cadaverous 发音
英:[kəˈdævərəs] 美:[kəˈdævərəs]
英: 美:
cadaverous 中文意思翻译
cadaverous 词性/词形变化,cadaverous变形
副词: cadaverously |名词: cadaverousness |
cadaverous 短语词组
1、cadaverous 2000 ─── 尸体2000
2、cadaverous garb ─── 苍白的衣服
3、cadaverous set ─── 尸体集
4、cadaverous armor wow classic ─── 苍白的盔甲哇经典
5、cadaverous eye ─── 苍白的眼睛
6、cadaverous armor ─── 苍白的盔甲
7、cadaverous belt ─── 尸体带
8、cadaverous def ─── 死尸
cadaverous 相似词语短语
1、cadaveric ─── adj.尸体的
2、cadavers ─── n.[医]尸体;死尸
3、cadaver ─── n.[医]尸体;死尸
4、cadaverously ─── 苍白地
5、cadaverine ─── n.[生化]尸胺;1,5-戊二胺
6、cadaverousness ─── 身体
7、papaverous ─── adj.催眠的;似罂粟的
8、palaverous ─── 华丽的
9、cancerous ─── adj.癌的;生癌的;像癌的
cadaverous 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、They possess a quite dazzling and transcendent beauty which separates them by a wide interval from the cadaverous cod and haddock whose fame is trumpeted in our streets. ─── 他们有一种异常焰目、超乎自然的美,这使它们跟灰白色的小鳕鱼和黑线鳕相比,不啻天渊之别,然而后者的名誉,却传遍了街道。
2、Survey and Analysis of the Factors Affecting Civil Will Towards donating Cadaver in Guangzhou ─── 广州市民遗体捐献意愿及影响因素的调查与分析
3、Clinical examination discovers, acute again the clinical body of barrier asks for expression to be anaemic countenance, eyelid conjunctiva and armour bed are cadaverous. ─── 临床检查发现,急性型再障的临床体征表现为贫血面容,睑结膜及甲床苍白。
4、Examination of a cadaver will determine or confirm the cause of death. ─── 尸体解剖对尸体的检验将决定或确认死亡原因。
5、characteristic of the bony face of a cadaver. ─── 以像尸体一样的瘦骨嶙峋的脸庞为特点。
6、Methods:Fifty adult cadaver knees fixed with formalin were used for anatomic study, and the lateral patellar retinaculum were observed and measured. ─── 方法:采用50例经福尔马林固定的成人尸膝标本,观测髌外侧支持带的形态学特点。
7、Method:Anterior and posterior pedicular height,pedicular depth,alar depth,and posterior alar height of S1 vertebrae were measured in 11 cadaver bony pelves bilaterally. ─── 方法:测量16具尸体骨盆标本双侧S1椎弓根前后缘的高度、深度(S1椎弓根最狭窄处的宽度)、骶翼深度、骶翼高度。
8、Methods Anatomical study was carried out with 6 samples obtained by splitting 3 cadaver heads along the sagittal midline. ─── 方法3例尸头正中矢状面切开共6侧,熟悉相关解剖结构,寻找可应用的解剖标记。
9、Clinical divide outside having exsanguine sign, as a result of many and exsanguine cannot go up flourish, and see complexion is cadaverous; ─── 临床除有失血的征象外,由于大量失血不能上荣,而见面色苍白;
10、Cadaverous dream when no longer cadaverous? ─── 苍白的梦何时不再苍白?
11、Methods: The course,branch,distribution and anastomosis of the vessels in lateral dorsum of foot were observed on 33 adult cadaver specimens perfused with red emulsion. ─── 方法:在33侧乳胶灌注下肢标本上解剖并观测了足背外侧区血管的走行、分支、分布及吻合情况。
12、The butter, too, is hidden away in the commode;after three days it tastes like the big toe of a cadaver. ─── 奶油也藏在柜子里,放了三天以后那味道就像一具尸首上的大脚趾。
13、By degrees the freshest among them began to cadaverous and saucer-eyed . ─── 原先脸色顶鲜明的人,现在也都渐渐变得面无人色,两只眼睛也都显得眍了。
14、I said that I was surprised I looked so normal, that I wasn't the horribly twisted and cadaverous figure I had always imagined myself to be. ─── 我说我很惊奇我看起来如此正常,我不是扭曲、枯槁的可怕体形——我曾经总是那样设想我自己。
15、Methods: The confining indentation was used on different areas of the cadaver TMJ discs. ─── 方法:将新鲜颞下颌关节盘分区围限压缩,在不同时间观察其扫描电镜表现。
16、" By the time she became eligible for a cadaver liver, the cancer would have spread throughout her body. ─── 待到她得到一个适合的活体肝脏时,肝癌细胞早已扩散到全身。
17、By degrees the freshest among them began to cadaverous and saucer-eyed. ─── 原先脸色顶鲜明的人,现在也都渐渐变得面无人色,两只眼睛也都显得眍 了。
18、Methods: Fi fty adult cadaver knees fixed with formalin were used for anatomic study, and th e medial patellar retinaculum were observed and measured. ─── 方法:采用50例经福尔马林固定的成人尸膝标本,观测髌内侧支持带的形态学特点。
19、His face matched his body, and was lean, almost cadaverous ─── 他的身子和脸很相配,瘦得象骷髅。
20、By degrees the freshest among them began to grow cadaverous and saucer-eyed. ─── 他们中间最有力气的人,也慢慢地变得面如土色,眼睛发黑了。
21、Clinical expression is complexion cadaverous, spirit is dispirited, inappetence , lack of power wait for chronic and anaemic symptom. ─── 临床表现为面色苍白,精神萎靡,食欲不振,乏力等慢性贫血症状。
22、Methods The origin, course, branches and anastomosis of vessels at the external femoral condyle and anterior side of the distal femur were observed on40 adult cadaver lower limb specimens. ─── 方法在40侧成人下肢标本上,解剖观测股骨外侧髁和股骨下段前面的血管来源、行、支和吻合情况。
23、examination of infantile cadaver ─── 婴尸检验
24、But in the life, our skin is impassable with us constantly however, not be a pair of long black red face, it is dark and gloomy cadaverous . ─── 但生活中,我们的皮肤却时常和我们过不去,不是长着一副黑红面孔,就是晦暗苍白。
25、cadaver of decompose (postmortem putrefaction) ─── 尸体腐败(尸体软组织的蛋白质等大分子物质受腐败细菌的作用而分解的过程)。
26、The child 10 years old, occurrence complexion, the lip is cadaverous, be what returns a responsibility excuse me? ─── 孩子10岁了,出现脸色,嘴唇苍白,请问是啥回事?
27、men with bare arms, matted locks, and cadaverous faces, who had emerged into the winter light from cellars, moved away, to descend again; ─── 光着膀子、蓬松着乱发、形容枯槁的男人刚才从地窖里出来,进入冬天的阳光里,现在又回到地窖里去了;
28、He had a cadaverous face. ─── 他面如死灰。
29、Methods 20 ACL and MCL from normal countrymen fresh cadaver were taken to do pulling test in one dimension. ─── 方法取正常国人新鲜尸体前交叉韧带和内侧副韧带各20个试样进行单向拉伸实验,得出了破坏载荷、强度极限、最大应变、弹性模量。
30、This kind of place puts a few flowers the meeting is too outstanding, do not place a thing too cadaverous. ─── 在主房旁边有一间由旧房改造成的房子,里面虽然空荡荡没有什么摆设,却几乎是所有客人都喜欢来的地方。
31、Methods:Location and courses of the intracavernous internal carotid artery (ICICA) and its relationship with the pituitary gland were studied on 30 specimens obtained from 15 cadaver heads. ─── 方法:观测15例(30侧)成人头颅标本颈内动脉海绵窦段(ICICA)的位置、行径及与垂体的关系。
32、Methods Anatomic features were studied in 30 sides of adult embalmed cadaver heads perfused with colored silicone, using microscope and neuro-endoscope. ─── 方法取甲醛固定的成人尸头标本15例(30侧),采用神经内镜辅助的显微外科技术进行颞下锁孔手术解剖学研究。
33、Three millilitres Femalerate per hactare were added to oil formulation of Bb,the control effect of mortality attained 93.8%,white cadaver rate was 67.9%,damage rate of leaf was 26.1% were testified. ─── hm-2的油剂中添加3.0 mL. hm-2的杀灭菊酯为最佳,校正死亡率达93.8%,白僵率达67.9%,树叶受害率26.1%。
34、Lumboiliac Fixation with Galveston Technique: A Human Cadaver Study ─── Galveston腰椎髂骨固定技术的尸体骨研究
35、Over lunch I find myself sitting under Genrikh Yagoda - a thin, cadaverous-looking man with a black moustache. ─── 在吃午饭的时候,我发现我自己坐在雅戈达的画像之下——一个面色灰白,留黑胡子的瘦子。
36、Biopsies taken during organ procurement from cadaver donors have documented that activated platelets are attached to vascular endothelial cells or leukocytes. ─── 在器官切取时进行的活检证实活化的血小板附着于血管内皮细胞或者粒细胞的表面。
37、Methods:The original types and distribution of inferior pylorus artery were observed by injecting red latex into the artery and then embalming cadaver. ─── 方法:采用红色乳胶液经动脉灌注和防腐处理的尸体标本,解剖观测幽门下动脉的起始类型及分支分布情况。
38、We performed a cadaver study to define the anatomic variations of the depressor septi muscle. ─── 我们曾进行了一个尸体解剖研究,以确定降鼻中隔肌的解剖变异。
39、Methods Six adult red-latex injected cadaver hands were used to study the artery sources, routes and distributions on dorsal-ulnar area of the metacarpophalangeal and carpometacarpal joint of thumb. ─── 方法6只成人红色乳胶灌注手标本,观察拇指腕掌关节、指关节尺背侧区动脉的来源、行及其分布。
40、I saw a cadaverous face appear at a small window. ─── 我看到小窗口处出现了一张没有血色的面孔。
41、"I saw a cadaverous face appear at a small window" (Charles Dickens) ─── “我看到小窗口处出现了一张没有血色的面孔”(查尔斯·狄更斯)
42、She had a cadaverous face. ─── 她面如死灰。
43、Suddenly, I felt that my blood seemed curdled.It seemed to be that I was holding a cadaver causing nausea. ─── 就在那一瞬间,我感到血管里的血仿佛一下子凝固了,我象抱住一具死尸一样感到恶心。
44、MethodsRed emulsion was injected in femorae arteries of 20 adult cadaver after they were rinsed with ammonia water, and external pudendal artery and its branches were dissected. ─── 方法对20具成人男尸采用少量氨水经股动脉冲洗后,灌注红色乳胶逐段解剖阴部外动脉及其分支。
45、Despite himself he looked down again at the gaping mouth of the cadaver. ─── 他的眼光不由自主地又落到了死人张大的嘴上。
46、Cadaverous wind blowing cold as ice ─── 冰冷的尸体般的风吹着
47、Methods The origin, course, branches and anastomosis of vessels at the external femoral condyle and anterior side of the distal femur were observed on 40 adult cadaver lower limb specimens. ─── 方法 在40侧成人下肢标本上,解剖观测股骨外侧髁和股骨下段前面的血管来源、走行、分支和吻合情况。
48、Meckel Cave:Comparative Study Between Cadaver Sections and MR Images ─── Meckel腔:头颅断层标本与MRI对照研究
49、(3) desudation, complexion is cadaverous. ─── (3)出汗过多,脸色苍白。
50、Keywords cadaver;tissue decomposition;necrophilia fly;death time; ─── 尸体;组织分解;尸食性蝇类;死亡时间;
51、Preliminary experiments are presented on fresh cadaver specimen successfully and can lead to clinical validation on patients. ─── 在新鲜尸体样本上的实验表明,新的配准算法可应用于医学临床试验。
52、"As Brother is saying, he pushes Snow to the parking place of the cadaver. ─── 当哥哥在讲的时候,他推雪儿到了那个停尸体的地方。
53、For the rest of your life, it will be impossible to see the clitoris of the most beautiful woman in the world without feeling astonished at how much it resembles a maggot on her cadaver. ─── 在你的余生当中,你将无法不在见到世上最美的女人的阴蒂的时候惊讶于这跟她尸体上的蛆有多么相似。
54、Twenty cadaver heads (40 sides) fixed with formalin were dissected under the microscope,and cochlear aqueduct was observed and measured. ─── 方法 :选用 2 0具甲醛固定的成人尸头 (共 4 0侧 )进行耳蜗导水管的显微解剖 ,并进行测量和观察。
55、Clinical expression is complexion cadaverous, spirit is dispirited, inappetence, lack of power wait for chronic and anaemic symptom. ─── 临床表现为面色苍白,精神萎靡,食欲不振,乏力等慢性贫血症状。
56、" These benighted souls have no idea how cadaverous and ghostly their "sanity" appears as the intense throng of Dionysian revelers sweeps past them. ─── 但是这些可怜虫当然料想不到,他们的所谓“心灵健康”,同酒神歌队的热烈的生机洋溢相比,显得多么惨白如幽灵!
57、And a few line that blended in a tradition again in white, colour and style, make do not send too drab and cadaverous . ─── 而在白色之中又融入了传统的一些线条、色彩以及风格,使之不致过于单调苍白。
58、Methods: A craniotomy was performed on 2 cadaver heads and 38 patients with CPA lesions by neuroendoscope. ─── 方法对2具尸头及38例桥脑小脑角病变患者的桥脑小脑角区进行神经内窥镜观察与治疗。
59、All the conventionally described structures in the temporal region could be clearly defined in the cadaver dissections. ─── 所有经典定义的各层次在尸解中均可清晰辨认。
60、A cadaverous mongrel picking through the garbage. ─── 从垃圾堆里捡来的瘦弱的混血儿
61、Methods: The labial arteries of 31 cadaver heads(62 sides) were studied by angiography, dissection, anatomical corrosive methods, and an additional head(2 sides)were perfused with Chinese ink for histological structural study. ─── 方法 :用血管造影、解剖、铸型方法研究 31例 ( 6 2侧 )尸体头部的唇动脉 ; 另 1例 ( 2侧 )灌注墨汁对微血管构筑进行组织学观察。
62、We had long anticipated his cadaverous end. ─── 我们早就预见到了他凄惨的结局。
63、Hepatology Digest: I suppose when we have good criteria for selection is quite useful, There really is a shortage of organs when we talk about cadaver organs. ─── 国际肝病:谈到尸体器官,我认为,当我们有了一个很好的选择标准时,我们却面临器官短缺的问题。
64、But in the life, our skin is impassable with us constantly however, not be a pair of long black red face, it is dark and gloomy cadaverous. ─── 但生活中,我们的皮肤却时常和我们过不去,不是长着一副黑红面孔,就是晦暗苍白。
65、"She when this individual is living with respect to persist unreasonably, only love and person oppose, often with others to at, so, after she died, cadaver agree is surely refluent and go up. ─── “她这个人活著的时候就蛮不讲理,专爱与人作对,往往与别人对著于,所以,她死了后,尸首肯定是逆流而上。”
66、For every type of cadaver, I thought, there must be a corresponding type of necrophile. ─── 对任何一种尸体,我思忖着,必然就有一种相对应的恋尸癖。
67、The results of many simulations on cadaver many times show that this method is more effective, compare with Hoppe's method, the rectified approach determines the boundary of surface more precisely. ─── 多次重建结果表明,该方法与未改进的曲面重建方法相比,能够更好地确定曲面的边界,在实际应用中也更为有效。
68、Computational analysis of the foot biomechanics has its advantage in providing an overall stress distribution of the foot.It is also more economical than in vitro cadaver experiments. ─── 使用电脑计算模拟的方式从事足部生物力学之研究,不仅能够排除进行体内实验之限制,完成体内实验所无法施行之研究,更能够降低体内实验所需耗费之庞大设备资源与经费。
69、Methods: whole brain from a cadaver of 20 year old s man without gross pathologic changes was cut by milling machine and took a series of pictures. ─── 方法:选用20岁左右无脑部病变的男性整尸一具,整颅低温下连续水平磨片、摄片,获得连颅的脑图像,通过计算机分割、重建。
70、Two cadaver knees were imaged with a 1.5T MR system. ─── 方法 :选择尸体膝关节 2只 ,检查设备为Marconieclipse 1.5TMR扫描仪。
72、Examination of a cadaver to determine or confirm the cause of death ─── 尸体解剖对尸体的检验以决定或确认死亡原因
73、Her body is a little effeminate, complexion is shown slightly cadaverous, but do not break clinging and missish. ─── 她身体有些柔弱,脸色略显苍白,但不失执著和矜持。
74、(1) skin: Have without cadaverous, icteric, yu dot, yu spot, oedema, spider mole, lower limbs is chronic ulcer, jugal erythema; ─── (1)皮肤:有无苍白,黄疸,瘀点,瘀斑,水肿,蜘蛛痣,下肢慢性溃疡,面颊红斑;
75、But a lot of users or one's heart still fluttering with fear, because do not have tripartite to do authoritative just attestation, the statement of the enterprise often is cadaverous and faint. ─── 但很多用户还是心有余悸,因为没有第三方做权威的公正认证,企业的声明往往是苍白而无力。
76、Methods From April 2002, 2 cadaver limbs were used to retrieve flexor pollicis longus tendons, flexor digitorum profundus and superficialis tendons. ─── 方法2002年4月,对2具尸体应用内窥镜寻找拇长屈肌腱,指深、浅屈肌腱,证实了该术式的解剖依据。
77、The selection and procurement of cadaver donors meet with the standards published by American Association of Tissue Banks. ─── 其保存方法我们采用深低温冷冻法和辐照灭菌法。
78、The in vitro transdermal delivery of insulin from microneedle arrays was measured using a Franz diffusion cell fitted with the cadaver human skin. ─── 以人的离体皮肤为透皮释药模型,通过体外经皮通透实验考察微针对模型药物胰岛素经皮吸收的促进作用。
79、The main drawback of cadaver skin application is the transmission of infections. ─── 应用尸体异体皮的主要缺点是疾病的传染。
80、Death and decay, cadaverous smell. ─── 死亡与腐烂,苍白的味道。
81、Microscopic Observations of Several Organ Tissues and Cells of an Ancient Cadaver of the Ming Dynasty ─── 一具明代古尸几种器官组织和细胞的显微观察
82、Inchoate congenital syphilis, can blow a discovery through the skin or harm of mucous membrane caustic syphilis is cadaverous helicoid. ─── 早期先天性梅毒,可以通过皮肤或粘膜损害处刮片发现梅毒苍白螺旋体。
83、Methods The origin, course, branches, distribution and anastomosis of the vessel netwo rk around knee joint were observed and measured in30 adult cadaver lower limb specimens infused with red dye via artery. ─── 方法在30侧经动脉灌注的成人下肢标本上,观察并测量膝关节周围动脉网有关血管的起始、行、径、布及其吻合情况。
84、MRI can show the anatomic structures of ATFL, CFL, PTFL,ATTL, PTTL, CTL, NTL, AT, PTT, FDLT, FHLT, PBT and PLT of the ankle in detail. There are no significant differences between the data of MRI and that of cadaver sections. ─── M卫1能清晰显示ATFL、CFL、PTFL、AfTL、PTTL、CTL、NTL、TSL、AT、PTT、FDLT、Fl丑J、PBT及PLT的详细解剖,且与断层标本上的测量值基本一致;
85、In front of the tape recorder is my good friend ABin, complexion is cadaverous, not a very eyes, he had already died, and died badly, decomposing bodies quickly, and rats and insects in bite him. ─── 在录音机前面的是我的好友阿斌,面色很苍白,没有了眼珠,他已经死了,而且死得很惨,尸体腐烂的很快,还有老鼠和虫在咬他。
86、greenish discoloration on cadaver ─── 尸绿体腐败征象。在体表首先见到 的是右下腹部、右季肋部和鼠蹊部皮肤出现的绿色斑块。
87、He was content to see his friend's cadaverous face opposite him through the steam rising from a tumbler of toddy. ─── 他能透过从一大杯柠檬威士忌甜酒升起的水雾望见地朋友那瘦削凹陷的脸,已经心满意足了。
88、Accordingly, to the skin, those who observe mucous membrane of armour bed, oral cavity and eye conjunctiva is cadaverous, anaemic to judgement existence has clinical value more. ─── 因此,相对于皮肤来说,观察甲床、口腔粘膜和眼结膜的苍白,对判断贫血的存在则更有临床价值。
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