preliminary 发音
英:[prɪ'lɪmɪn(ə)rɪ] 美:[prɪ'lɪmɪnɛri]
英: 美:
preliminary 中文意思翻译
preliminary 词性/词形变化,preliminary变形
副词: preliminarily |名词复数: preliminaries |
preliminary 短语词组
1、preliminary calculation ─── [化] 初步计算
2、preliminary agreement ─── [经] 初步协议
3、preliminary act ─── [法] 预备诉讼行为
4、preliminary amplifier ─── [计] 前置放大器
5、preliminary debugging ─── [计] 初步调试
6、preliminary balance sheet ─── [经] 试编资产负债表
7、preliminary definition ─── [计] 预先定义, 初步定义
8、preliminary budget ─── [经] 试编预算
9、preliminary ada ─── [计] 初阶ada语言, 初待ada语言
10、bilateral preliminary agreement ─── [法] 双边预约
11、preliminary advice ─── [法] 初步建议
12、preliminary data ─── [计] 初始数据, 备用数据
13、preliminary action ─── [法] 预备诉讼
14、preliminary annual report ─── [经] 年度初步报告
15、annotated preliminary list ─── [法] 附说明的暂定项目表
16、preliminary arrest ─── [法] 预先逮捕赛
17、preliminary alignment ─── [化] 初步对准
18、preliminary contact ─── [电] 前动接触
19、preliminary audit ─── [经] 初步审计
preliminary 习惯用语
1、preliminary hearing ─── 【律】预审, 调查庭
2、without -ries ─── 直截了当地
preliminary 相似词语短语
1、religionary ─── adj.宗教的;涉及宗教的
2、preliminarily ─── 初步地
3、postliminary ─── 后期
4、preliminaries ─── n.预赛;初期微震;正文前书页(preliminary的复数)
5、presidiary ─── adj.驻防军的;驻防地的
6、postliminiary ─── 临后期
7、provisionary ─── adj.临时的(等于provisional)
8、previsionary ─── 先入为主的
9、preliterary ─── 序言
preliminary 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A preliminary groundwork must be laid this year. ─── 今年要打好初步基础。
2、The preliminary keps were observed to be pretty close. ─── 卫星当前的轨道参数正常。
3、Conversation or discussion preliminary to negotiation. ─── 会前磋商谈判之前进行的会谈或讨论
4、" We have had preliminary interest from a wide range of potential bidders , " Mr Wilson told the Financial Times in an interview on Sunday . ─── 昨日,麦智信在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示:“来自诸多方面的潜在竞购者向我们表达了初步兴趣。”
5、Have offered a preliminary platform for expansion of the article. ─── 为文章的展开提供了一个初步的平台。
6、Israel parliament gives preliminary approval to allow Netanyahu to run. ─── 以色列国会初步同意内塔尼亚胡竞选下任总理。
7、Research will be needed as a preliminary to taking a decision. ─── 作出决定之前需要进行研究。
8、A Preliminary Study on Tenthredo sp. ─── 卵叶小蜡叶蜂的初步研究。
9、The Preliminary Study on Insulin resistantof Childhood Obesity. ─── 儿童肥胖症胰岛素抵抗的初步探讨。
10、NET and Streaming Media have done preliminary exploration. ─── NET和流媒体技术作了初步的探索。
11、The preliminary study of Flacourtiaceae from China. ─── 中国大风子科的初步研究.
12、A preliminary study of the Chinese Sphagnum. ─── 中国泥炭属植物的初步观察.
13、Laurie McDonald, a spokeswoman for Nestle USA, said the company "is aware of a preliminary investigation" and will cooperate fully. ─── 雀巢美国分公司女发言人LaurieMcDonald称自己的公司“意识到这次初步调查”,并会完全地给与配合。
14、Preliminary estimates put the number of birds'nests there at over 20000. ─── 初步估计那里的鸟窝有两万多个。
15、The preliminary market test is about to begin next week. ─── 初步的试销定于下周开始。
16、Dobrynin paid me a preliminary visit to make sure that everything was on track. ─── 事先,多勃雷宁来拜访我,看看一切是否正常。
17、A preliminary study on the anatomy of the Chloranthaceae in China. ─── 中国金粟兰科解剖的初步研究.
18、Serving or tending to prepare or make ready; preliminary. ─── 准备性的用作或易于准备的; 预备性的
19、Preliminary understanding of multiplication / division. ─── 乘(除)法的初步认识。
20、Preliminary study on structure of wood of Salix in Hefei. ─── 合肥柳属植物木材构造的初步研究.
21、Preliminary report of chromosome number of Chinese Zingiberaceae. ─── 国产姜科植物的染色体计数初报.
22、A preliminary study suggests that 4 grams or 2 grams of AgI is desirable. ─── 初步认为箭载碘化银的剂量以载4克和2克为好。
23、A preliminary study on cytology of Chinese Pteris. ─── 中国凤尾蕨属细胞学的初步研究.
24、The meeting had begun with a preliminary analysis of the Soviet tests. ─── 会议首先对苏联的实验进行了初步的分析。
25、One, lucerne industry is preliminary form. ─── 一、苜蓿产业初步形成。
26、A preliminary study of menispermaceous plants in China. ─── 中国防己科药用植物的初步调查.
27、Preliminary study on moisture metabolism of Silphium perfoliatum L. ─── 串叶松香草水分代谢初步研究。
28、Preliminary arrangements have been made for the talks. ─── 会谈的准备工作已经就绪。
29、A preliminary study of Chinese Haplomitraceae (Class Hepaticae). ─── 中国裸蒴苔科 (苔纲) 的初步研究.
30、Cuba beat the Unified Team in the preliminary round and we beat Cuba. ─── 古巴队在预赛中战胜了联合队,而我们又战胜古巴队。
31、A preliminary paln for managing an emergency. ─── 六应付紧急事件之初步计画。
32、A preliminary revision of Formosan Labiatae (1). ─── 台湾唇形花科植物之初步订正(1).
33、The preliminary check shows the car is only slightly damaged. ─── 初步检查显示你的车子仅有轻微的损伤.
34、Preliminary arrangements have been made. ─── 准备工作已经就绪。
35、At the same time we got some preliminary esti... ─── 同时,通过经验模型和贝叶斯方法对病死率进行了初步估计。
36、But a preliminary groundwork must be laid this year. ─── 但是今年要打好初步基础。
37、Preliminary study on Chinese Rutaceae (3). ─── 中国芸香科植物初步研究(三).
38、Preliminary study of ~(99m)Tc-TRODAT-1 DAT SPECT in human brain. ─── ~(99m)Tc-TRODAT-1人脑多巴胺转运体显像初步研究
39、A preliminary due diligence needs to be completed, to ensure the business has no major problems, before you make a firm offer. ─── 在你做一个决策之前,初期调查的准备工作需要及时完成以保证生意没有大的问题。
40、The preliminary market test is due to start next month. ─── 初期市场测试下个月开始。
41、A physical examination is a preliminary to joining the army. ─── 体格检查是参军的初步。
42、At the same time the preliminary product characterizatio... ─── 同时对该产品进行了初步的表征分析。
43、A preliminary investigation of medicinal plants around Nanjing. ─── 南京附近药用植物的初步调查。
44、They have made a preliminary investigation. ─── 他们已经做了初步的调查。
45、Our preliminary results suggest that people do subjectively find the speech clearer. ─── 我们的初步结果表明人们的确主观地觉得这个演讲更清楚。
46、Preliminary reports show no survivors. ─── 初步报道显示没有生还者。
47、A computer program that effects some preliminary computation or organization. ─── 一种实现某些预备性计算或组织编排的计算机程序。
48、Preliminary discussions with NETCO's bankers led Mr. ─── 与NETCO的银行家的初步讨论让Mr.
49、Mr. Phillips did not identify a buyer but said he had "received preliminary interest" from a number of Google's existing partners. ─── 飞利浦先生没有明确的提到具体的买主,但他说已经从几个谷歌现有的合作伙伴那里收到初步的购买意向。
50、By age 75, most men get preliminary prostate cancer. ─── 75岁时,大部分男性开始患前列腺癌。
51、Hence, the preliminary separation and preconcentration of trace elements from matrix is often required. ─── 因此,从基体中分离和预富集痕量元素显得十分必要。
52、The synchronization of their watches was an important preliminary. ─── 他们的同步观看是一个重要的预备步骤。
53、A preliminary study of Chinese Delphinium. ─── 中国毛茛科翠雀属的初步研究.
54、You all know how much we want to qualify for the Champions League without the preliminary round. ─── 你们都知道,米兰不希望打附加赛,而直接进入冠军联赛。
55、A preliminary study on the anatomy of the Piperaceae in China. ─── 中国胡椒科解剖的初步研究.
56、He made the preliminary motion of departure. ─── 他作了一些准备马上离开的准备动作。
57、A preliminary study on the anatomy of the Saururaceae in China. ─── 中国三白草科的解剖学初步研究.
58、Do preliminary exercises so as to stretch the muscles. ─── 先作预备活动以伸展肌肉。
59、The preliminary or explanatory statements or facts of a document, as in a deed. ─── 前述事实,契约缘起资料中的准备性或解释性陈述或事实,如在契约中的陈述或事实
60、A preliminary survey of the bryoflora of Shanghai. ─── 上海地区苔藓植物区系的初步观察.
61、A preliminary study on the genus Stephania in China. ─── 中国千金藤属的初步研究.
62、Preliminary Introduction Study on Galega orientalis L. ─── 东方山羊豆引种研究初报。
63、Preliminary investigations show the braking system on the airbus has failed. ─── 初步调查显示是空客飞机上的刹车系统失灵。
64、Preliminary Study of Allelopathy of Solidago canadenis L. ─── 加拿大一枝黄花化感作用的初步研究。
65、A Preliminary Layout Plan (PLP) was prepared in May 2000 for public consultation. ─── 二零零零年五月,政府就初步发展蓝图征询公众意见。
66、Preliminary explored: low price but relatively high risk. ─── 初阶探索了:低价,但是相对地高风险。
67、As part of your preliminary research ,find out if your employer provides full or partial tuition remission. ─── 不过,你事先要作一些调查:弄清楚你的雇主是否会承担你的全部或部分的学费。
68、A preliminary study on the family Styracaceae from China. ─── 中国安息香科的初步研究.
69、Last week I competed an english preliminary contest. ─── 上周参加了一个英语初赛。
70、Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. ─── 付费与先前初步材料。
71、A preliminary sutdy of Orchis in Northeast China. ─── 中国东北红门兰属植物初步研究.
72、But a solid preliminary groundwork must be laid in the year 1946. ─── 但是在一九四六年一年内,必须完成初步的可靠的创建工作。
73、What does a preliminary evaluation involve? ─── 初步评估涉及哪些方面呢?
74、The doctors have successfully concluded preliminary tests. ─── 医生们已成功完成了初步化验。
75、Preliminary results show the Republican Party with 11 percent of the vote. ─── 初步结果显示共和党得到11%的选票。
76、The preliminary version is clearly for the naive user. ─── 初级版本明显是用于无经验用户的。
77、He is taking preliminary steps to solve the problem. ─── 他正采取初步的步骤来解决问题。
78、Well, we've had some preliminary discussions and indicated this sort of figure. ─── 嗯,我们初步讨论过,讲过大概这个数字。
79、You can download a preliminary full report on the Enquiro site. ─── 他们就会同时开几个窗口。
80、What does a preliminary evaluation involve ? ─── 初步评估涉及哪些方面呢?
81、They ran off the preliminary heats. ─── 他们已获得决赛权。
82、A Preliminary Study on the Tissue Culture of Vanda sp. ─── 万带兰的组织培养和试管苗栽培初探。
83、Preliminary studies on Cistanche in Inner Mongolia. ─── 内蒙古肉蓰蓉植物的初步研究.
84、He is doing more tests to confirm his preliminary results. ─── 他正在做更多的测试,以证实其初步结果。
85、He made the preliminary motions of departure . ─── 他作了一些离开的准备动作。
86、He has easily won the preliminary contest for the high jump. ─── 他轻松地通过了跳高预赛。
87、Preliminary Study on Shoot-tip Culture of Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim. ─── 南果梨茎尖培养的初步研究。
88、The Israelis had made a preliminary request for hardware. ─── 以色列人已经提出了关于供应重武器的初步要求。
89、A preliminary study on Sabiaceae of China. ─── 中国清风藤科的初步研究.
③CATTI 翻译专业资格考试;
1. 大学英语四六级考试(CET-4/6):是国内最广泛认可的英语水平考试之一,也是大学生必修课程之一。
2. 商务英语证书(BEC):是由剑桥大学考试委员会推出的商务英语考试,分为初级、中级和高级三个等级。
3. 翻译资格(CATTI)考试:是由中国翻译协会主办的全国性翻译资格考试,分为笔译和口译两个方向。
4. 上海外语口译证书考试:是由上海市外国语教育出版社主办的全国性口译资格证书考试。
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