rachis 发音
英:[ˈreɪkɪs] 美:[ˈreɪkɪs]
英: 美:
rachis 中文意思翻译
rachis 词性/词形变化,rachis变形
rachis 短语词组
1、bifurcated rachis ─── 分叉轴
2、articulated rachis ─── 关节轴
rachis 相似词语短语
1、arachic ─── 阿拉奇克
2、rachides ─── n.花轴;叶轴(rachis的复数)
3、rachitis ─── n.脊柱炎;佝偻病
4、arachis ─── n.落花生
5、hachis ─── 哈希
6、rachises ─── n.脊柱;花轴,[植]叶轴
7、Lachish ─── 拉吉。
8、raches ─── 脊椎
9、rhachis ─── n.叶轴;花轴;脊柱;羽轴(等于rachis)
rachis 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Leaflet blades glabrous, but abaxially pubescent along midrib or lateral veins when young. Inflorescence rachis densely yellow-brown puberulent. ─── 小叶叶片无毛,仅在幼时背面沿中脉或侧脉被短柔毛。密被的花序轴黄棕色被微柔毛。
2、rachis scabrous on back, margin spinose; ─── 在背面上粗糙的轴,边具刺;
3、Petiole pilose; leaf blade pubescent along veins. Catkin rachis pubescent. Capsule pubescent, shortly stipitate. ─── 叶柄具柔毛;叶片沿脉具短柔毛。柔荑花序轴短柔毛。蒴果短柔毛,具短柄。
4、Inflorescences racemose, rachis elongate; corolla suburceolate to tubular; seeds angled or rounded. ─── 副花冠裂片合蕊冠的着生的在基部;花粉块下垂。
5、Leaf blade oblong or narrowly oblong, apex obtuse. Inflorescence rachis sparsely puberulent, rarely glabrous. ─── 叶片长圆形或狭长圆形,先端钝。花序轴疏生微柔毛,很少无毛。
6、Petiole and catkin rachis tomentose. ─── 叶柄和柔荑花序轴被绒毛。
7、Keywords Rachis being towed;Biomechanics; ─── 关键词脊柱牵引;生物力学;
8、leaflets alternate, subopposite, or alternate, petiolulate, not always an equal number on each side of rachis; ─── 小叶互生,近对生,或互生,具小叶柄,轴两边小叶数量不总相等;
9、Art is excised in lumbar interverbebral disc in, whether to need rachis confluence? ─── 在腰椎间盘摘除术中,是否需要作脊柱融合呢?
10、That is interesting because the rachis seems to aid in flight. ─── 这就很有趣了,因为羽轴似乎有助于飞行。
11、Leaf segments shortly stipitate, with margin sparsely or densely bluntly dentate. Rachis and pedicels or only pedicels densely spreading pubescent. Carpels glabrous or ovary sparsely pubescent. ─── 叶裂片具短柄,具边缘疏生或浓密的钝的具牙齿。轴和花梗或者只花梗密被开展的短柔毛。心皮无毛的或子房疏生短柔毛。
12、Although our rachis, artifice, eyeball has been used to liquid crystal screen, but at least cerebrum still fails to be used to far. ─── 即使我们的脊柱、手腕、眼球已经习惯液晶屏幕,可至少大脑还远远未能习惯。
13、Branchlets, abaxial leaf surface, and inflorescence rachis rusty scaly; leaf blade membranous or papery, densely black punctate and punctate-lineate or inconspicuously pellucid punctate. ─── 小枝,叶背面和花序轴生锈有鳞;叶片膜质或纸质,透明的浓密黑色具点和具点具线纹或不明显。(45
14、Pinto peanut(A rachis pintoi ev. Amarillo) ─── 平托花生
15、Relationships Between Spike Structure and Rachis Node Developmental Characters ─── 小麦穗轴节发育及其与穗部性状的遗传关系
16、Petiole and catkin rachis glabrous. ─── 叶柄和柔荑花序轴无毛。
17、branches of current year, petioles, and rachis of inflorescence tawny tomentose. ─── 当年生枝、叶柄、叶背及花序轴均被棕色或黄灰色短绒毛。
18、Twigs, petioles, and leaf blade abaxially pubescent at base; rachis of inflorescences tomentellate. ─── 小枝,叶柄和叶片背面基部被短柔毛;花序轴短绒毛。
19、Panicle headlike, 1-2 cm in diam.;rachis solitary, ca. 5 cm, 1.5-2.5 mm in diam. ─── 孤独的轴,大约5厘米,1.5-2.5毫米直径,无毛或者粗糙。
20、The S form of the rachis of equestrian Sa Yi Ren and average now person curves rachis to differ somewhat, for straight " one " glyph. ─── 马萨伊人的脊柱与现在一般人的s形弯曲脊柱有所不同,为直的“一”字形。
21、Vertebral to after rachis has apparently unusual activity or interverbebral disc excises art, incorporating surge has the patient of heavier lumbago, art of confluence of feasible establish bone. ─── 对于脊柱有明显异常活动或椎间盘摘除术后合并脊椎滑脱并有较重腰痛的病人,可行植骨融合术。
22、Action: Creeping exercise beneficial at billabong of blood of the whole body balanced, prevent and cureSenileDisease of joint of disease of sexual heart and vessels, bone and rachis are unbalanced. ─── 作用:爬行练习益于周身血液分流均衡,防治老年性心血管疾病、骨关节病和脊柱畸形。
23、Branchlets, leaf rachis, leaf petiole, and lower side of leaflet midrib densely pubescent. ─── 传单中脉的小枝,叶轴,叶柄和更低的边密被短柔毛。
24、The finding suggests that the barbs and barbules evolved before the rachis in feathers. ─── 该发现表明,羽毛中的羽枝和小羽枝是先于羽轴进化出来的。
25、The posture that all athletic sports all involve rachis is correct. ─── 所有体育运动均涉及脊柱的姿势是否正确。
26、A particularly vigorous form from Yunnan, N Myanmar, and N Thailand has been separated as Eulalia birmanica.This has long, straight rachis internodes subequaling the spikelet. ─── 上发生来自云南的特别有力的形式,这近相等有长,直的轴节间小穗。
27、The deformation of 1. skull and rachis is cracked like skull, rachis is cracked, narrow skull disease, compressed skull. ─── 1.颅骨及脊柱的畸形如颅裂、脊柱裂、狭颅症、扁平颅等。
28、Twigs, petioles, inflorescence rachis, and pedicels glandular hirsute. ─── 小枝,叶柄,花序轴和花梗具腺的具粗毛。
29、Rachis, midvein of leaflet blade, and inflorescence sparsely gray pubescent. ─── 小叶叶片中脉,稀少和开花灰色短柔毛。
30、Inflorescences racemelike, often branched, rachis zigzagged, especially near apex, with 1 flower per axil; ─── 总状花序状的花序,通常分枝,轴之字形,特别是近先端,每腋具1花;
31、will sit workbench of chair press close to or desk, receive an abdomen, suck inside navel, rachis is erect. ─── 二、将坐椅贴近工作台或办公桌,收腹,肚脐内吸,脊柱竖立。
32、Relationship between Vascular Bundle System of Rachis and Rachilla and Ear Productivity in Wheat ─── 小麦穗轴和小穗轴维管束系统及与穗部生产力关系的研究
33、Flowers 1-3 borne on axil of a fleshy bract, sessile, appearing sunken into fleshy rachis, without bractlets, bisexual. ─── 一肉质的苞片,无梗,凹陷成为肉质的轴,没有小苞片的花1-3生于腋,两性。
34、Branchlets, petioles, and rachis of inflorescence densely villous. Leaves densely pubescent and tomentose abaxially. ─── 小枝,叶柄和花序轴密被长柔毛。叶密被短柔毛和被绒毛背面。
35、rachis dichotomously branched, thick, mostly straight, glabrous but verrucose near apices; ─── 二歧轴分开,厚,主要直,无毛但是多疣的近的尖;
36、Leaf blade broadly ovate, apex shortly acuminate to long acuminate. Fruiting catkin to more than 20 cm. Catkin rachis and capsule pilose. ─── 宽卵形的叶片,先端短渐尖到长渐尖。果柔荑花序到多于20厘米柔荑花序轴和蒴果具柔毛。
37、Be located in upside of abdominal cavity hind, the ahead of celiac rear wall, the two side of rachis and old blood vessel. ─── 位于腹腔后上部,腹后壁的前方,脊柱和大血管的两侧。
38、Rachis, midvein of leaflet blade, and inflorescence rusty pubescent. ─── 小叶叶片中脉,以及开花锈色短柔毛。
39、Leaf blade and panicle rachis glabrous. ─── 叶片和圆锥花序的轴无毛。
41、rachis glabrous; bracts to 2 mm, soon caducous, basal ones often sterile and with a tridentate apex. ─── 轴无毛苞片兑2毫米,不久早落,不育的基生者通常并且有一先端。
42、Although our rachis, artifice, eyeball has been used to liquid crystal screen, but at least cerebrum still fails to be used to far. ─── 即使我们的脊柱、手腕、眼球已经习惯液晶屏幕,可至少大脑还远远未能习惯。
43、After congenital rachis splits an operation, relieve oneself is incontinent, right calcaneal ulcer pours out of cerebrospinal fluid constantly, how to treat excuse me? ? ─── 先天性脊柱裂手术后,大小便失禁,右脚跟溃疡时常流出脑脊液,请问怎么治疗??
44、Comparative Anatomic Studies on Rachis of Eight Species of Cycads ─── 八种苏铁植物叶轴的比较解剖研究
45、1 Raceme rachis scabrid along margins; upper glume obscurely keeled except below apex, winged only below apex. ─── 总状花序轴粗糙的沿边缘;龙骨状的上面颖片不明显除了在下面先端,飞行只下面先端。
46、Branchlets spreading or pendulous. Catkin rachis sparingly pilose. Capsule clearly stipitate. ─── 小枝开展或者下垂。节约的柔荑花序轴具柔毛。明显的蒴果具柄。
47、A stage 3a follicle would produce a feather with a rachis and a series of simple barbs. ─── 在阶段3A,从毛囊生出的羽毛有一个羽轴及一系列简单的羽枝;
48、Likewise, a plumulaceous tuft of barbs evolved before the pennaceous feather with a rachis because the rachis is formed by the fusion of barb ridges. ─── 同样的,绒羽的羽枝簇比拥有羽轴的正羽更早演化出来,因为羽轴是由羽枝脊接合而成。
49、Genotypes, with significant more rachis nodes, thus more spikelet number per spike than CS (Common Spike) in wheat, are named MRN (Multiple-Rachis-Node) wheat. ─── 多穗轴节类(MRN)小麦系指通过增加小穗着生部位(穗轴节)来提高每穗小穗数的遗传类型。
50、Turn of side of the protruding after sunken back, smooth back, round back, rachis, rachis. ─── 凹背、平背、圆背、脊柱后凸、脊柱侧弯等。
51、Ovaries inferior, coalescing and with bracts and rachis forming a compound, fleshy fruit (syncarp). ─── 子房下位,聚结并且具苞片和轴(形成一复合,肉果(合心皮果))。
52、Stem mostly glabrous, hispidulous only near base. Raceme rachis glabrous. Pedicels glabrous proximally, yellow glandular puberulent distally. Sepals blue. ─── 多数无毛的茎,只具短硬毛近基部。总状花序轴无毛。无毛的花梗接近,上部黄腺被微柔毛。萼片蓝色。
53、In later period these velar sexes written guarantee configuration becomes rachis before vertical ligament, outside vertical ligament of the side after vertical ligament is mixed. ─── 在后期这些膜性结构形成脊柱的前纵韧带、外纵韧带和后侧纵韧带。
54、blade 2-ternate, glabrous except veins and rachis densely pilose. ─── 叶片2回三出,无毛的除脉和轴密被柔毛之外。
55、Raceme rachis white-ciliate along margins; upper glume sharply keeled throughout, keel narrowly winged. ─── 总状花序轴白色的具缘毛的沿边缘;全部上面颖片锐龙骨状,给狭翅装龙骨。
56、umbels sessile on elongate, slightly zigzagged rachis, 4--12-flowered, base thickened; ─── 伞形花序无梗生于拉长,稍曲折的轴,4-12花,基部加厚;
57、Inflorescence of racemes along a central axis, spikelets pedicellate, single, paired or clustered on a narrow rachis, adaxial. ─── 小穗披针形到椭圆形,稀疏双凸,,在小穗基部,小花2时候对具芒,稍微球状肿起部分锐尖;
58、Leaf petiole glabrous; leaf blade glabrescent on both surfaces or abaxially sparsely hispidulous on midvein. Inflorescence rachis and pedicels pubescent, also with glandular hairs. ─── 叶柄无毛;叶片在两面上后脱落无毛或背面稀疏具短硬毛在中脉上。花序轴和花梗短柔毛,也是具腺毛。
59、A low-growing,weedy grass(Paspalum distichum) with spikelets arranged in two rows along the rachis. ─── 两耳草一种小穗沿叶轴排成两行的低矮蔓生草(两耳草雀稗属)。
60、The fleshy rachis of the infructescence is sweet and edible and is used for making wine and candy. ─── 果序的肉质的轴是甜和食用的并且用于制造酒和糖果。
61、At the base of the feather, the rachis expands to form the hollow tubular calamus, or quill, which inserts into a follicle in the skin. ─── 在羽毛的基部,羽轴延伸形成中空管状的翮,或叫羽根,插入皮肤里的毛囊。
62、Inflorescence umbellate, lax, 5- or 6-flowered, rachis ca. 20 mm, densely shortly glandular-hairy. ─── 伞形的花序,疏松,花5或6,轴约20毫米,密被短腺毛。
63、Leaf petiole pubescent or hispidulous; leaf blade with conspicuous hairs on both surfaces, abaxially hispidulous on veins. Inflorescence rachis and pedicels pubescent. ─── 叶柄短柔毛或者具短硬毛;叶片具明显毛在两面,背面具短硬毛在脉上。花序轴和花梗短柔毛。
64、A low-growing, weedy grass(Paspalum distichum) with spikelets arranged in two rows along the rachis. ─── 两耳草一种小穗沿叶轴排成两行的低矮蔓生草(两耳草雀稗属)
65、Leaf blade herbaceous. Rachis and pedicels glabrous or retrorse pubescent. Sepals pale blue-purple, sometimes yellow-green. ─── 叶片草质轴和花梗无毛的或者反折短柔毛。萼片浅的蓝紫色,有时黄绿色。
66、Leaves bipinnate, 10-25 cm long, usually with 2 pairs of pinnae, rachis often ending in a tendril; ─── 叶为二回羽状复叶,长10-25厘米,叶轴先端常变为卷须,羽片通常2对,顶生1对羽片变为卷须;
67、If the patient suffers in rachis activity,be restricted, and suffer be restricted the reason is aching, the position that should ache clearly and have send a symptom without other partner. ─── 如患者在脊柱活动中受限,且受限原因是疼痛,则应明确疼痛的位置及有无其他伴发症状。
69、Branchlets and inflorescence rachis sparsely pubescent or puberulent. ─── 小枝和花序轴疏生短柔毛或者被微柔毛。
70、Herbs annual, 20-100 cm tall, not farinose (but young leaves and inflorescence rachis sometimes slightly tomentose). ─── 一年生草本,20-100厘米高,不被粉(但是有时幼叶和花序轴稍被绒毛)。
71、A low - growing,weedy grass(Paspalum distichum)with spikelets arranged in two rows along the rachis. ─── 两耳草一种小穗沿叶轴排成两行的低矮蔓生草(两耳草雀稗属)
72、Keywords: wild species ofA rachis, Hybrid progenies, Genetic variation, Introgression identification, SSR, ─── 关键词:花生野生种,杂种后代,遗传多态性,渗入鉴定,SSR
73、Branchlets pilose at first, glabrescent. Leaf blade abaxially downy, adaxially glabrous. Catkin rachis glabrous. ─── 具柔毛的小枝最初,后脱落。具短绒毛的叶片背面,正面无毛。柔荑花序轴无毛。
74、4.Spinal cord is to be located in the organization of a kind of nerve among rachis. ─── 为什么会患脊髓炎脊髓是位于脊柱中间的一种神经组织。
75、Branchlets, veins on both surfaces of leaves, petioles, and catkin rachis tomentose. ─── 小枝,叶子的静脉在两面,叶柄和荑花序轴被绒毛。
76、Ovaries inferior, coalescing and with bracts and rachis forming a compound, fleshy fruit (syncarp). ─── 子房下位,聚结并且具苞片和轴(形成一复合,肉果(合心皮果))。
77、1 Glumes obscurely keeled proximally, indistinctly so distally; spike rachis usually tough and not disarticulating. ─── 不清楚如此上部,颖片不明显接近翻转;穗状花序轴通常坚韧而不脱节。
78、Abaxial surface of leaflets, petiole, and rachis usually eglandular. ─── 小叶背面,叶柄和轴通常无腺体。
79、hair development and rachis of spikelet ─── 小穗轴生毛
80、At the base of the feather, the rachis expands to form the hollow tubular calamus, or quill, which inserts into a follicle in the skin. ─── 在羽毛的基部,羽轴延伸形成中空管状的翮,或叫羽根,插入皮肤里的毛囊。
81、raceme rachis triquetrous, margins spinulose. ─── 总状花序轴三棱,边缘。
82、Leaves 3-foliolate. Inflorescence rachis, pedicels, and abaxial surface of calyx without rust colored stalked glands. ─── 叶具3小叶。花序轴,花梗,和背面锈色柄的花萼腺体。
83、Inspiratory, put both hands on hip, hold out a bosom, stretchy rachis. ─── 吸气,将双手放在臀部上,挺胸,伸长脊柱。
84、Rachis and pedicels sparsely tomentose-pilose when young, soon glabrescent, glabrous when old; hypanthium glabrous abaxially. ─── 幼时具柔毛轴和花梗稀疏绒毛,不久后脱落,无毛的老时;托杯无毛背面。
85、X line behaves: Rachis osteoporosis, bone little bridge decreases, cave among centrum, submit piscine tail form. ─── x线表现:脊柱骨质疏松,骨小梁减少,椎体中间凹陷,呈鱼尾巴状。
86、Rachis, leaflets abaxially, and inflorescence slightly stellate hairy. ─── 叶轴,小叶背面及花序有点被星状毛。
87、Branchlets slightly ascending. Catkin rachis glabrous. Capsule subsessile. ─── 小枝稍微地上升。柔荑花序轴无毛。蒴果近无柄。
88、Branchlets and inflorescence rachis tawny papillose-tomentose; perianth inconspicuously pellucid punctate, margin long glandular papillose; sepals acuminate. ─── 小枝和花序轴茶色具小乳突被绒毛;难以觉察清澈具点的花被,长腺具小乳突的空白边;萼片渐尖。(9
89、Inflorescences racemose, main rachis unbranched, densely flowered, suberect or ascending, nearly as long as or slightly longer than petioles, pilose; ─── 总状的花序,不分枝的主轴,花密集,近直立或上升的,近等长或稍长于叶柄,具柔毛;
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