omnipresence 发音
英:[ˌɑːmnɪˈprezns] 美:[ˌɒmnɪˈprezns]
英: 美:
omnipresence 中文意思翻译
omnipresence 短语词组
1、omnipresence mac ─── 无所不在mac
2、omnipresence mtg ─── 无所不在mtg
3、omnipresence omnipotence omniscience ─── 无所不在 ─── 无所不能 ─── 无所不知
4、omnipresence of ─── 无所不在的
5、omnipresence def ─── 无所不在定义
omnipresence 相似词语短语
1、copresence ─── 共现
2、nigrescence ─── n.变黑;(眼睛、头发、皮肤等的)黑色
3、multipresence ─── 多临场感
4、omnipresent ─── adj.无所不在的
5、pluripresence ─── n.多地点一同降临
6、omniscience ─── n.全知;上帝;全知者;无限的知识
7、omnipotence ─── n.全能;无限力量
8、omnipotency ─── n.全能性
9、omnificence ─── 无所不能
omnipresence 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Yet another attribute of God that causes the psalmist to be awestruck, is His omnipresence (all-present). ─── 然而,上帝的另一个使诗人心感敬畏的属性就是无所不在(到处都在)。
2、It is in the very nature of Christ, in His Divine omnipresence and love, to long for the heart to dwell in. ─── 这是说,在基督的本性里,在祂神圣的无所不在和祂神圣的爱里,祂渴望要住在我们的心里。
3、Most believe that spiritual awareness of God's omnipresence, that God is all and all are God, leads to personal and humanity's salvation. ─── 多数人认为,精神文明的认识上帝无所不在,上帝是一切,所有的上帝,导致个人和人类的救赎。
4、Their silent omnipresence, their existence with or without man’s intervention give evidence to my “existing within a natural, raw space. ─── 他们在无声的包容中无所不在,毫不被干涉地生存在自然中,用它们初生的姿势。
5、Mr Clinton's omnipresence not only reminds us that his wife made her political career by attaching herself to his coat-tails.Only a spouse could have survived the debacle of “Hillarycare”. ─── 克林顿先生的无处不在不仅提醒了我们,他的妻子以将自己依附于他的衣角的方式建立了自己的政治事业,他仅是一个经受了“希拉里健康福利”失败的配偶。
6、The descriptions are related to the theme of omnipresence, and the viewer can access and interact with Polonia's artwork by clicking on the various Hindu references. ─── 这些说明涉及无所不在的主题,观众可以通过点击印度教资料访问和互动波洛尼亚的作品。
7、Yet another attribute of God that causes the psalmist to be awestruck, is His omnipresence (all-present). ─── 然而,上帝的另一个使诗人心感敬畏的属性就是无所不在(到处都在)。
8、coming to terms with the government's omnipresence across industry; ─── 接受业界无处不在的政府身影;
9、The third is the obscure logic absolutel y formulated by ideas of “Beauty's Vacuum”, “beauty's completeness”, and “Beauty's omnipresence”. ─── 第三阶段是:美的“真空”论、“一切”论、“无所不在”论等绝对性规定的模糊逻辑。
10、The writer of Psalm cxxxix. speaks of God's omnipresence as something beyond his comprehension: “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it.” ─── 诗篇第一三九篇的作者,从其经验叹神的无所不在说:“这样的知识奇妙是我不能测的!至高是我不能及的!”
11、Parents cannot possibly control television, with its titanic omnipresence. ─── 父母不能控制电视,因为电视实在是无处不在。
12、another example of the realignment so omnipresence in a complex economy," Friedman concludes. ─── 弗里德曼总结道。
13、The picture vividly portrays the omnipresence of cell phones, which are playing an important role in our ordinary life. ─── 这幅图生动地刻画了手机在我们生活中的无所不在,及其重要的作用。
14、There's a feeling of omnipresence as you remember the moment from every seat in the ground, from every possible angle. ─── 从球场中的每个座位,每个角度回想着这些时刻,你都有一种无处不在的感觉。
15、Sometimes it is suggested that the omnipresence of religious belief constitutes confirmation or validation of an omnipresent divinity. ─── 有时,人们会说宗教信仰的普遍存在证明了的确有一个无所不在的神存在。
16、The revelation of God's omnipresence in the man Christ Jesus makes the mystery still deeper. ─── 耶稣是百分之百的神,也是百分之百的人,上帝的同在与临到基督耶稣身上的彰显,更是一种奥秘。
17、However, it has been polluted to some degree by the emergence of the Internet, omnipresence of advertisement, unregulated mass media, irresponsible translation and Occidentalized literary creation. ─── 互联网的横空出世、无处不在的广告宣传、不规范的大众传媒、不负责任的外文翻译及欧化的文学创作都对汉语造成了一定程度的“污染”。
18、has persisted for three millennia—an omnipresence in art, folklore, churches, and census rolls. To Muslims, he is Daoud, the venerated emperor and servant of Allah. ─── 已经存在了三千年——艺术、民俗、教会乃至人口普查,都能见到他的身影。
19、The writer of Psalm cxxxix. speaks of God’s omnipresence as something beyond his comprehension: “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; ─── 诗篇第一三九篇的作者,从其经验叹神的无所不在说:“这样的知识奇妙是我不能测的!
20、The reports show in previously unknown detail the omnipresence of drones in Afghanistan, the Air Force's missile-toting Predators and Reapers that hunt militants. ─── 细节,但该报告表明在阿富汗,空军携导弹“捕食者”、“收割者”号无人驾驶飞机正遍地搜寻激进分子。
21、Existential being, through the physical, psychological presence of others and the omnipresence of nature, I recognize myself. ─── 透过其他人们身体,心理的表象,透过无所不在的自然属性,在那些存在实体中我终于找到了自己。
22、Governments and large businesses had voiced concern about the omnipresence of Microsoft products and a rash of hacks and viruses that exploited holes in the firm's software. ─── 由于微软产品非常普及,引发的黑客和病毒利用其软件的漏洞侵害用户安全,政府和大企业用户对此甚为关切。
23、For all its celebrated omnipresence, the World Wide Web can seem like a closed world unto itself. ─── 尽管万维网的大名无所不在,然而它本身看起来却像是一个封闭的世界一样。
24、” It is in the very nature of Christ, in His Divine omnipresence and love, to long for the heart to dwell in. ─── 这是说,在基督的本性里,在他神圣的无所不在和他神圣的爱里,他渴望要住在我们的心里。
25、Baruch Spinoza viewed God and nature as two names for the same reality, and universal force and law the omnipresence of God. ─── 斯宾诺莎先生也曾讲:“上帝的本质不是别的,就是自然,尤其是普遍存在于宇宙中的力和规律”。
26、6. Nowhere is it more prevalent, though, than in the omnipresence of error messages. ─── 这种例子并不少见,但没有比无处不在的错误消息更普遍的了。
27、Sometimes it is suggested that the omnipresence of religious belief constitutes confirmation or validation of an omnipresent divinity. ─── 有时,人们会说宗教信仰的普遍存在证明了的确有一个无所不在的神存在。
28、"Still water runs deep;"contemplate the multitudinous opportunities to which you have spiritual access by the Omnipresence of power. ─── 因此,有了宗教上的神与鬼,有了科学上的正与负,有了哲学上的善与恶。
29、And wrapped in all this joyful exuberance are big, tough themes: the folly of war, man's dreadful disrespect for nature, and the implacable omnipresence of loss, illness and death. ─── 在这些欢快的视觉盛宴下包裹的是他那宏大而艰涩的主体:战争的愚蠢,人类对自然的惨烈无情,以及遍存的迷失,疾病和死亡的不和谐。
30、Master conveyed power and wisdom through Her paintings, changing my beliefs completely so that I realize the omnipresence of the Master power! ─── 师父藉画作传送给我力量和智慧,让我彻底转变旧有的信念,体悟到师父的力量无所不在!
31、Most believe that spiritual awareness of God's omnipresence, that God is all and all are God, leads to personal and humanity's salvation. ─── 多数人认为,精神文明的认识上帝无所不在,上帝是一切,所有的上帝,导致个人和人类的救赎。
32、attribute of omnipresence ─── 无所不在的属性
33、Ignorant of this Omnipresence of God in Creation that came out of the Creator Himself, man looks for God in temples built by man. ─── 上帝生万物,而又在万物之中。由于对上帝的无所不在性这一点的无知,人到他自己盖的庙里去寻找上帝。
34、The first thought of the true God is His omnipotence: “I am God Almighty.” The second thought in Scripture is His omnipresence. ─── 在圣经中接踵而来的是他对其仆人的应许:“我必与你同在。”
35、How terrible should the thought of this attribute [God's omnipresence] be to sinners! ─── 上帝无所不在的属性,对罪人来说应是多麽可怕的意念!
36、Therefore, Mobile E-Commerce can remedy this kind of short-coming , it becomes a new commercial trend, with its characteristic of convenience and omnipresence. ─── 而移动电子商务能弥补这种缺憾,它以其快捷方便、无所不在的特点,已成为一种新的商务趋势。
37、"Fanatical fundamentalism is the response to this anxiety and its omnipresence makes us aware that of vast changes taking place in our ever-shrinking world. ─── 假如,我是说假如,批评基督教教义的一方秉承理性讨论的精神,你还会认为他们是故意挑起彼此的纷争吗?===答:我不会。
38、Meaning, like you, as an angelic lightness and omnipresence. ─── 如你,我从未在手中抓住过,它是否曾被我拥有?
39、I’m holding the key to omnipotence, treading on the border of omniscience, presenting omnipresence in stillness, and allowing all to convulse my nonexistent heart. ─── 我掌握着全能的钥匙,脚踏在全知的界线上,于静立中无处不在,让众生震撼我那虚无的心。
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