chaplaincy 发音
英:[ˈtʃæplɪnsi] 美:[ˈtʃæplɪnsi]
英: 美:
chaplaincy 中文意思翻译
chaplaincy 短语词组
1、chaplaincy is ─── 牧师是
2、chaplaincy ag ─── 牧师股份公司
3、chaplaincy cpe ─── 牧师职位
4、chaplaincy app ─── 牧师应用程序
5、chaplaincy staff ─── 牧师教职人员
6、chaplaincy hospice house kennewick wa ─── 华盛顿州肯尼威克牧师收容所
chaplaincy 词性/词形变化,chaplaincy变形
chaplaincy 相似词语短语
1、chaplainry ─── n.牧师;专职教士(chaplain的变形)
2、chaplain ─── n.牧师;专职教士;n.(Chaplain)人名;(法)沙普兰
3、chaplains ─── 牧师;专职教士(chaplain的复数)
4、chieftaincy ─── n.酋长或首领的地位或职位
5、chaplaincies ─── n.牧师职务;牧师工作的地方
6、chatelaines ─── n.女主人;腰链;(城堡或别墅的)女主人;n.(Chatelaine)人名;(法)沙特莱纳
7、chaplainship ─── n.牧师;专职教士(chaplain的变形)
8、captaincy ─── n.舰长(上尉)的地位;队长职位(任期)
9、Champlain ─── n.山普伦(法国探险家SamueldeChamplain)
chaplaincy 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The chaplain said the last rites. ─── 牧师作了最后的仪式。
2、representatives of the chaplaincy staff, who are available on call to offer spiritual support to patients, families, and ICU staff members; ─── 牧师代表,可以随时招他为病人、家属和ICU成员提供精神帮助;
3、But they had a pastor, the chaplain, the director, who just wanted the whole week to be so meaningful for these kids and for the rest of us too.He just kept telling use how meaningful it was. ─── 他们有一个牧师,随营牧师,指导者,希望整个一周对孩子们和我们其余的人都有意义。
4、Corporate chaplaincy is big business in the US. ─── 在美国,公司牧师服务是一项巨大业务。
5、3.In late 1944, as he cajoled his flagging troops to defeat the Germans in the Battle of the Bulge, General George S.Patton turned to his chief chaplain for help. ─── 在1944年底,巴顿将军于高登腹地之役,激励其颓势部队打败德军时,他转而求助于随军的主任牧师。
6、Chaplain:By the authority invested in me, by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, I pronounce you man and wife. ─── 牧师:凭赋予我人权威,凭马萨诸塞州的法律,我宣布你们结为夫妻.
7、For the chaplain to make a broader understanding of military life, usually assigned to the work of foreign troops. ─── 为使随军牧师更广泛地了解军队生活,通常先分配到国外驻军工作。
8、Chaplain Area Representative ─── 地区牧师代表
9、Our chaplain, Rev Tiong Chiw Ing, retired on 31st May 2008. ─── 我们的院牧张超英牧师于2008年5月31日退休。
10、The accompanying DVD helps reinforce the lessons and exercises that integrate psychology, psychiatry, pastoral counseling, nursing, chaplaincy and spiritual direction for whole person care. ─── 曾出版过50种出版品,且获得八项研究基金。经常到处演说,主题与心灵健康有关,目前是加州罗马林达大学护理系副教授。
11、The pay of a curate or chaplain, however, may very properly be considered as of the same nature with the wages of a journeyman ─── 但教区技师助理或教堂牧师的薪水与帮工的工资,却可正当地视为有同一性质的。
12、The colonel had never liked the chaplain and now he loathed and distrusted him. ─── 上校对这个牧师本来就没有什么好感,现在他更是又讨厌又不信任。
13、Typically, the company will pay a fee - in the US, up to $20 an employee a year - to the organisation, which then pays the chaplain. ─── 公司一般会向牧师组织支付一笔费用(在美国,每位员工每年最高20美元),这些组织再付钱给牧师。
14、To this end, the grizzled Chaplain petitioned Lord Macragge for the authority to forge a new body of Ultramarines, chosen from the survivors of the Tyrannic wars. ─── 最后,老牧师向马库拉格之主提出了一个新建议:挑选那些泰伦战争中幸存的战士们,铸造一支全新的极限战士部队。
15、The following account is an excerpt from the descriptions of Chaplain Lestrallio himself,recorded by a Blood Servitor in 2432053. ─── 下面的报告引自战团牧师雷斯塔里欧的叙述,日期2432053.
16、Chaplain 200 Casts Master level Bless, 1x per day, 2 hour duration. ─── 牧师200施展大师等级的祝福,持续2小时,每天施展1次。
17、‘I think it was so splendid in Father to go as chaplain when he was too old to be drafted, and not strong enough for a soldier,’ said Meg warmly. ─── “我觉得爸爸去军中做牧师真是太好了,他的年龄已经太大了,不适合参加军事训练了,此外爸爸也不够强壮,也不适合当战士”,玫亲切地说。
18、” “If they can silence this chaplain today, they will silence you tomorrow. ─── "如果他们能今天沉默这位神父, 他们明天将沉默您。
19、America has several thriving rent-a-chaplain companies, and two seminaries that offer degrees in corporate chaplaincy, yet demand still exceeds supply. ─── 美国有几家生意红火的牧师租借公司,两个神学院为这些公司的牧师提供企业牧师职位所需的学位证书,然而仍然供不应求。
20、Assistant Principal Chaplain ─── 助理首席牧师
21、As a chaplain in World War II, McSorley survived the Bataan death march, and he later became close to Robert Kennedy and his family. ─── 作为二战中一位随军牧师,麦克索利在巴丹半岛的死亡行军中幸存下来,后成为罗伯特.肯尼迪及其家人的密友。
22、Patton: Chaplain, I want you to publish a prayer for good weather. ─── 巴顿:牧师,我想要你发表一份祈求好天气的祷告文。
23、I was about to strike him again when I was grabbed from behind by Chaplain Kerns. ─── 再要打时,被随军牧师克恩从身后拽住。
24、The chaplain came and preached to a packed church. ─── 牧师来给挤满教堂的人们讲道。
25、For a few precarious seconds, the chaplain tingled with a weird, occult sensation ─── 在吉凶未卜的几秒钟时间里,牧师心头猛地一动,出现了一种神秘古怪的感觉。
26、While still a cadet, he and some young officers once took revenge on a regimental chaplain who had criticised them. ─── 他还是军校学生的时候,曾经和一些年轻军官被兵团的牧师批评。
27、The chaplain tried to solace the wounded and dying during the Battle. ─── 在战斗中牧师安慰伤员和即将死去的人。
28、, whose father, the Reverend Wesley Pruden, had been chaplain of the White Citizens' Council in Arkansas and an ally of Justice Jim Johnson's in their lost crusade against civil rights for blacks. ─── 此人曾经是“白人公民委员会”牧师,与吉姆.约翰逊法官是盟友,曾经发起过反对给予黑人民权的斗争,但最后失败了。
29、Things went wrong when Swift got an English chaplaincy for Pilkington. ─── 当斯威夫特为马修在英国谋到一个牧师职位的时候,事情开始变糟了。
30、"You do not know the men of Liege," said the Chaplain, "of whom it may be said, that, not even excepting those of Ghent, they are at once the fiercest and the most untameable in Europe. ─── “你不了解列日的市民,”那牧师说道,“甚至把根特的市民算在一起,他们也数得上是欧洲最凶狠、最不服管的一种人。
31、If squad accompanied by chaplain, they can choose to pass or fail the Leadership check, and may reroll the 1d6 to move towards nearest enemy. ─── 假如有士兵被敌人开枪射死了。就做一次士气测试,成功就向前走6吋,失败就向后走6吋,牧师带队便可以选择测试或通过。将军带随从每个可以多走1吋,最多加3吋...........
32、President Bush and his wife Laura were among them on Sunday, laying a wreath, as the chaplain of the U.S.Senate, Rear Admiral Barry Black, read a eulogy. ─── 周日,布什总统和夫人劳拉也前来悼念,并送上了花圈.作为美国参议院的牧师,海军上将巴里.布莱克宣读了悼词。
33、The chaplaincy also offers confidential guidance, information and support to all, regardless of faith or denomination. ─── 本校的神职人员也乐于为大家提供向导和保密谘询协助,无论你的宗教信仰为何。
34、He finally was ordained in 1615 and was named chaplain to the king. ─── 也开始了他在当时也许是更负盛名的布道。
35、Decreased the Apothecary and Chaplain's secondary healing aura from 4 to 2. The primary healing aura remains unchanged. ─── 牧师和卫生兵的次要回复光环从4减少到2。主要回复光环没有改动。
36、Marine Chaplain performs a baptism in the northernmost base in Kuwait, 20 miles from the Iraqi border. ─── 一位海军陆战队牧师在科威特北部离伊拉克20英里的一处基地内进行洗理仪式。
37、Father March was an army chaplain in the Civil War, and in his absence Jo declared herself to be the man of the family. ─── 父亲马奇是南北战争时期的军队牧师,他不在家期间,乔自命为一家之主。
38、The facilities for worship include a Chaplaincy and rooms for Muslim students. ─── 另外,许多信仰都可获得关照,学校设有教堂与回教祷告室。
39、Inter-Service Chaplain Support ─── 军种间牧师支援
40、One moment our battalion chaplain and his assistant were kneeling beside their disabled vehicle. ─── 当时时刻,我们营随军牧师和他的助手正跪在他们那辆抛锚的车边。
41、The chaplain arrived the day after the fire, Yossarian was busy expurgating all but romance words from the letters ─── 失火的第二天,牧师来到了医院,伊索林正忙着检查和涂抹信件,只保留信中谈情说爱的部分。
42、Finally, the hospital's chaplain gave me valuable advice. " You can't fight this alone" he said. ─── 医院里的牧师给了我一个最有价值的建议,他说:“你不应独自一人与病魔抗争。
43、Newton is an army chaplain from London. ─── 牛顿是来自伦敦的军队牧师。
44、Finally,the hospital's chaplain gave me valuable advice.'You can't fight this alone,'he said. ─── 医院里的牧师给了我一个最有价值的建议,他说:“你不应独自一人与病魔抗争”。
45、6. a member of the Iroquoian people formerly living between Lake Chaplain and the Saint Lawrence River. ─── 以前生活在开普敦湖和圣劳仑斯河之间的易洛魁族人。
46、DOES your job seem pointless? Are problems at home draining your zest for work? Is your boss a blithering idiot? Then why not consult the company chaplain? ─── 你感觉工作毫无意义?家庭问题在拖你工作的后腿?老板是个喋喋不休的蠢蛋?那么为什么不向企业牧师咨询一下呢?
47、Three hundred of them turned in their draft cards, which were presented to the Justice Department by two older anti-warriors, William Sloane Coffin, the chaplain of Yale University, and Dr. ─── 其中300多人退还了自己的征兵卡,由两位年长的反战的斗士呈递给司法部。
48、1. But the venom of the chaplain's harangue had worked into his blood and sapped the life of his sweet contentment . ─── 可是那个家庭牧师的恶毒,浮夸的言论影响到了他的情绪,夺走了他的怡然自得的活力。
49、The chaplain relished the privacy and isolation of his verdant surroundings ─── 牧师十分欣赏他那苍翠的环境所具有的幽雅恬静,与世隔绝的气氛。
50、The chaplain tingled with a weird, occult sensation of having experienced the identical situation before in some prior time or existence. ─── 牧师心头猛地一动,出现了一种神秘古怪的感觉,好象从前某个时候曾经经历过同样的情景似的。
51、contract chaplain ─── 合同制牧师
52、Chaplain to the Territorial Force ─── 本土军随军牧师
53、was built by Hugo, Sire of Somerel, the same who endowed the sixth chaplaincy of the Abbey of Villiers. ─── 是贵人索墨雷·雨果,供奉维莱修道院第六祭坛的那位雨果起造的。
54、Decreased the Apothecary and Chaplain's secondary healing aura from 4 to 2. ─── 从4到2减少了药剂师和牧师第二的痊愈气味。
55、Since you are an abbe, I will tell you that we had a chaplain in the galleys ─── 您既是神甫,我就得和您说,从前在我们牢里有个布道神甫。
56、We also have a chaplaincy which welcomes people of all faiths: there is a mosque on campus, a Hindu temple nearby and a synagogue within five kilometres. ─── 学生会是校园内最主要的社交场所,协助超过100个不同的社团。
57、Chaplain:Friends, we are here to watch these two lives being joined in marriage. Now let us listen to the words they've chosen to read on this sacred occasion. ─── 牧师:朋友们,我们在这里见证这两位同胞的结合.现在让我们听一听他们想要在这神圣的时刻念些什么诗句.
58、Some Yankee chaplain would have written if this were true. ─── 如果他真的死了,北方佬监狱里的牧师会写信的。
59、It would be indecent to compare either a curate or a chaplain with a journeyman in any common trade ─── 把教区牧师助理或教堂牧师同一般行业的帮工比较,未免有失体统。
60、The chaplaincy also offers confidential guidance, information and support to all, regardless of faith or denomination. ─── 本校的神职人员也乐于为大家提供向导和保密谘询协助,无论你的宗教信仰为何。
61、Congress, for example, has an official chaplain who opens the session with prayer ─── 例如:国会就有一名公职牧师,负责在会期开始时主持祈祷。
62、The classic Twain, however, like the early Chaplain, is a great artist whose touch is sure. ─── 可是优秀的马克·吐温,正如早期的卓别林,却是一个极有把握的伟大艺术家。
63、” The only appeal options for the chaplain are: (1) to file a lawsuit against the Navy in federal court; ─── 唯一的呼吁选择为神父是: (1) 提出诉讼反对海军在联邦法庭;
64、Corporate chaplaincy is big business in the US. ─── 在美国,公司牧师服务是一项巨大业务。
65、She would swear the same, in a manner of speaking, before chaplain.' ─── 可以说,它就是在牧师面前也会照骂不误的。”
66、Deputy Chaplain General ─── 副牧师长
67、Chaplaincy in the UK tends to be ad hoc but, in the US, chaplains are normally assigned to the company and appear regularly, depending on employee needs. ─── 在英国,牧师服务似乎不太常见,但在美国,牧师们经常被派往公司,并且会根据员工的需要定期前往。
68、Chaplain Service Personnel ─── 牧师处人员
69、As a chaplain in the Paris universities, a post he held from 1954-69, “Lulu” was remembered in sharp black corduroys and black loafers, tearing round the Latin Quarter on a motorbike. ─── 1954到1969年间他在巴黎大学作了十五年的教士,人们都记住了一个叫“鲁鲁”的穿时髦黑灯心绒裤子脚登黑皮鞋的牧师,他骑着一辆摩托车,在拉丁区的大街小巷来回穿梭。
70、The chaplain is sent round to visit. The student is fine - but livid, and later describes this assault on her freedom in a newspaper. ─── 学校把这位父亲接来参观,这名学生却勃然大怒,后来在一家报纸上表示这是对她本人自由的践踏。
71、A military chaplain. ─── 军队的牧师
72、Chaplain to the Forces Reserve of Officers ─── 后备军官牧师
73、representatives of the chaplaincy staff, who are available on call to offer spiritual support to patients, families, and ICU staff members; ─── 牧师代表,可以随时招他为病人、家属和ICU成员提供精神帮助;
74、Chaplain Fund Accounting System ─── 牧师基金会计系统
75、Deputy Assistant Chaplain General ─── 副助理牧师长
76、The shivering Chaplain robed in white, ─── 发抖的牧师身着白袍,
77、Well, what I have in mind is the quotation from our seminary chaplain, "We were all sinners, yet elected by God for the discipleship for being Christ-like. ─── 套句我们学院校牧的话:我们是一群罪人,蒙神选召,来学习活得更像耶稣。
78、2.Congress, for example, has an official chaplain who opens the session with prayer. ─── 例如:国会就有一名公职牧师,负责在会期开始时主持祈祷。
79、On the eve of the day fixed for the execution of the condemned man, the chaplain of the prison fell ill ─── 在行刑的前一日,驻狱神甫忽然害了病。
80、The Chaplain can now attach to squads. ─── 牧师可以加入小队。
81、In the prison chapel, Lincoln gazes up at the chaplain. ─── 在监狱的教堂里,林肯凝视着牧师,倾听牧师的传教。
82、Lieutenant Otts attended services conducted by an American chaplain in a village church. ─── 奥茨中尉出席了随军牧师在一个乡村教堂里主持的礼拜式。
83、On the eve of the day fixed for the execution of the condemned man, the chaplain of the prison fell ill. ─── 在行刑的前一日,驻狱神甫忽然害了
84、The sports centre, concert hall, studio theatre, art gallery and the multi-faith chaplaincy centre are all easily accessible. ─── 学生皆可使用现代化的健身中心、演唱会场地、剧院、艺廊和信仰中心。
85、Please also be aware that our Counselling Service is also available to any students wishing to talk in confidence with a trained counselor or you might want to speak to our Chaplaincy team. ─── 我:吓死我了!你没事就好。对啊,我一直以为你回家了,不在四川。我以为你们的课都结束了啊?!燕妮:我们还在等毕业典礼。
86、The Medical Centre on campus is accessible to all international students, as is the Chaplaincy where all faiths are welcome. ─── 所有国际学生可自由使用医疗中心,虽有天主教会但也欢迎所有不同信仰的人。
87、Association of Hong Kong Hospital Chaplaincy Ministry ─── 香港醫院院牧事工?會
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