nux 发音
英: 美:
nux 中文意思翻译
nux 短语词组
1、nux jtc nux jtc
2、prepared nux vomica ─── [医] 马钱子粉, 番木鳖粉
3、vomica nux ─── 呕吐
4、nux mighty air app nux mighty air ─── 应用程序
5、nux jtc pro nux jtc pro
6、nux vomica ─── [化] 马钱子 ─── [医] 马钱子, 番木鳖
7、nux pseudocerasi ─── [医] 樱桃核
8、nux b2 ─── 纽克斯b2
9、nux mg nux ─── 毫克
10、nux mighty air nux ─── 强大的空气
11、extract of nux vomica ─── [化] 马钱子浸膏; 番木鳖浸膏
12、nux indica ─── [网络] ux a
13、nux b nux b
14、Strychnos nux-vomica L. ─── [医] 马钱, 番木鳖
15、nux moschata ─── [医] 肉豆蔻
16、nux mini studio nux ─── 迷你工作室
17、nux prinsepiae ─── [医] 蕤仁
18、nux loop core deluxe nux loop core ─── 豪华版
19、nux dm nux dm
nux 相似词语短语
1、nun ─── n.修女,尼姑;n.(Nun)人名;(中)能(广东话·威妥玛);(朝)嫩;(匈、以)努恩
2、dux ─── n.成绩最优的学生;n.(Dux)人名;(德、英、西、匈)杜克斯;(法)迪克斯
3、Aux ─── abbr.辅助设备的逻辑设备名
4、mux ─── abbr.多路复用器(multiplexer);多工设备(MultiplexingEquipment);多用户实验(MultipleUserExperiment)
5、num ─── abbr.号码(number);数字(numeral);n.(Num)人名;(柬)农
6、nub ─── n.要点;小块,结节;瘤;残根
7、Lux ─── abbr.卢森堡公国(Luxembourg);n.(Lux)(美、德、法)卢克斯(人名)
8、nu- ─── n.希腊字母第13字
9、nix ─── n.无,没有东西;水妖,水鬼;v.阻止;拒绝;结束;取消;pron.无,没有东西;int.没有;不行;(非正式)当心(上司来临);adv.不,不行;n.(Nix)(德、英、美)尼克斯(人名)
nux 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Nux vomica is first recorded in Compendium of Materia Medica to remove mass and lump, and now becomes a hotspot in the treatment of tumors. ─── 马钱子“消痞块”作用最早载于《本草纲目》,近年来广泛用于各种肿瘤的治疗。
2、The Clinical Feature and Possible Principal of Espileptic Attack Caused by Nux Vomica ─── 马钱子中毒致癫痫发作的临床特征及可能机制
3、an alkaloid poison extracted chiefly from nux vomica; formerly used as a stimulant ─── 主要从马钱子中提取的生物碱毒药,以前用作兴奋剂
4、You will go nuts for the nuts you get in Nux. ─── 纳克斯坚果让你爱不释手。
5、Keywords Nux vomica;Processing drugs;Expansive method;Total alkaloid;acute;Acute toxicity; ─── 马钱子;炮制;爆压法;总生物碱;急性毒性;中药研究;
6、[By the way, some people are still fighting over whether to say lie nucks , or lee nux. ─── ] [顺便说一句,一些人一直在争论它是读成lie nucks还是lee nux。
7、an alkaloid poison extracted chiefly from nux vomica; formerly used as a stimulant. ─── 主要从马钱子中提取的生物碱毒药,以前用作兴奋剂。
8、Keywords Nux Vomica;Processing drugs;Expansive method;Orthogonal design;Strychnine; ─── 马钱子;炮制;爆压法;正交试验;士的宁;
9、A poisonous white crystalline alkaloid,C23H26N2O4,derived from the seeds of nux vomica and closely related plants and used to denature alcohol. ─── 番木鳖碱有毒的白色结晶体状生物碱,
10、Keywords strychnos nux vomica;alkaloid;tissue distribution; ─── 马钱子;生物碱;组织分布;
11、Nux Pseudocerasi ─── 樱桃核
12、nux vomica alkaloids solution ─── 马钱子生物碱溶液
13、Medicinal Plants - Opium Poppy, Peruvian Bark, Scammony, Nux Vomica. ─── 药用植物。罂粟,秘鲁树皮,马钱子。
14、Strychnos nux vomica L. has evident value in the clinical application of traditional Chinese medicine,but its toxicity affects its clinical application. ─── 马钱子具有显著的中药临床应用价值,但它的毒性限制了其临床应用。
15、Effects of the expansive method in the hyperthermal and high - pressure condition on total alkaloid in nux vomica and study on its acute toxicity test ─── 爆压法对马钱子总生物碱的影响及急性毒性试验研究
16、Objective:To study the effects on the alkaloid components in Strychnos nux-vomical L. uncombined and combined with Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. ─── 目的:研究马钱子配伍甘草对马钱子中主要生物碱的影响。
17、prepared nux vomica ─── [医] 马钱子粉, 番木鳖粉
18、Nux is an open source project geared toward high-throughput XML messaging middleware that aims to integrate best-of-breed components for XML processing into a single toolkit. ─── Nux是一个开放源码项目,它的目标是通过高吞吐量的XML消息传递中间件,将高质量的XML处理组件集成到单个工具包中。
19、Scotophilus nux ─── n. 喀麦隆黄蝠
20、Now and again a packet of nux vomica and bicarb stomach powder would fly out and burst like a bomb, splashing vivid white against the green. ─── 时不时还有一包马钱子或健胃药飞出来爆掉,白粉绿草相映成趣。
21、condition of the powder of Strychnos nux-vomica was studied by orthogonal design. ─── 通过正交试验探讨了马钱子粉干燥工艺条件。
22、You'll go nuts for the nuts you get in Nux. ─── 纳克斯坚果让你爱不释口。
23、Nux vomica powder ─── 马钱子散
24、Results: The result of experiment in this subject has proved that Nux vomica powder has the functions of increasing efficacy and decreasing toxicity. ─── 结果:实验研究结果证明马钱子散具有减毒增效的作用。
25、You will go nuts for the nuts you get in Nux. ─── 纳克斯坚果让你爱不释手。
26、Ma Qian Zi Nux Vomica Semen Strychni ─── 马钱科植物马钱
27、Main Components: Nux Vomica Cedar Oil Olibanum Oil and Pure Plant Extract etc. ─── 用法用量:本品为纯植物制剂,爱宠在意外交配后72小时内服1片。同时将凝胶挤入阴道内。
28、The processed seed of Strychonos nux-vomica L. is of most common poisonous Chinese Traditional Herbs classified. ─── 马钱子是常见的有毒的中药之一,使用稍有不慎,便会导致中毒甚至死亡。
29、extract of nux vomica ─── 马钱子浸膏
30、nux moschata(nutmeg) ─── (拉)肉豆冠
31、Objective: We studied this subject in order to verify its increasing efficacy and decreasing toxicity through the compatibility of Nux Vomica and earthworm. ─── 摘要目的:为了验证马钱子散的配伍减毒增效作用,进行了马钱子散的配伍减毒作用实验研究和马钱子散的配伍增效作用实验研究。
32、You'll go nuts for the nuts you get in Nux. ─── 译文:纳克斯坚果让你爱不释口。
33、Zhang xichun's science experience of using nux vomica ─── 张锡纯应用马钱子的学术经验
34、Experimental Study on Rabbits'Myasthenia Gravic Treated with Grilled Nux Vomica ─── 炙马钱子治疗兔重症肌无力的实验研究
35、A poisonous white crystalline alkaloid, C23H26N2O4, derived from the seeds of nux vomica and closely related plants and used to denature alcohol. ─── 番木鳖碱有毒的白色结晶体状生物碱,C23H26N2O4,得自马钱子的种子中,同植物关系极其密切并可用来使酒精变性
36、a poisonous white crystalline alkaloid,C23H26N2O4,derived from the seeds of nux vomica and closely related plants and used to denature alcohol ─── 有毒的白色结晶体状生物碱,C23H26N2O4,得自马钱子的种子中,同植物关系极其密切并可用来使酒精变性
37、nux vomica extract ─── 番木鳖浸膏, 马钱子浸膏
38、nux vomica tincture ─── 马钱子酊番木鳖酊
39、nux moschata ─── [医] 肉豆蔻
40、nux prinsepiae ─── 蕤仁
41、Strychnos nux - vornica L. ─── 马钱子
42、A bitter alkaloid poison resembles strychnine and extracted from nux vomica. ─── 一种类似番木鳖碱的苦味生物碱毒药,从马钱子中提取。
43、a bitter alkaloid poison resembling strychnine and extracted from nux vomica. ─── 一种类似马钱子碱的苦味生物碱毒药,从马钱子提取。
44、nux vomica ─── n. 〈植〉马钱子
45、Now and again a packet of nux vomica and bicarb stomach powder would fly out and burst like a bomb, splashing vivid white against the green. ─── 时不时还有一包马钱子或健胃药飞出来爆掉,白粉绿草相映成趣。
46、Keywords capillary zone electrophoresis;Strychnos nux - vomica L.;preparation;strychnine;brucine; ─── 毛细管区带电泳;马钱子药材及其制剂;士的宁;马钱子碱;
47、Empirical Study on Bacteriostic Effect of Extract of Nux Vomica Mixed with Golden Thread ─── 马钱子及黄连混合提取物抑菌作用的实验研究
48、Peridinium nux ─── n. 光面多甲藻
49、In our study, we also suggest Phenobarbital is the better against epilepsy drug foe non-serious epilepsy caused by Nux vomica. ─── 促进药物的排泄可能是改善马钱子性癫痫最为有效的措施,而苯巴比妥可能是轻型马钱子性癫痫的首选药物。
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