bards 发音
英:[bɑːdz] 美:[bɑrdz]
英: 美:
bards 中文意思翻译
bards 短语词组
1、bards college ─── 巴兹学院
2、bards fm ─── 吟游诗人fm
3、bards of war twitter ─── 战争吟游诗人
4、bards college elder scrolls ─── 巴德学院长老卷轴
5、bards dnd ─── 包含dnd
6、gorsedd of the bards ─── 吟游诗人之歌
7、bards craft ─── 吟游诗人手工艺
8、bards eye news ─── 吟游诗人之眼新闻
bards 词性/词形变化,bards变形
动词过去式: barded |动词现在分词: barding |形容词: bardic |动词第三人称单数: bards |动词过去分词: barded |
bards 相似词语短语
1、Dards ─── 飞镖
2、bardes ─── 吟游诗人
3、bands ─── n.乐队;法官
4、barbs ─── n.[昆]倒刺;冷嘲热讽(barb的复数形式)
5、beards ─── n.[解剖]胡须(beard的复数);n.(Beards)人名;(英)比尔兹
6、bads ─── n.坏物品;公害(bad的复数)
7、boards ─── n.木板,板子;纸板(board复数形式)
8、barde ─── 铠甲
9、bard ─── n.吟游诗人;n.(Bard)人名;(瑞典、英)巴德;(法)巴尔;(阿拉伯、德、俄)巴尔德
bards 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、I thought you were mocking wizards. What would you do if I mocked the bards? ─── 我以为你在嘲弄法师。如果我嘲弄了吟游诗人你会怎么做?
2、A gnome bard has enchanted several locals and then disappeared with them. ─── 一个侏儒诗人魅惑了几个当地人,并与他们一同消失了。
3、When Stalingrad fell in January 1943, after 300,000 German soldiers had been killed, Goebbels banned the song entirely, saying that “a dance of death roamed throughout its bard. ─── 1943年1月,当在斯大林格勒会战中被打败、30万德军阵亡之后,戈培尔下令彻底禁播这首歌,说它是“弥漫在酒吧中的死亡舞曲”。
4、With respect to different needles, the definition of the tip of 14G RF needle was better visualized than that of 18G Bard and 21G PTC needles by using transparent maximal mode. ─── 不同针具间 ,14G的RF针用透明成像的方式显示针尖优于 18G的bard针及 2 1G的PTC针。
6、It had even thrown its gleam, in the sufferer's bard extremity, across the verge of time. It had shown him where to set his foot, while the light of earth was fast becoming dim, and ere the light of futurity could reach him. ─── 在受难者痛苦的弥留之际,那字母甚至会将其光辉跨越时间的界限:在现世的光亮迅速暗淡下去、而来世的光亮还没照到死者之前,为他照亮踏脚的地方。
7、The base land speed of 30 feet helps a Bard move to provide the Rogue with flanking bonuses and tumble greater distances. ─── 30尺的基本陆行速度可以给游吟诗人足够的机动力,让他帮游荡者创造更多夹击机会或者翻滚更远的距离。
8、In reading their versealoud, few Bards can compare to Dylan Thomas. ─── 在大声朗读他们的诗歌这一点上,很少有哪位人能与迪兰·托马斯相较。
9、A gnome bard renowned for his cleverness has just died, leaving behind a puzzle box that no one can open. ─── 一个以机智而闻名的侏儒诗人刚刚去世,留下了一个无人能解开的难题箱。
10、He builds a great mead-hall, called Heorot, where his warriors can gather to drink, receive gifts from their lord, and listen to stories sung by the scops, or bards. ─── 他在草原上建造了一个雄伟的大厅,取名为希奥罗特,国王的战士们可以在此聚集,一同饮酒作乐,享受国王赏赐的礼物,以及聆听吟游诗人的说唱故事。
11、Bards will not spare breath upon your pitiful empire. I shall crush you. ─── 吟游诗人将不会在你那可鄙的王朝上多费口舌。我现在就要击败你。
12、A sorrowful bard tells a tale of his imprisoned comrades. ─── 一个悲伤的吟游诗人讲述了一个关于他被囚禁的战友的故事。
13、A panel of speakers at Bard College's Levy Economics Institute, in Annandale-on-Hudson in upstate New York, offered a series of proposals for grappling with the crisis. ─── 在纽约州北部哈得孙河畔的安南代尔的巴德学院利维经济协会上,一位演讲者的代表提出了一系列试图解决危机的提案。
14、Working hard (=If you work bard),??you will do well in your exams. ─── 你如果努力学习,就会在考试中取得好成绩。
15、sweetscented oleander leaf or bard ─── 夹竹桃(中药)
16、'Cause the bards' songs will remain ─── 因为这是诗人的歌
17、Although she and Qin were mother and daughter, they had been on bard terms for several years. ─── 她跟小芹虽是母女,近几年来却不对劲。
18、A man should learn to detect and watch the gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the lustre of the firmament of bards and sages. ─── 一个人应该学会把更多的精力放在窥视从自己心灵深处发出的,从心头一闪而过的微光上,而不是放在关注诗人与圣哲已造就的天空中那有目共睹的光辉上。
19、E:What,how to ride a horse?Of course,of course!My first job as a bard was as herald to a mighty knight. ─── 什么,怎么骑马?当然,当然!我作为吟游诗人的第一份工作就是担任一位强大骑士的随从。
20、A man so difficult to please must be bard to work with. ─── 一个如此难以取悦的人,一定不好共事。
21、Sublime, immortal, and after that out of all whooping, we may willingly and honestly acclaim these bards, without of necessity enjoying their book. ─── “卓越”、“永恒”、我们可能心甘情愿地、真心地欢呼着赞扬这些诗人,但不一定喜欢他们的书。
22、Among the many legends told by bards, a few mythic figures appear with some regularity, including the mysterious Seven. ─── 在由吟游诗人传诵的传说中,有一些身影规律性地出现,其中包括了神秘的七贤。
23、Cannon Bard theory of emotion ─── 嘉龙?巴特情绪说
24、Bard 1000 Grants a constant, single category bonus to your reputation. ─── 吟游诗人1000声誉更快发展(做好事加得更快,做坏事也减得到)。
25、Na: A bard, huh? My father taught me that bards were underpowered. ─── 哈,一个吟游诗人?我父亲告诉过我吟游诗人们弱得很。
26、A gnome bard, known for spreading falsehoods, claims that he knows the location of a forgotten tomb full of treasure. ─── 一名以散布假消息而著名的侏儒诗人,声称他知道一座藏满宝藏的古墓的位置。
27、Ye love-sick Bards!repay her scorn for scorn; ─── 你苦恋的游吟诗人,要用藐视回报藐视;
28、Secondary Class: Bards are the entertainers. They sing, dance, and play instruments to make other people happy, and, frequently, make money. They also tend to dabble in magic a bit. ─── 二选职业:游吟诗人是艺人。他们唱歌、跳舞,也会演奏一些乐器来娱乐大众。但更经常地,是以此来赚钱。他们也略微会施展一些魔法。
29、A sorcerer might twist his beard when lost in thought;a caliban might collect "trophies" from slain foes;a bard might practice every night to hone her musical skills. ─── 一名术士没准总在深陷思绪时搓捻胡须;一名凯列班说不定会从被他亲手干掉的敌人身上收集“战利品”留念;一名吟游诗人也许每个晚上都坚持磨练自己的音乐技巧。
30、Perhaps the legends its magical powers comes from the time when the bards would sing and tell stories of famous events to the Irish kings and chiefs. ─── 也许,自吟游诗人向爱尔兰君主和部落首领吟唱典故的时期开始,关于竖琴拥有的魔力的传说便流传开来。
31、Not from the grand old masters, Not from the bards sublime, Whose distant footsteps echo through the corridors of time. ─── 不必读古代名家的堂皇乐章,也勿需是抒情诗人的千古绝唱,虽然他们遥远的脚步声在时代的长廊里长久回响。
32、"My western ancestors, they were true bards, not limping old tumblers like me. ─── “我的西方的祖先,他们是真正的吟游诗人,不象我是这样又老又瘸的玩杂耍的。
33、More than one citizen reported acts of evil perpetrated by a fair-haired man matching the bard's description. ─── 不止一名市民报告过一个和这名诗人外貌相符的金发男子犯下的恶行。
34、A Guidebook to Bards and Rogues ─── 吟游诗人和游荡者的指南
35、Human is probably the best race for a Bard. ─── 人类恐怕是最好的游吟诗人种族。
36、The Hui nationality should take their advantage, impose great importance on culture and develop education bard so as to develop at a fast speed. ─── 回族只有利用好优势,重视文化,发展教育,才能促进自身的较快发展。
37、Bards look to the tales of past heroes for inspiration and use those tales to spur their allies. ─── 吟游诗人熟记所有过去英雄的传说,用来鼓舞人心,激励他们的盟友。
38、Bards, a completely revised class for Second Edition, are " glib of tongue, light of heart, and fleet of foot. " ─── 吟游诗人,在第二版中获得全面修改的职业,他们能说会道、心地善良而开溜的时候又“动则脱兔”。
39、Ophthalmic fundus examination showed bard exudate, retinal hemorrhage, and macular edema in both her eyes. ─── 两眼眼底检查皆有硬性渗出物、视网膜出血、黄斑部水肿。
40、Compared with the Appalachians in the east, they are young and their faces of bard rock are capped with snow, even to the south. ─── 与东部的阿巴拉契亚山脉相比,它是年轻的,在它光秃秃的岩石表面覆盖着积雪,甚至再往南去也是如此。
41、Bards sublime "who grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments, " expressed the grace of the children for the mother of endless feelings. ─── 千古绝唱“谁言寸草心,报得三春晖”,表达了儿女对母亲的恩惠报答不尽的感情。
42、Bards are able to create their own songs by stringing effects together. ─── 吟呦诗人创造他们自己的歌曲有串一起的作用。
43、E: Well, gee, you should have taken your first level in something easier, like bard or rogue. ─── 好了,吁,你的头一级本该选个简单点的,像是吟游诗人或是游荡者。
44、Na:A bard,huh?My father taught me that bards were underpowered. ─── 哈,一个吟游诗人?我父亲告诉过我吟游诗人们弱得很。
45、Another tradition that has become an integral part of the modern Eisteddfod is the Gorsedd of Bards. ─── 与现代艺术节息息相关的另一传统组成部分是吟唱诗人协会。
46、Used in plastic material of ABS resin,HIPS resin,bard PVC resin,polyacrylic acid resin or epoxy resin,wood products and metal materil with primer coat. ─── ABS树脂、HIPS树脂、硬度PVC树脂,聚丙烯酸树脂及环氧树脂等塑料底材,木材制品及涂有底漆的金属材料。
47、-- Look at yourself, he said, you dreadful bard. ─── “瞧瞧你自己,”他说,“你这丑陋的‘大诗人’。”
48、The celebrations on January 25th this year will be particularly vigorous for they mark the 250th anniversary of the arrival of Rabbie, as Scotland's bard is known in his homeland. ─── 今年的1月25日应该分外欢腾,因为这是罗比(这位苏格兰吟游诗人在家乡的昵称)250周年诞庆。
49、But there is no argument about plans for Scott's distinguished red-brick monument to the Bard. ─── 但对于有关斯科特著名的莎士比亚红砖纪念碑的规划却无任何争议。
50、But it's my solemn duty to seduce female bad guys.It's like in the bard charter or something. ─── 可引诱女坏人是我的庄严职责啊。这好像是写在吟游诗人宪章还是什么里面的。
51、"Emile is no mug, and he will not drink Bard." ─── 埃米尔决不是个傻瓜,他不会大喝特喝
52、His lyrics, spoken at near subsonic pitch and invariably celebrating “love,” easily earned him such sobriquets as the Love God of Soul, and the Bard -- or Buddha -- of the Boudoir. ─── 他以中音唱出的歌词,总在歌颂“爱”,这轻易地为他赢得了“心灵爱神”和“闺房中的吟游诗人或佛”的绰号。
53、When the original physical vision abandoned the imagination, a bard ladder was created. ─── 原有的物化的视觉抛彻了意念的想象,成就了一个自我凝重的阶梯。
54、Had I the choice to tally greatest bards. ─── 假如我可能选择与最伟大的诗人匹敌,
55、Extra Song 1 You gain the ability to perform one additional bard song before resting. ─── 你使用歌唱能力的次数增加1。
56、A gnome bard has charmed a powerful stone giant and doesn't know what to do with it. ─── 一个侏儒诗人魅惑了一个强大的石巨人,但却不知道将他怎么办。
57、Lamartine was her favourite bard from the period when she first could feel. ─── 从她开始懂得感情的时候起,拉马丁已成为她心爱的诗人。
58、The majority come from the ranks of warriors, but an occasional fanatical bard or member of some other class is not unheard of. ─── 半数以上的雄鹰骑士都来自战士类职业,不过偶尔也会有狂热的诗人或是其他职业加入。
59、A legendary Gaelic hero and bard of the third century a.d. ─── 传说中公元3世纪盖尔族的英雄和吟游诗人
60、The extra 1st level feat is always welcome and the extra starting / per-level skill points augments the many skill points a Bard already gets. ─── 1级多出来的专长总是很有用,而1级往后多出来的技能可以让游吟诗人的技能更加精湛。
61、Let other bards of angels sing, Bright suns without a spot; But thou art no such perfect thing; Rejoice that thou art not! ─── 让别的诗人去赞美天使,像明洁无瑕的太阳;但是你没有如此完美无暇:庆幸你并不是。
62、You start off by taking 2 levels of Bard and the rest Fighter, all the way to level 40: no restrictions on that, 2 Bard/38 Fighter. ─── 你以2级诗人开局之后一直提升战士等级,直到40级:2诗人/38战士,这不受此规则约束。
63、Most of what we know about the founding of our nation comes from old songs that the bards passed down through the Ages. ─── 对于我们国家是如何建立的,大多数人都是从吟游诗人的口中的古老歌谣所了解。
64、Bards, a completely revised class for Second Edition, are "glib of tongue, light of heart, and fleet of foot. ─── 吟游诗人,在第二版中获得全面修改的职业,他们能说会道、心地善良而开溜的时候又“动则脱兔”。
65、In his opinion: “A man should learn to detect and watch the gleam of light flashes across his mind from within, more than the luster of the firmament of bards and cages. ─── 在他的观点中:“一个人应该学会发掘并观察自己脑中的灵光一闪,而不是诗人(美丽诗作描绘的)或者鸟兽(美妙吟唱声响中的)的天空中的韶光。
66、Bards are the entertainers. They sing, dance, and play instruments to make other people happy, and, frequently, make money. They also tend to dabble in magic a bit. ─── 主职业:吟游诗人,他们是娱乐者。他们唱歌,跳舞并且使用乐器以使其他人高兴,并且,通常也会赚钱。他们也会涉猎一点魔法
67、Bards can now gain the Blade Master discipline. ─── 吟游诗人现在得到剑术掌握了。
68、E: What, how to ride a horse? Of course, of course! My first job as a bard was as herald to a mighty knight. ─── 什么,怎么骑马?当然,当然!我作为吟游诗人的第一份工作就是担任一位强大骑士的随从。
69、The tribe also includes the finest lorekeepers and bards of the Garou, for they learn the tales of other tribes as well as their own. ─── 同时他们也以有最棒的学者和诗人闻名,因为他们对别人的传说一视同仁积极学习。
70、He is also known as the Binder of What is known, and is the Patron of Bards. ─── 他也被称为所被知道的装订工人,并且是吟游诗人的赞助人。
71、Not from the grand old masters, Not from the bards sublime, Whose distant footsteps echo through the corridors of time. ─── 不必读古代名家的堂皇乐章,也勿需是抒情诗人的千古绝唱,虽然他们遥远的脚步声在时代的长廊里长久回响。
72、Animal Companion / Familiar: At 3rd level a Bard could get a familiar with the Obtain Familiar feat (Complete Arcane). ─── 动物伙伴/魔宠:3级起游吟诗人可以靠获得魔宠专长(完美奥术)得到一只魔宠。
73、Computer scitentists are working bard to give Al programs a type of common sense reasoning ability. In the process, they are learning more about how humans think. ─── 为了使人工智能程序具有一种符合常识的推理能力,计算机科学家们正在辛勤工作着。在这一过程中,他们对于人类思维会有更多地了解。
74、Drow bards speak of the voice of fury or of madness that empowers their harshly beautiful music. ─── 卓尔吟游诗人在他们的美妙乐音当中,倾泻暴怒疯狂的言语。
75、“Well, don't bards tell tales of great battles and such? ─── “那么,吟游诗人难道不是讲述伟大的战役之类的传说吗?”
76、They were, rather, a loose collection of songs transmitted by generations of Greek bards, and only redacted in their present form at some later date. ─── 相反,它们是由几代希腊吟游诗人传唱的散文集,只是后来才以现代的形式进行了编辑。
77、Trauma-Scan. Com - brought to you by Dr. Robert L. Bard, expert in Clinical Imaging and Radiology. ─── 临床图像和放射学专家
78、Waldorf students consistently are accepted and attend schools such as Sarah Lawrence, Vassar, Bard, and Oberlin, as well as St.John's College and the Claremont Colleges in southern California... ─── 华德福学校毕业的学生经常被诸如萨拉劳伦斯学院,瓦撒女子学院,巴德学院,欧柏林学院,圣约翰学院以及位于南加州的克莱门特学院等学校录取。
79、An arcane caster who is not a bard,rather? ─── 准确地说,一个非诗人的奥术施法者?
80、She practised so bard at repairing yarn breaks that her fingers became swollen. ─── 她练习接断头,手都练肿了。
81、-- The unclean bard makes a point of washing once a month ─── “这位肮脏的‘大诗人’拿定主意每个月洗一次澡。”
82、He was the bard of the farmers and workers of New England and his quiet verse mirrored the staid New Hampshire countryside. ─── 他是新英格兰农民和工人的歌唱者,他的闲适的诗歌反映着新罕布什尔宁静的农村生活。
83、As one of the most controversial poets in the history of 20th century American literature, Allen Ginsberg occupied a unique position as the bard of the "Beat Generation". ─── 20世纪的美国诗坛多姿多彩、流派纷呈。每一位诗人都在为寻找一条独特的诗歌途径而不懈努力。
84、Not for the bards of the past, not to invoke them have I launch'dyou forth. ─── 不是为了过去的诗人,不是要召唤他们,我才把你打发出去了。
85、In reading their verse aloud, few Bards can compare to Dylan Thomas. ─── 在大声朗读他们的诗歌这一点上,很少有哪位人能与迪兰·托马斯相较。
86、Today the bards must drink and junket ─── 今天‘大诗人们’要设宴畅饮。
87、Formerly they were ascribed to a particular blind bard, Homer, who was supposed to have sat down and composed them as Milton composed Paradise Lost. ─── 以前史诗被认定为某一独特的盲吟游诗人荷马所作,人们猜想他坐下来创作时,弥尔顿正在创作《失乐园》。
88、A sorcerer might twist his beard when lost in thought; a caliban might collect "trophies" from slain foes; a bard might practice every night to hone her musical skills. ─── 一名术士没准总在深陷思绪时搓捻胡须;一名凯列班说不定会从被他亲手干掉的敌人身上收集“战利品”留念;一名吟游诗人也许每个晚上都坚持磨练自己的音乐技巧。
89、Bonus Feats: The epic bard gains a bonus feat at levels 23, 26, 29 (every 3 levels). ─── 奖励专长:传奇诗人在23级,26级,29级将得到奖励专长。
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