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09-12 投稿



farthermost 发音


英:  美:

farthermost 中文意思翻译



farthermost 网络释义

adj. 最远的

farthermost 词性/词形变化,farthermost变形

动词过去分词: farted |动词现在分词: farting |动词第三人称单数: farts |动词过去式: farted |

farthermost 相似词语短语

1、farthest ─── adj.最远的;最广阔的;adv.最远地;最广地;最先进地

2、farther-out ─── 再远一点

3、northernmost ─── adj.最北的

4、farthermore ─── 最远

5、eastermost ─── 东边

6、northermost ─── 最北的

7、furthermore ─── adv.此外;而且

8、furthermost ─── adj.最远方的

9、aftermost ─── adj.最后的;最后部的;最靠近船尾的

farthermost 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The special talent wisdom in Ma Ge is reflected centrally to object distance in him the heart is apart from recently farthermost of principle of aesthetic of two content butt joint apply on. ─── 马格里特的天才聪明集中体现在他对物距最近心距最远两物对接美学原则的运用上。

2、This is expected issue, because the heart is medium,the 7th kind of feeling already told me, that farthermost star child also heard. ─── 这是意料之中的事,因为心中第七种感觉已告诉我了,最远的那颗星子也听到了。

3、2.Science can kill as well as create; technology can deaden the human spirit or lift it to the farthermost corners of our imaginations. ─── 科学能毁灭也能创造;科技能够泯灭人的精神或者将它推升到我们想像的最远的角落。

4、I will find him even if I have to go to the farthermost points of the earth. ─── 就算走到天涯地角,我也要找到他。

5、One farthermost is to be in capital airport, he rode the bicycle of 3 hours to just arrive from the company. ─── 最远的一家是在首都机场,他从公司骑了3个小时的自行车才到。

6、Be in China, from the earliest rich the place with the farthermost special zone that rise is big northwest. ─── 在中国,离最早富裕起来的特区最远的地方是大西北。

7、Of another shareholder free board piece in, the row has ten to appear on the market company, headquarters of farthermost a company is located in Shenzhen. ─── 另一位股民的自选股板块里,列有十几家上市公司,最远的一家公司总部位于深圳。

8、don't go beyond the farthermost (or furthermost ) tree; ─── 不要越过最远的那棵树;

9、Farthermost transmission distance is 34 kilometers between the campus. ─── 校区间最远传输距离为34公里。

10、The record features of SKKS phase and its application in depth determination of farthermost earthquakes ─── SKKS震相记录特征及其对极远震深度的测定

11、Don't go beyond the farthermost (or furthermost) tree. ─── 曾经到过最远的边疆。

12、In embryo the 10th week, from the artery between the section in unripe condyle blood supplies farthermost part, still maintain did not split up condition. ─── 在胚胎第10周,在生骨节离节间动脉血液供应最远的部分,仍保持未分化状态。

13、They are major come from Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi and Henan, going to farthermost place is Guangdong. ─── 他们大部份来自湖南、湖北、江西和河南,去过最远的地方就是广东。

14、A low static-power instruction Cache based on farthermost block pair ─── 一种基于最远块对的低静态功耗指令Cache方案

15、Farthermost two place stall, had put in square intermediate position, a few does monument of distance people hero have only Mi Yuan. ─── 最远的两处摊位,已经摆放在广场中间位置,距离人民英雄纪念碑只有几十米远。

16、Whatever the stuff was it seemed to be a great weight, and it was being carried into one of the farthermost caves. ─── 看起来似乎是很重的什么东西,而且被运到一个很深的洞穴里面。”

17、technology can deaden the human spirit or lift it to the farthermost corners of our imaginations. ─── 科技能够泯灭人的精神或者将它推升到我们想像的最远的角落。

18、Be in China, farthermost from the sea place is big northwest. ─── 在中国,离大海最远的地方是大西北。

19、Farthermost transmission distance is 34 kilometers between the campus. ─── 校区间最远传输距离为34公里。

20、Science can kill as well as create; technology can deaden the human spirit or lift it to the farthermost corners of our imaginations. ─── 科学能毁灭也能创造;科技能够泯灭人的精神或者将它推升到我们想像的最远的角落。

21、One farthermost is to be in capital airport, he rode the bicycle of 3 hours to just arrive from the company. ─── 最远的一家是在首都机场,他从公司骑了3个小时的自行车才到。

22、" old Peng Jia lives in big hill nest, although highway builds a village now, but still have way of 5 lis of hill from his home, whole village 28 pairs " kin " , count him farthermost. ─── 老彭家住在大山窝里,虽然现在公路修到村,但还离他家有5里山路,全村28对“亲戚”,数他最远。

23、Current, only between a long time of half an year, already developed ant breed aquatics door nearly 1000, farthermost already shoot Jiangsu to save the environs that do not have stannum. ─── 目前,仅半年多时间,已发展蚂蚁养殖户近千户,最远已幅射到江苏省无锡市郊。

24、had traveled to the farthest frontier; don't go beyond the farthermost (or furthermost) tree; explored the furthest reaches of space; the utmost tip of the peninsula. ─── 曾经到过最远的边疆;不要越过最远的那棵树;探索空间最遥远的区域;半岛的最远端。

25、Whatever the stuff was it seemed to be a great weight, and it was being carried into one of the farthermost caves. ─── 看起来似乎是很重的什么东西,而且被运到一个很深的洞穴里面。

26、Right now, your rachis should keep just up, and your line of sight should achieve farthermost distance. ─── 此时,你的脊柱应该保持正直向上,并且你的视线应该达到最远的距离。

27、Right now, your rachis should keep just up, and your line of sight should achieve farthermost distance. ─── 此时,你的脊柱应该保持正直向上,并且你的视线应该达到最远的距离。

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