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09-10 投稿


Lydian 发音

英:[ˈlɪdiən]  美:[ˈlɪdɪən]

英:  美:

Lydian 中文意思翻译




Lydian 词性/词形变化,Lydian变形


Lydian 短语词组

1、lydian nadhaswaram ─── 丽迪安·纳达斯瓦拉姆

2、lydian coin ─── 吕底亚货币

3、lydian stone brewery ─── 吕店石头酿酒厂

4、lydian mode ─── 吕底亚调式;中世纪教堂音乐调式(以F调开始和结尾)

5、lydian chord progressions ─── 吕迪安和弦进行

6、lydian spin ─── 吕迪安旋转

7、lydian scale lydian ─── 鳞片

8、lydian empire ─── 吕底亚帝国

Lydian 相似词语短语

1、Midian ─── n.米甸(《圣经·创世记》所载亚伯拉罕与其妻基土拉所生众子之一)

2、Slydial ─── 幻灯片

3、Lydians ─── 吕底亚人

4、Lydia ─── n.吕底亚(小亚细亚西部的富裕古国);莉蒂亚(女子名)

5、Lydian ─── adj.吕底亚的;吕底亚人的;吕底亚语的;n.吕底亚语;吕底亚人

6、Indian ─── adj.印度的;印度人的;印度语的;印度文化的;印第安人的;印第安语的;n.印度人;印度后裔;(美洲)印第安人;(非因纽特人或米提人的)加拿大土著;(非正式)印度餐,印度餐馆;印第安语;印第安星座

7、Median ─── adj.中值的,中间的;中位数的;在中央的,通过中点的;n.中值,中位数;(三角形的)中线;梯形中位线;n.(Median)(美、罗马尼亚、西)梅迪安(人名)

8、Mysian ─── 鼠标

9、Lycian ─── n.利西亚人;利西亚语;adj.利西亚的;利西亚人的;利西亚语的

Lydian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Lydian 5lidiEn, -djEn adj.;n. adj. ─── 吕底亚的, 吕底亚人的, 吕底亚语的;

2、Persian--Lydian War ─── 波斯-吕底亚战争(公元前547-前546)

3、I reckon you are probably referring to companies like Lydian International? ─── 我看你可能指的是像吕底亚国际公司?

4、Scholarly support includes important editorial punctuation marks, as well as the Carian, Lycian, and Lydian scripts, and the Phaistos disc symbols. ─── 学术支持包括重要的编辑标点符号,以及Carian, Lycian, and Lydian文字,和Phaistos磁盘符号。

5、Lydian stone ─── n. (=touchstone) 试金石

6、He regularly uses odd rhythmic groupings and his melodies often employ the Lydian mode. ─── 他经常使用奇怪的节奏组合,他的旋律经常使用吕底亚模式。

7、Lydian maid,Arachne by name, did not seem tothink much of Athena's skill, for shefrequently talked big that she couldbeat the goddess if she had thechance to do so. ─── 一气之下,女神装扮成一位老妇,劝告阿瑞克妮应谦虚一些。

8、lydian adj. Lydia ─── 的[人;语] ;柔婉的

9、touchstone, lydian stone ─── 试金石

10、The Phrygian mode, as well as the Lydian (and the theoretical Lochrian), are very rarely encountered. ─── 而佛里吉安调式和利地安调式(和理论上的洛克里安调式)都很少碰到。

11、A Lydian maid, Arachne by name, did not seem to think much of Athena's dexterity, for she frequently boasted that she could beat the goddess if she had the opportunity to do so. ─── 一个叫阿剌克涅的利比亚侍女对雅典娜的技术却不以为然。她经常吹嘘,说假如有机会和雅典娜一决高下,她将打败女神。

12、Responding to public or profits of corporation is the Lydian stone differentiate between commonweal and management. ─── 向公众负责还是向企业的利润负责,是区分公益性还是经营性的试金石。

13、Is Lydian making efforts to get the word out about their discovery in Armenia? ─── 吕底亚是努力让他们在亚美尼亚发现了这个词?

14、Right, Arjun and Lydian has made a major discovery in Armenia. ─── 是的,阿君和吕底亚已在亚美尼亚重大发现。

15、Q: I reckon you are probably referring to companies like Lydian International? ─── 问: 我看你可能指的是像吕底亚国际公司?

16、lydian mode ─── 吕底亚调式

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