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09-12 投稿



geeing 发音

英:[ˈdʒiːɪŋ]  美:[ˈdʒiːɪŋ]

英:  美:

geeing 中文意思翻译



geeing 词性/词形变化,geeing变形

动词过去分词: geed |动词过去式: geed |动词第三人称单数: gees |动词现在分词: geeing |

geeing 相似词语短语

1、feeing ─── n.费用;酬金;小费;vt.付费给……;n.(Fee)人名;(英、柬)菲

2、deeing ─── n.D形物;D(英语字母);学位;n.(Dee)人名;(英)迪伊

3、gieing ─── 铸造

4、seeing ─── conj.因为,鉴于;n.看见,观看;(影响天象观察质量的)宁静度,视宁度;视觉;视力;adj.有视觉的;v.看见(see的现在分词)

5、gaeing ─── abbr.肉芽肿性阿米巴脑炎(granulomatousamoebicencephalitis);裂隙;n.(Gae)人名;(罗)加埃

6、-geeing ─── v.吆喝(马)快跑;激励(某人)干得更快(gee的现在分词)

7、peeing ─── 小便(pee的现在分词)

8、-eeing ─── eeing公司

9、greeing ─── %s(%s)欢迎

geeing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As they left the compound, Peter Gee nudged Grief to look where Tui Tulifan reclined on the mats. ─── 他们离开宫院时,彼得·吉用肘轻搡格里菲,让他注意图·图利福席地而卧的地方。

2、Gee, I'm sorry, I can't, either. But I'm free on Sunday night. ─── 哎呀,对不起,我还是不能去。但周日晚上我没事。

3、You've been down there? Gee, you're getting smarter than me. ─── 你下去过那边?哇,你比我还聪明

4、Gee, that sounds like a good idea. ─── 听起来像是个好主意。

5、Gee! I do not know this guy cry so much when he's drink. ─── 哇啊!我不知道这老兄一喝酒,就会嚎啕大哭。

6、Franklin : Henry ! Gee , Henry is a special hamster ! ─── 亨利!天哪,亨利的确是只特别的仓鼠!

7、Gee, Utah can't even build a lead when we were atrocious. ─── 呵呵,犹他甚至不能在我们打得奇臭无比的时候领先。

8、Gee! I think I got a little carried away with buying food. ─── 哎呀!我想我买的食物太多了。

9、Gee! I do not know this guy will cry so much when he 's drunk . ─── 哇啊! 我不知道这老兄一喝酒,就会嚎啕大哭。

10、Carol: Well, gee, we never go to the movies on weeknights. ─── 卡罗尔:除了周末,我们从不在晚上看电影。

11、Gee, you spend so many hours everyday on the road! ─── 哇,你每天花这么多时间在路上!

12、Gee, Diana, you're always at home. ─── 咦,戴安娜,你老是待在家里。

13、Gee, this is so embarrassing.I hope no one sees me busking! ─── 今天出席的会议实在是闷得我快要发疯了。

14、Gee, I'm not sure about the spelling of this word. ─── 咦,我不太确定这个词的拼法。

15、B:Gee,it leaps to the eye. Need I explain it for you? ─── 咦,那一目了然.需要我为你解释吗?

16、Gee! I hope I can catch the plane. ─── 哎呀! 我希望我能赶上飞机。

17、Gee, puddy tat, how could I know nero was playing with matches? ─── 吱吱,大猫,我怎么知道尼禄在捉弄你?

18、You don't call Jennifer Aniston and say, 'Gee, I'd love you to screen-test with Affleck to see if you guys look good together. ─── 你不可能直接打电话给珍妮弗.安妮斯顿说:‘哎呀,如果你觉得你们在一起会合作的很好,我非常希望你和阿弗莱克能来试镜。’

19、Gee, it 's nice to have you here in boston . ─── 哎呀,你们能来波士顿真是太好了。

20、Carol: Gee! Shucks! Such short notice. Oh what the heck. ─── 卡罗尔:哦,戏,对,也太急促了点,那我去吧。

21、The writer is a young Singaporean studying at Cornell University.Translated by Yap Gee Poh. ─── 吴总理对这名青年的忠告是:他应该长大,而且越快越好。

22、Gee, let me see. It's an unusual name. It's on the tip of my tongue but I just can't get it out. ─── 哎呀,让我想想,是个挺特别的名字,就在我嘴边,可说不出来。

23、Gee! I do not know this guy cry so much when hes drink. ─── 中文:哇啊!我不知道这老兄一喝酒,就会嚎啕大哭。

24、The writer, a Chinese national from Chengdu, is a student at St Nicholas Girls'School. Translated by Yap Gee Poh. ─── 作者来自中国成都,目前就读于圣尼各拉女校。

25、The writer is a senior reporter of Zaobao.Translated by Yap Gee Poh. ─── 一个缺乏活力和生机的城市难吸引游客,更别说留住人才。

26、Gee, how dangerous! I've almost knocked him down. ─── 哎呀,好险啊!我差一点撞倒他。

27、New Ben: Boy, that operation was a snap! Mom, Dad, you were right. I was so silly to be that scared. Now, gee wilickers! I feel like a new man! ─── 假本:我看开刀并没什么了不起。爸爸妈妈是不该怕,我当时的胆子的确太小了。像我现在这样,我是精神百倍。

28、He moves in for kill, getting up in your face and suavely blurting out: “Gee yer hair looksh aweshum! ─── 他周旋于厮杀,抬起你的脸突然温和地说道:“啊,你的头发看起来很漂亮!

29、VEE GEE Scientific is a wholesale manufacturer of scientific supplies and equipment. ─── VEE的吉科学是一个制造商的批发科学用品和设备。

30、Cara:Gee, some girls get all the luck. I must get someone to fix my car so it'll break down on my next trip downtown. ─── 卡拉:唉,有些女人就是那麽幸运。我得找人修理一下汽车,使汽车在我下次去市中心时半路抛锚。

31、Gee, she's made quite a mess. Naughty niece. ─── 呀,她弄得挺乱的。顽皮的甥女。

32、Gee, thanks, honey. That was sweet. ─── 哇,谢谢你,亲爱的。你真好。

33、Gee,thanks. I hope the critics think the way you do. ─── 哎呀,谢谢.我希望评论家们跟你想得一样.

34、B: Gee, what a nice/ kind/ warm-hearted guy! ─── 哇,他可真是个(好/好/热心的)小伙子。

35、geeing gets its name from speed dating, since they both employ similar techniques. ─── 来自于“闪电约会”,两者都采用了相似的技巧。

36、Gee, We're going to make a lot of money. ─── 哇!我们会赚好多钱啦!

37、Gee, Babbit. I'm just no good. -Oh, the breaks were against you. ─── 哎呀,巴比特。我只是太笨了。-哦,只是运气不好而已。

38、Gee, thanks. you make my day. ─── 哈,谢谢。你(这么说)叫我非常高兴。

39、Gee, James C.Makens, Dexter J.L.Choy. ─── 书名/作者 The travel industry /Chuck Y.

40、Gee, the sky is dark and it's getting cold and windy. In other words, I think it's going to rain. ─── 哇,天空暗下来了,天气变得凉爽并起风了。换言之,我觉得要下雨了。

41、VEE GEE BOD bottles feature a flared mouth to form a water seal to prevent the ingress of air during incubation. ─── VEE的吉生化需氧量瓶具有爆发口蹄疫,形成水封,以防止空气进入孵化期间。

42、Gee, thanks. I hope the critics think the way you do. ─── 哎呀,谢谢。我希望评论家们跟你想得一样。

43、Gee! It's almost noon. Shall we go out for lunch? ─── 哎呀,快中午了呢。要不要一道出去吃午饭?

44、Golly gee, how adorable.What do I want? ─── |天啊 多可爱啊 我想要什么?

45、Mr. Huff passed away, young man. A week ago. -Oh, gee, I'm sorry, I was just talking to Mr. Huff not more than a month ago. ─── 哈弗先生已经过世了,年轻人。一周前。-哦,糟糕,我很难过,我这个月还和哈弗先生说过话。

46、The writer is Assistant Editor (Business Desk),Lianhe Zaobao.Translated by Yap Gee Poh. ─── 作者是早报财经组助理主任。

47、Gee, that's tough, he replied. ─── “哎,真不幸!”

48、Regina:Gee I feel so sorry for Donna. How could Bill do that to her? ─── 丽吉娜:唉,我真替唐娜难过。比尔怎麽可以这样对她?

49、The writer is a Correspondent of Lianhe Zaobao. Translated by Yap Gee Poh. ─── 作者是《联合早报》执行级记者。

50、Gee, Daisy! Maybe you ought to be a nun. ─── 乖乖,黛丝!也许你应该去当尼姑。

51、Gee, I can't remember the book's title. ─── 哎呀,我把书名给忘了!

52、Gee, it sure be taken a long time for my turn to come around. ─── 咦!要轮到我还有一点时间。

53、Gee, it was here a few days ago. ─── 咦,它前几天还在这儿的。

54、A: Gee... for a vegetarian, you sure like beef. ─── 哎呀!对一个吃素的人来说,你的确是蛮喜欢吃牛肉的嘛!

55、STEVEN: Gee, thanks. I hope the critics think the way you do. ─── 史蒂文:哎呀,谢谢。我希望评论家们跟你想得一样。

56、The writer is a Specialist Writer of Lianhe Zaobao.Translated by Yap Gee Poh. ─── 作者是联合早报的一位专栏作家。翻译:叶琦保。

57、C: Gee, my nameplate's already on the desk. Everything is so neat. ─── 哇,我的名牌已经放在桌上了。每件东西都很整齐。

58、The writer is Assistant Editor (Business Desk), Lianhe Zaobao. Translated by Yap Gee Poh. ─── ·作者是早报财经组助理主任。

59、Hubert: Gee, I bet our coach was pleased. ─── 休伯特:啊,我敢打赌,我们队的教练一定很高兴。

60、"Gee, was thinking I wish so much we could build our guest house/Tsem ladrang on our land already in Gaden. ─── “我深切地希望可以在甘丹寺这块土地上,建设我们的宾馆或詹拉章。

61、Their success last week will gee the team up. ─── 上星期的胜利将激励这支队伍继续前进。

62、Eveline: You didn't do anything but sneeze this morning, and you can't do anything this afternoon like this. Gee! You've got a fever! ─── 今早你除了打喷嚏什么都没做,你这个样子下午也做不了什么。呀!你还发烧呢。

63、Gee, honey, you know I'd like to help you paint the kitchen tonight, but I'm up to my ears in paper work I had to bring home from the office. ─── 亲爱的,你知道我很愿意今晚帮你把厨房上油漆。可是我从办公室带回来好些要做的事。

64、Oh, gee! What're they doing? ─── 哎呀!他们在干什么?

65、Eveline:You didn't do anythingsneeze this morning,you can't do anything this afternoon like this. Gee! You've got a fever! ─── 今早你除了打喷嚏什么都没做,你样子下午也做不了什么。呀!你还发烧呢。

66、Gee! I do not know these guy cries so much when he 's drunk. ─── 哇啊!我不知道这老兄一喝酒,就会嚎啕大哭

67、The writer is Zaobao's Manila correspondent. Translated by Yap Gee Poh. ─── 作者是《联合早报》马尼拉通讯员。

68、No. Gee, it's on the tip of my tongue. ─── 不是。天啊!话在嘴边,就是想不出来。

69、Gee, thanks. I lose one at least once a month. ─── 乘客:哦,谢谢。我一个月至少会丢掉一支雨伞。

70、"Isn't he a vile old beast!" the supercargo of the Malahini whispered to Peter Gee. ─── “这个讨厌的老畜牲

71、Gee, everything seems so good. ─── 哇!每样好像都很不错。

72、Reality: Umm, gee, not a fan of flying, don't really like water. ─── 可在现实中,我既不是飞行爱好者,也不喜欢水。

73、Gee, Diana, you're always at home. Don't you have any friends to go out with? ─── 咦,戴安娜,你老是待在家里。你没有朋友可以一起出去的吗?

74、The witer is a retired civil servant. Translated by Yap Gee Poh. ─── 作者为退休公务员。

75、"Gee, Dad," he said excitedly, "did we see the craziest thing on the way home! ─── 他兴奋地对我说:“哎呀,爸爸,我们在回家的路上可看到了一件极其古怪的事儿!

76、Gee, thanks, honey. That was sweet. I thought I saw a couple of ducklings in the bushes. ─── 凯西:哇,谢谢你,亲爱的。你真好。我想我刚看到那边的草丛里有几只小鸭子。

77、The quickest of fist-clenches, with the tiniest of pumps, was as emotive as the Chinese woman got, both to congratulate herself and to gee herself up. ─── 一次给新生上课时,本杰明让学生们写了一篇作文,描述自己期待自己成为什么样的人,比如有人希望成为贝多芬,有人希望成为马勒,有人希望成帕瓦罗蒂。

78、Gee, It's quite a task getting to the airport whit such a heavy suitcase. ─── 哇,带着这么重的提箱到机场真是件苦差事。

79、They expect racers from all around Europe and have already confirmed entries from Ellis Stafford, Lee Martin, Tony Truman, Danny Mc Gee, Tom Cockerill, Simon Moss and more. ─── 他们期待车手来自欧洲各地,并已证实的条目埃利斯斯塔福德,李马丁,托尼杜鲁门,丹尼麦哎呀,汤姆科克里尔,西蒙摩丝等。

80、"Gee up there, Neddy, " shouted the little boy. ─── “快跑啊,奈地,”小孩大声喊。

81、Gee, do you think there's any problem? ─── 咦,你想会有什么问题吗?

82、Mexican hostages are not treated well, and are liable to lose a hand if the kidnappers think the ransom payers need geeing up. ─── 墨西哥人质受到的待遇较差。如果犯罪分子认为赎金支付者需要加快行动,就会砍掉人质的一只手。

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