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08-22 投稿


cindery 发音

英:[['sɪndərɪ]]  美:[['sɪndərɪ]]

英:  美:

cindery 中文意思翻译



cindery 短语词组

1、cindery lava ─── 煤渣熔岩

2、cindery define ─── 煤渣定义

3、cindery coal ─── 煤渣 ─── 煤

4、cindery meaning ─── 煤渣的意义

5、cindery definition ─── 煤渣定义

6、cindery def ─── 煤渣def

7、cindery the song ─── 灰烬之歌

cindery 相似词语短语

1、grindery ─── n.磨坊;磨工车间

2、cidery ─── 苹果酒。

3、cindered ─── n.煤渣;灰烬;vt.用煤渣等铺;vi.用煤渣等铺路面

4、bindery ─── n.装订所;装订工场;平构数据库

5、cinder ─── n.煤渣;灰烬;vt.用煤渣等铺;vi.用煤渣等铺路面

6、cinders ─── n.[冶]煤渣;灰烬(cinder的复数);焦渣跑道;v.用煤渣等铺路(cinder的三单形式)

7、tindery ─── adj.火绒似的

8、binder ─── n.[胶粘]粘合剂;活页夹;装订工;捆缚者;用以绑缚之物;n.(Binder)人名;(英、西)宾德;(德、俄、罗、捷、瑞典、匈)宾德尔

9、binders ─── n.[胶粘]粘结剂;涂料粘合剂;夹子(binder的复数形式)

cindery 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But he took off his sweater and they began jogging slowly around the cinder track. ─── 不过,他还是脱了厚毛衣,两人开始沿煤渣跑道慢慢地晃着跑起来。

2、Study on volcanic ash reactivity of coal cinder at about ─── 低温煤渣火山灰活性的机理研究

3、Among Fluidized Bed Furnace coal cinder(FBC) and fly ash and electric furnace coal cinder in laboratory(EFC), reactivity of FBC is highest, reactivity of fly ash is lowest . ─── 在流化床炉渣、粉煤灰和实验室电炉渣三者中 ,流化床炉渣活性最高 ,粉煤灰活性最低 .

4、The technical schema for the treatment of pectin wastewater is put forward by using lime as neutralizers,FeCl3,PVA and PAM as flocculant,cinder as decolouriser. ─── 以石灰乳为中和剂,炉渣为脱色剂,采用三氯化铁、聚乙烯醇和聚丙烯酰胺3种絮凝剂处理果胶废水,考察它们对果胶废水的絮凝效果。

5、The complex structural base is treated by ceramsite concrete instead of traditional cinder bed. ─── 以陶粒混凝土代替传统焦渣垫层,处理复杂的结构基层。

6、The application of this technique widens the use range of cinders and opens up a new way for the cinder from urban industrial boilers to be used as a wall material. ─── 实施该工艺后,放宽了炉渣使用范围,开拓了城市炉底渣作为墙体轻骨料的利用途径。

7、Keywords p dihydroxy benzene;honeycomb cinder;absorption;alcohol; ─── 对苯二酚;蜂窝煤渣;吸附;乙醇;

8、Storing coal, coal gangue, coal cinder, coal ash, sandstone, lime soil or other materials in densely inhabited areas without taking any measures for fire and dust prevention. ─── (四)采取防燃、尘措施,在人口集中地区存放煤炭、矸石、煤渣、灰、石、灰土等物料的。

9、Study on developing wall bricks using low grade fly ash and cinder ─── 利用低质粉煤灰和煤渣开发墙体砖的研究

10、Heat balance calculation of FSG drum-type air-water cinder cooler ─── FSG风水冷却式滚筒冷渣机热平衡计算探讨

11、I have a cinder in my eyes,"he said, rubbing them. Then the knowledge struck him. He knew what had been bothering him. ─── 我的眼睛进了灰尘。"他揉着眼睛,说道。随后知识对他下了一记重击。他知道什么在烦扰他了。

12、Also the economic and social benefits of producing silicon fertilizer from fly ash and iron slag were discussed, which could offer a new way for the comprehensive utilization of cinder and iron slag. ─── 最后评估了利用粉煤灰、炼铁炉渣开发硅肥的经济效益和社会效益,这将为粉煤灰、高炉渣综合利用开辟提供有价值的参考。

13、Study on developing wall brick with low grade fly ash and cinder ─── 利用低质粉煤灰和煤渣开发墙体砖

14、The mixtures of power lime and cinder were used as PRB materials to study the feasibility of in-situ remediation of acid seepage water from uranium mill-tailings. ─── 使用消石灰与炼锗煤渣混合物作为PRB材料,进行原位处理铀水冶尾矿酸性渗滤水的可行性实验研究。

15、Abstract A technical and economic comparison between two kinds of pyrite cinder humidifiers is conducted. ─── 对两种硫铁矿渣增湿器进行技术经济比较。

16、Study of pyrite cinder with acid solution and dissolution enhancement ─── 助溶酸浸硫铁矿烧渣的研究

17、Instead of being liked, he was dead, a bleeding cinder on the barbarous fire pile. ─── 他没有得到人怜爱,反而鲜血淋淋地躺在熊熊燃烧的烈火堆上,化为灰烬,离开了人世。

18、It introduces the application dominance of micro cinder mist and analyses the influence of micro cinder mist to the working performance,strength,endurance of concrete. ─── 介绍了矿渣微粉在混凝土中的应用优势,分述了矿渣微粉对混凝土工作性能、强度、耐久性的影响,明确了矿渣微粉作为掺合料的作用,使之被更广泛地应用。

19、When coal,gangue,coal cinder,coal ashes,sandstone,lime soil or other materials is stored in densely inhabited areas,fire and dust prevention measures must be taken in order to prevent atmospheric pollution. ─── 在人口集中地区存放煤炭、煤矸石、煤渣、煤灰、砂石、灰土等物料,必须采取防燃、防尘措施,防止污染大气。

20、To decrease the effect caused by ardealite cinder,a comprehensive utilization was put forward. ─── 为减少渣对周围环境的影响,提出磷石膏的综合利用。

21、cinder carnival (=[USa] cinder classics) ─── (径赛)运动会

22、Cinder is a large amount of solid wastes produced from power plants and its resource-oriented utilization has be a matter which was concerned by the government and experts in the world extraordinarily. ─── 摘要粉煤灰是电厂排放的大宗固体废弃物,其资源化利用一直是世界各国政府和专家学者极为关注的问题。

23、The feces of the tested swines has been becoming dry scleroma,and appears the cinder form or sheep"s excrement form. ─── 可见后躯颤抖,喜卧,后肢发软等神经症状,严重时出现瘫痪、四肢划游转圈、口吐白沫和角弓张等症状。

24、You have burnt the toast to a cinder. ─── 你已经把面包烧烤成渣了。

25、Key word: pyrite cinder, new type composite coagulant, wastewater treatment. ─── 关键词:混凝剂,聚合,生产,处理,硫铁矿,复合,新型,废水,固体

26、A laborer takes a rest on a cinder dumpsite in Changzhi, China. ─── 在中国长治,一名工人在煤渣垃圾场酣睡。

27、Development of small concrete hollow block using cinder instead of sand ─── 利用煤渣替代砂研制混凝土小型空心砌块


29、Wu Sun-fu forced a brief smile and began pacing along the cinder path on which his car was parked. After he had gone a few steps he swung round to Tu Wei-yueh, who was following him. ─── 吴荪甫勉强笑了一笑,就在那停汽车的煤屑路上踱了几步,然后转身对跟在背后的屠维岳说道:

30、Cinder blocks are called breeze blocks in Britain. ─── “Cinder block”(炉渣砖)在英国被叫做“breeze block”。

31、You've burnt the toast to a cinder, ie so that it is hard and black. ─── 你把面包片烤焦了.

32、Among Fluidized-Bed Furnace coal cinder(FBC) and fly-ash and electric furnace coal cinder in laboratory(EFC), reactivity of FBC is highest, reactivity of fly-ash is lowest . ─── 在流化床炉渣、粉煤灰和实验室电炉渣三者中,流化床炉渣活性最高,粉煤灰活性最低.

33、"When the time came, I did it," Cho said, who at times appeared to be taping himself inside a minivan."I had to." In other footage he was standing in front of a cinder block wall. ─── 时机成熟时,我就行动,赵几次出现在一小型货车里说到,我别无选择,其他镜头中他都是站在一灰墙的残桓前。

34、When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That't relativity. ─── 当你和美女恋爱时,一小时好似一秒钟,当你坐在炽热的炉火上时,一秒钟好似一小时;那就是相对论。

35、Your heart is mad wild be like fire, ignite a bundle of hot blaze to make god general time firing and cindery. ─── 我的心静谧似水,捧起一掬清泉翘首等待一场宿命的爱情。

36、Chocolate covered cinder toffee was among his favourites. ‘We then sat on the village green and ate it all. ─── 他还记得那时最爱吃裹着巧克力的太妃糖。

37、Keywords Texaco gasifier cinder combustibles operation temperature; ─── 德士古气化炉;灰渣可燃物;操作温度;

38、Keywords atomic absorption spectrometry;CaO;columbite;steel cinder; ─── 原子吸收法;氧化钙;铌精矿;冶炼炉渣;

39、You've burnt the toast to a cinder. ─── 你把面包片烤焦了。

40、Non-fired and non-steamed bricks are peoduced by means of utilization of industry waste residues such as red mud,fly ash and lime cinder in aluminum industry. ─── 利用铝厂赤泥、粉煤灰和石灰矿渣等工业废渣生产免烧免蒸砖,不仅是解决工业废渣资源化的有效途径,而且对于企业的经济效益和国家的新型建筑材料的发展都有一定的意义。

41、The ravening monsters that would burn the world to a cinder just to watch it burn. ─── 掠夺成性的怪物。令世界燃为灰烬的目的,仅仅是为了观看世界的燃烧。

42、Therefore, laboratory continuous separation test was made on a pyrite cinder. ─── 为此,对某地硫酸渣选铁进行了小型连选试验研究。

43、Storing coal,coal gangue,coal cinder,coal ash,sandstone,lime soil or other materials in densely inhabited areas without taking any measures for fire and dust prevention. ─── 未采取防燃、防尘措施,在人口集中地区存放煤炭、煤矸石、煤渣、煤灰、砂石、灰土等物料的。

44、Study on Process Mineralogy of a Pyrite Cinder in Anhui ─── 安徽某地硫酸烧渣的工艺矿物学研究

45、When you sit on a red-hot cinder a sec-ond seems like an hour. ─── 当你坐在炽热的炉火上时,一秒钟好似一小时。

46、You've burnt my toast to a cinder! ─── 你把我的面包烧焦了。

47、The Research and Improvement of the System of Letting Cinder of CFBB ─── 循环流化床排渣系统的研究和改进

48、The Study on Leaching Characteristic Test of Cindery Powder ─── 粉煤灰淋溶特性试验研究

49、Colpocele of dairy cattle by overeating coal cinder ─── 奶牛过食煤渣引起阴道脱

50、In the war, national fortune of Japan has 1 / 4 melt into is cindery. ─── 在战争中,日本的国民财富有1/4化为灰烬。

51、Always there is some people come here for picking up coal cinder. ─── 时常有捡煤渣的人们光顾这里。

52、So to speak, to strengthen the control of arsenic-bearing flue gas, waste Water and cinder is a great event relenting to bringing benefit to descendant. ─── 应加强含砷的烟气、废水和废渣的治理,是造福子孙万代的大事。

53、In order to improve environment and utilizing resources rationally, the coal cinder from power plant, bauxite and carbon powder are palletized. ─── 为改善环境,合理利用资源,应用粉煤灰、铝土矿、碳粉混合造球,球团干燥后放入中频感应炉进行熔炼,熔炼过程中加入铁矿粉和生铁块。

54、Experimental results show it is certain that use refinery cinder heated by microwave for the desulfurater of flue gas, and the maximum desulfurizing ratio reach to 50.8%. ─── 从试验结果看,微波加热精炼炉渣制作脱硫剂是可行的,脱硫率最高为50.8%。

55、Grit, fly ash, cinder residue, active carbon, air brick detritus were used as filtering media according to proper proportion for low concentration domestic sewage treatment. ─── 摘要选取粗砂、粉煤灰、细煤渣、活性炭和空心砖粉块作为介质,再按适当的比例配成填料处理柱,进行处理低浓度生活污水的研究。

56、Research on Image Sonar in Boiler Cinder Surveying ─── 图像声纳在锅炉煤渣探测中的研究

57、What a cement and road filling manufacturer use power station is cindery, the cleanse of this factory is angry at the same time implement still produce wallboard material. ─── 一家水泥和道路填料生产厂利用发电厂的煤渣,同时这家工厂的涤气器还产生墙板材料。

58、The operation technique of a cinder - adding circulating fluidized bed boiler ─── 循环流化床掺渣锅炉运行技术

59、This article put forwards the method the method of determining the content of FeO in cinder. ─── 摘要提出炉渣中氧化亚铁含量测定的方法。

60、The permeable brick made of ash cinder that burning municipal refuse, Compounded with wooden slack, agglutinant, Amylum and so on.Bent intensity and permeable perform is tested. ─── 城市垃圾焚烧溶融灰渣,选择筛分不同粒径,混合配比添加木屑、烧结剂、淀粉等,烧结成透水性砖块,作性能试验考查弯曲强度和透水性能。

61、Project of microcrystalline glass mainly uses fluvial sand and current limestone, carbide slag, cinder, fly ash, gangue resulted from the production procedures as major raw materials for production. ─── 微晶玻璃项目,主要是利用公司现有生产过程中废弃石灰石、电石渣、煤渣、粉煤灰、煤矸石等以及河沙为主要生产原料。

62、Place the house sponge on the cinder block and place the brick with the carpenter's sponge, sand paper and duct tape on top of the sponge. ─── 将家用海绵放在空心渣煤砖上(作桌子用),上面依次放置砖头、木匠用海绵、砂纸和胶带在海绵之上。

63、Only last year, the discovery of a giant planet orbiting the faint burned-out cinder of a star in Pegasus had suggested that Earth could survive the Sun's death. ─── 就在去年,在飞马星座发现了一颗巨型行星围绕一颗燃烧殆尽的恒星运转。此发现意味着在太阳生命殆尽后地球仍能存活。

64、Study on the slag Portland cement with low addition of cinder from steel plant ─── 少掺量钢渣矿渣水泥的研究

65、A Simple and Practical Cinder Filter Tank ─── 一种简单实用的炉渣滤池

66、and afterwards crunching on the cinder path before the new red houses. ─── 后来又在新的红房子前的炭渣路上发出嘎吱嘎吱的声音。

67、Here the interface cementing performance of cinder MTC slurry and well cement slurry is compared under 3 states of no filte. ─── 为此,系统地比较了矿渣MTC水泥浆与油井水泥浆在没有滤饼、普通钻井液滤饼、多功能钻井液滤饼3种情况下的界面胶结性能。

68、Light partition board production with cinder and fly ash ─── 利用炉渣和粉煤灰生产轻质隔墙板

69、The forming reasons of blowhole and cinder inclusion in cast steel wheel were analyzed, and the correspounding precaution measures were proposed which have been verified in producing practice. ─── 分析了铸钢车轮件气孔、夹渣缺陷的形成原因,提出了相应的解决措施,并在生产中得到验证,使废品率显著下降。

70、I was about to be burned to cinder, so I jumped out of the fire to save myself,@ said the coal. ─── “刚才我眼看就要被烧成炭渣,为了自救所以才从火里跳了出来。”

71、Both Northern Cross and brilliant white Vega hang over a foreground grouping of cinder cones.Near the center are the reddish nebulae, stars and dust clouds of the central Milky Way. ─── 再往右一些,可见到从东方地平面升起的银河,及镶在银河盘面上以天津四星为最亮星的北十字星群。

72、But in a new book , two noted University of washington astrobiologists say the planet already has begun the long process of devolving into a burned-out cinder, eventually to be swallowed by the sun. ─── 但是在最近一本书中,华盛顿大学两位声望卓著的天体生物学家称:这个星球已经走出漫长退化路途的第一步,它将燃为灰烬,最终被太阳吞没。

73、The content of total iron in the pyrite cinder is determined by redox titration, complex titration and absorptionphotometry .Comparison and evaluation of the character of these means are made. ─── 以氧化还原滴定法、络合滴定法及分光光度法对硫铁矿烧渣中全铁含量进行分析测定,对各种测定方法的特点进行了比较和评价。

74、There is substantial shortage of blast - furance slag in China , however, burnt clay type slags,such as fly ash,burnt coal shale and cinder are abundant there. ─── 我国矿渣资源紧缺,而烧粘土型的工业废渣如粉煤灰、煅烧煤矸石和炉渣资源却相当丰富。

75、This paper introduces the mechanism and process flow of the ceramsite produced with coal cinder by the shell-making process and one-mixing shaping. ─── 本文介绍对炉底渣采用造壳工艺,一次搅拌成型制成陶粒的机理和工艺流程。

76、burn etc sth to a cinder; cook(food)until it is hard and black ─── 将(食物)做胡

77、The experiment and industrial application of recovering iron concentrate from pyrite cinder with vertical magnetic separator with pulsating vibration magnetic field were introduced. ─── 介绍了立式脉冲振动磁场磁选机选别硫酸渣(黑渣)试验及工业生产情况,探讨了硫酸渣利用存在的问题及发展方向。

78、The scientific experiments can provid a nem path for utilizating of pyrite cinder. ─── 为硫铁矿烧渣的综合应用开辟了新的途径。

79、GPS can be used to monitor the volume of cinder and residue as well their area covered besides positioning. ─── GPS除能完成定位外,可以监测弃上弃渣体积和堆弃渣面积;

80、The cinder of steam boiler good remove aquatic ash grain,cinder diameter and ash water flow rate directly influence removal efficiency. ─── 介绍了利用锅炉炉渣有效去除灰水中灰粒的试验方法,试验发现,炉渣直径和灰水流速直接影响去除效率。

81、A man salvages coal at a cinder dump site in Changzhi, Shanxi province China. ─── 中国山西长治,一名男子在煤渣处理站捡拾煤炭。

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