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09-12 投稿



naturalizing 发音

英:[ˈnætʃrəlaɪzɪŋ]  美:[ˈnætʃrəlaɪzɪŋ]

英:  美:

naturalizing 中文意思翻译



naturalizing 词性/词形变化,naturalizing变形

动词现在分词: naturalizing |动词过去式: naturalized |名词: naturalization |动词第三人称单数: naturalizes |动词过去分词: naturalized |形容词: naturalizable |

naturalizing 反义词


naturalizing 同义词

cultivate | grow wild | acclimatize | domesticate | naturalise | tame | adopt | accept | acclimate |enfranchise | adapt

naturalizing 相似词语短语

1、gutturalizing ─── v.使发腭音

2、disnaturalizing ─── 非自然化

3、lateralizing ─── v.(大脑)表现偏侧性

4、unnaturalizing ─── unnaturalizing

5、connaturalizing ─── 共饱和

6、unnaturalising ─── 非自然化

7、denaturalising ─── 使不自然;使改变本性;使变质

8、denaturalizing ─── vt.使…变质;使…不自然;撤消归化权

9、naturalising ─── vt.使入国籍;使归化;vi.加入国籍;归化(等于naturalize)

naturalizing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The author intends to explore the meaning of the right f expectation in the system of the right of preemption from the natur... ─── 本文作者拟从优先购买权的性质来探讨期待权在优先购买权制度中的含义。

2、Now Chifeng has 6 national natur protection areas and 6national forest parks. ─── 赤峰市现有国家级自然保护区6处、国家级森林公园6处。

3、Poor people will make up most of the urban growth.And natur al increase will be the main cause of that growth, not migration from rural areas. ─── 贫穷人口将将占据城市增长的大部分,自然增长而非农村移民是增长的主要原因。

4、Domestication means converting the SL culture to the TL culture and naturalizing all renditions according to the TL norm. ─── 归化翻译把源语文化转换为译入语文化,并根据译入语的规范使译文自然顺畅。

5、But what sort of a way is that for bones to lie? Tain't in natur.' ─── 不过,这骷髅的姿势有点古怪,很不自然。”

6、We also have them back in the woods growing wild (they're great for naturalizing ). ─── 在森林后面也有不少野生的紫罗兰(它们很便于移植)。

7、Dialektik der Natur ─── 《自然辩证法》

8、Culture and art is naturalizing of the organic unity. ─── 文化和艺术是自然化的有机统一。

9、Keywords Sichuan Basin;West;Depression;Natur al gas;Carbon isotope;Jurassic Period;Late Triassic Epoch;Source rock; ─── 四川盆地;西;坳陷;天然气;碳同位素;侏罗系;上三叠统;源岩;

10、Traditional pedagogy had the understanding of knowledge natur e by other subjects as the conclusion of pedagogy,but never examined the nature o f knowledge from the perspective of pedagogy. ─── 传统教育学以其他学科对知识性质的认识作为教育学的结论,而未从教育学的视角对知识的性质进行考察,因而,传统的教育学没有形成本学科对知识的独特认识。

11、Sie werden kommen, die Zeichen der Natur, ─── 他们将要到来,自然的征兆,

12、So, only on the precondition of the protection of naturally occurring drugs resource and ecological environment, can we try to achieve sustainable development of natur... ─── 在保护天然药物资源和生态环境的前提下,实现天然药物的可持续发展,实现民族医药产业与经济社会的协调发展。

13、View the Basic Experience of Naturalizing Marxism in China through Our Party's Historical Development ─── 从党的历史发展看马克思主义中国化的基本经验

14、Black, on behalf of a natur. ─── 黑色,代表自然。

15、Latter modern ecology civilized time person's naturalizing is the person and the nature esthetic relations return. ─── 后现代生态文明时代人的自然化是人与自然审美关系的回归。

16、for that purpose obstructing the laws of naturalizing of foreigners; ─── 以莫须有的罪名把我们押送海外受审;

17、Er ist doch nicht vom Natur so keiner ist so. ─── 他又不是一生出来就是这样的,没有人是这样的。

18、These two literature groupings indicate the valuable exploration of Chinese new period novels in naturalizing way.They present the greatest achivement of new period novels in naturalizing direction. ─── 这两个流派的文学彰显了中国新时期小说在民族化道路上所作出的可贵探索,代表着新时期小说在民族化方向的最高成就。

19、Nur saemtliche Menschen erkennen die Natur; ─── 惟有民众懂得什么是真正的生活;

20、But what sort of a way is that for bones to lie?'Tain't in natur'. ─── 我想,这骨头架子的姿势可真奇怪,不太自然。”

21、He flew into her bosom without a word, melting and naturalizing himself, neither cheerfully, nor sorrowfully. ─── 他消融了,归化了,说不上快乐,也不有悲哀!

22、I have many hobbies such as photographing.I love to talk to other people and help others.I love natur... ─── 我非常善于与人交流,乐于助人,热爱自然,热爱和平,听说这次夏令...

23、Not many foods natur a lly contain vitamin D. ─── 许多食物原本都没有维他命D。

24、The research shows that the Lower Carboniferous source rock is the dominating contributor to the natur... ─── 中下侏罗统烃源岩为一套优质烃源岩,但由于分布范围所限,贡献仅限于北缘山前带。

25、Firstly this requires the reform of the current natur... ─── 三是在其它一般性税收中采取各种税收调节措施,体现环保目标。

26、The state people have been seeking for several thousand years could either be that of "Renouncing and Naturalizing the World" or "Zen" . ─── 几千年来,人们在寻找的,可能是那种“出世入世”的状态,也可能是“禅”的状态。

27、" The goal to develop a new philosophy of history is explain the objective of the course of history and almost naturalizing. ─── 新的历史哲学的目标就是要将历史过程的说明客观化和几乎的自然化。

28、naturalizing consciousness ─── 意识自然化

29、naturalizing of plants ─── 植物野生化

30、a long await spectacular natur wonder,Eclipse. a chanc of million, will seem to be veil with heavi cloud or even dampen in rain. What a centuri disappointment! ─── 一个期待已久的自然奇观,日全食。一个百年难遇的机会,似乎将会被厚厚的云层所掩盖,甚至在雨水中“湿”去。唉,真是世纪之憾哦。

31、Socializing and naturalizing are harmony, for social epistemic is natural one, toward naturalism is only way to get rid of epistemic plights. ─── 这两个方面又是一致的,社会化的认知方式也是一种自然化的认知方式,走向自然主义是认识论摆脱困境的唯一出路。

32、Keywords Ferromagnetism crystal;Thermodynamic natur;Stability spin; ─── 铁磁晶体;热力学性质;稳定性;自旋;

33、Today,we try to avoid the confusion outside and go to his world of literature critic inside.we should go into the debate which brings him bad reputation and try to grasp the inner feature and natur... ─── 今天我们试图撩开各种外部的纷扰,走进梁实秋的文学批评世界,从学理层面上去把握论争的内在特质。

34、An den Bru:sten der Natur; ─── 普世众生共欢乐;

35、That ain't in natur', surely?' ─── 这很不正常,是不是?”

36、If miracles be the command over natur, they appear most in adversity. ─── 超越自然的奇迹总在对厄运的征服中出现。

37、View the Basic Experience of Naturalizing Marxism in China through Our Party's Historical Development ─── 从党的历史发展看马克思主义中国化的基本经验

38、The state people have been seeking for several thousand years could either be that of "Renouncing and Naturalizing the World" or "Zen". ─── 几千年来,人们在寻找的,可能是那种“出世入世”的状态,也可能是“禅”的状态。

39、The extraction of Syzygium aromaticum has been widely and successfully applied in food fresh keeping,such as soy sauce,vegetables,and meat product,etc.. As a natur... ─── 丁香提取物在酱油、果蔬以及肉制品应用取得了良好的保鲜效果,丁香是值得研究和开发的天然防腐资源。

40、Schon unsere physische Natur stellt sich oft drohend entgegen, und ihre Rechte wage keiner zu verspotten. ─── 我们的体质常常威胁我们,可是任何人也不敢藐视它的存在。

41、Naturalizing Jurisprudence collects newly revised versions of ten of his best-known essays. ─── 他近些年提倡的“自然化法学”的确为他赢得了学术声誉。

42、The goal to develop a new philosophy of history is explain the objective of the course of history and almost naturalizing . ─── 新的历史哲学的目标就是要将历史过程的说明客观化和几乎的自然化。

43、Ich finde, dass sie recht hat. Die Natur r28;cht sich an China f徂r dessen V46;lkermorde. ─── 我认为莎朗.斯通是对的。大自然正在对中国犯下的灭绝人类的滔天大罪进行报复。

44、ndlich nach der empirischen, nicht nach der metaphysischen Natur, danach, wie der Mensch rein tats? ─── 理性不仅是认识正当法的工具,也是正当法的根源。

45、This review article describes research progresses, deVdopment prospects of polysac-charide isolated from natur al products, with some problems prcsented. ─── 本文综述了从自然界分离出来的多糖的研究进展、存在问题和应用前景。

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