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mystically 中文意思翻译



mystically 相似词语短语

1、domestically ─── adv.国内地;家庭式地;适合国内地

2、mysticly ─── 神秘地

3、mystical ─── adj.神秘的;神秘主义的

4、lytically ─── 淋漓尽致地

5、rustically ─── adv.朴素地;乡土气地;不事修饰地

6、mantically ─── 曼蒂奇地

7、meristically ─── 功勋地

8、majestically ─── adv.雄伟地,庄严地;威严地

9、dynastically ─── 王朝的

mystically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Jacksy's great though he remains much of a mystic man to me still. ─── 恶心立刻升起,觉得非常不舒服。

2、However, question also then by its mystically with a Austria second ingrained India in mind. ─── 然而,问题也便以其神秘和奥秒根深蒂固般印在脑海中了。

3、Practice of Fraying: A body of knowledge associated with the third degree (3rd dot) of an Arcanum, describing how a mage can mystically harm a target. ─── 冲突之法:与第3级(3点)奥秘相关的知识内容,描述法师如何以魔法伤害目标。

4、Charm has a mystically pleasing and fascinating nature to make people smile and cool down. ─── 它有一种能使人开颜、消怒,并且悦人和迷人的神秘品质;

5、Alternatively, you can be a mystic Taoist, using your inner human spiritual powers to help overcome opponents in battle. ─── 你同样可以选择成为一名善于使用精神力去战胜对手的神密的道士。

6、Intro : She, the Rose Bride, processes the power of Dios. I hope this mystic 14-year-old girl can be freed from the torture of Saionji. ─── 人物介绍:背负著蔷薇新娘的身份,同时身怀迪奥斯力量的谜样少女,能否由西园寺的虐待中解放出来?

7、They hold a mystic religious ceremony. ─── 他们举行了一个神秘的宗教仪式。

8、It surrounded her like a mystic fire and lifted her up so that she seemed to walk on air. ─── 它象一团神秘的火把她裹在其中,把她托在空中,使她仿佛飘然而行。

9、Spangle dimly their mystic eyes. ─── 使它们神秘的眼睛朦胧闪烁。

10、Antarctica is so mystically described by some people. If only I had been there! ─── 很多人都把南极描述的很神奇,如果我能去那儿就好了。

11、His heart wasn't in the mystic side of freemasonry. ─── 他的内心不处在共济会的神秘主义方面。

12、Only a few brave cyclists have dared to ride along its inhospitable plateau and forge a passage through these mystic lands into Kathmandu . ─── 只有少部分勇敢的骑行者挑战沿着荒凉高原和稳定前进的通道通过这些神秘的陆地进入加德满都。

13、You may play Mystic Restraints any time you could playan instant. ─── 你可以于你能够使用瞬间的时机下,使用神秘管押。

14、Mantra in Hinduism and Buddhism, mystic words used in ritual and meditation. ─── 印度教和佛教的咒语,神秘的字词使用在仪式和静心上。

15、The opening of doors is a mystic act: it has in it some flavour of the unknown, some sense of moving into a new moment, a new pattern of the human rigmarole. ─── 开门是个神秘的动作:其中包含某种未知的情趣,某种进入新时刻的感觉,一种人类 繁琐手续 的新形式。

16、Software Description: About Night Wolf, Here is the mystic wolf watching over his territory. ─── 在这儿是在他的领土上方观看的神秘的狼。

17、The would-be American mystic, like the American President, is interrupted in his study to go and shake hands with a deputation . ─── 想要当美国神秘主义者的人,和美国总统一样,在修行时经常被人打搅,不得不出去和一个个代表团握手。

18、The temple on the mountain, although it's very worn-out, but feels very mystically! ─── 山上的庙宇,虽然很破旧,但感觉很神秘!

19、They conceive melancholic and heroic music with German lyrics by the mystic and ancient themes. ─── 他们创作的音乐有的忧郁有的带有英雄主义色彩,德语歌词常和神秘与古老的主题相关。

20、We who possess a supreme commitment to spreading the Mystic Law are unequalled in strength. ─── 任谁也敌不过弘扬妙法,拥有究极信心的我们。

21、The trance, frenzy, or rapture associated with mystic or prophetic exaltation. ─── 出神,昏厥与由神秘的或预言性的兴奋有关的昏厥、发狂和出神

22、As a kind of mystic ceremony of Folk religion, they have a close relationship with Daoism, Buddhism and Confucianism. ─── 作为一种艺术化的民间宗教仪式,贵州傩戏与道、释、儒关系密切,其表演和传承具有神秘性。

23、The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature. ─── 我们天性中天使般善良的一面,终将轻拨起神秘的记忆之弦,而最美的乐音,也将从此奏响。”

24、Buddhism does not built on the foundation of mystic power. ─── 佛教并不是建立在奇异能力基础上的。

25、Lovelace, did you ever actually meet a mystic being? ─── |爱拉斯,你见过奥秘之神吗?

26、Before she met the Indian mystic Osho, she was working as high-school teacher in Germany. ─── 前,她在德国是一位高中教师。

27、Maybe a mystic - with fortunes to tell. ─── 也许应该找个算命的,算算我的运气。

28、For her life was made up of those mystic chords of sympathy and memory which bind up the transient elements of nature into a harmonious and enduring scene. ─── 原来她的一生系由许多同情和纪念的神秘缆索所织成,足以把自然中一切如同过眼云烟的元素结成一种和谐而持久的景象。

29、"Retire from the game mystically", I know that I can't dominate this game for my whole my life, so I'll retire when the time is right. ─── “神秘的隐退”,我不可能一生都统治这个游戏,所以我会在必要的时候隐退。

30、Even the boisterous winds unanimously came forth from their mystic homes, and blustered about as if to enhance by their aid the wildness of the scene. ─── 大风也平地而起,以助雷电群起而攻之,场面更加荒凉无比。

31、Gregor Theelen is the musician behind the Mystic Rhythms project which shows the rhythmic side of the artist. ─── 他演奏钢琴,手风琴以及吉他;

32、Whether his lips are loosened by seemingly sincere companionship, mystic compulsion or even torture, he can be induced to fail his master's trust. ─── 不管他表面上说的真诚友谊,神秘的强制或者等同的拷问,他会出卖他主人的信赖。

33、At end of turn, if Kitsune Mystic is enchanted by twoor more enchantments, flip it. ─── 在回合结束时,若狐族密教徒上结附了两个或更多结界,则将它倒转。

34、In 1989, a year after Mystic Pizza, Julia was nominated of an Oscar for Steel Magnolias. ─── 1989年,即《神秘的匹萨饼》完成后的一年,朱莉娅因在《钢木兰花》中的表演获奥斯卡奖提名。

35、Scientists predicted this 2006 eruption of Mount Merapi, but many mystically minded locals refused to leave. ─── 科学家预报了2006年的莫拉皮火山喷发,但是许多思想神秘的当地人不愿离开。

36、You can't use stat boosting Prayers for two different skills, so you can't use Mystic Lore at the same time as Ultimate Strength. ─── 你不能用两种不同的统计增加祈福技能,所以不能用神秘风俗在此同时,作为终极力量.

37、The temple on the mountain, although it's very worn-out, but feels very mystically! ─── 山上的庙宇,虽然很破旧,但感觉很神秘!

38、Actually, we can easily achieve the above result as long as we are initiated through the Wisdom Door, the most mystic sense in life. ─── 事实上只要开发出我们五官以外的第六官-玄关,这些问题就可以迎刃而解。

39、The mystic cords of affection! ─── 多么神奇的爱情绳索!

40、The opening of doors is a mystic act: it has in it some flavor of the unknown, some sense of moving into a new moment, a new pattern of the human rigmarole. ─── 开门是个神秘的动作:这里面包含有某种未知的情趣,某种进入新的时刻的感觉,一种人类繁琐手续的新形式。

41、Following the example of Bill Viola and other American tycoons, Valdez enters a mystic trip in a southern Japan monastery founded in 1330. ─── 以比尔为榜样中提琴和其他美国巨头,瓦尔德斯进入在1330发现的日本男修道院内的一神秘旅行。

42、Beside mother's bed, I saw in the wicker basket used by mother at all times mother's underclothes lying in it, which was another mystic ground expressed by mother for me. ─── 在母亲的床牚旁,我看到她一直使用的那个柳篮,里面摆放着她的内衣,那也是母亲给我昭示的女人的另一片神秘的土地。

43、The Christian mystic looks within in order to have a relationship with God other than via priests and institutions. ─── 为了获得与神的关联,基督教神秘主义者向自身内部寻找,而不通过牧师或机构。

44、Indian mystic and founder of Buddhism. He began preaching after achieving supreme enlightenment at the age of35. ─── 佛陀印度神秘主义者和佛教创始人,他在35岁大彻大悟后开始传教

45、The nightmare is really effective, some people die a violent death mystically, some people are murdered strangely. ─── 噩梦果真灵验,有人神秘暴毙,有人离奇遇害。

46、I think it was Eckhart Tolle who said it (and probably Buddha/some mystic before him). ─── 我不知它从何而来,但是最近几周却一直萦绕在我的脑海之中。

47、You watched the confidential stenographer flit in and out, carelessly turning that mystic portal which, to you, revolved on hinges of fate. ─── 你盯着那个机要速记员很快地进进出出,漫不经心地转动那扇神秘的门,对你来说,它可是绕着命运的铰链在转动呢。

48、Value unity. They seek communication with the cosmos, mystically relating to its wholeness. ─── 单一价值观。有秩序的沟通,整体来说都较有神秘感。

49、We can rise above our genetic determinism, they insist, and grasp that mystic flower, freedom. ─── 他们坚信,我们能够摆脱基因的控制,紧紧抓住神秘的自由之花。

50、Kujin is a shaman, an Orc mystic whose insights into the ways of Mother Earth and Father Sky give her access to powerful visions and magics. ─── 库金,一个蛮族萨满,是由洞见天父地母之道获得强大预言能力和魔法的通灵者。

51、President Lincoln's eloquent reference to "the mystic chords of memory" resonates today as we celebrate the importance of archives. ─── 今天当我们强调档案馆的重要性时,林肯总统那句“记忆的神秘琴弦”仍然能激起我们的共鸣。

52、I know some world's mystic religions. ─── 我了解一些世界上的神秘宗教。

53、There, he plays the role of "hippie mystic. ─── 在那里,他扮演的是一个“神秘的嬉皮客”的角色。

54、The Kaldorei civilization grew strong there, thanks to the mystic energies inherent in the Well of Eternity. ─── 卡多雷文明在永恒之井的恩惠下逐渐变得壮大。

55、Mystic lakes and sparkling waterfalls captivate your eyes as you enter the ravine. ─── 当你步入沟中,便可见瀑布舒洒碧玉。

56、What a pity! Charming and mystic idea could be disturb by outer noise. ─── 可惜神秘而迷人的思想,会被那外来的噪声扰攘,

57、Because of "Color, after Abstention" evaporates mystically , the soup only leaves our line of sight already to be very long. ─── 因《色,戒》被神秘蒸发后,汤唯离开我们的视线已经很久了。

58、The Pandaren Empire, founded in ancient times, before the Great Sundering of the world, shared resources and mystic knowledge with the haughty night elves of central Kalimdor. ─── 历史/环境在远古时代建立起来的熊猫人帝国,在世界大分裂前,与中卡利姆多傲慢的暗夜精灵分享资源和神秘的知识。

59、Antarctica is so mystically described by some people. If only I had been there! ─── 很多人都把南极描述的很神奇,如果我能去那儿就好了。

60、If he tried to swim in the lake without paying the price, the three big black birds of the Mystic Lake would pick the flesh off his bones. ─── 如果他企图在湖中游泳而没有付出代价的话,这三只神秘湖的大黑鸟将会啄下他的肉。

61、Because they showed such great promise for the mystic arts, they were taught how to walk among the tribes of men and within the deep wilderness with equal impunity. ─── 对神秘技艺有如此的付出,使得他们可以自如地在人类部族和自然荒野之间穿行。

62、Their esoteric doctrine the Kaballah (meaning: tradition) appeared in Jewish mystic circles in Spain and Southern France in the 12th century. ─── 它们深奥的学说“喀巴拉”(意思是传统)在十二世纪出现在西班牙和法国南部的犹太神秘主义圈子中。

63、The Emperor Qin Shihuang had mystically built his bomb with many buried ceramic tomb figures that was today's Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses Figurines we found in Shanxi. ─── 他死后发生的事情也恰恰印证了那句诅咒:“始作俑者,其无后乎”,让那些乐于拿人做陪葬的人断子绝孙。

64、Visitors are welcome to photograph, videotape and make artistic sketches of Mystic Seaport for personal use only. ─── 在仅出于个人使用目的的前提下,我们欢迎参观者在神秘海港内拍照、摄影或进行艺术写生。

65、Over the back of a silver spoon float a measure of Qualactin Hypermint extract, redolent of all the heady odours of the dark Qualactin Zones, subtle sweet and mystic. ─── 在银勺柄上漂浮着一单位困来汀超薄荷的萃取物,它散发出混合了黑暗困来汀地区所有醉人气味的微妙香甜和神秘。

66、Ok, now according to the ancient texts I've studied, the mystic Talisman of Dorukan is protected by three magical sigils, one representing each of the classical elements. ─── 好的,现在根据我研读过的那些古代文献来看,那神秘的Dorukan护符被三个魔符所保护,分别代表了土、风、火三大元素。

67、Indian mystic and founder of Buddhism. He began preaching after achieving supreme enlightenment at the age of 35. ─── 佛陀印度神秘主义者和佛教创始人,他在35岁大彻大悟后开始传教。

68、The Russian mystic, Rasputin, was the victim of a series of murder attempts on this day in 1916. ─── 1916年的今天俄国神秘主义者拉斯普丁曾遭遇一系列谋杀。

69、Each animal is mystically related to one year in a 12-year cycle. ─── 每一种动物都和十二年循环中的一年联系到一起;

70、Value unity. They seek communication with the cosmos, mystically relating to its wholeness. ─── 单一价值观。有秩序的沟通,整体来说都较有神秘感。

71、The would-be American mystic is often interrupted in his study. ─── 想要当美国神秘主义者的人在修行时经常被人打搅。

72、A mystic shadow of suspicion immediately attached itself to the spot. ─── 一个疑虑重重的神秘阴影立刻就缠住了这块地方。

73、What a harmonious match that came about naturally and mystically! ─── 多不可思议的自然融合啊。

74、R.Bawa Muhaiyaddeen- a Sufi mystic, can best be remembered for his efforts to bring unity through understanding to the faithful of all religions. ─── 版权:IMAN的四个步骤纯 金巴瓦muhaiyaddeen家族简讯7-897 关于作者:"M.

75、He is interested in mystic rites and ceremonies. ─── 他对神秘的仪式感兴趣。

76、He believes in mystic philosophy. ─── 他信奉的是神秘主义哲学。

77、At that distance they accordingly stood, fixed there by the centrifugal force of the repugnance which the mystic symbol inspired. ─── 他们就这样站在那个距离处,被那神秘的符号所激起的反感离心力钉住了。

78、I have sought it finally,because in the union of love seen,in a mystic miniature,the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. ─── 我寻求爱情,最后是因为在爱情的结合中,我看到圣徒和侍人们所想像的天堂景象的神秘缩影。

79、Since then, this Ba tribe disappeared into this foggy gorge for thousands of year mystically. ─── 从此,这支巴人部落神秘地消失在这烟雾弥漫的峡谷中几千年。

80、His mystic behavior is hard to understand. ─── 他的神秘行为令人难以理解。

81、They are on the bank of the Mystic Lake on the Island of the Western Sea. ─── 它们是在西海之岛上的神秘湖畔上。

82、It is bitter in Baudelaire, sweet and [br]plaintive in Lamartine, mystic in Verlaine. ─── 同时,也可以向要考研的朋友探讨一下考研方面的事。虽然,我考研已是陈年黄历了。

83、In the idea of westerner, India is a mystic land. ─── 在西方人的心目中,印度是一片神秘的土地。

84、The aged and mystic site of Acropolis is a kilometer away from the northeast of Mycenae. ─── 古老而神秘的卫城遗址就位于它东北1公里处。

85、Kelley was a notorious forger, mystic and alchemist who was familiar with Cardan grilles. ─── 凯利是个恶名昭彰的伪造者、秘主义者和炼金术士,相当熟悉卡丹格板。

86、And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which mystically is called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified. ─── 他们的尸首就倒在大城里的街上.这城按著灵意叫所多玛、又叫埃及、就是他们的主钉十字架之处。

87、He was also a mystic, who did not use his intimate relationship with God to avoid the social evils of his time, but shocked his milieu to the point of being executed as a rebel. ─── 他也是一个奥秘者,并没有利用自己与上帝的特别关系去逃避邪恶,反而震动了他当时的社会环境,到了一个程度,被当作叛徒处决。

88、In mystic life, human life extents itself and harmonizes itself with unlimited life. ─── 在密契生活中,人的生命伸展与无限的生命相融合。

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