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09-12 投稿


cinematics 发音

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英:  美:

cinematics 中文意思翻译



cinematics 短语词组

1、cinematics definition ─── 电影定义

2、cinematics kap ─── 电影技术kap

3、cinematics define ─── 电影定义

4、cinematics bar ─── 电影酒吧

5、cinematics bfa ─── 电影博鳌亚洲论坛

6、cinematics app ─── 电影应用程序

cinematics 相似词语短语

1、cinematise ─── vt.制作电影

2、cinematic ─── adj.电影的;影片的

3、kinematics ─── n.运动学;动力学

4、cinematize ─── vt.摄成电影

5、kinematic ─── adj.[力]运动学上的,[力]运动学的

6、cinematises ─── 电影

7、cinematizes ─── vt.摄成电影

8、cinematized ─── vt.摄成电影

9、cinematised ─── 电影的

cinematics 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For the cinematics , actors record the characters' lines in a sound studio. ─── 对于电影制作技术,导演在录音室里记录了人物的台词。

2、Will it be possible to use the full 3D cinematics mechanic from the single player campaign in the map editor? ─── 我们是否能在地图编辑器里面使用单人游戏中旳3D动画系统?

3、To make the cinematics' action look realistic, they use a technique called “motion-capture”. ─── 为了使影片的动作看起来更加真实,他们还会使用一种叫做动作捕捉的技术。

4、The campaigns are planned as concentrated, epic storylines, with enough content to justify a full release. As a result, the games will now feature more in-game cinematics and story content. ─── 单人任务计划把重点放在史诗般的剧情上,保证一个有着足够的内容的完整的故事。也就是说游戏里会有更多过场动画和剧情。

5、The cinematics of Diablo II were a huge step forward from Warcraft II, and Warcraft III raised the bar even higher. ─── 在《魔兽争霸II》之后,《暗黑破坏神II》的电影短片是一大进步,而《魔兽争霸III》将这个标准又往上提高。

6、Film biography, a special film of genre with a long historic tradition,profound aesthetic particularity and stong vitality during the whole development of cinematics. ─── 传记片这一特殊类型电影在整个电影艺术发展的事业中,有着悠久的历史传统、深厚的美学特质和顽强的生命力。

7、With every game we do, Blizzard Entertainment tries to take the cinematics to the next level. ─── 暴雪公司所设计的每个游戏都试图让电影短片达到更高的层次。

8、If you think of a death knight, you think of this terrifyingly powerful warrior in heavy plate armor carrying around an enormous rune weapon, very much like Arthas does in the cinematics of Warcraft III. ─── 当你想象一个死亡骑士的时候,你可以想像成手持巨大的符文剑,身披坚韧板甲,掌握着毁灭性力量的人物,非常类似于阿尔萨斯在魔兽三故事里的形象。

9、Meanwhile, for the cinematics , they animate the storyboard using rough-draft characters. ─── 同时,对于电影制作方法,他们在情节板上使人物在初步勾画时就生动了!

10、Visual AI Scripting Tool enabling designers to create complex interactive in-game scenarios, such as player objectives, versatile triggering of game events, and interactive cinematics. ─── 另外我们也提供了可视化的编辑脚本工具,让那些关卡编辑人员可以自由地对游戏中的关卡,角色动作,事件触发和判断,过场动画进行编辑。

11、Meanwhile, for the cinematics, they animate the storyboard using rough-draft characters. ─── 同时,对于电影制作方法,他们在情节板上使人物在初步勾画时就生动了!

12、Cinematics critique is a kind of existence of film appreciation. ─── 电影艺术批评是电影鉴赏的类存在。

13、Several campaign cinematics now show up as expected in the transmission log. ─── 了一些战役电影,现在可以正常的表现传输的效果。

14、But yes, the game will include pre-rendered cinematics. ─── 但是,很显然游戏中肯定有游戏录像的功能。

15、We've had lots of people asking for "behind the scenes" material in the past, and we think people will be interested in seeing a bit of how Blizzard cinematics are created". ─── 过去总是有很多人问我们“幕后的”素材是什么,而我们认为人们会有兴趣了解一点暴雪的电影艺术是如何创作出来的。

16、There's too muchthat's done;sound, cinematics and story - so much of its done at coreBlizzard HQ that they learnt the lesson that all groups should beinternal. ─── 很多东西都做好了:声音,动画,以及故事??很多都被暴雪的核心总部完成了,以至于他们认为所有的团队应该回归。

17、For the cinematics, actors record the characters' lines in a sound studio. ─── 对于电影制作技术,导演在录音室里记录了人物的台词。

18、The Trilogy also allows us to create more in-game and prerendered cinematics to tell the story in between missions. ─── 三部曲架构使我们可以制作更多的即时渲染和预渲染动画来丰富游戏的间幕。

19、Yes, our cinematics department is hard at work preparing a new intro movie for the expansion. ─── 有,管这块的正在忙。

20、On the Critique Noumenon of Cinematics and Its Structure Styles ─── 论电影艺术批评本体及其结构类型

21、On the other hand, creating art assets for pre-rendered cinematics can be a time-consuming and difficult task, and rendering a cinematic takes time as well. ─── 魔兽世界和燃烧的十字军又把境界推向更高,所以对星际2也有很高的期望。

22、This is used in multi-scene cinematics to go from one scene to the next. ─── 这是在多场景电影里使用的,将场景切换到下一个。

23、Currently, the UI will only toggle off during game cinematics. ─── 目前,用户接口界面只在进行游戏动画的时候关闭。

24、Since we're part of the creative process, there's always a strong sense of consistency and continuity between the actual game and the cinematics. ─── 在有创意的时候每个团队是中什么角色呢,那他们又是怎么把自己的主意转到最后确定下来的电影中的呢?

25、There are superb cinematics to accompany the player's progression through the game that also underpin the plot, its surprise developments and many comic moments. ─── 有高超的歌唱陪伴玩家的级数,通过游戏也下阴谋,其惊讶的发展和许多漫画的时刻。

26、This is used in multi-scene cinematics to go from one scene to the next. ─── 这是在多场景电影里使用的,将场景切换到下一个。

27、cinematics critique ─── 电影艺术批评

28、Although it is a very important topic,it is not deep.Anciently the study and the use for reference of Akira Kurosawa emphasize particularly on his artifice of cinematics. ─── 以往对黑泽明的研究与借鉴多侧重于其电影艺术技法,本文认为,黑泽明的电影主题思想才是解开其电影艺术奥秘的关键。

29、Cutscenes are sometimes also referred to by other terms such as cinematics or in-game movies. ─── 过场动画有时也被诸如“电影艺术”或“游戏中电影”等术语所提及。

30、IGNPC: There're always a lot of expectations when it comes to Blizzard games and their cinematics. ─── 当有暴雪游戏和他们电影的消息时,总会引起很多人的关注。

31、An entire third of the campaign is now playable. The cinematics and structure are under heavy work at the moment, and we should anticipate more later in the year. ─── 完整的三个战役已经设计完成。现在我们把工作重点放在动画和结构上,在今后的工作中我们会投入更多精力在上面。

32、The trilogisation of StarCraft 2 also enables Blizzard to make many more pre-rendered cinematics, something many fans will appreciate. ─── 三部曲也使得暴雪能制作更多令粉丝们尖叫的预渲染动画。

33、The rest of the stuff can be found on the DVD (cinematics, soundtrack, comic book). ─── 对其余的东西可以找到的DVD(动画,配乐,漫画书)。

34、History of cinematics ─── 电影艺术史

35、Several campaign cinematics now show up as expected in the Transmission Log. ─── 修正了一些战役电影,现在可以正常的表现传输的效果。

36、Our cinematics team is about25 strong, and usually everyone gets involved with every project at some point in the process. ─── 我们的电影团队有25人之众,而且通常在制作过程中的某些时候每个项目都会动用到所有的人手。

37、Our cinematics team is about 25 strong, and usually everyone gets involved with every project at some point in the process. ─── 电影工作组大概有25个核心人员负责负责每个项目的方方面面。

38、We know that StarCraft II players will expect to see some Blizzard-quality cinematic content in the game, and we have definite plans to include multiple cinematics, starting with a cinematic intro. ─── 我们知道星际争霸二玩家会期望在游戏中看看一些暴雪品质的动画内容,而我们已有明确的计划去包括多样的动画,由一介绍动画开始。

39、They also recognized that the cinematics are rather well done, however, and have allowed you to go back and watch them at your leisure as long as you’ve legitimately reached them in a game. ─── 暴雪对自己制作的动画很有信心,知道你闲暇时会回来看,所以他们准备了这项功能。

40、With every game we do, Blizzard Entertainment tries to take the cinematics to the next level. ─── 暴雪公司所设计的每个游戏都试图让电影短片达到更高的层次。

41、Our cinematics work as story nodes, setting the scene, driving the game narrative forward, and we hope, rewarding players for hours of play. ─── 我们的影片是故事的转折点,为游戏作铺垫,推动游戏的故事发展,同时我们也希望,能成为玩家游戏多个小时的奖励。

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