viewed myself. ─── 我经历了对事物真谛的顿悟,那是精神的灵光,它将改变我对自己的看法.

76、It was during one of these strolls with Szigeti that Tesla had an epiphany about motors. ─── 在与席吉蒂的一次散步中,特士拉豁然对马达有了灵感。

77、Probably I should have Epiphany before we started it. ─── 可能我应该在开公司之前就有所顿悟的。

78、In the approach of expression, the author vividly portrays a group of moving characters, combining the historical truth with his own life experience and epiphany and achieving the high unity between historical truth and artistic truth. ─── 在表现手法上,作家将历史的真实与自我人生的经验与顿悟结合,塑造出一批生动可感的人物形象,达到艺术真实与历史真实的高度统一。

79、Like all Payne's work, it's accomplished but a bit patronising, and the epiphany at the end doesn't entirely feel earned. ─── 活动中另有专为电影爱好者开办的电影课、电影音乐会。

80、We did not expect anybody to stand up and holler that they had an epiphany. ─── 我们不能指望某些人站出来大声喊他们顿悟了真谛。

81、It is here, in this quiet moment, that you have an Epiphany. ─── 就是在此时此地,你感受到了灵光顿悟。

82、Today, in the Greek and Russian orthodox churches, Christmas is celebrated 13 days after the 25th, which is also referred to as the Epiphany or Three Kings Day. ─── 今天,在希腊和俄罗斯的东正教中,圣诞节在25日后的13天后庆祝,也被称为“主显节”或“三王节”。

83、They get an intellectual epiphany and think they've experienced catharsis. ─── 他们知性富有洞察力,认为自己经历了这样的过程。

84、On the plane, I had a sort of epiphany that this business story wouldn't gonna work. ─── 在飞机上,我茅塞顿开,觉得这生意没前途。

85、I experienced an epiphany, a spiritual flash that would change the way I viewed myself(Frank Maier) ─── 我经历了对事物真谛的顿悟,那是精神的灵光,它将改变我对自己的看法(弗兰克 梅尔)

86、Last Sunday after the Epiphany ─── 主显节后最后主日

87、Epiphany, Twelfth Day ─── 主显节(1月6日)

88、Traditionally in Spain gifts were brought by the Magi on Epiphany (January 6), and in Scotland, presents were traditionally given on Hogmanay, which is New Year's Eve. ─── 传统上,在西班牙的礼物通常由东方三博士在主显节(一月六日)传颂。在苏格兰,礼物在传统上是在苏格兰的除夕夜送发的。

89、Ethan, the silent second son of one of Epiphany's oldest families, who discovers he likes halos. ─── 伊森是艾彼芬妮古老家族的次子,十分害羞寡言,却对闪亮的红发情有独锺。


Follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be.



To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.


No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.


Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.


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