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09-12 投稿



sapid 发音

英:['sæpɪd]  美:['sæpɪd]

英:  美:

sapid 中文意思翻译



sapid 词性/词形变化,sapid变形

名词: sapidity |

sapid 短语词组

1、sapid tees sapid T ─── 恤

2、sapid meaning sapid ─── 意思

3、sapid substance sapid ─── 物质

4、sapid define sapid ─── 定义

5、sapid definition sapid ─── 定义

6、sapid synonym ─── 萨皮德同义词

7、sapid sweets ─── 酸糖果

8、sapid antonyms ─── 萨皮德反义词

9、sapid means pid ─── 表示

10、sapid agency ─── 萨皮德机构

sapid 相似词语短语

1、elapid ─── n.眼镜蛇;毒蛇类;adj.眼镜蛇的

2、rapid ─── adj.迅速的,急促的;飞快的;险峻的;n.急流;高速交通工具,高速交通网

3、sayid ─── n.(Sayid)(美、英、印尼、挪威)赛伊德(人名)

4、sapped ─── adj.受冰川作用侵蚀的;v.使排出汁液;耗费;棒击(sap的过去分词)

5、salpid ─── 萨尔皮德

6、stupid ─── adj.愚蠢的;麻木的;乏味的;n.傻瓜,笨蛋

7、said ─── adj.上述的;v.说,讲;说明;表达;指示;诵读;假设;据说;表明是……(say的过去式和过去分词);n.(Said)(乌兹、阿拉伯)赛义德(人名)

8、vapid ─── adj.无趣味的;无生气的;索然乏味的

9、sipid ─── adj.味佳的;滋味好的

sapid 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The filar towel of case of tie-in begin plot or Boximiya of the style deserve to act the role of the metropolis is very sapid oh. ─── 搭配上手绘图案的丝巾或波西米亚风格的配饰都会很有味道哦。

2、SAPID is a tool for site creation and management. ─── SAPID,一个建站和管理网站的工具.

3、Keywords Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis;natural sapid substance;exploitation; ─── 北五味子;天然调味料;开发利用;

4、Quite quite quite quite only sapid enough oil, salty, sweet, hot, exciting ability feels mouth Li Shu takes a heart in at ease, the circumstance of out of control of this very incidental appetite. ─── 只有味道够油、够咸、够甜、够辣、够刺激才觉得嘴里舒适心里舒坦,这就很轻易发生食欲失控的情况。

5、SAPID is a tool for site creation and management. ─── 一个建站和管理网站的工具。

6、5, the room is even sapid, want to choose to have the sweet atmosphere of grade. ─── 五、房间还要有味道,要选择有品位的香氛。

7、harmonic taste. Its particular aftertaste of bitter almonds gives sensations of rare elegance. ─── 口感均衡和谐,特别是带有一丝苦杏仁的回味让人倍感高雅。

8、The article has real knowledge and deep insight, read rise to have very much inspire a gender, very sapid. ─── 文章有真知灼见,读起来很有启发性,很有味道。

9、Why it is so sapid that elegy sounds? ─── 为什么悲歌听起来是那么的有味道?

10、The exploitation for the extractive of fructus schisandrae chinensis in natural sapid substance ─── 北五味子提取物在天然调味料中的开发利用

11、Flavour: Elegant, fresh and sapid. ─── 口感:优雅,清新,芳香。

12、It also analyzes the application prospect and the exist issue of the sapid substance. ─── 同时,对五味子调味料的研究前景、存在的问题进行了分析。

13、the sparge of osmund appearance is I had been used comfortable least of all, unexpectedly sapid , and jar designs inconvenience. ─── 薇姿的喷雾是我用过最不舒服的,居然有味道,而且罐子设计不方便。

14、Normally, to be tasted, a potentially sapid or instable substance must go into solution upon coming in contact with saliva, which limits instable chemicals to watersoluble molecules. ─── 正常来说,要是尝的话,一种潜在的美味或者不稳定的物质必须在进入嘴与唾液接触之前变成液体。这也就限制了不稳定的化学物质为水溶性分子。

15、Based on microwave bactericidal method,production technique for hygienical drink made from balsam pear corn pollen and celery was introduced in this paper.The drink is sapid and nutritious. ─── 介绍了以苦瓜、玉米花粉、芹菜为主要原料,采用微波灭菌法,开发出风味独特,营养全面,适合于"三高"人群饮用的保健饮料。

16、Such dressing up already sapid can allow student again very the twist movement of the waist that sees a drill clearly. ─── 这样的打扮既有味道又可让学员很清楚地看到教练的腰部的扭动动作。

17、He listens feel sapid, promise to change immediately. ─── 他一听觉得有味道,就答应马上改。

18、Paint a picture only, those who do photography to me the home just can feel interesting, sapid. ─── 只有画画的、搞摄影的到我家才会觉得有意思、有味道。

19、Production processing of sapid mango wine ─── 风味芒果果酒生产工艺研究

20、Such dressing up already sapid can allow student again very the twist movement of the waist that sees a drill clearly. ─── 这样的打扮既有味道又可让学员很清楚地看到教练的腰部的扭动动作。

21、Style each different and fasten sapid. ─── 风格各异且别有味道。

22、sapid substance ─── 调味料

23、I will tell u a funny storiette today, give me your applause if u think it's a sapid one. thanks. ─── 我是小学三年级的学生,我今年九岁,今天,我为大家讲一个有趣的小故事,如果我讲得好,请大家给我一点掌声,谢谢.

24、5, the sparge of osmund appearance is I had been used comfortable least of all, unexpectedly sapid, and jar designs inconvenience. ─── 5、薇姿的喷雾是我用过最不舒服的,居然有味道,而且罐子设计不方便。

25、Calendar is given priority to with animal picture, the asinine picture that Mr. Zhao cooperates with Huang Zhou is very sapid. Original, mr. ─── 挂历以动物画为主,赵老师跟黄胄合作的驴画很有味道。

26、natural sapid substance ─── 天然调味料

27、The name that as person of low position to think this sometimes, want cudgel one's brains for, such demand ability is sapid, valuable. ─── 有时为了想这个小人的名字,要绞尽脑汁,这样的需求才有味道、有价值。

28、a tool for site creation and management. ─── 一个建站和管理网站的工具。

29、If the person is not met on bathing body sapid, if the freezer in the home is long be not cleaned or clean a method incorrect also can have a bad taste, what reason is this after all? ─── 人要是不洗澡身上就会有味道,家里的冰箱要是长时间不清洗或清洗方法不正确也会有一股难闻的味道,这究竟是什么原因呢?

30、Additional, contemporary do not contradict with the tradition, any spaces in the home put furniture of on 9 Chinese style the metropolis is very sapid, grace many. ─── 另外,现代和传统并不矛盾,在家中的任何空间放上一两件中式家具都会很有味道,增 色不少。

31、Flavour: Smooth,pleasant tannins,sapid end. ─── 口感:圆润,令人愉悦的丹宁酸,回味醇香。

32、Describe a woman when you " very sapid " when, I believe, she is a mature lady. ─── 当你形容一个女性“很有味道”时,我相信,她是个成熟女士。

33、Nose: Subtle, intense and delicate green fruit, fresh gooseberry and gress Palate: Fresh and dry, sapid, with pleasant sweet palate, delicate and fine feel. ─── 香气微妙、浓烈而精致的绿色水果香,有醋栗和青草的味道;

34、This text discusses the sanitary function and technology of extractive of Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis,and the exploitation of extractive in the unity type and combination type sapid substance. ─── 本文对北五味子的保健功能、提取工艺研究及其在单一型和复合型调味料中开发利用进行了论述。

35、Look wait the billboard of booth, sometimes the word above that is full also interesting full sapid. ─── 看候车亭的广告牌吧,有时那上面的字眼也满有意思满有趣味的。

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