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09-12 投稿


disrespectable 发音

英:[[ˌdɪsrɪs'pektəbl]]  美:[[ˌdɪsrɪ'spektəbəl]]

英:  美:

disrespectable 中文意思翻译



disrespectable 短语词组

1、disrespectable deviance ─── 不敬的越轨行为

disrespectable 同义词

disparage | put down | affront | sauce | impudence | impoliteness | disesteem | mouth | disregard | ungraciousness |contempt | impertinence | belittle | indecorum | insolence | disrespectfulness | uncourtliness | rudeness | freedom | discourtesy | insult | lip | dishonor | denigrate | incivility | dis

disrespectable 词性/词形变化,disrespectable变形

名词: disrespectability |

disrespectable 反义词


disrespectable 相似词语短语

1、disreputable ─── adj.声名狼藉的;肮脏的;破烂不堪的

2、disrespectability ─── 不尊重

3、disrespectful ─── adj.无礼的;失礼的;不尊敬的

4、disrespected ─── n.无礼,失礼,不敬

5、respectable ─── adj.值得尊敬的;人格高尚的;相当数量的;n.可敬的人

6、unrespectable ─── adj.不体面的;不值得尊敬的

7、disreputably ─── 名誉不好地(disreputable的副词形式)

8、disrespectfully ─── adv.无礼地;不恭地

9、disrespect ─── n.无礼,失礼,不敬

disrespectable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Fortunately, and with no disrespect to Nigerians in general, 98% of the plane continued onwards to Lagos, depositing us in the alliterative capital of Addis Ababa . ─── 幸运的是,一般没有不尊重的尼日利亚人, 98 %的飞机仍继续飞往拉各斯,把我们放到阿迪斯阿贝巴的首都 。

2、“It's just a skill I have, though it's not meant to be a mark of disrespect to my opponents,” Kerlon said last year. ─── “这只是我的一项技术,虽然这并不意味着我不尊重自己的对手,”科龙去年说。

3、"It is the ultimate sin which shows disrespect to the will of God." ─── “这种行为违背神的意愿,是最极端的罪恶。”

4、Qin Shi Huang did not like that fact that common people should be saying something that sounded like his name, regarding it as a sign of disrespect. ─── “政”与“正”的发音相同,秦始皇认为让老百姓直接念出他的名字是对他的不尊重。

5、Betty: Don't disrespect me just because you're not. ─── 不要因为你没结婚,就不尊重我。

6、You can't talk like that to a robber which disrespect my occupation, i rob from heaven to earth. I take anything i want. ─── 你说这话就是对我这行业的最大污辱,我上抢天,下抢地,中抢空气。还有我不能拿的吗?

7、No disrespect (to you), but I think you are wrong. ─── 我(对你)没有别的意思,只不过认为你错了。

8、You don't disrespect me like I'm not even here, huh? ─── 你不能不尊重我好像我不在这儿一样。

9、He says ECOWAS should not tolerate disrespect for those rules. ─── 他说,西非国家经济共同体绝不容忍对这些原则的不尊重。

10、"Well, well, my lord," said Crevecoeur, "I meant you no disrespect; ─── “行,行,我的大人,”克雷维格说道,’‘我原来也并非有冒犯您的尊严的意思。

11、Do not smack your lips, “tsk”, roll your eyes, or show disrespect with gestures. ─── 不要咂嘴、咋舌、翻白眼或做无礼的手势。

12、No disrespect(to you), but I think you are wrong. ─── 我(对你)没有别的意思,只不过认为你错了。

13、Do not smack your lips, tsk, roll your eyes, or show disrespect with gestures. ─── 不要用咂嘴,翻白眼等类似动作表示轻蔑.

14、F: It's been our tradition ever since the company was small. And don't worry about the disrespect business. OK? ─── 在我们公司规模很小的时候这就已经形成传统。不要担心不礼貌的事了,好吗?

15、No disrespect to Everton but every day I'm playing with better players and it's great because I'm still learning. ─── 对埃弗顿没有敌意,但是每天我都与更好的球员踢球,并且我一直在学习新的技术所以我很高兴。

16、blasphemous language (expressing disrespect for God or for something sacred). ─── 亵渎神灵的语言(表示对上帝或圣事、圣物的不敬。

17、Elton Brand: The next time David Falk says, "Are you going to let the Clippers disrespect you like that?" I'll pinch his bald head off at the neck. ─── 布兰德:如果我下次再听到戴维斯虚情假意的说那些恭维的话,我将扭断他的脖子!(因为布兰德也被交易了)

18、Genetic engineering is a disrespect of life. ─── 基因工程是对生物的不尊重。

19、Disputes between the mother in law and the daughter in law, between neighbours, disrespect to the old, and inappropriate bring-up children, such as a step-mother, remarried and so on. ─── 妇女工作,事多了,婆媳问题、不孝顺、邻里纠纷、孩子抚养有不恰当,有后娘的、再婚的,事多了,管来找。

20、"No disrespect to Rafa, but there will only ever be one Bill Shankly. ─── “我没有不尊重贝尼特斯,但世上只有一个比尔香克利。

21、There will be no end of disrespect and discord. ─── 从此必大开藐视和忿怒之端。

22、treat(a sacred place) with irreverence or disrespect ─── 亵渎(神圣的场所)

23、Cheapening oneself only incurs more disrespect from others. ─── 发贱只能使别人更加地不尊重你。

24、Some people want to be given a dinner party wherever they go and feel offended if they are not, regarding the omission as a sign of disrespect for them as former superiors. This is most improper. ─── 下去到处跑,到处请客,而且都是老上级,不请客就说不尊重,就不高兴,那还得了!

25、He meant no disrespect by that remark, ie did not mean to be rude. ─── 他的话并无不敬之意.

26、Students should never smack their lips, roll theirs eyes, or show disrespect with gestures. ─── 孩子不能做咂嘴,翻白眼或者其他不尊重他人的举动。

27、8.Do not smack your lips, tsk, roll your eyes, or show disrespect with gestures. ─── 别做出不雅的姿势,如咬唇、目斜视、发出啧啧声。

28、His disrespect behave can not be forgiven . ─── 他的举止失礼是不能原谅的。

29、Learn to tolerate happiness and sorrow, respect and disrespect, victory and defeat, then my heart will become strong and stable. ─── 学习容忍快乐和痛苦、尊重和不尊重、胜利和失败,我的心就会变得坚强而又稳定。

30、show disrespect for one's seniors ─── 对长辈[上级]不尊敬

31、(Often implies casual disrespect) a young woman or girl; a woman; a promiscuous woman ─── (常暗示随意的不尊敬)年轻女人或女孩;一个女人;一个乱来的女人

32、"I don't want people to take it the wrong way, and certainly intend no disrespect to Bill Shankly and Bob Paisley," he said. ─── 他说,"我不想让人对费根有错误认为,当然这不是对比尔.香克利,鲍比.派斯利的不敬。"

33、Children cannot learn in classes where loutish behaviour and disrespect for others are the norm. ─── 他指出,这些“问题孩子”不能够在普通的学校学习,因为他们总是不尊敬老师和影响其他同学。

34、Are you rude to those who disrespect you or do you turn the other cheek? ─── 你对于不尊敬你的人无礼吗?还是你很厚脸皮?

35、I hate recalcitrance, boorishness and disrespect for people.I have an inquiring mind and take an interest in everything new and unexplored. ─── 个性简述 I am a charming and a little mysterious young woman who likes to listen to others, rather than speak herself.

36、8. Do not smack your lips, tsk, roll your eyes, or show disrespect with gestures. ─── 不可以做出不礼貌的小动作,如咬唇、目斜视、发出啧啧声。

37、If I don't suspend him it breeds disrespect for authority. ─── 如果我不让他回家就会 滋养这种藐视权威的情绪

38、A negative relationship is one where you have to interact, but it's characterized by conflict, disagreement, dislike or disrespect. ─── 合不来的关系是你不得不进行交流的一种关系,此关系的特点是矛盾、争论、厌恶和藐视。

39、They showed a shameless disrespect for human rights and the norms of human decency. ─── 他们无耻地蔑视人权和人类尊严的准则。

40、 双语使用场景

41、She didn't say anything more, but glared at me as she switched to flipflops, flipped me a gesture of disrespect, and then flopped, loudly, down the stairs. ─── 她什么都没有说,但在换上她的人字形拖鞋时蹬了我一眼,一幅不屑一顾的样子,然后咚咚地下楼去了。

42、It's been our tradition ever since the company was small.And don't worry about the disrespect business.OK? ─── 在我们公司规模很小的时候这就已经形成传统。不要担心不礼貌的事了,好吗?

43、"Was that disrespect for your leader I heard?" he teased in a mock growl. ─── "我听到的你领袖的那一个不敬是"? 他在一个假的吠声中欺负。

44、Otherwise, any violation would be considered a disrespect for the gods. ─── 否则就会被看作是对神灵的不尊重。

45、Avoid rough actions, gestures or words any sign of disrespect for the executives, the coaching staff and the other players. ─── 不准对行政人员、教练组以及其他的球员有任何粗野的举动、手势或言辞,不准对他们有任何的不尊重。

46、But I fear he intended disrespect to the ministration of God's services ─── 但是我恐怕他是存心对上帝的礼拜不尊敬。

47、?? Avoid rough actions, gestures or words any sign of disrespect for the executives, the coaching staff and the other players. ─── 不准对行政人员、练组以及其他的球员有任何粗野的举动、势或言辞,不准对他们有任何的不尊重。

48、What he says to her in the privacy of their own apartments is no one's affair but his own, but he must never treat her with disrespect before their children, or a servant, or any one. ─── 他在家里私下对他妻子说什么,这纯属他个人的事情,但他不能在孩子、仆人或别人面前对妻子不尊敬。

49、It hadn't come to him, the knowledge, on the wings of experience; it had brushed him, jostled him, upset him, with the disrespect of chance, the insolence of accident. ─── 他领会这一点并非通过经验,启示在他旁边擦身而过,紧靠着他,使他心烦意乱,它往往以不理会人的际遇、毫无顾忌的偶然事件这种形式出现。

50、disrespect of god ─── “渎神”意识

51、In the major cities I found a great disrespect of nature and a slow disappearance of a beautiful indigenous culture. ─── 在巴西的一些重要城市,我发现人们不尊重大自然,以及美好的原住民文化渐渐消逝的问题。

52、"I've shown no disrespect," was my reply,laughing internally at the dignity with which he announced himself. ─── “我没有表示不尊敬呀。”这是我的回答,心里暗笑他报出自己的姓名时的庄严神气。

53、A scoffer is one who shows scorn, disrespect, contempt for someone or something. ─── 一个好讥诮的人会藐视人和事。

54、Disrespect, rejection, abuse, being ignored or neglected and negative reinforcements, such as put-downs and ridicule, also contribute, says counselor Barb Grady. ─── 别人不敬的态度、遭人排斥、受虐、被冷漠对待或忽视以及负面的强调,如轻蔑和嘲讽也会影响自尊。

55、"No disrespect to Bolton, a club I love, but this club is massive. ─── “没有对博尔顿无礼的意思,我还是很爱它的,只是它厚重了。

56、Comrades working in the government should observe discipline and the procedures of the government and combat confusion and oppose disrespect of authority at higher levels. ─── 在政权中工作的同志,要遵守政权的纪律和秩序,反对混乱现象,反对不尊重上级政权的行为。

57、college students'value on honor and disrespect ─── 大学生荣辱观

58、"No disrespect to Wigan but if you want to challenge for the title then you need to be winning games like this," he said. ─── 对维冈我没有恶意,但是如果你想挑战冠军宝座,但是你必须赢得类似这样的比赛。他说。

59、I apologize if I offended you. I am a stranger in this country. And I meant no disrespect to you, or your daughter. ─── 如果我触犯你,我致歉.我是一个在这个国家中陌生人.我意思是没有对你不礼貌或者你的女儿.

60、An object of contempt or disrespect; a public show or scene ─── 引入鄙视的对象;场面

61、Many Teens Feel Their Parents Disrespect Them ─── 很多青少年子女认为父母们不尊重他们

62、a willful disobedience to or disrespect for the authority of a court or legislative body. ─── 对法庭或者立法团体的权力的不服从或者不敬。

63、And wrapped in all this joyful exuberance are big, tough themes: the folly of war, man's dreadful disrespect for nature, and the implacable omnipresence of loss, illness and death. ─── 在这些欢快的视觉盛宴下包裹的是他那宏大而艰涩的主体:战争的愚蠢,人类对自然的惨烈无情,以及遍存的迷失,疾病和死亡的不和谐。

64、When you're aggressive you disrespect others' communication by interrupting, demeaning, or criticizing them. ─── 在“好斗”时,你会去打断对话、贬低或批评对方,表现得不尊重对方;

65、No disrespect intended sir; it was just a joke. ─── 对先生绝无不敬之意,这不过是个玩笑罢了。

66、An Indian fashion designer, Nikhil Mehra, welcomed the new ruling which allows Indians to wear images of their flag on their garments, provided they do not show disrespect. ─── 印度颁布新法令,允许印度人在不存在任何不敬的前提下穿着印有本国国旗的服装.对此时装设计师尼克黑尔·赫拉表示欢迎.

67、great disrespect to one's superior (seniors) ─── 大不敬

68、Katherine: Don't disrespect this class just because you're married. ─── 不要以为你结婚了,就不尊重这堂课。

69、There are big clubs in the world, I am not trying to disrespect those, but to feel like they feel here, I don't think they can find better. ─── 世界上有很多大俱乐部,我并不是对这些俱乐部有什么不尊敬,但是和这里相比,我不认为他们能找到更好的了。”

70、Prince William and Prince Harry's private secretary wrote to the channel saying they felt it would be a" gross disrespect" to their mother's memory. ─── 威廉和哈里王子的私人秘书写信给第四台,声称播放戴妃死前的照片是对她的极大不尊重。

71、"It was, of course, never my intention to offend or disrespect anyone. ─── “我真的没有想要冒犯或是不尊重任何一个人。”

72、open disrespect or willful disobedience of the authority of a court of law or legislative body ─── 对法庭或立法机构的权威有公然不敬或故意违抗行为

74、Don't disrespect me just because you're not. ─── 不要因为你没结婚,就不尊重我。

75、6. Never express anger, impatiences, or disrespect in public. Bad feelings engendered by public criticism, or impoliteness are never forgotten. ─── 不要当众发怒,不耐心,或者不尊敬。这样的不礼貌永远不会被对对方原谅。

76、The lawyer must persuade his or her audience without provoking a hostile response through disrespect or by wasting the recipient's time with unnecessary information. ─── 律师必须说服他或她的听众,而不能因为无理而激起对方的敌意或者用多余的信息来浪费对方的时间。

77、Did you feel respect or disrespect from the Other? How did you feel that the Other responded to your own strategy, tactics, uses of power, successes or errors? ─── 你感受到对方的尊重或是不尊重吗?你觉得对方对于你的策略、术、响力的使用与成功或错误如何反应呢?

78、Tell them their days of disrespect are through. ─── 告诉小牛,你们嚣张的日子过去了。

79、"I beg your pardon, Mrs. Wilkes. I meant no disrespect. ─── "对不起,威尔克斯太太,我不是不尊重您。

80、open disrespect for a person or thing. ─── 对人或事的公开不敬。

81、If some groups regard themselves as superior and treat other ethnic groups or religions with disrespect, the whole society may be paralyzed. ─── 如果某些群体自视高人一筹,不尊重其他种族或宗教,那么整个社会有可能陷入瘫痪。

82、Parents and teacher must contend often with adolescent aggression, profanity, and disrespect. ─── 家长和教师们则常常不得不面对孩子们的攻击、亵渎和无礼行为。

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