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09-12 投稿


compassionated 发音

英:[kəmˈpæʃəneɪtɪd]  美:[kəmˈpæʃəˌneɪtɪd]

英:  美:

compassionated 中文意思翻译




compassionated 同义词

tender | ruthful | exorable | forgiving | magnanimous | piteous | kind-hearted | sympathize with | humanitarian | empathetic | feel for | benevolent | concerned | indulgent | benignant | beneficent | gentle | caring | sympathizing | soft-hearted | feeling | pitying | commiserative | gracious | benign | tender-hearted | charitable |sympathetic | soft | placable | condole with | forbearing | chivalrous | kindhearted | loving | kindly | considerate | merciful | lenient | pity | tolerant | humane | clement | kind

compassionated 反义词


compassionated 词性/词形变化,compassionated变形

副词: compas-sionately |名词: compassionateness |动词过去分词: compassionated |动词现在分词: compassionating |动词第三人称单数: compassionates |动词过去式: compassionated |

compassionated 相似词语短语

1、empassionate ─── 专家

2、compassionately ─── adv.同情地;慈悲地;富有同情心地

3、impassionate ─── adj.无感情的;没有热情的

4、compassionable ─── 慈悲的

5、compaginated ─── 同谋的

6、companionate ─── adj.伙伴的,同伴的;友爱的,友好的

7、compassionating ─── adj.慈悲的;富于同情心的;vt.同情;怜悯

8、uncompassionate ─── adj.冷酷无情的;无同情心的

9、compassionate ─── adj.慈悲的;富于同情心的;vt.同情;怜悯

compassionated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He could tell the points of the compass by the stars. ─── 他可以利用星星判断方向。

2、He seemed to have a lot of her compassion. ─── 威廉非常沉稳和敏锐,似乎具有很多母亲所有的爱心。

3、He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion, and sacrifice, and endurance. ─── 人类不朽不是因为在万物中唯有他能永远发言、而是因为他有灵魂,有同情心、有牺牲和忍耐精神。

4、He received scant compassion or even understanding. ─── 人们很少同情他,更谈不上了解他。

5、Compassion is the basis of all morality. ─── 同情是一切道德的基础。

6、Her action go beyond the compass of proper social behavior. ─── 她的举动越出了正当的社交行为的范围。

7、She showed no compassion for her patients. ─── 她对病人没有任何同情心。

8、They take compassion on her children and offer them a home. ─── 他们因可怜她的孩子而给他们提供了住处。

9、If you haven't a compass, use the stars to guide you. ─── 倘若没有指南针,可利用星辰引路。

10、He went to all lengths to compass his purpose. ─── 他想尽一切办法去实现他的目标。

11、Work without a plan is sailing without a compass. ─── 工作不计划,就如同航行无罗盘。

12、A look eloquent with compassion. ─── 充满同情的表情

13、yet that same hungry heart of hers compassionated her friends. ─── 可是,她那颗同样渴望爱情的心也很同情她的朋友们。

14、Next time he can radiate his awareness into compassion. ─── 下一世他能将他的觉知带到慈悲中。

15、He is concerned, compassionated and committed to improving his quality of life. ─── 他会把极大的热情和关注投入到提高生活质量上来。

16、Busy days with no compass to guide you. ─── 尽管忙碌的日子会让你暂时迷失了方向。

17、Do you know who invents the compass? ─── 你知道是谁发明的指南针吗?

18、Why does a compass always point north? ─── 为什么指南针总是指向北方?

19、He teaches us to have compassion on the poor. ─── 他教导我们对穷人应有怜悯心。

20、Constrcut Lemniscate with Compass Only. ─── 只用圆规作双纽线!

21、What about human pathos and compassion? ─── 人类的怜悯与慈悲呢?

22、But at the same time, her heart was filled with compassion. ─── 但她心里充满的却是同情。

23、Lacking compassion or sympathy; callous. ─── 冷淡的缺乏热情或同情心的;冷酷的

24、Without a compass, it is easy to lose one's bearings in the woods. ─── 在森林中没有指南针是容易迷失方向的。

25、The cardinal point on the mariner's compass located at0=. ─── 北极水手罗盘上位于0度的基本点

26、Its a soprano of great compass and of great purity. ─── 中文:这是一种音域宽广,高度纯正的女高音。

27、Here let him learn compassion for those that fail. ─── 学会怜恤那些在重压之下失败的人。

28、Keep your desires within compass. ─── 你的欲望应有一定限度。

29、To treat all sentient beings with compassion. ─── 以慈悲的心对待每一个人;

30、The quality of compassion or consideration for others . ─── 同情体谅他人的品质。

31、Take your compass and sunglasses. ─── 带上指南针和太阳镜,

32、Four huge crates within the compass of the elevator. ─── 四个巨大的板条箱在起卸机的范围内

33、Lacking in feeling or compassion;pitiless and cold. ─── 冷漠的缺乏感情或同情心的;残忍的和冷酷的

34、Have you no compassion for my poor nerves? ─── 你一点也不同情我可怜的神经?

35、Mission Statement - Compass not Road Map. ─── 任务宣言:用指南针而非地形图。

36、He did not need a compass to tell him where south-west was. ─── 他不需要指南针告诉他西南方在哪儿。

37、That same hungry heart of hers compassionated her friends. ─── 就是她那颗如饥如渴的心对她的朋友们恻然怜悯。

38、They convey their feelings of compassion to anna. ─── 他们向安娜表达同情之意。

39、The compass was invented in China two thousand years ago. ─── 中国在两千年前发明了指南针。

40、Because the compass donn't face to south at there. ─── 在北极为什么不需要指南针?

41、The Chinese invented the compass. ─── 中国人发明了指南针(即指北针)。

42、Connally without compassion, if you prefer. ─── 如果你愿意的话,可以称他们为“没有同情心的康纳利”。

43、The direction or point on the mariner's compass halfway between due north and due east, or45= east of due north. ─── 东北水手罗盘上的方向或点,在正北与正东中间,或正北偏东45度

44、He was moved with compassion. ─── 他起了恻隐之心。

45、Animals need our love and compassion. ─── 动物需要我们的爱和怜悯。

46、He checked his compass and set off. ─── 他看了一下罗盘就出发了。

47、Filled with pity or compassion. ─── 充满同情或怜悯的

48、I show great compassion to this piteous lady. ─── 从此我对她充满同情。

49、With a sigh of great compassion. ─── 他说时发出一声深长的叹息,表示同情。

50、Her heart was filled with compassion for the children. ─── 她对孩子们充满了怜悯心。

51、Compassion often engenders love. ─── 同情常会产生爱情。

52、You lean upon a broken reed,if you trust to their compassion. ─── 你若指望得到他们的同情,那你就等于在依靠不可信赖的人。

53、His theory grew out of observation and compassion. ─── 他的理论是通过观察和同情产生的。

54、Four huge crates are within the compass of the elevator. ─── 四个巨大的板条箱在起卸机的范围内。

55、Within his bending sickle`s compass come. ─── 尽管红唇失颜难免遭受时光的毒手;

56、Arousing or capable of arousing sympathetic sadness and compassion. ─── 令人同情的,可怜的激发或能够激发伤感和同情的

57、He has great compassion for people in distress. ─── 他很同情贫困的人。

58、The difference between the two is known as compass variation. ─── 二者之间的差异就是闻名的指南针偏差。

59、They give compassion and ideals. ─── 她们给予同情与理想。

60、They offer compassion and acceptance. ─── 他们提供同情和认可。

61、I pray you will bring sanity and compassion back to the senate. ─── 希望你能重新唤起 国会的理智和同情心

62、His book presents the subject in a small compass. ─── 他的书在小的范围中论述这题目。

63、Rectify deviations with wisdom; accommodate others with compassion. ─── 以智能时时修正偏差,以慈悲处处给人方便。

64、In his hands he holds a compass made of two pointed sticks. ─── 他手里拿着 两脚规,是用两根长辐条做成的。

65、She could not compass the simplest problems. ─── 她连最简单的问题都不能理解。

66、Let him teem compassion for those who fail. ─── 并学会怜悯那些失败跌倒的人。

67、The compass was invented in China very long ago. ─── 在很早的时候,中国就有了指南针的发明。

68、North, south, east, and west are the four cardinal points of the compass. ─── 东、西、南、北是罗盘上的四个方位基点。

69、He had checked it with his compass. ─── 他用指南针测定过它。

70、Moved by compassion, I didn't press for payment. ─── 出于同情心我不逼债了。

71、And yet that same hungry heart of hers compassionated her friends. ─── 可是,她那颗同样渴望爱情的心也很同情她的朋友们。

72、The queen showed great compassion for her people. ─── 女王对她的臣民很仁慈

73、His glance was not untinged with compassion. ─── 他的眼神中多少带有怜悯之色。

74、He did everything within his power to compass his end. ─── 他竭尽全力以求达到目的。

75、I made an experiment on the compass. ─── 妹妹告诉我,根据店员所说,这个指南针是士兵用的。

76、Her students could not compass the simplest problems. ─── 她的学生连最简单的问题都不能理解。

77、She looked so tired and helpless that my heart turned over with compassion. ─── 她显得疲惫不堪,无依无靠,使我从心底里产生同情。

78、In order to compass our object we must work hard. ─── 为了达到我们的目标,我们必须努力工作。

79、They felt grievous compassion for her. ─── 他们系念着她的不幸的遭遇。

80、His suffering aroused her compassion. ─── 他的苦难引起了她的爱心。

81、He could tell the points of compass by the stars. ─── 他能通过看星星辨别方向。

82、The troops fetched a large compass,avoiding the village. ─── 军队绕了一个大弯,避开那个村庄。

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