predicant 发音
英: 美:
predicant 中文意思翻译
predicant 短语词组
1、predicant maera eso location ─── 谓词maera ESO位置
2、predicant meara ─── 传道米拉
3、predicant maera eso ─── 布道丹·梅拉
4、predicant maera ─── 传教士母亲
predicant 相似词语短语
1、predikant ─── n.荷兰归正会的牧师
2、eradicant ─── adj.根治的;n.铲除剂
3、predicants ─── adj.传道的;说教的;n.传道者;说教者
4、predikants ─── n.荷兰归正会的牧师
5、medicant ─── 药物
6、predicate ─── n.谓语,述语;v.使……基于;断言;暗示;adj.谓语的,述语的
7、predicament ─── n.窘况,困境;状态
8、dedicant ─── 奉献
9、prejudicant ─── 有害的
predicant 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Further Research on the Hyperbolic Fitting Method for Predic tion of Subgrad Settlement ─── 公路软基沉降双曲线预测法的进一步探讨
2、Keywords polymer flooding;indexes of production;water cut;predic tion; ─── 聚合物驱油;开发指标;含水率;预测;改进;
3、Prevention on crimes of the under ground of crimes with characters of th eunder ground is a project,including three parts:Firstly,scientific predic tion on crimes with characters of the under ground; ─── 黑社会(性质)犯罪预防是一项系统工程,主要包括关系密切的三方面内容:一是对黑社会(性质)犯罪进行科学预测;
4、Conclusion P wave maximum width or P wave dispersion is a dependable sign to predic... ─── 结论P波离散度、P波最大宽度为一种预测阵发性心房纤颤的可靠指标。
5、 双语使用场景
6、predic tive inference ─── 预期推理
7、Predic on Bulk Modulus and Transverse Shear Modulus of Multiphase Fiber Composites ─── 混杂纤维复合材料横向剪切模量和体积模量的预测
9、Noise from different sources has different features.Different noise monitoring and predic tion methods should be used for the nois... ─── 噪声预测方法应在考虑铁路规模的同时,针对不同影响特征建立不同预测方法。
10、last we can get the result by inputting the predic... ─── 计算结果表明,预测结果基本符合要求。
11、Practical application demonstrated that the prediction model has fast convergence speed and good prediction accuracy which is also an effective predic... ─── 实际应用表明,该模型预测准确性高,是一种有效的煤与瓦斯突出危险性预测方法。
12、Health experts predic predict that soon, more people will die from cancer than from the AIDS, tuberculosis and melaria combainmalaria combined. ─── 健康专家预测,不久之后,死于癌症的人要多于死于艾滋病,肺结核跟综合疟疾。
13、The coupled models predic t significant responses of terrestrial ecosystem structure and function. ─── 2)森林和草地的总面积增加,这是作为取代干旱灌木林、沙漠和高山苔原的结果。
14、Abstract: It is very difficult to predic insulation ageing of the power capacitor because it is a complete closed equiment. ─── 摘 要 :电容器是一种全密封设备,其绝缘老化状况的判定十分困难。
15、dynamic predic tion ─── 动态预测
16、The Clinical Value of Tumor Makers in the Diagnosis, Predic tion Response to Chemotherapy and Prognosis in Human Lung Cancer ─── 肿瘤标志物在肺癌诊断、疗效及预后评判中的意义
17、Using the predic tion software of the fire smoke flow properties in the building, the effect of the flow coefficient on the fire smoke flow was also studied. ─── 同时,运用建筑物火灾烟气流动性状预测计算软件,分析了门窗开度及流量系数对火灾烟流的影响。
18、In order to help coking and chemical enterprises to extract themselves from their predic... ─── 最后对焦化企业如何摆脱当前困境,提出了一些设想和建议。
19、Optimism and failure were predicators of satisfaction with life,and self-efficacy and failure were predic... ─── 结论:大学生的乐观能显著地预测心理幸福感。
20、Study on Some Problems in Development of Neural Network Model for Displacement Predic tion ─── 岩土工程位移预测神经网络建模的几个问题
21、Very good agreement was found between predic ted and experimentally measured wire surface temperatures. ─── 模型计算结果与现场实测结果基本一致。
22、To aim directly at the existing deficiency of traditional predic tion method of pavement performance,the prediction model based on the theory of artificial neural network is developed. ─── 针对传统的路面使用性能预测方法存在的不足,应用人工神经网络理论,建立预估模型。
24、Conclusion: Doppler ultrasonic can be used in latent period as a screen test to predic the fetus distress. ─── 两组比较,宫缩期及间歇期各项指标有差别,为诊断胎儿窘迫的筛选方法。
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