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09-11 投稿


discredits 发音

英:[dɪsˈkredɪts]  美:[dɪsˈkredɪts]

英:  美:

discredits 中文意思翻译



discredits 同义词

contempt | demean | slander | suspect | disrepute | shame | humiliate | slur | question | impute | smear | doubt | disgrace | underestimate | debase | lower | query | dispute |disbelieve | insult | dishonor

discredits 反义词


discredits 词性/词形变化,discredits变形

动词现在分词: discrediting |动词第三人称单数: discredits |动词过去分词: discredited |动词过去式: discredited |

discredits 短语词组

1、discredits thesaurus ─── 诋毁词库

2、discredits syn ─── 失信syn

3、discredits crossword clue ─── 怀疑填字游戏的线索

4、discredits synonym ─── 不名誉同义词

5、discredits def ─── 失信定义

6、discredits definition ─── 失信定义

7、discredits crossword ─── 诋毁纵横字谜

discredits 相似词语短语

1、discredit ─── vt.不信;使……丢脸;n.怀疑;无信用;名声的败坏

2、disaccredits ─── vt.对…不再信任;撤销对…的授权

3、discredited ─── adj.不足信的;不名誉的;v.败坏(或破坏)…的名声;破坏对…的信任(discredit的过去分词)

4、discretions ─── n.自由裁量权;谨慎;判断力;判定;考虑周到

5、miscredit ─── 信用不良

6、disaccredit ─── vt.对…不再信任;撤销对…的授权

7、discretives ─── 离散的

8、miscredits ─── 杂项信贷

9、discrediting ─── vt.不信;使……丢脸;n.怀疑;无信用;名声的败坏

discredits 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Perhaps they hoped to discredit the Ukrainian leadership in the eyes of the European Union. ─── 也许他们是希望乌克兰的领导层在欧盟的眼中丢脸。

2、Once you have deliberated and determined that a course of action is wise, never discredit your judgment.Stand squarely behind your decision. ─── 一旦经过深思熟虑之后所决定的行动方向,就不要怀疑你的判断,勇敢地坚持你的决定。

3、But the interviewers don't think so,they discredit the unmarried women above the normal age have mentality defects, although they are turly bright people. ─── 但是面试官却认为年龄这么大了还没结婚也没男朋友,怀疑她们有心理缺陷,尽管她们确实是人才。

4、The opposition find it impossible to discredit the cabinet minister in terms of his performance in office, so they are trying to throw mud at him through his private life. ─── 反对派发现无法就那个内阁阁员的办事能力对他的名誉进行损坏时,就试图从他的私生活挑出些毛病来。

5、Some members of Mr Karamanlis's New Democracy party claim their opponents started fires deliberately to discredit the government. ─── 卡拉曼利斯所率领的新民主党部分成员声称是反对派故意放火,目的是为了使政府失信于民。

6、The man who discredits the supreme certainty of mathematics is feeding on confusion. ─── 一个人如怀疑数学的极端可靠性就是陷入混乱。

7、If you continue to behave in this way, you will bring discredit on yourself. ─── 如果你继续这样行事你会使自己败坏名声。

8、to slant a story to discredit the Administrations ─── 发表引起对政府不信任的新闻报道

9、He'd hated Faber for years and would grab at the opportunity to discredit him. ─── 他对费伯积怨多年,会抓住一切机会败坏他的名声,使他信誉扫地。

10、Rumours to his disadvantage, eg that discredit him ─── 对他不利的谣言(如有损其名誉者)

11、One should discredit a good deal of what is printed in newspapers. ─── 对报纸上登的不少东西都不应相信。

12、Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself? ─── 你岂可废弃我所拟定的。岂可定我有罪,好显自己为义么。

13、The long drawn out war in South Africa did much to discredit imperial adventuring. ─── 南非连年不断的战事使帝国的冒险计划蒙羞。

14、"We know who is behind the spate of misinformation and why they are doing it -- to discredit granite and push the sales of quartz-based synthetic stone countertops," Hogan said. ─── 吉姆说:“我们知道是谁在散布这些虚假的消息以及他们为什么要这么做。他们这么做的目的是要摧毁人们对花岗岩的信任,并推动人工台面板的销售。

15、Characterized by or causing dishonor or discredit. ─── 不名誉的,可耻的以不诚实或不信任为特征的;或引起不诚实或不信任的

16、State Loan for College Student: Deficiency, Discredit and the Way Out ─── 国家助学贷款:问题、疑虑与出路

17、The Condition Analysis of the Possibility of Discredit ─── 失信何以可能的条件分析

18、It reflected no discredit on her. ─── 对她来说,并没有什么丢面子的地方。

19、But, later, the Imperial Academy discredit the research with 6 major issues. ─── 后来,英国皇家学会专门组织了评审,指出这项实验有6条缺陷。

20、No use saying science discredits it. ─── 别说科学在诬蔑它。

21、Gartner, Borlach and Wagner intensify their campaign to discredit Bessler, publishing a pamphlet that depicts the wheel driven through hollowed-out support posts. ─── gartner的borlach与瓦格纳加紧运动抹黑老婆,出版了一本小册子,叙述轮驱动透过挖空的全力支持职位。

22、Most people agreed that the newspaper was hitting below the belt when it tried to discredit the cabinet minister by detailing some of her childhood misdeeds. ─── 大多数人一致认为,如果报纸试图用该内阁大臣孩提时的某些不端行为使她信誉扫地的话,那么报纸就是玩弄卑鄙手段了。

23、They said I bleached his skin, so all can do to discredit me, these are a conspiracy! ─── 他们说我漂白了自己的皮肤,做一切可做的来诋毁我,这些都是阴谋!

24、He vamped up a few ugly rumors to discredit his colleague. ─── 他捏造了若干卑鄙的谣言以中伤他的同事。

25、His ungentlemanly attempts to discredit the sale of drugs by his professional brethren would by-and-by recoil on himself. ─── 他心怀叵测,指责同行出售药品的作风,也总有一天会得到报应,自食恶果。

26、At the other extreme, he discredits the idea of trying to delay or derail China's rise as too confrontational. ─── 相反,他不相信试图推迟或者挫败中国的崛起的见解,认为这种见解太过具有挑衅性。

27、That kind of approach steals the enemy, discredits the rhetoric, and the old slogans lose their power. ─── 这种方式让敌人化为乌有,证明过去的说法不可信;从而使过去的口号失去力量。

28、Their behavior has brought discredit on English football. ─── 他们的行为给英国足球队败坏名声。

29、He is a discredit to his family. ─── 他是他们家的耻辱.

30、the organized dissemination of derogatory rumors designed to discredit a candidate. ─── 传播流言以诋毁竞选对手的有组织的活动。

31、There is nothing Japan can do to cover up its ugly past - using little tricks to try to hide it serves only to discredit itself. ─── 再来看看日本,他们在历史问题上耍小聪明,玩弄伎俩,为不光彩的过去涂脂抹粉,结果反而是在给自己抹黑。这是日本所无法掩盖的丑陋之处。

32、Confidence is a plant of slow growth. Discredit is a grass of fast growth. ─── 信任是一种缓慢生长的植物。怀疑是一种快速生长的草!

33、Rumours to his disadvantage,eg that discredit him ─── 对他不利的谣言(如有损其名誉者)

34、In an online poll for Le Monde, almost two-thirds of respondents agreed that the handball "discredits France's qualification" . ─── 世界报所进行的网路民调显示,将近三分之二的回应者同意,手球事件「让人质疑法国队的参赛资格」。

35、Finally, landlords used their concubines to discredit local cadre (farmers holding village office). ─── 地主还利用自己的小老婆来败坏地方干部(即在村公所任职的当地农民)的名誉。

36、He had been hired to intimidate me so that I would commit a sin by doing this, and then they would give me a bad name to discredit me. ─── 呗蛩?脑倒剩?且?形揖迮拢?来铀?缸铮??呛么?锒裱曰侔?摇

37、He was bidding to discredit his opponent. ─── 他正企图搞臭对手。

38、Dig up old personal stories to discredit someone ─── 兜翻老底

39、"Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself? ─── 你岂可废弃我所拟定的。岂可定我有罪,好显自己为义吗?

40、Discredit it means to make someone look bad. ─── 使某人难堪。

41、This kickstand will not discredit the design of the bicycle and can fit on most of the bicycles types. ─── 不破坏车架整体设计感,且能适用绝大多数的车种。

42、If the ad is the first time Japan's sudden action, prior to Japan for "comfort women" campaign to discredit public opinion is already set up a conspiracy. ─── 如果说日本的广告是一次突然行动的话,日本之前针对“慰安妇问题”的舆论抹黑攻势则是一场早已设定的阴谋。

43、His action reflected discredit on the family. ─── 他的行为使整个家庭蒙受耻辱。

44、In that progress, you made some racist comments as well. Which in turn, discredits your intention of seeking justice. And at the moment, it seems you are after revenge. ─── 在这里的争执让几位老朋友跑去看了前因后果,虽然对我现在的做法不认同,但是却同样认为那是歧视."

45、Just because they're making money off the low-carb diet, does that automatically discredit what they're saying? ─── 因为生小孩赚钱序幕低加州国会,是否自动抹黑他们说什么?

46、The existence of these activities often discredits Beijing's attempts to protect under-age web users from non-political harmful content. ─── 中国网民数量高达3亿左右,为世界之最。但北京审查互联网,包括封锁整个网站、迫使网络服务商审查内容,以及付钱给博主为政府说话。

47、He brought discredit on the whole family. ─── 他给全家人丢了脸。

48、vulnerable to danger especially of discredit or suspicion ─── 容易受到伤害,尤其是关于信誉或猜疑

49、An upward roll of the eyes meant to discredit someone's comment in the hallway. ─── 在走廊里对别人的言语报以诋毁的白眼;

50、They also claimed that it was a Mossad plot to discredit Syria. ─── 他们还声称,那件事是摩萨德为使叙利亚蒙耻而实施的阴谋。

51、Fortes’s contention that we do people a disservice when we discredit the efforts of those who strived hard, yet failed to win first place? ─── 你的看法如何?

52、He describes his legal battles with the Times and the Labour government, which he thinks conspired with diplomats to discredit him. ─── 他描述了自己和工党政府以及泰晤士报之间的讼争,因为勋爵认为他们和外交官合谋,企图让自己失去人们的信任。

53、Like many recent attacks, the bombings appeared intended to inflame sectarian tensions, to weaken Iraq's security forces and to discredit its government. ─── 同最近发生的数起袭击类似,都是意图造成教派紧张局势,削弱伊拉克安保力量并降低政府公信力。

54、This is an organized campaign to discredit china, demonize China and stir up the pot. ─── 为什么是日本的电视太报道的,事情也太蹊跷了。

55、Senator Richard Shelby says: “The final RFP discredits the integrity of the entire process.” ─── 参议员理查德•谢尔比说:“最终的《建议书邀请函》败坏了整个程序的廉正性。”

56、Also I have concluded that you cannot discredit any of those wins from Wang, because he had a high amount of run support. ─── 同样的,我断定你也不能因为小王有著高分数的支持,而对小王的任何一场胜利产生怀疑。

57、That's not to discredit the premise that you should do what you love, and the money will follow. ─── 不必怀疑这样的前提:你应该做你爱做的,钱就会跟着来。

58、His theories met with general discredits. ─── 他的理论遭到普遍怀疑。

59、Their policymakers argue that China's path to prosperity defies and discredits the simple formulas propagated in Washington. ─── 这些国家的决策者认为,中国的繁荣之路挑战并颠覆了华盛顿宣扬的简单公式。

60、They concocted a plot to discredit the governor. ─── 他们捏造了一个故事来败坏州长的名誉。

61、Failure discredits only the party or coalition in power, not the entire political system. ─── 失败的只是政党或联盟,不是整个政治体系。

62、vulnerable to danger especially of discredit or suspicion. ─── 容易受到伤害,尤其是关于信誉或猜疑。

63、To his discredit, Mr Cayne oversaw the ballooning of Bear's balance-sheet to as much as 50 times its equity and an aggressive push into complex credit products that he never fully understood. ─── 令凯恩先生失去信用的是,他监督着,使贝尔的资产负债表膨胀到是其资产净值的50倍那么多,并且过分自信地向他从未完全了解的复杂的信用产品推进。

64、His attempt to discredit his opponent boomeranged (on him) when he was charged with libel. ─── 他企图败坏对手名声反而自食其果,被控以诽谤罪。

65、Researchers must not, whether knowingly or negligently, act in any way which could bring discredit on the marketing research profession or lead to a loss of public confidence in it. ─── 不管是有意或疏忽,研究人员都不能以任何方式有损市场研究行业的声誉或损害公众对该行业的信心。

66、His corrupt activities were a discredit to the Senate. ─── 他的腐败行径是参议院的耻辱。

67、Gartner begins campaign to discredit Bessler. ─── gartner的运动开始向老婆抹黑。

68、A journalist who "dishonors or discredits" another individual can be fined or imprisoned in Argentina. ─── 在阿根廷,对他人有所“侮辱或损害名誉”的新闻工作者可能遭受罚款或监禁。

69、But if Mr Obama goes about it the easy way, rather than the right way, he will discredit the cause he espouses, and thus damage the planet instead of saving it. ─── 但如果奥巴马先生采取简单方法而不是正确方法来处理的话,他将败坏他所拥护的事业的名誉,其结果是破坏了地球,而不是保护了地球。

70、They made an effort to discredit the politician. ─── 他们尽力败坏那政客的声誉。

71、Inner-party cannot tolerate has the objection, encounters crazily discredits chases down and kills. ─── 党内看不过去而有异议者,都遭到疯狂的抹黑追杀。

72、His story was received with discredit. ─── 他的故事不为人所信。

73、The flaws in those sections alone discredit his argument. ─── 光是那四章的缺陷就足以让全书的论证不可信了。

74、Don't be a discredit to the collective. ─── 别给集体丢脸。

75、Economic Analysis of Discredit and Countermeasures ─── 失信的经济分析及其对策

76、If you are dishonest and wicked, you are a discredit to your school. ─── 如果你不诚实且顽皮,你对你的学校来说是败坏名声。

77、For the issue is not Israel or Zionism.The issue is the continued existence of the Organization which has been dragged to its lowest point of discredit by a coalition of despotisms and racists. ─── 因为问题不是关系以色列或者锡安主义,而是关系这个组织能够继续存在,现在由于专制政权和种族分子的合谋,它的信用已经降到最低点了。

78、This discredits the EU, and gives voters the impression that it is an elitist conspiracy. ─── 这种做法有损欧盟的声誉,而且让选民们觉得这是一个精英主义阴谋。

79、If the prophecy fail, does it bring the religious force of prophecy into discredit in the case of Peter? in the case of Oedipus? ─── 在彼得的例子中,如果预言落空,那么预言的宗教力量是否变得不可信呢?在伊底帕斯的例子中呢?

80、For the issue is neither Israel nor Zionism.The issue is the continued existence of this organization, which has been dragged to its lowest point of discredit by a coalition of despots and racists. ─── 因为问题不是关系以色列或者犹太复国主义,而是关系这个组织能够继续存在,现在由于专制政权和种族分子的合谋,它的信用已经降到最低点了。

81、They resented Paul's choice of Timothy as pastor and did everything they could to discredit and intimidate the young man. ─── 他们非常不满保罗选派提摩太当牧师,因此,他们尽一切力量羞辱及吓阻这位年轻人。

82、Their behaviour has bought discredit on English football. ─── 他们的行为败坏了英国足球运动的声誉。

83、At her engagement to Charles, the tabloids scoured Diana's past to find racy bits of information to discredit her-- much to their disappointment. ─── 在与查尔斯订婚后,小报记者深挖戴安娜的过去,试图找些绯闻来大做文章,但最后大部分人都失望而归。

84、Your actions will bring discredit to your name. ─── 你的行为会败坏你的名声

85、His attempt to discredit his opponent boomeranged when he was charged with libel. ─── 他企图败坏对手名声反而自食其果, 被控以诽谤罪.

86、His theories met with general discredits. ─── 他的理论遭到普遍怀疑。

87、Be sure you have your facts right. If you make an attempt to discredit a man in his position and fail, it may be a case of 'the dog it was that died'. ─── 你说的一定要是真情实况。倘若你企图诋毁他这种地位的人的名声而不能得逞,那就可能要闹出“存心坑人反害已”的事来。

88、They no longer try to discredit the technology itself. ─── 他们不再试图怀疑这种技术本身。

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