calligraphic 发音
英: 美:
calligraphic 中文意思翻译
calligraphic 网络释义
adj. 书法的;缮写的
calligraphic 短语词组
1、calligraphic plotter ─── 书法绘图器;随机扫描绘图机;随机绘图仪
2、calligraphic love heart sign ─── 书法爱情心迹
3、calligraphic designs ─── 书法设计
4、calligraphic display ─── [计] 随机扫描显示器
5、calligraphic style ─── 笔意
calligraphic 相似词语短语
1、calligraphical ─── adj.书法的;缮写的(calligraphic的变形)
2、allographic ─── 异体
3、calligrapher ─── n.书法家
4、calligraph ─── v.漂亮地手抄,用美术体书写
5、calligraphers ─── n.书法家
6、calligraphists ─── n.书法家(等于calligrapher)
7、calligraphist ─── n.书法家(等于calligrapher)
8、cardiographic ─── 心动描记的
9、calligraphy ─── n.书法;笔迹
calligraphic 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Strengthen the Calligraphic Aesthetic Consciousness of Students in Police College ─── 增强公安院校学员的书法审美意识
2、The Chinese traditional painting is a development to come out on the calligraphic premise of, Chinese calligraphy oneself is a kind of composing. ─── 中国传统绘画是在书法的前提上发展出来的,中国书法本身就是一种构成。
3、calligraphic varieties of Chinese characters ─── 古今字理论
4、The other artwork was a calligraphic work of NAFA's founding principal, the late Mr Lim Hak Tai, donated by NAFA alumnus and illustrious contemporary artist, Mr Cheah Thien Soong. ─── 当晚,嘉宾欣赏了由南艺少年儿童艺术学校、南艺音乐系和舞蹈系学生呈献的精彩表演。
5、Formation and Significance of Admiration of Tang Calligraphic ─── 唐代尚法书风的形成及其意义
6、Huang Tingjian was one of the representatives of "Shang Yi" calligraphic style in Song Dynasty. ─── 黄庭坚是宋代“尚意”书风的代表人物。
7、The Research Means on Aesthetic Synonym in Calligraphic and Painting Books ─── 古代书画审美同义词研究方法试探
8、Therefore, during my staying at school, I have passed the tests such as Hard Pen Calligraphic Test, Computer Test and Mandarine Test. ─── 因此在校期间,我通过了硬笔书法,计算机,普通话等的等级考试。
9、Zhang Ai -guo and His Ming- Qing Calligraphic Style ─── 张爱国与他的明清调书法
10、The calligraphic innovation based on the specific goal will be realized mainly by the innovation of three hierarchies: "skills", "techniques" and "Tao". ─── 基于特定目标的书法创新主要通过书法作品层、技法层和道这三个层次的创新来实现。
11、With Chinese paintings and calligraphic pieces, you can Beautify your life. ─── 家有中国书画,美化你的生活。
12、The charm of Chinese traditional culture and art should be transferred to tourists while introducing Chinese poetry, painting, calligraphic art, etc. ─── 在有关中国诗词、绘画、书法艺术等的导游讲解中应向游客准确地传递文化信息,引领他们感受中国传统艺术形式的魅力。
13、Shixiang calligraphic works “Peace”“Dance”“Feeling”by the Chinese revolutionary museum. ─── 1995年6月石翔大师现代耍作品“和”“舞”“情”被中国革命博物馆收藏
14、His works were extremely beautiful and had a great impact on China's calligraphic arts.Thus he has been called the “Saint of calligraphy. ─── 他的毛笔字写得非常好,对中国的书法艺术有很大的影响,所以被人们称为“书圣”。
15、The six-stroke character xing (running), for instance, was reduced to a mere two vertical strokes in medieval calligraphic practice. ─── 例如,“行”字本来有六画,但是在古代的书法技法中却被简化为两竖笔。
16、The value interests of Chinese paintings are shifted from painterliness to calligraphic quality, and the theoretic framework centered on the aura of ink-brush is established since then. ─── 中国绘画的价值趣味也从绘画性转向了书法性的表达,并建构起以笔墨韵致为中心的理论框架。
17、calligraphic education ─── 书法教育
18、China Calligraphic Art Research Inst. ─── 中厦建筑设计研究院中国书法艺术研究院。
19、" I was told there were many different calligraphic schools in Chinese calligraphy, could you name some?" ─── 听说中国书法有多种门派,你能不能给我讲一下?
20、The font of the Chinese character in the centre of the maple leaf has been changed into a Chinese calligraphic font to further emphasize Chinese cultural characteristics. ─── 原有的“中”字作了修改,改为用中国传统的书法体,更显出中国文化的特色;
21、calligraphic desplay devicd ─── 受控光束显示设备
22、The scholastic calligrapher who has accomplished in calligraphic art must have something special,at least with regard to a certain aspect in academic field. ─── 凡是在书法艺术方面较有成就的学者书家,至少都在学问的某一方面有过人之处。
23、The era of multiple values has arrived. For calligraphic art, we would like to see various styles and presentations. ─── 多元价值的时代已经来临,对书法艺术而言,我们希望看到各种不同的表现方式。
24、Zhang Jianguo and His Calligraphic Works ─── 张建国及其书法作品
25、calligraphic beauty ─── 书法美
26、But the seventeenth-century emergence of a style modeled on the rough, broken epigraphs of ancient bronzes and stone artifacts brought a revolution in calligraphic taste. ─── 但从17世纪开始,由于古代金石铭文的发掘重现,给书法的审美趋向带来了巨大的变化。
27、The characters in the top line are constructed with a pointed pen (calligraphic tool). ─── 上面一行的字体的书法原型是一种尖头的书法钢笔。
28、The psychological factors of the subjects have great influence on calligraphic creation. ─── 摘要创作主体的心理因素对书法创作有重要影响。
29、The calligraphic paint-brushing brings flowing rhythm to the work of mask painting. ─── 书法用笔的参入,给脸谱绘画带来了流动的节奏。
30、Poly Great Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. is the first calligraphic, painting and cultural broker company ofU. ─── 并与东南亚、欧洲等数十个国家的美协院建立了联盟关系。
31、Calligraphic works by their favorite people. ─── 他们最喜爱的人书法作品。
32、In ancient books on calligraphy, Chinese men of letters liked to depict the various calligraphic styles as metaphors for natural scenery or phenomena. ─── 在中国古代书论中,不论是对篆、隶、行、楷,还是对草书的论述,大多是以自然景观或某些现象作比,加以形容和描述,
33、The Original Methods of the Calligraphic Typeface in Pacekage Design ─── 包装设计中书法字体设计创意法
34、Ancestor's calligraphic are still extant ─── 手泽犹存
35、Great Art Center provides buyback services for collected works. For collected works provided by calligraphic and painting collectors, we can buy them back through appraisal and evaluation. ─── 国瑞艺术中心提供藏品回购服务。对于书画收藏爱好者提供的藏品,经鉴定评估后给予回购。
36、It exposed the nature of the art of calligraphy, of which calligraphic works is materialized form of the author"s emotional experience and its expression. ─── 揭示了书法艺术“表情”的本质,认为书法作品是作者情感体验与抒发的物化形态;
37、Character a miniature calligraphic composition inside its own square frame? ─── 在此句话中作什么成分?
38、The point with Chinese calligraphic fine essence is pen situation, its form substance than the word, line more lifelike. ─── 中国书法的精妙之处是笔势,它比字的结体、线条更加传神。
39、Viewing from Liu Yang's calligraphic inscriptions for pictures, his traditional Chinese paintings and articles, he is fully aware of that. ─── 从刘阳的题画书法,及国画、文章看,刘阳是深知这一点的。
40、Chinese calligraphic character ─── 中文书法字
41、Chinese paintings and calligraphic works ─── 中国字画
42、Literature-based calligraphy is not a simple calligraphic works any more,but a fused works of the calligraphy and literature with unique aesthetic values. ─── 以文学作品作为书写内容而产生的书法作品,已不再是一件单纯的书法作品,而是一种书法和文学艺术融合为一的共同体,具有独特的审美价值。
43、Through the ages, great calligraphers developed representative calligraphic styles of their times. ─── 中国历代都有大书法家,其书法艺术和风格成为所在朝代书法的典型代表。
44、Calligraphic origin. The characters on the top line have a different construction than the characters on the bottom line. ─── 图中上下两行字母有着不同的结构,它们来源于不同的书法原型。
45、calligraphic aesthetics ─── 书法美学
46、calligraphic character ─── 书体
47、Anhui merchant collectors and dealers in calligraphic works and paintings prospered as never before. ─── 一时间,苏州、嘉兴、杭州等地成为江南地区艺术品集散的重要地区。
48、The six-stroke character xing (running), for instance, was reduced to a mere two vertical strokes in medieval calligraphic practice. ─── 比如说,“兴”有六个笔画,在中古书法中被简化为两竖。
49、era of multiple values has arrived. For calligraphic art, we would like to see various styles and presentations. ─── 多元价值的时代已经来临,对书法艺术而言,我们希望看到各种不同的表现方式。
50、Knot-Tying, Paper Cutting, Balloon, Dough Art, Calligraphic Couplets, and other various arts & crafts. ─── 吉祥绳结、剪纸工艺、趣味气球、面人泥雕、书法挥春、各式花艺等。
51、He asked his Prime Minister, Li Si, to unite the eight calligraphic styles that were thriving in other states to create the standardized qinzhuan (Qin-Dynasty seal) script. ─── 他命宰相李斯将当时的大篆、小篆、刻符、摹
52、The calligraphic innovation based on the specific goal will be realized mainly by the innovation of three hierarchies: "skills","techniques" and "Tao". ─── 书法传统对于当代书法创新具有重要的理论价值与实践价值.基于特定目标的书法创新主要通过书法作品层、技法层和道这三个层次的创新来实现。
53、The Chinese characters of "Art Gallery" are the great calligraphic master Wu Zuoren's autograph. ─── 吴作人先生亲自为本馆题写了馆名。
54、I know we are going to see some calligraphic works, right? ─── 我知道我们要去看书法作品对不对?
55、He always finished a calligraphic work in one sweep and, consequently, when reading his calligraphy work, one can feel the momentum. ─── 写起来一气呵成,始终一贯,保持一种气势,满眼是"意","无惜是非"。
56、Following the gradual prospering of seal script and clerical script, calligraphic wind of stele school matured as well. ─── 而随着篆隶书体的逐步繁荣,碑派书风亦走向成熟。
57、Calligraphy can not progress without the influence of tradition, whereas calligraphic innovation is trying to flounce away the bondage held by tradition. ─── 摘要书法的发展离不开传统对它施加的影响,而书法的创新又力图挣脱传统对之的束缚。
58、A piece of painting normally consists of the painting itself, calligraphic writing and seal stamps. ─── 一幅画通常由画、书法和印章组成。
59、The era of multiple values has arrived. For calligraphic art, we would like to see various styles and presentations. ─── 多元价值的时代已经来临,对书法艺术而言,我们希望看到各种不同的表现方式。
60、calligraphic style ─── 书法风格类似流畅的书法的绘画风格
61、the name of the recipient (as inscribed on a painting or a calligraphic scroll presented as a gift) ─── 上款
62、calligraphic symbol ─── 书写符号
63、"Purpose in Front of Writing" and "Forgetting Technique Quickly"--On the Creation Psychology of Dynasty Tang Calligraphic Theory ─── "意在笔前"与"忘机兴发"--唐代书学之创作心理论
64、I like collecting calligraphic works and paintings. ─── 我喜欢收集字画。
65、For calligraphic and painting works purchased from Great Art Center or any of our affiliated galleries, we provide drop-in delivery services at our own expenses. ─── 凡在国瑞艺术中心及联盟画廊购买书画作品,我们均提供免费送画到家的便捷服务。
66、Dowsing the Market Charm of Shanghai Calligraphic Works ─── 探寻海派书法的市场魅力
67、The Differences in Calligraphic Language and Their Aesthetic Value ─── 书法语言的差异及审美价值
68、calligraphic display ─── 定向射线显示器
69、Chinese, the most ancient of living writing systems, consists of tens of thousands of ideographic characters, and each character is a miniature calligraphic composition inside its own square frame. ─── 我也不知这一题的句型结构,但似乎用同位语的观念来解题蛮适合.莫伯伯的解释带来一线曙光,原来句子是这样:
70、In Chinese calligraphy, the structure of Chinese characters, changes of line, white and black, the balance, the setting-off and so forth form the aesthetic foundation of calligraphic art. ─── 在书法中汉字结构、笔画线条的黑白对立、牵制、衬托、消长等变化来构成书法艺术美的美学基础。
71、This study has four a copybook for calligraphy: Writing Junkai scribe line will be three body three will be appointed will Writing zero auspicious calligraphic works. ─── 学这本字帖有四得:会写楷隶行三体三得,会写吉祥语书法作品一得.
72、calligraphic encode method ─── 字形编码法
73、Chinese architecture adheres to the calligraphic rules of symmetry and balance, and the design of Chinese gardens, pavilions and temples all reflect the structural rules and rhythms of calligraphy. ─── 中国古代建筑从布局到主体的梁柱结构,都遵循对称、均衡、主从关系等法则,园林建筑中的含蓄、借景,以及亭、台、楼、榭追求的空灵、飞动等都与书法密切相关。
74、calligraphic art ─── 书法艺术
75、For this remanent literators, the process of calligraphic composition can be regarded as a pipeline, through which they can express the yearning of their lost state and home. ─── 从明遗民思想的特点、明遗民思想对书学审美的影响、遗民书家当时影响三个角度渐次研究遗民思想对书学的影响程度。
76、His calligraphic style is unique. ─── 他的书法风格很独特。
77、Using fine paper, brushes and ink, calligraphers have evolved a richly varied tradition of calligraphic styles, which have been handed down from generation to generation. ─── 书法家用上乘的纸张,毛笔和墨水逐渐演化成了今天迥异的书法风格,而这些形式,就一代传给一代了。
78、calligraphic theory ─── 书论
79、Twenty Choice Calligraphic Inscriptions of Longmen ─── "龙门二十品"
80、The tokonoma generally holds a calligraphic scroll or painting, along with a bonsai or simple flower arrangement. ─── 壁龛上一般挂着一幅书法,要么一幅画,辅以一处盆景,或几支插花。
81、Reconsideration of Cai Jing's Place in Calligraphic History ─── 对蔡京书法史地位的再讨论
82、It's not the post, for which an actual sheet of paper, touched by the writer and displaying his imperfect calligraphic skills, will end up under the nose of the recipient. ─── 和书信也不一样,后者是实实在在的纸张,写信人写写涂涂,他那并不完美的书法技能,最后会出现在收信人的眼皮底下。
83、Keywords Bao Shichen;Calligraphic thoughts;Phenomenon;Criticize;Epigraphy in Qing Dynasty;Re-study; ─── 包世臣;书学;现象;批评;清代碑学;重新审视;
84、The calligraphy is a particular art form of our country,and the calligraphic teaching is also an important contents in the education for all-round development. ─── 书法是我国独有的艺术形式,书法教学更是素质教育中的一个重要内容。课堂教学的形式是大学艺术教育教学任务完成和落实的主渠道。
85、Admiration of calligraphic styles ─── 尚法书风
86、calligraphic creation ─── 书法创作
87、calligraphic etching ─── 先用钢笔和墨水在清洁的铜版上画出图形然后蚀刻的方法
88、Moved by mysterious forces, like dancers in an expressionist ballet, the calligraphic figures dissolve in black space or explode to create serenity in an electric manner. ─── 在他那多重复合的处理手法之下,我们可以清楚地看到,狂草书法经过激烈的幻变,最终落定在一种灵静的精神境界之中。
89、A number of them were sent to Hong Kong to research Western design practices and returned with the dream of reconciling what they had seen with China's centuries-old calligraphic tradition. ─── 大部分人被送往香港以研究西方设计原则,并带着融合中国悠久的书法传统与所学西方设计的梦想回来。
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