convexities 发音
英: 美:
convexities 中文意思翻译
convexities 短语词组
1、convexities definition ─── 凸性定义
2、convexities brain ─── 凸脑
3、convexities medical ─── 凸度
convexities 同义词
bulging | U-shaped | rounded | bowed | arched |curved
convexities 反义词
convexities 词性/词形变化,convexities变形
名词复数: convexities |
convexities 相似词语短语
1、convertites ─── n.从良的妓女;改变信仰者
2、concinnities ─── n.优美,和谐,雅致
3、concavities ─── n.凹面;凹度
4、conveniencies ─── n.方便;便宜
5、complexities ─── n.复杂性(complexity的复数);错综复杂的事物
6、convexity ─── n.凸面,凸状;中凸
7、convexes ─── adj.凸面的,凸出的;凸多边形的;n.凸面,凸出部分
8、congruities ─── n.适合,调和;一致;全等
9、conformities ─── 一致,适合;符合;相似(conformity的复数)
convexities 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、An easy approach is to create a convex hull around an object's location at two different times. ─── 一条简单的途径就是在不同的时间在一个物体的地点附近创造凸壳。
2、Nutlets convex and thick; leaf base usually truncate, lobes sometimes dentate. ─── 小坚果凸和厚;有时的通常的叶基部截形,裂片具牙齿。
3、A narrow convex molding often having the form of beading. ─── 半圆饰,串珠饰通常有装饰条形式的窄形凸起模型
4、By using the semigroup of bounded linear operator,a new locally convex vector topological is introduced,and some propositions of it are given. ─── 利用有界线性算子半群,引入了一新的局部凸向量拓扑,并对其基本性质进行了讨论.
5、I_COLLIDE is an interactive and exact collision detection library for large environments composed of convex polyhedra . ─── COLLIDE是一个交互式的和确切的冲突检验库,它用于由凸起的多面体组成的大的环境中。
6、R. T. Rockafellar . Convex analysis. Princeton University Press Princeton. ─── 刘光中.凸分析与极值问题.高等教育出版社.1991.
7、Having greater curvature on the concave side than on the convex side.Used of a lens. ─── 凹凸的凹面曲率大于凸面曲率的。用于指透镜
8、Convex sets and functions have many interesting and useful properties which are not explored in detail here. ─── 凸集和凸函数具有很多重要的和有用的性质,在此不作详细讨论。
9、A edible and choice fungus,has a convex cap that is slightly viscid when fresh and moist but soon dries and a thick bulbous tan stalk. ─── 一种可食用的上等的菌类,有一顶凸起的帽子,当新鲜和潮湿时,有些粘,但很快会变干,有一个粗的球根状的茶色的茎。
10、Convex on both sides;biconvex. ─── 凸凸的两面部凸的;
11、On the other hand, convex mirrors always form diminished images, so they are ideal for applications in which a broad field of view is required. ─── 利用凸镜所看到的镜像会较小,适宜用来观察较阔大的范围。
12、According to some relative definations, this paper proposed a triangulation of convex hull based on a monotonic chain. ─── 在分析应用相关定义的基础上,该文提出了一种基于单调链法的凸壳三角剖分方法。
13、Light can be collected with the convex. ─── 凸透镜具有聚集光线的作用。
14、In this paper,the complete conjugte properties about the upper and lower exponents for mutual conjugate convex function on linear spaces are obtained. ─── 在一般线性空间上,给出凸函数的上、下指数的定义,并建立了共轭凸函数的指数共轭关系.
15、Convex and concave for gripping must be distributed reciprocally in this range. ─── 在此范围内,用于夹持的凹凸处必须一一对应分布。
16、Considering the convex of diamond grit's projection, partition points (concave points) were detected along the contour. ─── 基于金刚石投影的凸性,沿轮廓逐点搜索出分割点(凹点)。
17、A narrow, convex molding. ─── 圆凸线一种窄的凸圆造型
18、A convex style of cutting gems. ─── 定形宝石切削过的凸形宝石
19、Nutlets veined, one side convex, other side concave. ─── 小坚果脉,一边凸,其他的边凹。
20、Gong Sheng, Convex and starlike mappings in several complex varialtes. Science Press/Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998. ─── 7龚升.多复变数的凸映照与星形映照.纯粹数学与应用数学专著第34号.科学出版社,1995
21、Leaf blade narrowly ovate, abaxially veins not convex, base rounded. Pedicels, bracteoles and carpels glabrous. ─── 叶片狭卵形,不凸的背面脉,基部圆形。花梗,小苞片和心皮短无毛。
22、A rounded convex molding, often a quarter section of a circle or an ellipse. ─── 凸圆线脚装饰一个圆的凸圆体塑模,通常为一圆或椭圆的四分之一部分
23、A convex lens can be used to concentrate the sun's ray and thus burn a hole in a piece of paper. ─── 凸透镜可以用来聚集太阳光,将一张纸片烧穿一个洞。
24、R-convex functions are the generalizations of convex functions, which includes the family of convex. ─── 凸函数是凸函数的一种推广形式,它完全包含了凸函数族。
25、As these programming models were convex, and SQP algorithm could retain the non-linea... ─── 几个算例的验证结果均符合凸规划全局最优判别准则。
26、In certain case it might be necessary to further decompose a spiral into convex subsets. ─── 在某些情况下,把一个螺旋形进一步分解成凸子集是必要的。
27、The convex aspheric surface has self-aplanatic capability.The range that can be utilized in practice was studied. ─── 分析了自消球差方法检验凸二次非球面的实际可用范围。
28、His first job after graduate school was programming UNIX for CONVEX supercomputers. ─── 他毕业后的第一份工作是为CONVEX超级计算机机进行UNIX编程。
29、For some special cases, the deterministic convex optimization problems are derived. ─── 对某些特殊的情形,我们导出了鲁棒线性最优化的确定性等价问题。
30、The experiment proves that the algorithm is effective despite the contours are convex changeable and very complex. ─── 实验证明,该方法对凹凸多变、复杂的封闭轮廓线有较好的效果。
31、Xu, at el but also give an affirmative answer to the open question of Rhoades_Naimpally_Singh in convex metric spaces. ─── Xu等人的相应结果 ,而且对Rhoades_Naimplally_Singh所提出的公开问题 ,在凸度量空间的框架下给出了肯定的答复·
32、We lose, he says, our 'youthful convexities'. ─── 他说,我们这样就失去了“年轻的皮肤弹性凸起”。
33、Its convex border should project far into the right lower lung field. ─── 其凸出缘应深深地突入右下肺野内。
34、Require to import30 cm,45 cm,60 cm,90 cm convex mirrors for south africa market. ─── 南非市场需进口30厘米、5厘米、0厘米、5厘米的凸透镜。
35、The specimen with grid non-smooth units had the best resistance, the stria took the second place and the convex showed the worst. ─── 其中具有网格状非光滑单元体的试样耐磨性最好,条纹状次之,点状最差;
36、Prove som e m apping oftheorem s of perturbations for ranges ofm axim al m onotone operatorT in a realreflexive and strictly convex Banach space X. ─── 在实自反、严格凸Banach 空间X 中,论证了关于极大单调算子T 值域的扰动定理
37、A convex lens is used to concentrate rays of light. ─── 凸透镜用于聚集光线。
38、An algorithm for generating the min-area convex quadrangle encasing box,based on genetic algorithm,is investigated and put forward. ─── 基于遗传算法的思想,研究并提出了凸多边形面积最小的凸四边形包围盒生成算法。
39、A projective silhouette based method was proposed to reconstruct the shape of little convex polyhedron. ─── 为实现小凸多面物体面形快速重建,提出了基于投影轮廓的新方法。
40、The convex surfaces faces toward the left. ─── 凸面朝左方。
41、Concave on one side and convex on the other. ─── 一面凹进一面凸起的
42、To a glass plate, made by quadrochromatic hiberarchy selerosis glutin dilative convex graphics and text. ─── 以玻璃板为版基,按照草稿条理制成强硬的明胶扩张凹图文印版。
43、Having greater curvature on the convex side than on the concave side.Used of a lens. ─── 凸凹的凸面比凹面曲度更大的。用来指透镜
44、Privacy-preserving protocol for finding the convex hulls is a special case of secure multi-party computation problem. ─── 保护私有信息的凸包求解问题是一个特殊的安全多方计算问题。
45、Pressing sheet metal forming, the surface should be clean, there should be clear and convex fold. ─── 压型金属板成型后,表面应干净,不应有明显的凹凸和皱褶。
46、A joint, such as the elbow, in which a convex part of one bone fits into a concave part of another, allowing motion in only one plane. ─── 屈戌关节,绞链关节:屈戌关节(如肘),一块骨的凸出部分与另一块骨的凹进部分吻合,可以允许在一个水平面中运动
47、On the base,it also put forward the suggestion to correct the convex angle size of preshaving hob cutter. ─── 在此基础上,提出了剃前滚刀凸角尺寸修改的建议。
48、An on-line training algorithm is presented to avoid repetitious solving the convex programming problem. ─── 并给出一种?着调整时的在线训练算法,避免重复求解凸规划问题。
49、ConvexHullReplacer Replaces the geometry of the feature with a polygon representing its convex hull. ─── 将图形改为其外接凸多边形。
50、A convex moldingjust below the abacus of a Doric capital. ─── 多立斯柱头顶板下的凸出装饰。
51、Convex on one side and concave on the other. ─── 凸凹的一面凸一面凹的
52、Every weakly countably compact closed convex set in a locally convex space has the quasi-weak drop property. ─── 局部凸空间中每个弱可数紧闭凸集具拟弱滴状性质.
53、The TV setting wall of the sitting room is the concave and convex model that makes with plasterboard, use lilac. ─── 客厅的电视背景墙是用石膏板制成的凹凸造型,采用淡紫色。
54、Results The height of any point on the surface was evaluated, and it was found that two sides of the sacroiliac joint surface showed reciprocal convexities or elevations. ─── 结果通过测量获得骶髂关节面上任意点的高度,发现骶髂关节两侧关节面呈一种类似齿轮样相互咬合与滑槽轨迹相结合的关节面形态。
55、For a better understanding of the proofs several theorems of convex analysis are recalled in the first part. ─── 为了更好地理解证明,在第一部分回顾了凸分析的一些定理。
56、Alternative characterization of concave and convex functions which is sometimes useful. ─── 对于凹函数和凸函数还有一个替补的表征,有时它是有用的。
57、Leaf blade small, entire or fimbriate-ciliate, veinless, 1-channeled on back, sometimes plane or convex. ─── 叶片小,全缘的或流苏状具缘毛,无脉,在背面具1沟,有时平或凸。
58、It is also critical that the slope between the levels be flat and not convex or humped. ─── 另外,两层之间平缓不突兀也是至关重要的。
59、The experiment result shows that the compensation of convex corners and short corners of cantilever beam in EPW by the method. ─── 实验结果表明,该方法能够较好的完成对EPW腐蚀液中悬臂梁凸角削角的补偿。
60、Huge mountain wings a convex Lu Zhao, China’s largest stone forest karst landforms. ─── 巨大的山体两翼凸露着一片中国最大的喀斯特石林地貌。
61、A convex molding just below the abacus of a Doric capital. ─── 多立斯柱头顶板下的凸出装饰.
62、The surfaces of the concave lens may be proportioned so as to aberrate exactly equal to the convex lens. ─── 凹透镜的表面可以进行均匀处理,以便使像差完全与凸透镜一致。
63、Secondly,the suitable parameter is selected to extract the super ball’s lamella which is used to construct the convex hull. ─── 其次,选取合适的参数,提取单位超球体的外壳,用外壳中的点构造其凸包。
64、The key idea of SSVM is to transform the standard model of SVM into an unconstraint quadric convex programming problem. ─── SSVM模型的基本思想是将标准的支撑向量机模型转化成一个无约束二次凸规划模型进行求解。
65、Equivalence Conditions for Some K-Convexities ─── 若干K凸性的等价条件
66、Finally, optimality necessary and sufficient conditions for nonlinear convex semidefinite programming are proved. ─── 并给出了非线性半定规划的最优性必要和充分条件.
67、Meanwhile we present a kind of convex surfaces which are of infinitesimally nonrigidity and global nonrigidity. ─── 其次,我们讨论一类退化椭圆方程的解的正则性:解的解析性的证明。
68、Radiotracer in the cerebral convexities decreased or lacked in 17 cases (50%), and closed to normal in 17 (50%). ─── 大脑凸面显像剂分布减少或无分布17例(50%),分布接近正常17例(50%);
69、For convenience of the reader, pertinent results from linear algebra and convex analysis are summarized in Chapter two. ─── 为方便读者,在第二章中总结了相关的线性代数和凸分析知识。
70、A curved oriental saber,the edge is on the convex side of the blade. ─── 一种弯曲的东方马刀,边缘在刃的突起处。
71、A molding for a cornice, having a partly concave and partly convex curve in profile, used especially in classical architecture. ─── 反曲线饰纵断面部分为凹线,部分为凸形的檐口的线脚,尤用在古典建筑中
72、Theorem 4.4 Any polygonal dissection of a convex n-gon into a square of the same area requires at least [] pieces. ─── 定理4.4 用polygonal cut方法把一个凸n边形分划为等面积的正方形至少需要[n/4]块。
73、Convex analysis, Lagrangian relaxation, nondifferentiable optimization, and applications in integer programming. ─── 凸分析、拉格朗日松弛法、不可微分函数最适化以及在整数规划上的应用。
74、The convex block is arranged on the adhesively attached layer. ─── 凸块配置于沾附层上。
75、Also introduced the measure of prevent the convex and concave die cracking in course of pressing. ─── 优化了模具结构,同时也介绍了在冲压过程中凸、凹模易开裂采取的措施和方法。
76、On MRI, the lesion appeared double convex lens or egg in shape in coronal section and round or arrow head like in shape in sagittal section. ─── mri冠状位像呈“双凸透镜”形、卵圆形 ,矢状位像呈卵圆形、“箭头样”表现 ;
77、Convex on both sides; biconvex. Used of a lens. ─── 凸凸的两面部凸的;双凸面的。用来指透镜
78、A convex surface, body, part, or line. ─── 凸面、凸面体、凸面部分或凸线
79、The parallel light rays of the prnicipal axis that approach a convex lens can converge to the focal point. ─── 只有在近轴光线条件下,平行光通过凸透镜才可近似聚焦于一点。
80、Convex glass is used to magnify an image. ─── 凸透镜是用来放大图像。
81、A rounded convex molding,often a quarter section of a circle or an ellipse. ─── 凸圆线脚装饰一个圆的凸圆体塑模,通常为一圆或椭圆的四分之一部分。
82、The problem of minimum translational distance(MTD for short) of convex polyhedra is always an active subfield of computer graphics. ─── 凸多面体的最小平移距离问题一直以来都成为计算机图形学的一个研究热点。
83、For concave, convex, bag, bowl-like objects, leather bag.... General zig-zag work and lace attaching. ─── 可作蕾丝镶边及一般袋状,碗状,凹,凸产品皮包类之人字形缝纫.
84、This paper presented a new algorithm that is capable of solving network flow problem with convex separable costs. ─── 为求解非线性可分凸费用网络流问题,提出了一种原始对偶算法,并证明了算法的收敛性。
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