Brahmanism 发音
英:[ˈbrɑːməˌnɪzəm] 美:[ˈbrɑːməˌnɪzəm]
英: 美:
Brahmanism 中文意思翻译
Brahmanism 短语词组
1、brahmanism origin ─── 婆罗门教起源
2、brahmanism upsc ─── 婆罗门教
3、brahmanism god ─── 婆罗门教神
4、brahmanism date ─── 婆罗门教日期
5、brahmanism def ─── 婆罗门教定义
6、brahmanism wiki ─── 婆罗门教维基
7、describes brahmanism ─── 描述婆罗门教
8、brahmanism india ─── 婆罗门教印度
Brahmanism 相似词语短语
1、Brahmans ─── n.婆罗门(Brahman的复数)
2、Brahminism ─── n.婆罗门教
3、Erasmianism ─── 伊拉兹曼主义
4、Brahmani ─── n.婆罗门世系的女人
5、Brahmanist ─── n.婆罗门教徒
6、Brahmanism ─── n.婆罗门教
7、Brahmanas ─── 婆罗门
8、Brahmanis ─── 婆罗门
9、Brahmanic ─── adj.婆罗门的
Brahmanism 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、"No, brahman, I am not a gandhabba." ─── "不,婆罗门,我不是一个乾闼婆神。"
2、He whose destiny neither the gods nor demigods nor men do know, he who has destroyed defilements and become worthy, him I call a Brahman. ─── 他的命运不是神只、也不是半神、更不是人所能知悉的;但他已消除垢秽,变得受人敬重;我会叫他做婆罗门。
3、4.The Kena-upanishad discusses the qualities of the divine essence (Brahman) and the relationship of the gods to the divine essence. ─── 卡那奥义书论述了神圣要素(婆罗门)的品质和众神与神圣要素的关系。
4、The Brahman kills his son ─── 婆罗门杀子喻
5、Brahman style ─── 婆罗门式
7、"Once I said to Vidyasagar, 'Everything else but Brahman has been polluted, as it were, like food touched by the tongue. ─── “我曾经对维德雅瑟格说:‘除了梵天之外,所有事物均受到了污染,如同被嘴巴碰过的食物。’
8、Brangus:a trademark used for any of a breed of beef cattle developed from a cross between the Brahman and the aberdeen angus. ─── 布兰古斯:从婆罗门牛和亚伯丁安加斯牛的杂交品种发育而来的一种肉牛的商标。
9、The sandstone artefacts are mainly divinity statues from Brahmanism and Buddhism. Inscribed stele and architectural elements are also strongly represented. ─── 石器主要是婆罗门教和佛教传说中神的石雕作品,其中的碑刻和建筑样式也颇有代表性。
10、Fundamental Concepts of Brahmanism in Veda and Upanisad ─── 吠陀奥义书中确立的婆罗门教的基础观念
11、Buddhism is one sect of the sramana tradition, on the one hand, they opposed to and fought against the Brahmanism together, on the other hand, there were contradictions and struggles among sects of the sramana tradition. ─── 佛教与它们共同构成沙门思潮,一方面它们与婆罗门教形成对立并互相斗争,另一方面沙门思潮各个教(学)派之间也存在着矛盾与斗争。
13、Brahman cattle ─── 婆罗门牛
14、'Brahman is always unattached.The three gunas are in It, but It is unaffected by them, just as the wind carries odour yet remains odourless. ─── “梵天总是独立的,在它里面有三种信仰状态,但它们毫不影响它,就像风把气味吹来,而它依然还是没有气味。”
15、" So the Jeweler handed over the Brahman to the police, and filed a lawsuit against him.In the court the judge interrogated the Brahman, "Tell gentleman, what is the truth? ─── 因此珠宝匠将婆罗门笛子交给了警察,对他提起了诉讼,在法庭上法官审问这个婆罗门弟子:说吧,先生,事实是什么?
16、He is Brahman to the followers of the path of knowledge, Paramatman to the yogis, and Bhagavan to the lovers of God. ─── 他对于知识途径的追随者来说是大梵,对于瑜伽士来说是超灵,对于神的爱者来说是博伽梵。”
17、The Rish said, “Atman is a Brahman”, and the people listening to it went straight to heaven. ─── 古印度智者说:“我即梵”,听它的人们直接上了天堂。
18、The genetic variations and polymorphisms of six microsatellite loci were analyzed to determine the population structure and breeding progress of BMY and Brahman cattle. ─── 对6个牛微卫星座位的遗传变异及多态性分析,以期了解BMY牛和婆罗门牛的群体遗传结构与育成情况。
19、He loves to research old religions such as Brahmanism. ─── 他很喜欢研究象婆罗门教这样古老的宗教。
20、"What Brahman is cannot be described in words. ─── “梵天是无法用语言来描述。
21、It is strong, and cannot be uprooted by any recluse or Brahman, deva or Maara, Brahmaa or anyone else in the world. ─── 如是温那巴婆罗门之于如来,信仰确固,如根之安住、坚固,为沙门、婆罗门、天、魔、梵天,世间之任何人不能夺。
22、Mitochondrial DNA D-loop Variation and Genetic Background of Brahman Cattle ─── 变异及其遗传背景
23、Having absorbed many contents of Upanisads, Brahmanism and Buddhism became two main religion systems in ancient India, and played the decisive role in constructing the fundamental cultural forms in later ages of India. ─── 吸收了大量奥义书成分的婆罗门教和佛教成为印度古代两大主要宗教体系,对印度后世基本文化形态的构建起了决定性的作用。
24、Brahman is the action of offering. Brahman the oblation poured by Brahman into fire that is Brahman. To Brahman alone must he go who is fixed in Brahman through action. ─── 大梵天是供献的行动.大梵天将奉献物倾注于火中,那是梵天.那人透过行动而定于梵天之中,他必然移向梵天.
25、The Brahman said, "The sun and the moon may set and the stars may fall, but I have never had a miscalculation on my record. ─── 婆罗门言:“日月可暗,星宿可落,我之所记,终无违失。
26、At night, a scholar of Brahman went to see the Buddha, but was stopped by Ananda, a disciple of the Buddha. ─── 夜间有婆罗门学者须跋陀罗去见佛,阿难陀想挡住他。
27、"As you say, sire," the man replied to the king, but having roamed all over Toranavatthu he did not see the sort of brahman or contemplative the king might visit. ─── “唯然,唯然,大王!”彼臣应诺波斯匿拘萨罗王,虽察遍多罗那越睹,亦未发现彼波斯匿拘萨罗王以表敬意[趋访]之沙门或婆罗门。
28、In the nirvikalpa samadhi Sri Ramakrishna had realized that Brahman alone is real and the world illusory. ─── 在无余依三摩地里,室利罗摩克里希纳已经意识到梵天是独一无二的真实,世界是幻像。
29、Man attains his liberation, therefore, by piercing the veil of maya and rediscovering his total identity with Brahman. ─── 因此,人会通过刺穿摩耶的面纱而获得解脱,重新发现自己完全与梵天同一。
30、mithun × Brahman cattle ─── 大额牛与婆罗门牛杂交
31、Within Smarta Hinduism, a variety of forms of God are seen as aspects of the one impersonal divine ground, Brahman (not Brahma). ─── 在传统派印度教里面,众多形态的神看起来是非人格的神性范围,梵(不是梵天)的不同外貌。
32、A comparison between the conceptions on good and evil in Buddhism and Brahmanism ─── 佛教与婆罗门教善恶观念比较
33、"No, brahman, I am not a yakkha." ─── "不,婆罗门,我不是一个夜叉鬼。"
34、Beyond cause, beyond effect and designated as Brahman the Ultimate Truth. ─── 它是超越因果而被指定为婆罗门的根本真理。
35、The Master took up the duty of instructing his young wife, and this included everything from housekeeping to the Knowledge of Brahman. ─── 师父负起了教导年轻妻子的责任,从日常家务事到梵天知识。
36、' you answer, 'No, brahman, I am not a yakkha. ─── '你回答:'不,婆罗门,我不是一个夜叉鬼。'
37、The proportion of red coat, black coat and gray coat of BMY cattle and Brahman cattle were 31.55%, 16.04%, 14. 98% and 44.03%, 0%, 11.19%, respectively. ─── BMY牛和婆罗门牛的红色、黑色和灰色所占比例分别为31.55%、16.04%、14.98%和44.03%、0、11.19%。
38、He alone is firmly established in the Knowledge of Brahman who can adhere to his spirit of discrimination and renunciation even while living with his wife. ─── 他独一无二地稳固地立足于梵天知识,现在同妻子生活在一起也居然还能坚持自己的灵性识别和弃绝。
39、Its doctrines differ from those of Sankara chiefly because it attributes personality to the absolute spirit, who is the god Siva and not the impersonal brahman. ─── 它的教义与与商羯罗的不同,主要是因为它把个性归结于绝对的精神,是湿婆神,而不是非人格梵。
40、She is the Mother of the Universe, identical with the Brahman of Vedanta, and with the Atman of Yoga. ─── 她是宇宙之母,同样也是吠檀多的梵天,又是瑜伽的阿特曼。
41、six philosophical schools of Brahmanism ─── 婆罗门教六派哲学
42、A comparison between the conceptions on good and evil in Buddhism and Brahmanism ─── 佛教与婆罗门教善恶观念比较
43、Where do the four elements come from? The Brahman asked. ─── 四大火风从何而生?
44、Brahman! O my child! Cease from practising further penances. ─── 婆罗门!我的孩子!请停止练习进一步的苦行。
45、She is the primordial Divine Energy, Sakti, and She can no more be distinguished from the Supreme Brahman than can the power of burning be distinguished from fire. ─── 她是原初的神圣力量,萨缇,她与至上的梵天不再有分别,燃烧的力量也与火焰没有什么两样。
46、main thought of Brahmanism holds that the fundamental cause is real. But Buddhism usually denies the fundamental cause which can serve as the real unchanging entity. ─── 婆罗门教主流思想中的根本因被认为是实在的,而佛教中通常否定有真正实在的作为不变实体的根本因。
47、Sing, O bird that sits on the Kalpa-Tree of Brahman! ─── 唱,小鸟坐在梵天的劫簸树上!
48、Buddhism and Brahmanism are the religions which have more philosophical thoughts. ─── 佛教和婆罗门教是各种宗教中思辨性较强的派别。
49、Consuetudinary character and Brahman are the same as. ─── 习俗文字与婆罗门同。
50、' you answer, 'No, brahman, I am not a deva. ─── 你回答:'不,婆罗门,我不是一个天人。'
51、whether this is directing one of the Confucius' thought, Brahman thought, Buddha thought, Mohammedan thought; ─── “不管这是指引着孔子思想,婆罗门思想,佛的思想,穆罕默德思想中的其中之一,亦是如此;
52、When he walked in the street, he saw that the cabs, the horses, the streams of people, the buildings, were all Brahman. ─── 当他在街上行走,看见出租马车、马匹、川流不息的人群和建筑物全都是梵天。
53、Pakistan believes in Brahmanism Bensi from the Ukraine again and again Diyebamo II and King III, King Hesabamo built in the 11th century. ─── 巴本寺由信奉婆罗门教的乌迭蒂耶跋摩二世国王和赫萨跋摩三世国王建于11世纪。
54、'Brahman weeps, ensnared in the meshes of maya. ─── ‘梵天被诱捕在摩耶的陷阱里面,也落下了眼泪。”
55、Ultimately, release from samsara and karma is attained after atonement for bad deeds and recognition that the individual soul (atman) and the universal soul (Brahman) are i-dentical. ─── 归根结底,要想摆脱轮回和业力只有通过赎清恶业,并真正认识到个人的灵魂与宇宙的灵魂是完全同一的。
56、He believes in Brahman, but he also accepts the gods and Divine Incarnations in human form. ─── 他相信大梵,同时又接受众神和人形的神性化身。”
57、They all speak to the realization of the Atman as being nothing other than the infinite Brahman. ─── 它们都说是实现阿特曼,因为除了无限的婆罗门以外,并无其他。
58、10.The main religious philosophy schools in the history of Indian thought, including Brahmanism, Buddhism, Jainism and Lokayata, all have put forward their own distinctive ethical viewpoints. ─── 印度思想史上的主要宗教哲学派别婆罗门教、佛教、耆那教、顺世论等都提出了伦理思想方面的明确观念。
59、"Brahman is beyond mind and speech. ─── “梵天超越了思想和语言。
60、One completely devoid of greed for name & form, brahman, has no effluents by which he would go under Mara's sway. ─── 彻底摒弃对名色的贪恋,婆罗门啊!没有任何导致陷入摩罗控制的烦恼。”
61、Puranas are named after the three main forms of Brahman: Brahma, the Creator; Vishnu, the Protector of Life and Humanity; and Shiva, the Destroyer. ─── 往世书是根据婆罗门的三种主要形态来命名的:梵天,创造者;毗瑟奴,人类与生命的保护者;湿婆,毁灭者。
62、The Indian traditional intellectual mainly exists in Brahman. ─── 印度传统的知识分子主要存在于婆罗门种姓中。
63、Monk, also known by the ancient Indian Brahmanism, the medieval Catholic ascetics, etc. ─── 和尚,也借称古印度婆罗门教,中世纪天主教等的修道者。
64、"Not by birth is one an outcast; not by birth is one a brahman. By deed one becomes an outcast, by deed one becomes a brahman. ─── “不是由于出身,成为无种姓者,不是由于出身,成为婆罗门,而是由于业,成为无种姓者;由于业,成为婆罗门。
65、Nimbarka, a Telugu Brahman of the 12th or 13th century, spread the cult of the divine cowherd and his favourite gopi (cowherdess, especially associated with the legends of Krishna's youth), Radha. ─── 宁巴尔卡,一位十二或十三世纪的泰卢固婆罗门,传播神圣的牧牛者和他喜爱的牧牛姑娘罗陀(特别地与克里希那年轻时的故事连在一起)的祭礼。
66、Coat Colour Inheritance of BMY and Brahman Cattle ─── BMY牛与婆罗门牛的毛色遗传
67、Brahmanism, Brahminism ─── 婆罗门教
68、Sri Ramakrishna faced the east as he talked to his disciple and told him about the Knowledge of Brahman. ─── 室利罗摩克里希纳与他的门徒交谈的时候是面向东方,告诉他有关梵天知识的事。
69、He possessed the perfect Knowledge of Brahman and also was devoted to the duties of the world. ─── 他拥有完美的梵天知识,同时又致力于世俗责任。
70、To investigate the coat colour inheritance of BMY cattle and Brahman cattle, the available production records were used to analyze the relative fixation of coat color while the economic traits of BMY cattle inherited steadily. ─── 为了解BMY牛和婆罗门牛的毛色遗传,本文分析了BMY牛和婆罗门牛的生产资料,以期在BMY牛新品系的经济性状达到稳定遗传的同时,也达到毛色的相对固定。
71、ISHAN: "It is mentioned in a hymn in the Chandi that Brahman alone is the Primal Energy. Brahman is identical with ?akti." ─── 伊珊:“在切迪的诗句里面也提到梵天是独一无二的原初能量。梵天与萨缇是同一的。”
72、' 'Father,' replied Parvati, 'if you seek the Knowledge of Brahman, then renounce the world and live in the company of holy men. ─── ‘父亲’,帕娃蒂回答说,‘如果你寻求梵天知识,那么请从这个世界退隐,住在圣人的联谊里。’
73、Study on Heritability of Early Growth Traits of BMY and Brahman ─── BMY和婆罗门牛早期生长性状遗传力研究
74、He alone has attained the supreme illumination who can look on man and woman alike as Brahman. ─── 他独一无二地获得至高的启发,能够把男性和女性同样地看成是梵天。
75、six philosophical schools of Brahmanism ─── 婆罗门教六派哲学
76、' you answer, 'No, brahman, I am not a gandhabba. ─── '你回答:'不,婆罗门,我不是一个乾闼婆神。'
77、Q) Mohammedanism, Confucianism, Shintoism, Brahmanism, Platoism, Judaism. ─── (Q)伊斯兰教,儒教,日本之神道教,婆罗门教,柏拉图哲学,犹太教。
78、Introduction of Brahman and Its Crossbred Effects on Yunnan Indigenous Cattle ─── 婆罗门牛的引种及改良云南黄牛的效果
79、Magic is not the result of primitive Buddhism, while derives from Brahmanism, which is forbidden in the time of Buddha. ─── 从历史看,“法术”并非是原始佛教所独有,而是借鉴了婆罗门教中的一些因素。
80、As the Buddha pointed out, a brahman could be a superior person not because he came out of a brahman womb, but only if he acted with truly skillful intentions. ─── 如佛陀指出,一位婆罗门之能成??精英,非因他生于婆罗门之家,而只有当他真正以善巧动机行事之时。
81、Study on Growth Ability of Brahman and Brahman Cross to Yunnan Yellow Cattle ─── 婆罗门牛及其改良云南黄牛的效果研究
82、Brahmanism and Mahayana have passed a long process of mixture and interfusion. ─── 婆罗门教与大乘佛教经过了长期融和的过程。
83、Just as a brahman priest reveres his sacrificial fire, even so should one devoutly revere the person from whom one has learned the Dhamma taught by the Buddha. ─── 不论向谁听闻正等正觉者的教法,听者皆应礼敬说法者,如婆罗门礼敬圣火。
84、OM is the original mantra, it is just the pure sound of the consciousness we call Brahman or God. ─── “奥姆”是起始的真言,是最初的世界(我们称之为梵或者神)发出的纯净的声音。
85、"No, brahman, I am not a human being." ─── "不,婆罗门,我不是一个普通人。"
86、The doctrine of early Buddhism and the thought of Brahmanism in Upani2ads have the differences and the similarities as well. ─── 早期佛教的教义与奥义书中的婆罗门教思想既有差别点,又有类似处。
87、Only one thing has not been defiled in this way, and that is Brahman. ─── 只有一样事物没有受过这种污染,那就是梵天。
88、In the Mahabharata, Indra is pursued by a terrible female goddess(called only Brahminicide) who rose up out of the dead Vritra, who was a Brahman in that version of the stow. ─── 在《摩呵婆罗多》里,因陀罗为一位可怕的由维他的尸体上生出的女神(只叫做“婆罗门杀手”)所追逐,因为在这个版本的故事里,维他是个婆罗门。
89、He who knows former lives, who sees heaven and hell, who has reached the end of births and attained to super-knowledge, the sage, accomplished with all accomplishments, him I call a Brahman. ─── 他知悉前生、看见天界和地府、达致再生的尽头、得到至高的识见、这圣哲既获得所有的成就;我会叫他做婆罗门。
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