brooded 发音
英:[ˈbruːdɪd] 美:[ˈbruːdɪd]
英: 美:
brooded 中文意思翻译
brooded 短语词组
1、brooded antonym ─── 反义词
2、brooded defined ─── 孵卵
3、brooded bible ─── 沉思的圣经
4、brooded define ─── 沉思的定义
5、brooded mean ─── 沉思平均数
6、brooded definition ─── 沉思的定义
7、brooded meaning ─── 沉思的意义
8、brooded eggs ─── 孵蛋
brooded 词性/词形变化,brooded变形
动词第三人称单数: broods |动词现在分词: brooding |副词: broodingly |动词过去式: brooded |动词过去分词: brooded |
brooded 相似词语短语
1、blooded ─── adj.血统优良的;有血的
2、broddled ─── 桥
3、brooders ─── n.孵卵器;沉思的人;育雏的人(或动物)
4、brocaded ─── adj.织成锦缎的
5、broomed ─── n.扫帚;金雀花;飞天扫帚(出自《哈利·波特》);vt.扫除;vi.桩顶开花或开裂;n.(Broom)(英)布鲁姆(人名)
6、brooder ─── n.孵卵器;沉思的人;育雏的人(或动物)
7、brooked ─── n.小溪,小河;v.容忍,允许(尤指不同意见);n.(Brook)(加、美、爱、英)布鲁克(人名)
8、brodded ─── 拉丝
9、barcoded ─── 条形码
brooded 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、She watched over us like a mother hen over her brood. ─── 她像母鸡照顾护理小鸡一致维护我们。
2、They also tend to brood or ruminate more than satisficers do. ─── 他们也比满足化者容易陷入忧思。
3、At a very early age, Milton brooded on his poetic vocation as if it were an actual calling from God. ─── 在很早的时候,弥尔顿就在沉思他的诗歌事业,就像是来自上帝真实的召唤。
4、The stillness, the solemnity that brooded in the woods, and the sense of loneliness, began to tell upon the spirits of the boys. ─── 周遭的寂静、森林中的肃穆以及孤独感,慢慢地对这几个孩子的情绪发生了作用。
5、The stillness, the solemnity that brooded in the woods, and the sense of loneliness, began to tell upon the spirits of the boys. ─── 周遭的寂静、森林中的肃穆以及孤独感,慢慢地对这几个孩子的情绪发生了作用。
6、Lastly, religion stresses a spirit.It is because religion has a belief in spirit that religion boasts a brood social basis. ─── 三是宗教强调一种精神,正因为宗教对精神的景仰,才使得宗教拥有广泛的社会基础;
7、By evening, when Hurstwood reached home, she had brooded herself into a state of sullen desire for explanation and revenge. ─── 这一天琢磨下来,到晚上赫斯渥回家时,她已经满腔怒气,急于要他解释,急于向他报复了。
8、You must brood over the situation adequately. ─── 你必须思虑周到。
9、"You snakes!You brood of vipers!How will you escape being condemned to hell? ─── 33你们这些蛇类、毒蛇之种阿、怎能逃脱地狱的刑罚呢。
10、He said,"I am just going to stick her up here and let you brood about her for a while. ─── 他说:“我就要把她钉在这里,让你对她沉思默想一会儿。”
11、Speak out. Don't just brood over things. ─── 你有什么事就说吧, 别圈在心里。
12、Brood War will now show 'mapsBroodWar' folder as your default map folder. ─── 创建单人或多人游戏时,将自动记住最后一次的地图和文件夹设置。
13、For a long time I brooded over the idea of making a canoe of the trunk of a tree, as the Indians do, and at last set to work at the task. ─── 很长一段时间我反复思量的制作了一个树干独木舟的想法,作为印度人,最后设置工作任务。
14、Philippa, 43, was reportedly keen to add to her brood as she does not want Michael to be an only child. ─── 43岁的菲丽帕据说非常渴望为大儿子添一个玩伴。
15、A brood of modern paintings will be exhibited at the museum. ─── 一批现代画将在博物馆展览。
16、He still bought some of egg, think egg a brood of chickling, but did not succeed. ─── 他还买了些鸡蛋,想卵一窝小鸡,但没有成功。
17、Consequently, a banquet of unhatched male offspring lies there ready to be devoured when the rest of the brood emerges. ─── 于是雌性毛虫一孵化就有一顿大餐(未孵化的兄弟)等著牠们享用。
18、But his eyes, dimmed a little by many paintless days, under sun and rain, brood on over the solemn dumping ground. ─── 但是,他留下的那两只眼睛,由于年深月久,日晒雨淋,油漆剥落,光彩虽不如前,却依然若有所思,阴郁地俯视着这片阴沉沉的灰堆。
19、Most Chinese live close to the poverty level or well under it , while a small group of newly brooded capitalists profit hugely incollusion with shady officials. ─── 例如伊利沙白女王在海盗德雷克那里持有股份,在一次对西班牙商船的成功掠夺中,女王分得了25万英镑。
20、They all have need for me, and I have no time to brood over the afterlife. ─── 他们都需要我,我没有时间去冥想来生。
21、He brood on his failure. ─── 他思忖着他的失败。
22、Even if true is very disgusted with a map brooded over this issue, I would like to say, how will do, because, my selection will not regret it! ─── 即使真的很厌恶同一张图的反复思量,我也想说,怎么都行,因为,我选择,不会后悔!
23、On the right hand their brood arises; They thrust aside my feet and build up against me their ways of destruction. ─── 伯30:12这等下流人在我右边起来、开我的脚、成战路来攻击我。
24、His unfairness gave her something else to brood over. ─── 他的不公平又让她生气了。
25、He brooded the problem all night. ─── 他一整夜都在思考那个问题。
26、She was left to herself to brood and wonder. ─── 她只有独自一个在那里沉思和惊讶。
27、Clyde himself did not brood over the matter. ─── 克莱德没把这件事放在心上。
28、His gaze brooded on his broadtoed boots, a buck's castoffs nebeneinander: He counted the creases of rucked leather wherein another's foot had nested warm. ─── 他的视线落在宽头长统靴上,一个花花公子丢弃的旧物,并列着。他数着皮面上的皱纹,这曾经是另一个人暖脚的窝。
29、Ah, sinful nation, a people loaded with guilt, a brood of evildoers, children given to corruption! ─── 嗐,犯罪的国民,担着罪孽的百姓,行恶的种类,败坏的儿女。
30、The young hatched at one time; a brood. ─── 一次孵出的幼体;(鸡等)一窝
31、On the farms the hens brooded , but no chicks hatched. ─── 在农庄,母鸡下蛋却孵不出小鸡。
32、Archibald Kane brooded over it until he felt that some change ought to be enforced, but just what it should be he could not say. ─── 他曾把这事反复筹思,终于觉得非有一点变化不可,但究竟是怎样的变化,他却也说不出来。
33、To prevent the queen from crawling up to the top and laying eggs, a screen can be inserted between the brood chamber and the supers. ─── 为了防止蜂王爬到顶端生蛋,一个筛子被插到窝室和空盒之间。
34、Increased to should stimulate factor secondly, chicken carries from brood specialist raise gallinaceous door, new, old place is changed.. ─── 其二增加了应激因子,鸡从育雏专业户运到养鸡户,新、旧场地转换...
35、NIV] Whom are you mocking? At whom do you sneer and stick out your tongue? Are you not a brood of rebels, the offspring of liars? ─── [和合]你们向谁戏笑,向谁张口吐舌呢?你们岂不是悖逆的儿女,虚谎的种类呢?
36、You serpents, you brood of vipers, how will you escape the sentence of hell? ─── 太23:33你们这些蛇类、毒蛇之种阿、怎能逃脱地狱的刑罚呢。
37、A raven observed that an eagle brooded thirty days over her eggs. ─── 乌鸦乌鸦看到老鹰孵蛋要三十天。
38、Don't brood over lost opportunities. ─── 别为失去的机会懊丧不已。
39、Vapor jetted from the brood hose as from a little steam engine. ─── 大鼻子里象小小的蒸气机似的冒出热气。
40、Around the time of Medivh's birth on Azeroth, Kil'Jaeden the Deceiver sat and brooded amongst his followers within the Twisting Nether. ─── 在麦迪文降生的前后,欺诈者基尔加丹正和他的随从们在扭曲虚空中谋划着下一步的行动。
41、Medivac Dropships heal much faster than Medics from StarCraft Brood War. ─── 医疗运输机的治疗效果可比母巢之战里的护士强多了。
42、She brooded on this, much more especially on the return from this second attempt to induce Dr. Glenn to help her. ─── 她心里老是默默想着这件事,尤其是第二次向格俚医生求救失败回家来以后。
43、Most Chinese live close to the poverty level or well under it, while a small group of newly brooded capitalists profit hugely in collusion with shady officials. ─── 大多数中国人仍生活在接近贫困线的水平或以下,而少数新兴的资产阶级和“灰色”官僚聚集了大量财富。
44、But we should not brood about the past. We should create a new future with a positive spirit. ─── 但我们不应该光是消极的回忆过去,而应该积极的创造将来。
45、Of all her wandering brood of brothers he had always been her favorite. ─── 在她这一群四海为家的哥哥弟弟之中她最喜欢的一向是他。
46、If your babe is the baby of his brood, 43 "hes likely to be creative and a little rebellious. ─── 假如你的宝贝是他家中排行最小的,43他可能有创造力及有点叛逆。
47、She did it because it was pleasant and a relief from dulness of the home over which her husband brooded. ─── 她去拜访她们,因为这使她感到愉快,她还可以摆脱一下那个枯燥无味的家和她那个守在家里发呆的丈夫。
48、"You serpents, you brood of vipers, how will you escape the sentence of hell? ─── 你们这些蛇类,毒蛇之种阿,怎能逃脱地狱的刑罚呢。
49、There had also been harbingers of change before anyone brooded on the shifting economics. ─── 在任何人考虑这个多变经济之前,早已显现大变的预兆。
50、She is mad at her son for killing the brood hen. ─── 她因儿子宰了传种的母鸡而对他十分恼火。
51、The shadow of that great sadness which for so long had brooded over him was gone. ─── 多少年来一直笼罩在他心头的那份天大的哀愁的阴影消失了。
52、He brooded no more on policemen, a sportsman's sacred fire alive again within him. ─── 他不再去转警察的心思了,一个讲究义气的人的神圣火焰重又在他心里燃烧起来了。
53、Almost invariably she would carry the vivid imaginations away with her and brood over them the next day alone. ─── 她几乎总是要把那些生动的想象带回去,第二天独自加以琢磨。
54、Even after the baby is hatched, it's dad who keeps the baby in the brood pouch. ─── 即使在幼鸟孵出后,把幼鸟放在育仔囊中仍是爸爸。
55、The terrible vision brooded over her all day long. ─── 可怕的幻想整天笼罩着她。
56、She brooded on her past mistakes so much that she became ill. ─── 她过于深思从前的错误以致于生病了。
57、Like marsupial mammals, Hutts nurse their young Huttlets in special brood pouches. ─── 他们像有袋类哺乳动物,在育婴袋里抚育幼崽。
58、He wasn't even offering her a helping hand, she brooded. ─── 他甚至没有向她伸出援手,她闷闷不乐地想。
59、There has brooded very steadily over the female half of the human family an air of repression. ─── 人类家庭中女性的那一半一直笼罩着一种压抑的气氛。
60、The subsequent eggs, larvae, and pupae are called the brood. ─── 从卵,到成虫,再到蛹即为孵化过程。
61、Mt. 23:33 Serpents! Brood of vipers! How shall you escape the judgment of Gehenna? ─── 太二三33蛇类,毒蛇之种,你们怎能逃避火坑的审判?
62、There's Mrs O'Brien taking her brood for a walk. ─── 奥布赖恩太太领着她那群孩子散步呢.
63、Serpents! Brood of vipers! How shall you escape the judgment of Gehenna? ─── 33蛇类,毒蛇之种,你们怎能逃避火坑的审判?
64、The moment I am bound I begin to brood on freedom. ─── 一旦受到约束,我就开始盘算如何争取自由。
65、A nest or brood of pheasants. ─── 一窝雉一窝或一群野鸡
66、He brooded over whether he could possibly find work again that winter. ─── 他焦虑地思考着那个冬季他能否再找到工作。
67、Its went, occurrent, end comes everything unpredictable is sent wake greatly, make brood. ─── 其过去了的、正在发生的、末来不可预知的一切都发入深醒、令入沉思。
68、A brood or litter, especially of kittens. ─── 一胎生下的小动物一胎生下的小动物,尤其指猫
69、Under every guilty secret there is hidden a brood of guilty wishes. ─── 在每一种罪恶的秘密下面,总有成堆罪恶的愿望被掩盖着。
70、The ratio of brood cysts in cattle affected by hydatid disease was significantly higher in Ili than in Hotan and Al- tay,being 26.47%,6.18% and 7.94%. ─── 包虫病牛中带有育囊的比例伊犁明显高于和田与阿勒泰,分别为26.47%、6.185和7.94%。
71、The depressed person tend to withdraw into himself and brood. ─── 因外界引起的暂时的失望和消沉。
72、He treated me badly, I brooded with much anger, he hurt me inside. ─── 他对我的态度太差了,我感到非常生气,他深深的伤害了我。”
73、Elizabeth's brood, Margaret's children are happily married and pursuing independent careers. ─── 同伊丽莎白女王的孩子们不同,玛格丽特的两个孩子婚姻幸福,事业有成。
74、He said, "I am just going to stick her up here and let you brood about her for a while. ─── 他说:“我就要把她钉在这里,让你对她沉思默想一会儿。”
75、A brood of their relations will come to live with them during Christmas Holidays. ─── 他们那一大帮亲戚要在圣诞节期间来他们这里住。
76、Whatever it happened,whatever it is good or bad,please brood over its meaning. ─── 不论发生什么事,不管是好是坏,思考它的意义吧。
77、She brooded over her failure. ─── 她为失败而郁郁沉思。
78、She brooded over her failure. ─── 她为失败而郁郁沉思。
79、She brooded over this until she was in a state of mental rebellion. ─── “我到街上去走走,”吃过晚饭她说。
80、But we should not brood about the past. We should createa new future with a positive spirit. ─── 但我们不应该光是消极的回忆过去,而应该积极的创造将来。
81、"I brooded horribly upon the thought of my mother's madness. ─── “我恐惧地沉思着我母亲发疯的问题。
82、For years he brooded vengeance. ─── 多年来他一直在盘算报仇。
83、A price often has a brood to aid him. ─── 一个王子常有一帮伙计来辅助。
84、She watched over us like a mother hen over brood. ─── 她像母鸡照顾小鸡一样保护我们。
85、He brooded on whether she should commit suicide. ─── 他想她是不是死于自杀。
86、John said to the crowds who came out to be baptized by him, “You brood of vipers! How will you escape when divine punishment comes? ─── 他对前来要他授洗的群众说:“毒蛇之辈,谁告诉你们能逃避将临的忿怒?
87、You seem to brood over things. ─── 你好像有什么事闷在心里。
88、He gazed upon Marius with the eyes of a grandmother. He brooded over him while he ate. ─── 他用祖母的目光注视着马吕斯,目不转睛地望着他进餐。他已不认识自己,他自己已不算数了,
89、In the brood chamber below, the bees will stash honey to eat later. ─── 在一个窝室中,蜜蜂会藏起蜜晚些再吃。
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