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08-23 投稿


corruptible 发音

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corruptible 中文意思翻译



corruptible 网络释义

adj. 易腐败的;易堕落的;可以贿赂的

corruptible 词性/词形变化,corruptible变形

名词: corruptibility |副词: corruptibly |

corruptible 短语词组

1、corruptible seed ─── 易腐烂的种子

2、corruptible man ─── 腐败的人

3、corruptible body ─── 腐败体

4、corruptible means ─── 腐败手段

5、corruptible kjv ─── 腐败的合资公司

6、corruptible synonyms ─── 可腐蚀同义词

7、corruptible define ─── 腐败定义

corruptible 反义词


corruptible 同义词

corruptible 相似词语短语

1、combustible ─── adj.易燃的;易激动的;燃烧性的;n.可燃物;易燃物

2、incorruptibly ─── adv.不能收买地;不被腐蚀地;廉洁地

3、correctible ─── 可纠正的

4、incorruptible ─── adj.清廉的;不能收买的;不腐败的;不会腐烂的,不受腐蚀的;不动摇的

5、corruptively ─── 腐败地

6、corruptive ─── adj.使堕落的;腐败性的;使腐坏的

7、conductible ─── adj.可传导的

8、corruptibly ─── adv.易腐败地;可被收买地

9、corruptibleness ─── 腐败

corruptible 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、China face three greatest problems nowadays:Corrupt, crime, OICQ! ─── 当今中国面临三大问题:腐败、犯罪、OICQ!

2、Merely deleting these files may corrupt the Software. ─── 仅仅删除这些文档可能造成"软件"受损。

3、The Party does not allow any hideout for corrupt elements within the Party. ─── 党内不允许有腐败分子的藏身之地。

4、The peasants staged an uprising against the corrupt officials. ─── 农民举行起义反对贪官污吏。

5、you were not redeemed with corruptible things as gold or silver, from your vain conversation of the tradition of your fathers. ─── 你们不是用能朽坏的金银等物,由你们祖传的虚妄生活中被赎出来的。

6、He was adamant in his determination to punish the corrupt officials. ─── 他下了决心,坚决惩治那些贪官污吏。

7、Better crippled in body than corrupt in mind. ─── 寧愿身有残缺不愿心灵堕落。

8、The peasants rose in rebellion against the corrupt officials. ─── 农民们造贪官污吏的反。

9、In his sight the world had become corrupted, for all men had lived corrupt lives on earth. ─── 他认为世界充斥着罪恶,因为所有世上的人都过着邪恶的生活。

10、Evil communications corrupt good manners. ─── 不良的交往败坏良好的举止。

11、corruptible young people, government officials, etc. ─── 易被腐蚀的年轻人、政府官员等。

12、You're an evil, corrupt bully, and these islands have no place for you. ─── 你是个不知羞耻的强盗坯、群岛上没有你呆的地方。

13、To infect or corrupt, as with illness or vice. ─── 侵蚀因疾病或罪行而被感染或堕落

14、She wrote a book declaiming against our corrupt society. ─── 她写了一本书抨击我们这腐败的社会。

15、The cities make ferocious men because they make corrupt men. ─── 城市会使人变得凶残,因为它使人腐化堕落。

16、Workbooks sometimes become corrupt for no apparent reason. ─── 工作簿有时没有明显原因而损坏。

17、Deleting corrupt extended attribute set in file %1. ─── 删除文件%1的损坏扩展属性设置。

18、Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as gold or silver, from your vain conversation of the tradition of your fathers. ─── 你们不是用能朽坏的金银等物,由你们祖传的虚妄生活中被赎出来的。

19、Many judges are poorly educated in the law and corrupt. ─── 很多法官没受过什么教育,贪污腐化。

20、The peer SSL certificate appears to be corrupt. ─── 对端的SSL证书似乎已损坏。

21、Among a people general corrupt, liberty cannot long exist. ─── 在一个普遍腐败的民族里,自由是不可能长期存在的。

22、They acted in collusion with corrupt officials. ─── 他们与贪官污吏狼狈为奸。

23、Everybody is corruptible, not only artists. ─── 人人都会腐败,不仅仅是艺术家。

24、The XML in the snippet file may be corrupt. ─── 代码段文件中的XML可能已损坏。

25、Your database is corrupt, please rerun setup. ─── 您的数据库已损坏,请重新运行安装程序。

26、He is the Lord Yama to corrupt officials. ─── 他是贪官污吏的阎罗爷。

27、A backup cannot be made of a corrupt log file and the backup will fail. ─── 备份不能包含损坏的日志文件,备份将失败。

28、He was a corrupt official, playing favoritism and committing irregularities. ─── 他徇私舞弊,是个贪官。

29、To cause to turn away from what is right, proper, or good; corrupt. ─── 使堕落,使走邪路使远离正确的、合理的或好的事物;使堕落

30、He was considered tainted by association with the corrupt regime. ─── 他因与腐败政府有牵连而名誉受损。

31、Yes. Many people. . . the corruptible ones referred to in the previous question, think this is not important. ─── 是。很多人…说的那个腐败,前面那个问题,说的那个腐败,他们总觉得这个不重要。呵呵。

32、You know that corrupt leaders make poor people poorer," said Zille. ─── 你们明白腐败的领导人会让穷人更加贫穷。”

33、He is corrupt to the last degree. ─── 他腐败之极。

34、Foreign Aid: Control, Corrupt, Contain? ─── 外援:控制、腐败、遏制?

35、They left the bodies to corrupt on the field . ─── 他们让尸体在战场上腐烂。

36、If the creators are corrupt, then humans become corrupt. ─── 如果造物者是腐败的,那么人类就变得腐败。

37、Doesn't boot. White screens and corrupt icon in Ninja DS Launcher. ─── 不能引导,白屏且图标错误。

38、Being born again not of corruptible seed, but incorruptible, by the word of God who lives and remaineth for ever. ─── 因为你们原是赖天主生活而永存的圣言,不是由于能坏的,而是由于不能坏的种子,得以重生。

39、He was sent to prison for trying to corrupt a policeman with money. ─── 他因为试图用钱贿赂一名警察而被送入监狱。

40、All the people want to drive that corrupt official out of office. ─── 大家都想扳倒那个贪官。

41、My wounds stink and are corrupt because of my foolishness. ─── 因我的愚昧,我的伤发臭流脓。

42、Bad habit corrupt good manners. ─── 坏习惯败坏好风俗。

43、The best warning to corrupt officials: Serve the people. ─── 令贪官们最为警醒的一句话:为人民服务。

44、The president of KBS wasn’t corrupt at all. ─── 他在梦里,好像是他被某种东西拖住。

45、We must severely punish corrupt government officials. ─── 对于贪官污吏我们要从严惩治。

46、He claims that the present administration is corrupt. ─── 他声称当前的行政部门是腐败的。

47、They think they are wise and aware and sick and the world outside is corrupt. ─── 他们只觉得自己有眼光、有见识,一百个看不惯,只觉得身外的世界一片污浊。

48、He was neither arrogant nor corrupt. ─── 他既不自高自大,也不腐化堕落。

49、If he thinks I am corruptible, he is sadly mistaken. ─── 如果他认为他可以收买我,那他就大错特错了。

50、He is trying to corrupt a tax official with money. ─── 他企图向税务官员行贿。

51、In denouncing the old order, Arab youth also have been reluctant to appoint leaders, despising forms of authority they consider corruptible. ─── 在谴责旧秩序时,由于鄙视那些他们认为容易导致腐化堕落的权力形式,阿拉伯世界的年轻人也不愿指定领袖。

52、WINS was either provided a bad command code or it became corrupt. ─── WINS可能提供了错误的命令代码,或是它已损坏。

53、How can they grow up in this kind of a world without becoming morally corrupt? ─── 他们怎能在这样的世界成长而保持道德纯洁

54、US court metes out justice to corrupt Chinese officials. ─── 中国(外逃)受贿官员(许超凡、许国俊)被美国法庭定罪(25年有期徒刑)。

55、Had I not yielded to see him again, the corrupt desire in him had worn off. ─── 假使我没有答应再和他见面,他心里的下流欲望也许会渐渐消失了。

56、Perhaps more to the point, he is a corrupt man. ─── 也许更重要的一点事,他是一个腐败的人。

57、Goodness is the only investment that never corrupt. ─── 善良是唯一永不破产的投资。

58、They all helped to build up this corrupt society in which we live. ─── 他们都帮助建立了这个腐败的我们生活于其中的社会。

59、Student files are a proven moneymaker for corrupt state workers. ─── 学生的档案就是腐败官员们的一个摇钱树。

60、The selected file may not be a GPG key file or it might be corrupt. ─── 20选定的档案可能不是GPG密码匙,或者内容已损坏。

61、Corrupt milk can cause several illnesses. ─── 变质的牛奶能引发多种疾病。

62、To infect, inflame, or corrupt. ─── 使感染、发炎或腐烂

63、This error can be caused if the object file is corrupt. ─── 如果对象文件损坏,则可能导致此错误。

64、It is indifferent for judges and magistrates; for if they were facile and corrupt, you shall have a servant, five times worse than a wife. ─── 作为法官与地方官,是否独身关系并不大。因为只要他们身边有一个坏的幕僚,其进谗言的能力就足以抵上五个妻子。

65、Eil communications corrupt good manners. ─── 交往恶劣,有损风度。

66、His corrupt activities were a discredit to the Senate. ─── 他的腐败行径是参议院的耻辱。

67、glory of the incorruptible God into the likeness of an image of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and reptiles. ─── 朽坏之神的荣耀,改换为必朽坏的人、飞禽、走兽和爬物之像的样式。

68、McCain knew the Vietnamese wanted the propaganda victory of the son and grandson of Navy admirals accepting special treatment. "He wasn't corruptible then," Mr. ─── 麦凯恩知道,越南人这样做,是想获得宣传效果,这样他们就能宣称祖父和父亲都是海军上将的麦凯恩接受了特殊待遇。

69、A depraved, corrupt, or vicious person. ─── 堕落者腐败、伤风化或邪恶的人

70、He had ruled France in league with corrupt financiers. ─── 他与腐败的金融家们暗中勾结来统治法兰西。

71、To debase, especially morally; corrupt. ─── 使堕落尤指在道德上的堕落;道德败坏

72、Executable file is corrupt and cannot be initialized. ─── 可执行文件是腐败,无法初始化。

73、Being born again not of corruptible seed, but in corruptible, by the word of God who lives and remaineth for ever. ─── 你们蒙了重生,不是由于能坏的种子,乃是由于不能坏的种子,是藉着神活而常存的话。

74、The crime of the corrupt officials must be exposed without any reserve. ─── 对贪官污吏的罪行一定要毫无保留地予以揭发。

75、He tried to corrupt the policeman with money. ─── 他设法用金钱向警察行贿。

76、A dirty or corrupt condition; foulness. ─── 下流,猥亵下流或猥亵的状况;淫猥

77、Human nature is not intrinsically corrupt--it is intrinsically good. ─── 人的本性并非本来堕落,而是天生善良。

78、Checksum is wrong, indicating the partition table is corrupt. ─── 08总和检查错误,标明分割区表已损坏。

79、Of course Thailand has a very corrupt part of society,much like our own land. ─── 当然,泰国社会就像我们国家一样,也存在着一些极为腐败的现象。

80、He was a weak president surrounded by corrupt advisors. ─── 他是个无能的总统,周围还簇拥着一群贪官污吏。

81、One way Lee Kuan Yew cleaned up Singapore was by shaming corrupt officials. ─── 公开揭发贪污官员是李光耀保持新加坡廉洁的方法之一。

82、The fault tolerant driver deleted a corrupt descriptor on disk %2. ─── 容错驱动程序已在磁盘%2上删除一个损坏描述符。

83、They spoke a corrupt form of French. ─── 他们讲的法语不标准。

84、To debase the morals of; corrupt. ─── 使腐化使道德败化;使腐化

85、Competition, they believe, strengthens national character than corrupt it. ─── 他们相信竞争会增强民族的性格而不会破坏它。

86、To corrupt her or to love her, this is a question. ─── 引诱她堕落,还是爱上她,这是一个问题。

87、He was sent to prison for trying to corrupt a tax official with money. ─── 他因企图向税务官员行贿而被判入狱。

88、RSM database is corrupt and cannot be rebuilt. ─── RSM数据库已损坏并且不能重新建立。

89、Murphy: It is your corrupt we claim. ─── 墨菲:我们寻的是堕落的人。

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