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09-12 投稿


calamine 发音

英:[ˈkæləmaɪn]  美:[ˈkæləmaɪn]

英:  美:

calamine 中文意思翻译



calamine 常用词组

calamine lotion ─── 炉甘石液

calamine 短语词组

1、calamine wi ─── 炉甘石wi

2、calamine cream ─── [机] 锌膏

3、calamine eczema ─── 炉甘石湿疹

4、calamine clear ─── 炉甘石

5、siliceous calamine ─── [医] 含硅炉甘石

6、calamine Ointment ─── [医] 炉甘石软膏, 异极石软膏

7、phenolated calamine lotion ─── [医] 复方炉甘石洗液

8、calamine spray ─── 炉甘石喷雾剂

9、calamine cerate ─── [医] 炉甘石蜡膏

10、calamine blue ─── 淡蓝色

11、calamine bath ─── 炉甘石浴

12、calamine lotion ─── [医] 炉甘石洗液

13、blue calamine ─── 蓝炉甘石

14、calamine liniment ─── [医] 炉甘石搽剂

calamine 相似词语短语

1、calcarine ─── adj.距的,距状的;n.距状皮层

2、calcimine ─── n.墙粉;粉刷用涂料;vt.刷墙粉于;粉刷

3、calamite ─── n.[古植]芦木

4、cardamine ─── 碎米荠属

5、colamine ─── n.胆胺(cholamine);2-羟乙胺;氨乙醇

6、calamint ─── n.风轮菜;塔花

7、coal mine ─── 煤矿,煤矿坑

8、calamites ─── n.[古植]芦木(calamite的复数);(欧洲)芦木属

9、calamints ─── n.风轮菜;塔花

calamine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A random comparison of calamine and menthol lotion in treating local red miliaria in children ─── 炉甘石薄荷脑洗剂治疗儿童局部红色粟疹临床研究

2、a clear colorless alkaline aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide,used in calamine lotion and other skin preparations and sometimes as an antacid ─── 水合钙的一种澄清时无色的石灰水溶液,可用于治疗皮肤病或其他制剂中,有时用作抗酸剂

3、RESULTS Nanosized calamine jel has better stability,longer storage period and stronger antibacterial activity than calamine lotion. ─── 结果与炉甘石洗剂比较,纳米炉甘石凝胶性状稳定,贮存期长,抑菌活性明显提高。

4、Compound Calamine and Phenol Lotion ─── 含酚炉甘石洗剂

5、Objective: To prepare the calamine nysfungin lotion. ─── 目的研制炉甘石制霉菌素洗剂及临床应用。

6、Group C by oral doxycycline and topical sulfur calamine lotions. ─── C组口服多西环素(品名:强力霉素)外用硫磺炉甘石洗剂。

7、calamine lotion, phenolated ─── 酚炉甘石洗液

8、calamine violet ─── 锌矿指示植物

9、She applied calamine lotion to her sunburn. ─── 他在晒斑上涂了一些炉甘石搽液。

10、Keywords calamine and menthol lotion;phenol;UV-spectrophtometry;content determination; ─── 炉甘石薄荷脑洗剂;苯酚;紫外分光光度法;含量测定;

11、Keywords Calamine suspension UV-spectrophotometey Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate; ─── 炉甘石混悬剂;紫外分光光度法;地塞米松磷酸钠;

12、Methods:Nysfungin was added in compound calamine lotion,the clinical therapeutic effect was observed in120cases who were equally divided into observation group(A group)and control group(B group). ─── 方法复方炉甘石洗剂中加入制霉菌素,临床验证160例并设对照组观察其疗效。

13、The primary study on antibacterial activity of nanosized calamine jel ─── 纳米炉甘石凝胶抑菌活性的初步研究

14、2) His arms and legs were thickly smeared with calamine lotion dried to a chalky white. ─── 他四肢上涂得厚厚的炉甘石液已干成粉白色。

15、calamine Ointment ─── [医] 炉甘石软膏, 异极石软膏

16、compound calamine powder for external application ─── 复方炉甘石外用散

17、Keywords Nanosized calamine;Zinc carbonate alkali;Zinc oxide;Antibacterial activity; ─── 纳米炉甘石;碱式碳酸锌;氧化锌;抑菌活性;

18、Objectives: To establish a method to determine the content of chloramphenicol in calamine chloramphenicol lotion compound. ─── 目的:建立复方炉甘石氯霉素洗剂中氯霉素的含量测定方法。

19、Alternatively, if you have a bottle of calamine lotion at home, this may help too. ─── hydrocortisone氢化可的松(副肾荷尔蒙之一种)药膏可以快速消炎,此外,如果有calaminelotion炉甘石液也可以达到同样功效。

20、Calamine and menthol lotion ─── 炉甘石薄荷脑洗剂

21、Tabasheer, safflower and calamine can clear away lung heat, expel toxic heat, sedate mind, and calm fright.Savory rhododendron leaf can clear away heat, diminish swelling, and tonify kidney. ─── 佐以清肺热、解热毒、凉心定惊的天竺黄、红花、炉甘石和清热消肿,补肾的烈香杜鹃,可调节和恢复肌体功能。

22、Keywords Adolescence;Papular urticaria;Butyl Flufenamate Ointment;Chinese Goldthread Calamine Lotion;Treatment; ─── 未成年人;丘疹性荨麻疹;氟芬那酸丁酯;黄连炉甘石洗剂;治疗;

23、Observation of the effectiveness of local application of calamine healing powder combined with TDP in the treatment of pressure sore ─── 甘石创愈散局部外敷配合TDP治疗压疮的疗效观察

24、His arms and legs were thickly smeared with calamine lotion dried to a chalky white. ─── 他四肢上涂得厚厚的炉甘石液已干成粉白色。

25、Choose external use commonly protective agent, wait for the effect that can have remedial gentle to solve ache like lotion of all sorts of embellish skin lotions, calamine. ─── 一般选用外用保护剂,如各种润肤剂、炉甘石洗剂等可起到治疗和缓解疼痛的作用。

26、You simply put your product in there, as a kind of calamine lotion. ─── 您只需把您的产品在那里,作为一种炉甘石洗剂。

27、siliceous calamine ─── [医] 含硅炉甘石

28、a liquid preparation containing calamine; ─── 一种包含煤甘石的药液;

29、CONCLUSION The antibacterial activity of nanosized calamine jel was influenced by th... ─── 结论炉甘石的粒径对凝胶的抑菌活性有显著的影响,纳米炉甘石凝胶的抑菌活性强。

30、Keywords nanosized calamine;jel;antibacterial activity; ─── 关键词纳米炉甘石;凝胶;抑菌活性;

31、Scientists from Korea have turned the main ingredient of calamine lotion into a tiny material that converts sound waves into electricity. ─── 韩国科学家将炉甘石洗液的主要成分转化成一种微细的材料,这种材料能够将声波转化成电能。

32、phenolated calamine ─── 酚炉甘石溶液

33、Apply calamine lotion to a baby's mosquito bite to help relieve the itch and swelling. ─── 如果被咬的是婴儿,可以用炉甘石洗剂涂抹,帮助缓解瘙痒和红肿。

34、Objective To evaluate the effect of calamine and menthol lotion in treating local red miliaria in children. ─── 目的研究炉甘石薄荷脑洗剂治疗儿童局部红色粟疹的效果。

35、a liquid preparation containing calamine; used to treat itching or mild skin irritations. ─── 一种包含煤甘石的药液;用来治疗皮肤搔痒或者轻度的皮肤过敏。

36、Objective To investigate the therapeutic and nursing effects of using calamine mixture fluid on newborn babies with impetigo. ─── 目的观察炉甘石混合液用于治疗新生儿脓疱疮的疗效及总结护理要点。

37、Chinese Goldthread Calamine Lotion ─── 黄连炉甘石洗剂

38、Determination of Calamine Chloramphenicol Lotion Compound by First Order Derivative Spectrophotometry ─── 一阶导数光谱法测定复方炉甘石氯霉素洗剂中氯霉素的含量

39、Book online the cheapest hotels in La Calamine - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 La Calamine 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

40、Components Analysis and Antibacterial Activity of Calamine ─── 矿物药炉甘石成分分析及其纳米形态的抑菌活性研究

41、lotion, calamine ─── 炉甘石洗剂

42、(2)His arms and legs were thickly smeared with calamine lotion dried to a chalky white. ─── 他四肢上涂得厚厚的炉甘石液已干成 粉白色 。

43、Application of Uniform Test Design in The Calamine Lotion ─── 均匀设计在炉甘石洗剂处方中的应用

44、Calamine healing powder ─── 甘石创愈散

45、Keywords Phase analysis;Dissolution of sample;Calamine; ─── 相分析;溶解样品;炉甘石;

46、Objective: To observe the treatment of eczema-like skin dermatitis using the calamine lotion after burn healing . ─── 目的:观察炉甘石洗剂治疗烧伤愈合后皮肤湿疹样皮炎的疗效;

47、Keywords Chinese traditional medicine;Nanotechnology;Calamine;Shengji-Babao-San 1;Antibacterial activity; ─── 中药;纳米技术;炉甘石;生肌八宝散;抗菌活性;

48、Observation on curative effect of neonatal erythema treated With potassium permanganate and Calamine lotion ─── 高锰酸钾与炉甘石洗剂治疗新生儿红斑的疗效观察

49、As I bathed in calamine lotion,Jennifer figured out that all my tireless work had reduced our home's value by a third. ─── 我突然怀念起曾经住过的在城市陋屋区的旧房子来,陋室在12层的公寓上,没有电梯,只有一间屋子,半个卫生间。

50、calamine liniment ─── [医] 炉甘石搽剂

51、Treatment of Pressure Ulcer by External Application of Calamine Lotion and Rivanoi Suspension ─── 炉甘石洗剂加利凡诺治疗压疮效果观察

52、Results of zeta potential and FTIR measurements show that OL-4 is adsorbed on the surface of calamine principally by chemical reaction. ─── 动电位和红外光谱测试结果表明,阴离子捕收剂OL-4在菱锌矿表面发生化学吸附;

53、Treatment: Over-the-counter creams, such as calamine lotion. ─── 疗法 :可在(普通药店)柜台上买到药膏,比如炉甘石洗液。

54、phenolated calamine lotion ─── [医] 复方炉甘石洗液

55、Keywords ointment of removing putrefaction and promoting tissue regeneration;chronic skin ulcer;compound calamine powder for external application;experimental research; ─── 祛腐生肌膏;慢性皮肤溃疡;复方炉甘石外用散;实验研究;

56、A clear colorless alkaline aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide, used in calamine lotion and other skin preparations and sometimes as an antacid. ─── 石灰水水合钙的一种澄清时无色的石灰水溶液,可用于治疗皮肤病或其他制剂中,有时用作抗酸剂

57、Objective: To study processing method and mechanism of Calamine. ─── 目的:研究分析炉甘石炮制方法和机理。

58、electric calamine ─── 电异极矿

59、Objective: To determine the validity period of the calamine menthol lotion. ─── 目的:测定炉甘石薄荷脑洗剂的有效期。

60、Handed some calamine, the ten-year-old stared at the bottle, unable to make sense of them. ─── 店员给她一些炉甘石剂,10岁的她使劲看着药瓶上的说明,却弄不懂上面说些什么。

61、Conclusion:Calamine nysfungin lotion possesses a certain therapeutic effect,with broad application prospect in clinic. ─── 结论炉甘石制霉菌素洗剂抗炎作用明显,临床应用前景广阔。

62、Application of CO. Calamine Powder in Bedsore Nursing ─── 复方炉甘石外用散在压疮护理中的应用

63、Compound calamine lotion ─── 复方炉甘石洗剂

64、Objective: To study processing method and mechanism of Calamine. ─── 目的:研究分析炉甘石炮制方法和机理。

65、calamine lotion ─── n. 炉甘石液

66、Keywords Calamine;processing;zinc oxide;thermogravimetry analysis;nano-technology;antibacterial activity; ─── 炉甘石;炮制;氧化锌;热重分析;纳米技术;抑菌活性;

67、calamine cerate ─── [医] 炉甘石蜡膏

68、a liquid preparation containing calamine; used to treat itching or mild skin irritations ─── 一种包含煤甘石的药液;用来治疗皮肤搔痒或者轻度的皮肤过敏

69、Keywords benzyl malonic acid;hydroximic acid;calamine;hematite;cooperation mechanism; ─── 苄基丙二酸;羟肟酸;菱锌矿;赤铁矿;协同作用机理;

70、Keywords Calamine Lotion;Suspending agent;Stability; ─── 炉甘石;助悬剂;稳定性;

71、calamine cream ─── 锌膏

72、Determination of Phenol in Calamine and Menthol Lotion with UV Spectrophotometry ─── 紫外分光光度法测定炉甘石薄荷脑洗剂中苯酚含量

73、prepared calamine ─── 炉甘石

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