computable 发音
英:[kəmˈpjuːtəbl] 美:[kəmˈpjuːtəbl]
英: 美:
computable 中文意思翻译
computable 短语词组
1、Computable Document Format ─── 可计算文档格式
2、computable labs ─── 可计算实验室
3、computable field ─── 可计算字段
4、computable model ─── 可计算模型
5、computable predicate ─── [计] 可算谓词
6、computable def ─── 可计算定义
7、partially computable ─── [计] 部分可计算的
8、semi-computable predicate ─── [计] 半可计算谓词
9、computable general equilibrium ─── 可计算的一般均衡
10、computable number ─── 可计算数字
11、computable data type ─── [计] 可计算数据类型
12、computable set ─── 可计算集
13、Turing computable function ─── [计] 图灵机可计算函数
14、computable index ─── [计] 可计算下标
15、computable function ─── [计] 可算函数
computable 相似词语短语
1、comptable ─── 会计
2、combatable ─── 可以作战的(combat的变体)
3、comparable ─── adj.类似的,可比较的;同等的,相当的
4、compatible ─── adj.兼容的;能共处的;可并立的
5、computably ─── 可计算的
6、commutable ─── adj.可取代的;可交换的;可抵偿的
7、completable ─── adj.[数]可完备化的
8、compostable ─── 可用作堆肥(混合肥料)的;可以制作成肥料的
9、incomputable ─── adj.数不清的;不可数的;极大量的
computable 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、computable function ─── 可计算函数可算函数
2、Pixelization Requirements Reasonable approximation of anti-aliasing Computable with 64 bit arithmetic No worse than linear in the number of pixels Lack of "seams" in adjoining polygons ─── 像素化的需要反走样的合理近似值可在64位内计算相邻的多边形缺少“接缝”
3、Computable general equilibrium general government [national accounts] ─── 政府一般帐项[国民核算帐户]
4、In the light of the interrelation between each influencing factor between ports, levels of VTMS are determined and the standards for the levels are established.A comput... ─── 文中还就港口之间各主要影响因素的相互关系,从总体上划分了港口VTMS的等级,并建立了等级标准。
5、recursively computable ─── 可递归计算的
6、computable predicate ─── 可算谓词
7、turing computable ─── 图灵机可计算的
8、In this paper, a tax included computable nonlinear dynamic I-O model is constructed.At the same time, we also estimated its parameters using practical data of China. ─── 摘要建立了含税可计算非线性动态投入产出模型,并利用中国的实际数据估计出模型参数。
9、Computable general equilibrium model (CGE); ─── 可计算一般均衡模型(CGE);
10、Some sufficient conditions for block H-matrices,which are some computable formulae on the entries of the matrix,are obtained. ─── 在适当的条件下 ,获得了一些直接利用矩阵元素判定块 H-矩阵的条件 ,这些条件均由一些具体的计算公式表示。
11、large integrated monolithic array comput ─── 大规模集成单片阵列计算机
12、Computable Theory Analysis for Negative Skin Friction of Pile Foundation in Cold Region ─── 寒区桩基负摩阻力计算理论分析
13、[4]Yu TG,Yao ZW,Feng XY,et al.Imaging technique and clinical application of 16-slice spiral CT for coronary angiography[J].Chin Comput Med Imag,2004,10(1):18-22. ─── 于同刚,姚振威,冯晓源,等.16层螺旋CT冠状动脉造影成像技术及临床应用[J].中国医学计算机成像杂志,2004,10(1):18-22.
14、computable probability ─── 可计算概率
15、The simulation results show the fusion map used to estimate the position of under water vehicle is consistent, computable and effective. ─── 仿真结果显示:采用融合地图对水下机器人的位置估计是连续的、可计算的、有效的。
16、Luo J W.Oscillation of hyperbolic partial differential equations with impulsives.J Comput Appl Math,2002,133 (2):309 -318. ─── 张立琴.具有不依赖于状态脉冲的双曲型偏微分方程的振动准则.数学学报,:.
17、Li Y, Zhang JL, Feng D.A parallel prefetching method in RAID oriented to media server[J].J Comput Res Develop, 2002, 39(11):1526-30. ─── [5]李宇,张江陵,冯丹.一种面向视频播放系统的RAID并行预取技术及实现[J].计算机研究与发展,2002,39(11):1526-30.
18、Med Biol Eng Comput ─── (=Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing) 医学与生物工程和计算
19、the reason lies in the computable general equilibrium (CGE) models used by the Bank's (and other) economists. ─── 这与银行(及其他)经济学家采用可计算的一般均衡模型(CGE models)有关。
20、This make be worth to the human resource of absolutely impossibly calculate accurate, but can adopt the computable method only. ─── 这使得对人力资源价值的计量不可能绝对准确,而只能采用推算的方法。
21、[5]Dominique van der Mensbrngghe,Prototype Model for Real Computable General Equilibrium Model for P.R.China[R]. ─── 世界银行与原国家计委内部培训材料,北京,2002.
22、the branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structures. ─── 工程科学中研究(利用电脑)计算程序和结构的分支。
23、Turing partially computable function ─── 图灵机部分可算函数
24、quintuple Turing computable function ─── 五元组图灵可计算函数
25、There are known limitations to what is provable and probably to what is computable or knowable. ─── 关于什么是可证明的,什么是可计算的,或什么是可知的,有一些已知的限制。
26、estimators from this class have explicit expressions and are easily computable. ─── 关键词 方差分析估计, 非负估计, 方差分量.
27、Laboratory: Finance, Taxation &Public Administration Simulation Lab, Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Modeling Lab, Geographic Information System (GIS) Lab, and Social Research &Survey Lab. ─── 实验室:财政税收与公共管理模拟实验室、可计算一般均衡模型实验室、地理信息系统实验室、公共政策社会调查实验室。
28、Yuxi Fu, 1997.Constructive Sets in Computable Sets.Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol.12, 425-440. ─── 傅育熙,1997.移动进程的对称形式,1997年全国理论计算机年会论文集.
29、Cobb J, Claremont DJ.Transducers for foot pressure measurement: Survey of recent development Med Bio Eng Comput, 1995,33:525-533. ─── 庞伯友张国栋.中国正常成人半地行走时足底持重点三维力测定[J].生物医学工程学杂志,:.
30、Computable Equilibrium Modeling and Application to Economies in Transition ─── 可计算一般均衡模型在转型经济中的应用
31、The full name of CGE model is computable general equilibrium model, which isa numerical picture of the abstract general equilibrium model and often used todemonstrate how endogenous variables react to the change of exogenous variables. ─── CGE 模型,即可计算的一般均衡模型(Computable General Equilibrium),是对抽象的一般均衡模型给出具体的数字设定,从而判断外生变量变化会导致内生变量如何变化的模型。
32、Computable general equilibrium model (CGE) ─── 可计算一般均衡模型(CGE)
33、computable , domain, and purpose characterize it as a branch of engineering. ─── 可计算、领域和目的使得它具有工程的属性。
34、Therefore, on base of the combination strategy, the paper constructs the transportation and spatial computable general equilibrium model (SCGE) joint assessment model. ─── 因此采用模型组合策 略,运用一般均衡的思想,构建了交通与空间可计算一般均衡模型(SCGE)联合评估模 型的逻辑结构。
35、Computable Nonlinear Dynamic Input-Output Model and Its Application In Determining Tax Rates ─── 可计算非线性动态投入产出模型及其在税率设定中的应用
36、Computable measures of resistance can be applied in the field of prediction forearthquake damage. ─── 文中进一步将结构时变抗力的计算方法延伸到震害预测领域。
37、Computable General Equilibrium Model (CGE), as a tool for quantitive policy analysis, has been proved to be considerably effective. ─── 可计算一般均衡模型(Computable General Equilibrium Model,CGE)已被证明是一个行之有效的定量化政策分析工具。
38、Computable real function ─── 可计算实数函数
39、A Computable General Equilibrium Model in Studying Partial Factor Tax Incidence ─── 局部要素税税负分布的可计算一般均衡研究
40、so we use the Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) method. ─── 为此,我们利用可计算一般均衡模型(CGE)进行模拟分析。
41、[1]Ni JM,Yao ZW,Shen TZ,et al.Xenon CT perfusion of cerebral blood flow measurements and its reservers[J].Chin Med Comput Imaging,2005,11(2):75-79. ─── 倪建明,姚振威,沈天真,等.氙气CT灌注用于脑血流及其储备功能的初步评价[J].中国医学计算机成像杂志,2005,11(2):75-79.
42、A language is computably enumerable (synonyms: recursively enumerable , semidecidable ) if there is a computable function f such that f(w) is defined if and only if the word w is in the language. ─── 必须开发某种编码系统来允许可计算函数来接受在语言中的任意字作为输入;
43、The branch of engineering science that studies computable processes and structures. ─── 工程科学中研究计算程序和结构的分支。
44、computable general equilibrium(CGE);analysis;early voluntary sectoral liberalization(EVSL);global trade analysis project(GTAP);policy simulation ─── 关键词:可计算一般均衡分析(CGE);提前部门别自由化(EVSL);全球贸易分析模型(GTAP);政策模拟
45、The Assessment of Health Impact of Air Pollution on China's National Economy by Applying a Computable General Equilibrium Model ─── 可计算一般均衡模型的建立及其在评价空气污染健康效应对国民经济影响中的应用
46、Computable Dynamic General Equilibrium Model ─── 可计算一般均衡模型
47、Applied and Computable General Equilibrium Model ─── 应用和可计算一般均衡模型
48、computable index ─── 可计算下标
49、Turing computable function ─── 图灵机可计算函数
50、In this paper a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model is used to explore the economic impact of population aging in China. ─── 在本文中,利用可计算一般均衡模型(CGE)来模拟分析人口老龄化对中国社会经济的影响。
51、Study on Semi-feasible Geneic Algorithm for Computable General Equilibrium Model ─── 一般可计算均衡模型的自适应遗传算法研究
52、Computable General Equilibrium Approaches In Urban And Regional Policy Studies ─── 城市及区域政策研究中的可计算一般均衡法
53、Keywords Sandwich Injection M olding;Comput er-based Simulation;Penetration Length of Core Melt; ─── 夹芯注塑成型;计算机模拟分析;芯层熔体穿透深度;
54、The two methods of estimating parameter in computable general equilibrium(CGE) model are introduced and compared:the calibration procedure and econometric estimation. ─── 介绍了可计算的一般均衡 (CGE)模型中确定参数的两种主要方法 :校准方法与计量经济方法 ,并对两种方法进行了比较 ,分别论述它们的优缺点。
55、We prove the equivalence between PURM program and computable PTM. ─── 我们证明了PURM程序与可计算的PTM之间的等价性。
56、computable model ─── 可算模型
57、computable number ─── 可计算数
58、the branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structures ─── 工程科学中研究(利用电脑)计算程序和结构的分支
59、Computable General Equilibrium Model of the Structural Changes of Beijing ─── 北京市结构变化的可计算性一般均衡模型
60、computable field ─── 可计算域
61、logic for computable function ─── 可计算函数逻辑
62、Computable General Equilibrium ( CGE ) ─── 可计量一般均衡模型(CGE)
63、computable odds; ─── 可计算的几率;
64、The Study of Guangdong Economic Computable General Equilibrium Model on the Base of Sustainable Development ─── 基于可持续发展观的广东经济可计算一般均衡模型研究
65、In this paper, we first give the calculating formula for value added tax, corporate income tax and personal income tax by using the tax included computable nonlinear dynamic I-O model. ─── 摘要首先利用含税可计算非线性动态投入产出模型,给出求解增值税、企业所得税、个人所得税等主要税种合理税率的计算公式。
66、Keywords Old age security;Computable general equilibrium;Overlapping generations model;A-K model; ─── 养老保险;可计算一般均衡;世代交叠模型;A-K模型;
67、computable invariant ─── 可计算不变量
68、A system can be modelled on a computer when a theory of that system is computable. ─── 一个系统可以复制到计算机上,只要针对该系统,我们有一套运算理论。
69、Keywords Air pollution;Health effects;Gross domestic product;Computable general equilibrium model; ─── 关键词空气污染;健康效应;国内生产总值;可计算一般均衡模型;
70、This study constructs a regional Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model of China to analyze the impact of China's WTO accession on rural income. ─── 一篇建立区域可计算一般均衡模型(cge)来分析中国入世对中国农村收入影响的论文,.
71、Using a dynamic computable general equilibrium model of China, this paper discussed the oligopoly of Chinese steel industry through the introduction of scale economics and imperfect competition. ─── 摘要利用中国动态可计算一般均衡模型,通过引入规模经济和不完全竞争,刻画了中国钢铁产业的多寡头垄断新格局;
72、Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Models and Environmental Policies Analysis ─── 可计算一般均衡(CGE)模型与环境政策分析
73、Part of the reason lies in the computable general equilibrium (CGE) models used by the Bank's (and other) economists. ─── 这与银行(及其他)经济学家采用可计算的一般均衡模型(CGEmodels)有关。
74、In this approach logical formulas represent computational problems (or, equivalently, computational resources), and their validity means being "always computable". ─── 在这种方法下逻辑公式表示计算问题(或等价的计算资源),而它们的有效性意味着"总是可计算的"。
75、computable data type ─── [计] 可计算数据类型
76、Computable General Equilibrium Model was set up to simulate the influence of levy carbon tax on China s macro-economy, energy saving and CO2 emission reduction. ─── 利用可计算一般均衡模型,模拟了碳税征收对中国宏观经济、节约能源和抑制CO2排放的影响。
77、The advent of the electronic business based on comput er network brings new opportunity and challenge to enterprise. ─── 以计算机网络为基础的电子商务正在全球范围内迅速兴起,给企业带来了新的机遇与挑战。
78、CGE computable general equilibrium model ─── 可计算的总体平衡模型
79、Dynamic Computable general equilibrium model ─── 动态可计算一般均衡模型
80、dynamic computable general equilibrium ─── 动态可计算一般均衡
81、The Chinese computable structure model based on binary operation relations ─── 基于二元运算关系的汉语计算语法模型
82、A Model of Spatial Computable General Equilibrium Analysis and Its Use in Analyzing China Agricultural Customs Tariff Policy ─── 中国农业关税政策的空间性应用一般均衡模型构建及分析
83、So I decided to just try to see how much of the systematic knowledge that's out there in the world we can make computable. ─── 所以,我决定尝试知道在这世界上,有多少系统化的知识是我们能够计算的
84、A model proposed by Davis for computable functions is equivalent to Turing machine and consists of three basic Fortran-form instructions. ─── Davis曾提出由三条Fortran语言形的基本指令组成的与Turing机等价的计算模型。
86、Multisectoral general equilibrium model A computable general equilibrium model which covers several sectors . ─── 跨行业总体平衡模型指覆盖几个行业的可计算的总体平衡模型。
87、[9]Lao Q, Wang ZM, Sha SQ, et al.CT diagnosis of cervical lymph node tuberculosis[J].Chin Comput Med Imaging, 1997,3(3) :166-168. ─── 劳群,王朝明,沙水泉,等.颈淋巳结结核的CT诊断[J].中国医学计算机成像杂志,1997,3(3):166-168.
88、But if one’s already made knowledge computable, one doesn’t need to do that kind of natural language understanding. ─── 但若我们使知识适于计算,就不需要进行那种自然语言理解。
89、8.a calculable risk; computable odds; estimable assets. ─── 可预测的危险;可计算的几率;可估算的资产。
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