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08-18 投稿


solstitial 发音


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solstitial 网络释义

adj. 至的;冬至的;夏至的

solstitial 短语词组

1、solstitial colure ─── 二至圈

2、solstitial ordinariness yelps ─── 冬至日节律

3、solstitial meaning ─── 至日意义

4、solstitial pronunciation ─── 至日发音

solstitial 相似词语短语

1、substantial ─── adj.大量的;实质的;内容充实的;n.本质;重要材料

2、nonspatial ─── 非空间的

3、notitia ─── n.记录簿

4、consortial ─── 联合体

5、comitial ─── 滑稽的

6、Justitia ─── 正义;管辖权;n.(Justitia)人名;(罗)尤斯蒂蒂娅

7、solstitially ─── 冬至

8、noninitial ─── 非初始的

9、solecistical ─── 太阳的

solstitial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Had filled so sufficiently at ordinary times, if arrive solstitial fill especially greatly again, be about probably to fill overdid. ─── 平时已经补得那么足,如果到冬至再大补特补,很可能就要补过头了。

2、" the youth that the reporter was opposite 56 25 years old to fluctuate in street yesterday made a random investigation, actually neither one person knows today is solstitial. ─── 记者昨天在街头对五六位25岁上下的年轻人做了个随机调查,竟然没有一个人知道今天是冬至。

3、Generally speaking, since solstitial day about 50 days of right-and-left time are cream square optimal take time. ─── 一般来说,从冬至日起大约50天左右的时间为膏方的最佳服用时间。

4、solstitial tidal currents ─── 二至潮流

5、Common saying also says: "Solstitial black, spend the New Year scanty; ─── 俗语也说:"冬至黑,过年疏;

6、solstitial tides ─── 二至潮

7、Solstitial in lunar tail, want cold in the first month of the lunar year; ─── 冬至在月尾,要冷在正月;

8、Common saying says: , " is solstitial in lunar head, should cold be in year of bag (bottom) ; ─── 俗语说:、"冬至在月头,要冷在年兜(底);

9、However, this year solstitial although compared in former years to arrive early one day, severe cold disappears tardy however. ─── 然而,今年的冬至虽然比往年早到了一天,严寒却迟迟不见踪影。

10、solstitial point ─── 至点

11、solstitial points ─── 二至点

12、"Solstitial " is the red-letter day that the bumper harvest celebrates after farmer busy season formerly. ─── 冬至"原是农民农忙之后庆丰收的节日。

13、What cure method does solstitial dermatitis have? ─── 夏至皮肤炎有什么医治方法?

14、Every time autumn go solstitial, leaf as weather become cold, fall on the ground gradually, the branch that remains bald only and truncal in sway along with wind. ─── 北方城市的街头大都种的是落叶树。每当秋去冬至,树叶随着天气的变冷,逐渐落在地上,只剩下光秃秃的枝头和树干在随风摇曳。

15、However, this year solstitial although compared in former years to arrive early one day, severe cold disappears tardy however. ─── 然而,今年的冬至虽然比往年早到了一天,严寒却迟迟不见踪影。

16、"My this individual is afraid of quite cold, solstitial last year when bought a dot to cream with respect to castration room square, the body after eating as expected warmth is much. ─── “我这个人比较怕冷,去年冬至的时候就去药房买了点膏方,吃了后身体果然暖和多了。

17、solstitial tide ─── 冬至潮

18、What cure method does solstitial dermatitis have? ─── 夏至皮肤炎有什么医治方法?

19、Folk comes with solstitial day again early or late, reach the stand or fall that should enrage every day, the weather of conjectural in the future. ─── 民间又以冬至日到来之先后,及当天天气的好坏,推测往后的天气。

20、Solstitial into fill, the mainest effect is " cheer to the body " , will resist through the energy inside additional system and nutrition cold weather. ─── 冬至进补,最主要的作用是“给身体加油”,通过补充体内的能量与营养来抵御寒冷的天气。

21、" Solstitial be like greatly year " -- , in the past, people solstitial regard as a very main festival has come; ─── “冬至大如年”———过去,人们把冬至当作一个很重要的节日来过;

22、Basis of archaic China astronomer the metabolic rule of climate, it is minutes a year 24 solar term, every two weeks decide a solar term, solstitial it is a among them. ─── 古代中国天文学家根据气候的变化规律,把一年分为二十四节气,每两个星期定一个节气,冬至就是其中的一个。

23、Solstitial it is the family reunites the red-letter day that celebrates good year, in the traditional Chinese calendar, solstitial it is the platoon in a year a traditional festival finally. ─── 冬至是全家团聚庆丰年的节日,在农历里,冬至是一年中排在最后的一个传统节日。

24、Florescence is long, the condition suits to all can blossom all the year round almost, main florescence is solstitial spring. ─── 花期长,条件适合几乎一年四季均可开花,主要花期冬至春季。

25、solstitial colure ─── 二至圈

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