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09-12 投稿


coachee 发音

英:[ˈkoʊtʃi]  美:[ˈkəʊtʃiː]

英:  美:

coachee 中文意思翻译



coachee 短语词组

1、coachee lagat ─── 炸乳酪

2、coachee goal ─── 教练进球

3、coachee means ─── 受训者的意思是

4、coachee define ─── 受训者定义

5、coachee def ─── 教练定义

coachee 相似词语短语

1、bouchee ─── n.小肉馅饼;一口酥

2、coachmen ─── n.马车夫(coachman的复数形式)

3、coachees ─── n.马车夫(等于coachman)

4、coaches ─── n.教练;车厢(coach的复数形式);v.训练,指导(coach的单三形式)

5、coach ─── n.教练;旅客车厢;长途公车;四轮大马车;vt.训练;指导;vi.作指导;接受辅导;坐马车旅行;n. 蔻驰(皮革品牌)

6、coacher ─── n.教练;家庭老师;拉车的马

7、coachies ─── 教练

8、couchee ─── 库奇

9、coached ─── v.指导;训练(coach的过去分词);培养

coachee 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Our coach and manager advised us not to do ill. ─── 我们的教练和领队劝我们不要干坏事。

2、I work in a school. I'm a basketball coach. ─── 我在一所学校工作。我是一位篮球教练。

3、Jim stayed up late in defiance of the coach's orders. ─── 吉姆违反教练的命令熬夜不睡。

4、Our football team has got a very experienced coach. ─── 我们的足球队有了一个很有经验的教练。

5、We were in the same coach during the trip. ─── 我们一路上都坐同一辆车。

6、The German coach has one of his substitutes warming up on the touch-line now. ─── 德国教练现在正让一个替换队员在边线旁做准备活动。

7、on your coachee and that is counter productive and unfair. ─── 对你的学员来说是不公平的,而且会损害生产力。

8、I feel like the coach of Real Madrid. ─── 我想我是皇家马德里的教练.

9、He has been a coach for thirty five years. ─── 他已当了三十五年的教练了。

10、They held up their coach to celebrate their wining. ─── 他们举起教练来庆祝胜利。

11、Can I transfer to a first class coach? ─── 我可以换到头等车厢吗?

12、They went to Tianjin by coach. ─── 他们乘长途公共汽车去天津。

13、He is our chief coach in football. ─── 他是我们的足球主教练。

14、Mr.White will coach our team for the boat race. ─── 怀特先生要来训练我们队以备战划船比赛。

15、Come on, slow coach; catch up with the others! ─── 快,你行动真慢,快赶上他们!

16、Coach Chen disagrees with Coach Wang about it. ─── 对这件事陈教练和王教练意见不同。

17、The coach give the team a pep talk before the big game. ─── 大赛之前,教练向队员讲话,给他们打气。

18、He travelled a great deal by coach. ─── 他坐马车作过不少旅行。

19、The pumpkin is now a beautiful silver coach. ─── 南瓜现在变成了华丽的银马车。

20、He is now an independent consultant and coach. ─── 他现在是一名独立顾问和培训师。

21、What do you think of being a coach? ─── 你觉得当一名教练员怎么样?

22、In class the players listened to the coach. ─── 上课时队员们专心听教练讲课。

23、A mail coach was standing on the street. ─── 一辆邮车正停在大街上。

24、He was jettisoned as team coach after the defeat. ─── 他因这次失败被撤销了运动队教练职务。

25、His turn came up to what to coach expected of him. ─── 他的转身符合教练的要求。

26、He is not so much a player as a coach. ─── 与其说他是个队员,不如说他是个教练。

27、He showed deference to his coach. ─── 他尊重教练。

28、They blamed the coach for the defeat. ─── 他们把失败归咎于教练。

29、They seem to have more personality flaws and "issues" than the coachee. ─── 他们似乎有着比受训者更多的性格缺陷和“问题”。

30、At Birmingham I transferred to another coach. ─── 我在伯明翰换乘另一辆大客车。

31、Are personal relationships important for the coach? ─── 作为一名教练,个人关系问题重要吗?

32、The wrecked coach in front is a warning to you. ─── 前车可鉴。

33、Use the opportunities to build upon the coachee's strengths and explore ways of profiting from opportunities. ─── 找准机会,从该员工的强项入手,探索从中获益的方法。

34、You will end up taking things out on your coachee and that is counter productive and unfair. ─── 这样对你的学员来说是不公平的,而且会损害生产力。

35、Our team lost today because the coach and captain did not let the left hand know what the right hand was doing, and the players were all mixed up. ─── 我们今天失败了,是由于兼任教练的队长未能使队员相互配合以致队员都不知所措。

36、It's over there,at the end of the coach. ─── 在那儿,在车厢尾部。

37、As a coach, he is not in the same street as his predecessor. ─── 作为一名教练,他远不能与他的前任相比。

38、He raced after the coach in hot pursuit. ─── 它跟着马车在后面穷追不舍。

39、They say he's not much cop as a coach. ─── 他们说他当教练不够称。

40、Mr Brown is a good coach because he can get across the play. ─── 布朗先生是一位好教练,因为他能够把比赛的方法和技巧讲得一清二楚。

41、It was quite a walk from my coach to the platform. ─── 从我的车厢到月台还要走好一段路。

42、To transport by or ride in a coach. ─── 以马车载运由公共马车运输或乘坐公共马车

43、We can go to the zoo by coach or underground. ─── 我们可以乘长途汽车或地铁去动物园。

44、The coach checked in the basketball uniforms at the end of the school year. ─── 体育教练在学年结束时检查并收回篮球队的球衣。

45、The coach working with us was Tates Locke. ─── 我们的教练是塔兹。

46、Hubert: Gee, I bet our coach was pleased. ─── 休伯特:啊,我敢打赌,我们队的教练一定很高兴。

47、Messages went by horseback or coach. ─── 信件由马或长途汽车送出。

48、They seem to have more personality flaws and “issues” than the coachee. ─── 他们似乎有着比受训者更多的性格缺陷和“问题”。

49、Did you want to be a university football coach? ─── 你想作大学足球教练吗?

50、The guide rounded up the tourists and led them back to the coach. ─── 导游把游客集合在一起,领他们回到车上。

51、We must bear in mind what the coach tells us. ─── 我们必须牢记教练教给我们的东西。

52、The Queen's coach was drawn by six horses. ─── 女王的御辇是由六匹马拉的.

53、Our coach is the strongest presence on our team. ─── 我们的教练在队上很具个人风采。

54、We flew coach from Denver to New York. ─── 我们坐二等舱由丹佛飞到纽约。

55、Before the railway came up into being, a four-horse coach was a popular means of transportation. ─── 在铁路还没出现以前,四马拖曳的大马车是流行的交通工具。

56、Boy,that football coach sure has a short fuse. ─── 天啦,那个足球教练真是个脾气暴躁的人。

57、Antonio Cage said: Coach is a greedy S. O. B. ─── 安东尼笼子说:教练是一个贪婪s.o.b.

58、Mr.Brown is a good coach because he can get across the plays. ─── 布朗先生是个好教练。因为他能把方法技巧讲清楚。

59、My coach is very kind to all the players. ─── 我们的教练对所有队员都很好。

60、The coach is full of elderly ladies. ─── 客车上坐满了老太太。

61、He stood up when the coach counted eight. ─── 当裁判计数数到8时,他站立了起来。

62、We'll go by train as far as London, and then take a coach. ─── 我们乘火车到伦敦,然後换长途汽车。

63、He has been a football coach for twenty years. ─── 他当足球教练有二十年了。

64、But you're the best qualifier to coach this club. ─── 但你是最有资格执教这个俱乐部的人。

65、She works as a personal coach in the school gym. ─── 她在学校的健身房担任私人教练。

66、A coach passed by just a moment ago. ─── 一辆大轿车刚开过去。

67、Sure, you can with the help of your business coach. ─── 当然,你可以帮助你的生意主教练。

68、Skull practice was held by a football coach and his players. ─── 一位足球教练和他的队员们上了堂战术研究课。

69、What did he do after he became head coach? ─── 他当主教练后采取了哪些措施?

70、I would rather travel by coach or by plane. ─── 我宁愿坐长途客车或飞机旅行。

71、There I bestowed a coach upon myself. ─── 我在那里雇了一辆马车。

72、The news of our football coach's return to this country has cheered us up no end. ─── 我们的足球教练回到这个国家的消息使我们非常高兴。

73、He used to be the head coach of the team. ─── 他曾是这个队的主教练。

74、You can find him in the next coach. ─── 你可以在下一节车厢找到他。

75、The coach and coachee define a 'contract' based on the needs and expectations of the coachee, and identify links to be made to the organization's Performance Review. ─── 教练和受训者确立一份“契约”,这份契约要以受训者的需求和期望为基础。

76、We select him as our football coach. ─── 我们选他作为我们的足球教练。

77、I coach people for English exams. ─── 我为准备英语考试的人做辅导。

78、Frank missed football practice so often that the coach told him to fish or cut bait. ─── 弗兰克经常不参加足球训练。他的教练对他说,要么认真参加训练,要么就退队。

79、When providing coaching, explain what the process is, how long it will take, and what will be covered. Encourage the coachee to journal their progress. ─── 在提供训练的时候,要解释训练过程是怎样的,需要花费多少时间,需要什么准备。鼓励受训者记录下这个过程。

80、The cheapness of coach travel is its only recommendation. ─── 乘长途汽车唯一可取之处就是旅费便宜。

81、They went to Italy on a coach tour. ─── 他们乘长途客车去意大利旅游。

82、The tour guide gave a running commentary from the front of the coach. ─── 导游在旅游车的前部向游客作连续的现场解说。

83、Last year doesn't count against the coach. ─── 去年我们不应该责怪教练。

84、Don't detach the coach from the train. ─── 别把这个车厢从火车上拆下来。

85、I wouldn't be a good fitness coach. ─── 我不会是一个好的健身教练。

86、The coach let us out from practice at 3 o'clock. ─── 3点钟时,教练令我们解散。

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