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medicament 发音

[mɪ'dɪkəm(ə)nt; 'medɪk-]

英:  美:

medicament 中文意思翻译



medicament 网络释义

n. 药剂;医药vt. 用药物治疗

medicament 短语词组

1、medicament contre les crampes ─── 抽筋药

2、cuminol medicament ─── 异丙苯

3、organotherapeutic medicament ─── [医] 脏器制剂, 脏器药物

4、medicament 94 ─── 药剂94

5、medicament 4c ─── 药剂4c

6、medicament zinc ─── 药剂锌

7、medicament fer ─── 药剂过滤器

8、medicament zithromax ─── 紫癜风药剂

medicament 词性/词形变化,medicament变形


medicament 相似词语短语

1、medicant ─── 药物

2、medicamentally ─── 中西药品

3、medicaments ─── n.药物,药剂

4、medicamentous ─── adj.药物性

5、predicament ─── n.窘况,困境;状态

6、predicaments ─── n.窘况,困境;状态

7、medicamentary ─── 中西药品

8、medicamental ─── 药物

9、medical men ─── 医务人员;医生

medicament 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Sprots supplementary medicament" is a kind of Chinese medicine preparation which is against to the specific of the fatigue of physical ability game adopting methods as blood-enrich, stomach-invigorate, mental-tranquilization. ─── 摘要“运能补剂”是针对体能性项目运动员疲劳的特点,采用中医益气补血、健脾和胃、养心安神的手段,研制的一种纯中药制剂。

2、Dai Min, et al. Inhibitory Effect of Paeonolon Lipid Peroxidational Reaction and Oxidational Decorate of Low Density Lipoportein. China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica. ─── 戴敏,刘青云,顾承刚,等。丹皮酚对脂质过氧化反应及低密度脂蛋白氧化修饰的抑制作用。中国中药杂志。

3、For achieving sevage emission standard,three treatments are put forward: dilution,soil absorption and medicament treatment,of which applied effect is analyzed. ─── 为了使冷凝液达到污水排放标准,给出了三种处理方案:稀释法、土壤吸收法和药剂处理法,分析了三种处理方法的应用效果。

4、Abscess of galactophore in 20 cases treated by puncturing, taking out purulence, washing and injecting medicament from October 1999 to October 2002. The curative effect is satisfactory. ─── 我站自1999年10月至2002年10月对20例乳腺脓肿患者采用了穿刺抽脓冲洗、注药治疗,疗效比较满意。

5、After completion, then come into debugging, the cost due to water, power and medicament will be charged from client. ─── 本工程施工完毕,进入调试期,调试时用水、用电、药剂的费用由发包人负责;

6、Agricultural chemicals refer to the medicament used to control pest for agriculture and forestry, weeding and regulating the growth of plants. ─── 农药是指用于农林业防治病虫害、除草及调节植物生长的药剂。

7、Recently there have been more and more adverse drug reaction (ADR) reports of Chinese materia medica (CMM) and it is difficult to evaluate the ADR of CMM. ─── 摘要近年来,中药药物不良反应(ADR)报道不断增多,而中药的ADR评价有一定的难度。

8、According to Compendium of Materia Medica, garlic has antibacterial function that strengthens the body's immune system. ─── 具杀菌作用。根据《本草纲目》,大蒜含杀菌及增强抵抗力的作用。

9、A coloured atlas of the Chinese materia medica specified in pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China II. ─── 中华人民共和国药典中药彩色图集2。

10、AIM: To study the content alteration of bacterial endotoxin in the exudant from the root canals of periapical treated with calcium hydroxide as intracanal medicament. ─── 摘要目的:检测氢氧化钙封药前后尖周病患牙根管内细菌内毒素的变化。

11、Abstract: Aim To observe the ultrastructure of Cystlcercus cellulosae with Chinese metria medica( CMM) in vitro. ─── 文摘:目的观察中药在体外抑制猪囊尾蚴的超微结构变化。

12、Prscotl lp . Melyer's side effects of drug [J].Excepta Medica Amesterdam 1975;8:154. ─── 于晋国,江良生.速效伤风胶囊致中毒性表皮坏死松懈型药疹1例[J].中华皮肤科杂志,1992,25(3):157.

13、Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is easy to produce medicament inductivity resistance to a few sensitive drugs. ─── 嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌对仅有的几个敏感药物也易产生药物诱导性耐药。

14、Then, mixed medicament, pill, powder medicament, soft capsule and eyedrop gradually passed the State certification. ─── 之后,合剂、丸剂、散剂、软胶囊及滴眼剂也相继通过国家认证。

15、It was deseribed as medicine in ChinaHerBa Medica of Ming Dynasty. ─── 在古中国明朝时期的河北地区有人把它描述成一种良药。

16、A device that produces a vapor to ease breathing or is used to medicate by inhalation, especially a small nasal applicator containing a volatile medicament. ─── 呼吸器,吸入器一种产生气体以缓解呼吸或用于吸入药物的装置,尤指装有挥发性药品的小型鼻腔吸入装置

17、Used in wav industry and in inaking explosure material for ciril use and medicament .it`s alse a kind of high-effective nitrogen fertilizer. ─── 主要用于军工、民爆、医药等生产,也是一种高效氮肥。

18、The last eleven paragraphs are extracts from the Materia Medica of Dioscorides, relating to the minerals or materials used in the processes involved. ─── 最后十一章节收录的是不一样的药物学药品,跟矿物和原料有关,它们是在相关的过程中用到的。

19、Our products are in use widely for medicament, grocery, cosmetic and other which needs packing for beauty &practically. ─── 产品广泛被适用于医药类、食品类、化妆品类、电子类、工业、农业类、鞋材等市场;

20、So, the research subject of "the internationalization strategy of Traditional Chinese Material Medica" is listed in the state 10th five-year tackle project (No. 2001BA01A34A). ─── 在知识经济和经济全球化时代,中药产业的现代化与国际化密切相关,为此,作为现代化战略的后续课题,“中药产业国际化战略”被列为国家十五攻关项目(课题编号:No. 2001BA01A34A)。

21、Study on sequence difference and SNP pheomenon of rDNA ITS region in F type and H type population of Dendrobium officinale.China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica,27(2):85-89. ─── F型、H型居群的铁皮石斛rDNA ITS区序列差异及SNP现象的研究.中国中药杂志,27(2):85-89.

22、Disclosed is a uniquely configured medicament vial assembly which includes a storage vial, a stopper member and a securing ring. ─── 一种结构独特的药瓶组件,它包括存储药瓶、塞子构件和固定环。

23、Field use shows that the pump can operate for over six months without trouble, therefore it can satisfy the demand of adding medicament into oil wells continuously at wellhead. ─── 加药泵的结构简单,安装维护方便,运行可靠,排量方便可调,安全、节能,适应不同井不同条件下加药量的需求。

24、We introduced Japanese medicament automatically subletting machine, and promoted the era crossing from manual package to automatically subletting in medical service. ─── 引进日本药剂自动分包机,带动医疗界手工包药进入机器分包时代。

25、Conclusion: Safflower injection is a fine medicament in the treatment of coronary heart disease and angina pectoris or myocardial ischemia. ─── 结论:红花注射液是治疗冠心病心绞痛、心肌缺血的理想药物。

26、The Compendium of Materia Medica is a complete and huge medical work from the ancient times of China. ─── 《本草纲目》是中国古代一部完备的医学巨作。

27、It also explains some components of Chinese materia medica which is the substract of intestinal tra... ─── 并对中药成分中的一些转运蛋白底物及中药-西药之间的相互作用进行了阐述。

28、The second chapter is about traditional retrieval books, such as Index Medicus, Excerpta Medica, Biological Abstracts, and Chemical Abstracts. ─── 医学文献的类型、结构、医学文献检索的原理、方法和途径等。

29、It offers a reference of macroporous resin in the research of Chinese medicine and Chinese materia medica preparatine. ─── 为今后利用大孔树脂技术在中药研究和中药制剂中的应用提供参考。

30、Methods:By collecting and summarizing the informations of the processing excipient ginger juice in ancient Materia Medica. ─── 方法:总结整理历代本草、医方书及现代相关姜制的文献资料。

31、In medicament industry, iodine has huge effect for antisepsis and antisepticise. ─── 在医药中,碘具有很大的消毒、防腐作用。

32、It keeps a long friendly cooperation relations with henyang Medicament University, Shenyang Chemical Institute and Shenyang Chemical College. ─── 本公司与沈阳药科大学、沈阳化工研究院、沈阳化工学院有着长期友好合作关系。

33、Decitabine is the most common medicament used to reduce the level of methylation. ─── 地西他滨是用于降低甲基化的常用药物。

34、We provided some references for the prevention and therapy of hyperirritable disease of liver and the developing of medicament for curing. ─── 本文为应激性肝胆疾病的预防、治疗和防治药物的研制提供一些参考。

35、In the light of the shortcomings of the medicament adding trucks, a new wellhead medicament adding pump is developed. ─── 以往向油井添加药剂大都采用加药车分批、分次、间歇或周期性地加入,结果造成药效波动,加药效果不理想。

36、The invention also discloses the process for preparing the medicament. ─── 本发明还公开了这种药物的制备方法。

37、Objective: To investigate the descriptions and causes of adverse drug reactions (ADR) associated with Chinese materia medica in Shanghai for clinical reference. ─── 摘要目的:探讨上海市近年来中药药品不良反应(ADR)的发生情况及原因,为临床用药提供参考。

38、Ma QY.Modern research and clinic of Chinese materia medica in common use.Tianjin:Tianjin Science and Technology Translation Publishing Corporation,1995:255-256. ─── [5]马清钧.常用中药现代研究与临床.天津:天津科技翻译出版社,1995:255-256.

39、We also study the residuary amount of flame retardant reagent in the experiment.The method using medicament to wash in the reference almost can eliminate the residue. ─── 实验中亦探讨耐燃剂的残留量,以文献中的药物水洗方式,几乎可以完全去除残留物,但是耗时又耗能源。

40、It makes a significant contribution to the theories of materia medica, dietetics and nourishment. ─── 对本草学、食疗学、营养学均有贡献。

41、Traditional Pharmaceutical Technology of Chinese Materia Medica is a very important part of TCM. ─── 摘要中药传统制药技术是中医药学非常重要的一个组成部分。

42、No severe event of asthma and obvious side effect of the medicament were recorded in all the children. ─── 所有患儿没有出现哮喘严重不良事件和明显的药物副作用。

43、Methods Compared the biological medicine efficiency of the escapsulated medicament. ─── 方法比较胶囊所包裹的药物的生物药效率。

44、Methods 104 DPN patients were randomly paired by the stratified sampling method and divided into acupuncture medicament group and control group, 52 cases for each. ─── 方法 将DPN患者104 例,随机分为针药组和对照组各52 例。

45、Citrus medica L. var. sarcodactylis is a variation of Fructus Citri which belongs to Citrus of Rutaceae. ─── 佛手,学名Citrus medica L. var. sarcodactylis,为芸香科柑桔属香椽的变种。

46、To solve the technique problem of wet jet concrete in permafrost tunnel construction, composite fast concreting medicament is developed. ─── 为了解决冻土隧道湿喷混凝土技术难题,研制了复合型抗冻速凝剂;

47、No severe event of asthma and obvious side effect of the medicament were recorded in all the children. ─── 所有患儿没有出现哮喘严重不良事件和明显的药物副作用。

48、METHODS: The experiment was conducted at the Common Animal Laboratory, Department of Pharmacology, Guangzhou Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia Medica. ─── 方法:实验于2003-03/05在广州市中医中药研究所药理研究室的普通级动物室完成。

49、To study the potential basis of Chinese herbal formula is very important for elucidating their compatible mechanism and promoting the modernization of Chinese materia medica. ─── 中药复方药效物质基础研究对阐明中药复方配伍药理机制、促进中药现代化具有十分重要的作用。

50、Using the traditional chinese medica to treat gastric diseases, the curative effect is good and the side effect is small. ─── 中药治胃病,疗效好,副作用小。

51、Entire diseases can be spontaneously cured without medicament if only the human bio-field is coordinated to be synchronous with the Universal Unified Field. ─── 只要人体生物场被调整到和宇宙统一场同步,所有病都可以不药而愈。

52、The Compendium of Materia Medica has been held in high esteem since it was first published. ─── 《本草纲目》问世之后,深受人们的推崇。

53、The antihistamine is one kind of anti-allergic effectiveness medicament ingredient, applies in many illness curative medicines. ─── 抗组胺剂是一种具抗过敏效用的药剂成分,应用于不少病症的治疗药品。

54、Fingerprint of Chinese materia medica and research methods of quality standard for Ganoderma spp. ─── 中药指纹图谱与灵芝质量标准研究方法。

55、Conclusion The results show that the risk factors about hospital infection in old patients with cerebrovascular disease were low immune function, incursion operation, side effect of medicament, long time in hospital. ─── :老年性脑血管病并院内感染的危险因素 :免疫力低下 ,侵入性操作 ,药物副作用 ,住院天数较长等。

56、It was considered a spice and a medicament, and as late as the 14th century, a pound of sugar in Europe cost as much as two pigs. ─── 当时蔗糖被看做是一种香料和药,直到14世纪,在欧洲,一磅糖仍相当于两头猪的价格。

57、Strengthening the medica l files written canonically and legally has made the quality of the medical qual ity improved obviously. ─── 一年分4个季度随机抽查病历500份及平时抽查科室运行的病历进行质量评审检查分析,对主要存在问题进行归纳分析,及时作出相应的对策。

58、A device that produces a vapor to ease breathing or is used to medicate by inhalation,especially a small nasal applicator containing a volatile medicament. ─── 呼吸器,吸入器一种产生气体以缓解呼吸或用于吸入药物的装置,尤指装有挥发性药品的小型鼻腔吸入装置。

59、The microscopic quantitative method is a new method to determine the content of some Chinese material medica, which is different from the chemical methods. ─── 摘要显微定量法是有别于化学方法的一种中药的含量测定方法。

60、Bettering medical w orkersattitude in delivering service and leading the patients to respect medica l labor are equally stressed. ─── 抓医务人员改善服务态度,与引导病人尊重医务劳动并举;

61、The invention is also directed to the use of at least one of said fusion proteins for the manufacture of a medicament. ─── 本发明还涉及至少一种所述融合蛋白在制备药剂中的用途。

62、This paper studied experimentally the effects of keeping fresh for lichee under the condition of cold storage in household refrigerator after dipping into medicament of keeping fresh. ─── 在家用冰箱冷藏条件下,将荔枝浸泡保鲜剂,进行保鲜实验研究。

63、Citrus medica L. ─── [医] 枸橼

64、The niche covered by this series is the interphase between ethnomedicine and modern 'Materia medica'. ─── 它所覆盖的话题是民族药物与现代药物之间的界面。

65、One of the required subjects in a course of nursing is known as materia medica. ─── 培养护士过程中必修课之一是药物学。

66、Selections of Chinese materia medica used in Guangxi. ─── 广西本草选编。

67、Results Dosage of BZD medicament was obviously decreased when BZD combined APD medicament treated recrudescing Psychoses. ─── 两组疗效比较,联合使用药品治疗的疗效与单独使用APD类药品疗效无显著性差异;

68、It is advisable to enhance the research in Chinese materia medica and speed up the cultivation of high-level personnel to promote the modernization of Chinese materia medica. ─── 呼吁进一步加强中药研究的投入,加快高层次人才的培养,共同推进中药现代化的步伐。

69、What precautions should be taken for the assay of traditional Chinese materia medica ? ─── 中药材或制剂高效液相色谱测定的注意事项有哪些?

70、Our company exports industrial produce, chemical produce and medicament and so on. ─── 我公司出口工业产品、化工产品、医药等。

71、Methods From January 1995 to June 2004, 573 person-times were made mainlines with ossifying medicament to esophagus varicosity patients with the help of endoscopes. ─── 方法我院消化内科从1995年1月至2004年6月,使用硬化剂对573人次食管静脉曲张患者行内镜下静脉注射。

72、It is one of the important equipment in the laboratory of the modern-medicine, medicament, biochemistry, agriculture, food factory. ─── 该系列产品是现代医学、医药、生化、农业、食品及工矿等行业部门实验中的重要设备之一。

73、Objective: To study the Mongolian materia medica Periostracum Serpentis and provide the scientific evidence for establishing its quality standard. ─── 摘要目的:对蒙药蛇蜕进行系统的研究,为其制定质量标准提供科学依据。

74、The invention discloses a medicament for curing gynaecological pruritus vulvae and coleitis. ─── 本发明公开了一种治疗妇科外阴瘙痒及阴道炎的药物。

75、The three appendix documents in the last volume offered important credible information for the three official revisions on materia medica in the Song Dynasty. ─── 本书字体、插图工整精美。卷后附公文类三项,为宋代三次官修本草提供了可靠资料。

76、LU H. Clinical classification on 348 patients with uveitis[C].Uveitis Today Excerpta Medica International Congress Series 1158 2000:259-262. ─── 卢弘.内毒素诱导实验性葡萄膜炎研究[C].第五届全国眼免疫学术会议论文汇编2000:35.

77、Methods Collecting 57 cases with ischium nerve trauma caused by injecting medicament, checking and analyzing their F-wave conduction velocity. ─── 方法收集药物注射性坐骨神经损伤患者57例,全部患者均进行了F波传导速度检测,对其F波传导速度进行回顾性分析。

78、Please pay attention that it is likely to stick the medicament to your socks or shoes if you put on socks or shoes with foot patch. ─── 如果贴着足贴穿上袜子或鞋子时,有可能造成药剂粘附在鞋袜上,需注意。

79、According to "Compendium of Materia Medica", use buckwheat shell pillow can bright old eye, clear heat & quiet nerve and other protect health action. ─── 强力吸附异味及分解居室内有害化学物质、并能有效抑制病菌,提高空气质量;具防虫、防霉作用。

80、medicament system and the process flow turn to be effective rationally. ─── 该药剂制度和工艺流程合理,效果显著。

81、The termites that return to their original colonies will spread the medicament to other termites of the colony until the whole colony is poisoned. ─── 利用群居白蚁相互吮舔、交哺的行为,使药剂在群体中扩散,让其慢性互相传染,最后达到全巢中毒死亡。

82、In addition, his book also deals with botany, zoology, mineralogy, physics, astronomy, meteorology, etc.It is really a monumental work in Materia Medica. ─── 另外该书还涉及了植物学、动物学、地质学、药理学、天文学、气象学等学科,是一部真正的药物学不朽著作。

83、The book Dietotherapy of Materia Medica by Meng Xian in the Tang Dynasty has a great influence on later generations.It is the extant and earliest monograph on dietetic treatment. ─── 既有适合糖尿病、肥胖者和心血管疾病患者服食的药膳食品,也有适合运动员、演员和矿工等服食的保健饮料,还有促进儿童健康发育或用于老人延年益寿的保健食品或药膳。

84、In materia medica you'll learn how to figure out doses and prepare medicines. ─── 在药物学课上你会学会怎样计算出药的剂量和配制药。

85、The elementary principle of the medical cyclotron is analyzed.Medical cyclotron which is mainly used to produce the positron emitting medicament in PET/CT system is introduced. ─── 主要应用拉摩定律及等时性回旋加速器的理论,对回旋加速器的基本原理进行分析,介绍了专门用于PET/CT大型诊断系统中为生产正电子药物的医用回旋加速器的基本特点与结构。

86、Method: To statistically the amount of medicament in the three ladder acesodyne medication from 2003 to 2004, otherwise, the use of acesodyne would be analyzed from 30 cases history which had be selected randomly. ─── 方法:统计我院2003年至2004年癌症患者三阶梯止痛治疗药物消耗量,同时随机抽查30份癌症患者的住院病历,对用药资料进行分析。

87、Lu Yaolong,Peng Fei,Lui Jun.Hanag baizhi of multi ploid induction and culture[J].China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica,2004,29(2):186-187. ─── [8]罗跃龙,彭菲,刘军.杭白芷的多倍体诱导与培育[J].中国中药杂志,2004,29(2):186-187.

88、By taking the method of dish culture and the method of sticking up filter and through comparing the circle of inhibiting bacterium, some kinds of medicament to inhibit Trichoderma viride and Bacillus subtilis were selected. ─── 摘要试验采用平皿培养法和滤纸片法,通过比较抑菌圈直径大小,初步筛选出几种能够抑制木霉和枯草芽孢杆菌生长的药剂。

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