annelids 中文意思翻译
annelids 词性/词形变化,annelids变形
异体字: annelidan |
annelids 短语词组
1、annelids mod apk ─── 环节动物mod apk
2、annelids apk ─── 环节动物
annelids 相似词语短语
1、cannelons ─── 花键
2、cannellinis ─── 渠道
3、annelidan ─── adj.环节动物的
4、annexions ─── 附件
5、annalists ─── n.编年史作者;纪年表编者
6、annelid ─── n.环节动物;[无脊椎]属环节动物类的
7、annalises ─── 编年史
8、annealing ─── n.热处理;低温退火;磨炼;v.[机][生化]退火;磨炼(anneal的ing形式)
9、annalizes ─── 编年史
annelids 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、resemble slugs with legs and are sometimes described as the missing link between arthropods and annelids. ─── 与蛞蝓的腿相似,有时被认为介于环节动物和节肢动物之间。
2、small annelid worms with the posterior end modified into an adhesive sucker; especially formerly regarded as modified leeches ─── 小型环形动物虫带有由末端进化来的粘性吸管;特别是以前认为是进化了的水蛭
3、enigmatic small elongated wormlike terrestrial invertebrates of damp dark habitats in warm regions; distinct from the phylum Annelida; resemble slugs with legs and are sometimes described as the missing link between arthropods and annelids ─── 身体细长、比较神秘的陆地无脊椎动物,生长在潮湿阴暗的温带地区,与环虫动物门截然不同,与蛞蝓的腿相似,有时被认为介于环节动物和节肢动物之间
4、The presence of limb-like extensions on the body with furry bristles on them told the scientists that this creature was an annelid. ─── 身体上延伸出那覆有毛发,如同四肢一般的部分告诉了科学家们,该生物是一种环节动物。
5、chiefly marine annelids possessing both sexes and having paired appendages (parapodia) bearing bristles. ─── 主要是海生的环节动物,有两性,成对的附肢上长有刚毛。
6、Note the differences in the external features of each worm, namely the increased number of sensory structures and the presence of multifunctional appendages on annelid 1. ─── 注意每只虫外部特徵的差异,观察环节动物1上众多的感觉构造及其多功能的附肢.
7、enigmatic small elongated wormlike terrestrial invertebrates of damp dark habitats in warm regions; distinct from the phylum Annelida; resemble slugs with legs and are sometimes described as the missing link between arthropods and annelids. ─── 身体细长、比较神秘的陆地无脊椎动物,生长在潮湿阴暗的温带地区;与环虫动物门截然不同;与蛞蝓的腿相似,有时被认为介于环节动物和节肢动物之间。
8、annelid; annelida ─── 环节动物
9、Any of about 5,400 species of marine worms of the annelid class Polychaeta, having a segmented body with many setae (bristles) on each segment. ─── 多毛纲环节动物中约5,400种海生蠕虫的统称,体分节,每一节上有许多刚毛。
10、small annelid worms with the posterior end modified into an adhesive sucker; ─── 小型环形动物虫带有由末端进化来的粘性吸管;
11、Any of numerous wormlike carnivorous animals of the phylum Onychophora, common in tropical and temperate forest regions and having characteristics of both arthropods and annelid worms. ─── 有爪纲节肢动物的一个纲,常见于热带或温带森林中,既有环节动物又有节肢动物的某些特点
12、The noncellular, hardened or membranous protective covering of many invertebrates, such as the transparent membrane that covers annelids. ─── 护膜许多非脊椎动物的非细胞的、硬化或膜状的保护性覆盖层,如覆盖节肢动物的透明膜状物
13、The portion of the head in earthworms and other annelids that is situated anterior to the mouth. ─── 口前叶,各种蠕虫和软体动物头部在口前方的部分。
14、Objective: To use a dichotomous key to identify ten annelids to the genus-level. ─── 主题:使用检索表将10个环节动物分类至属的阶层.
15、The first part of the alimentary canal of an arthropod or annelid, which includes the buccal cavity, esophagus, crop, and gizzard. ─── 前肠节肢动物或环节动物的消化道的第一部分,包括口腔、食管、嗉囊和砂囊
16、Annelids are soft, moist worms which have rings around their bodies. ─── 环节动物是柔软、黏湿的蠕虫,身体周围有环节。
17、a bristle or seta,especially of an annelid worm ─── 尤指环节动物毛虫类的毫毛或刚毛
18、Eumeces chinensis from a Lishui population consumed a broad range of annelid, molluscan and arthropod invertebrates covering more than 30 families. ─── 丽水分布的中国石龙子(Eumeces chinensis)摄入的食物均为无脊椎动物,分别属于环节、软体和节肢动物,涉及30余科。
19、A swollen,glandular,saddlelike region in the epidermis of certain annelid worms,such as the earthworm,that secretes a viscous fluid to form a cocoon for their eggs. ─── 环带,生殖带某些环节动物蠕虫表皮的膨胀、含腺的鞍状带,例如蚯蚓,分泌一种粘性液体而在其卵上形成一层防护层。
20、The graphics transformation for numerical control is annelid by using mathematics and graphics in the paper. ─── 利用数学方法和图形学理论对数控编程中的图形变换进行了分析。
21、one of the fleshy paired appendages of polychete annelids that function in locomotion and breathing ─── 疣足,侧足多毛目环节动物成对的起移动和呼吸作用的肉质附属部分
22、the first part of the alimentary canal of an arthropod or annelid,which includes the buccal cavity,esophagus,crop,and gizzard ─── 前肠,节肢动物或环节动物的消化道的第一部分,包括口腔、食管、嗉囊和砂囊
23、If, indeed, it did belong to a different phylum, how did that group connect to the molluscs, annelids and arthropods? ─── 如果它真的属于不同的门类,那么这个种群又如何连接软体动物、环节动物和节肢动物呢?
24、annelid worm ─── 环节蠕虫
25、Animal phylogenetic tree, and mollusks, annelids, and arthropods on another major ─── 软体动物,环节动物及节肢动物放在另一分枝上,下列何者为他们分类的根据
26、Among them, 1 class and 1species belonged to protozoan, and 2 class and 2 species annelids, 1class and 1species molluscs, 2 classes and 8 species anthropods, and 5 classes and 80 species chordates. ─── 软体动物:1纲、1种; 节肢动物:2纲、8种;
27、hermaphroditic aquatic or terrestrial or parasitic annelids. ─── 雌雄同体的水生陆生或寄生环节动物。
28、Any of various terrestrial annelid worms of the class Oligochaeta, especially those of the family Lumbricidae, that burrow into and help aerate and enrich soil. ─── 蚯蚓任一种土中生活的环节虫类,属于寡毛纲,尤指正蚓属的动物,它的挖穴动土有助于疏松和肥沃土壤
29、Annelid iridovirus ─── 环节动物虹彩病毒
30、Any of various chiefly aquatic bloodsucking or carnivorous annelid worms of the class Hirudinea, of which one species(Hirudo medicinalis) was formerly used by physicians to bleed patients. ─── 水蛭,蚂蟥,欧洲医蛭蛭纲环节幼物中几种主要水生吸血或食肉环节蠕虫中的一种,其中的(欧洲医蛭)过去曾被医生用于为病人放血
31、The small,free-swimming,ciliated aquatic larva of various invertebrates,including certain mollusks and annelids. ─── 担轮动虫多种水生无脊椎动物,体型很小能自由游动的、有纤毛的幼虫,包括某些软体动物和环节动物的幼虫
32、Like annelids, they are hermaphroditic, containing both male and female sex organs. ─── 他们像蠕虫一样,雌雄同体,共有雌、雄两种性器官。
33、Standard Guide for Conducting Acute, Chronic, and Life-Cycle Aquatic Toxicity Tests with Polychaetous Annelids ─── 用多毛纲环节动物做剧烈的、慢性的及寿命周期水生动物毒性试验标准导则
34、With the new fossil, researchers can now identify the animals as part of the annelid worm family, which also includes modern sea mice, earthworms and leeches. ─── 因为这个新的化石,研究人员现在可以鉴别出该动物属于环节虫属,这类动物中包括现代的海毛虫,蚯蚓和水蛭。
36、Lethal effect on annelid by He-He laser irradiation witn low power ─── 低功率氦氖激光对蠕虫的致死作用
37、are soft, moist worms which have rings around their bodies. ─── 是柔软、黏湿的蠕虫,身体周围有环节。
38、Disease due to Annelid worms ─── 环节动物虫致疾病
39、Any of numerous wormlike carnivorous animals of the phylum Onychophora,common in tropical and temperate forest regions and having characteristics of both arthropods and annelid worms. ─── 有爪纲节肢动物的一个纲,常见于热带或温带森林中,既有环节动物又有节肢动物的某些特点。
40、hermaphroditic terrestrial and aquatic annelids having bristles borne singly along the length of the body ─── 雌雄同体的陆栖和水栖环节动物,只在沿身体部位有鬃毛
41、small annelid worms with the posterior end modified into an adhesive sucker; especially formerly regarded as modified leeches. ─── 小型环形动物虫带有由末端进化来的粘性吸管;特别是以前认为是进化了的水蛭。
42、a similar enlargement in the digestive tract of annelids and insects. ─── 环节动物或昆虫的消化道中的类似扩大部分.
43、chiefly marine annelids possessing both sexes and having paired appendages (parapodia) bearing bristles. ─── 主要是海生的环节动物,有两性,成对的附肢上长有刚毛。
44、Any of various annelid worms of the class Polychaeta, including mostly marine worms such as the lugworm, and characterized by fleshy paired appendages tipped with bristles on each body segment. ─── 多毛目环节动物多毛目中的任一种环节动物蠕虫,主要包括海生蠕虫,如海蚯蚓,特征是其身体的每一节上都长有尖端带刚毛的、多肉的成对附属物
45、Any of various annelid worms of the class Oligochaeta, including the earthworms and a few small freshwater forms. ─── 寡毛纲动物任一寡毛纲环节软体虫,包括蚯蚓和一些小的淡水生物种类
46、Discuss the metamerism of annelids and its advantages briefly. ─── 浅谈环节动物身体的分节现象及其优点。
47、Any of various chiefly aquatic bloodsucking or carnivorous annelid worms of the class Hirudinea,of which one species(Hirudo medicinalis) was formerly used by physicians to bleed patients. ─── 水蛭,蚂蟥,欧洲医蛭蛭纲环节幼物中几种主要水生吸血或食肉环节蠕虫中的一种,其中的(欧洲医蛭)过去曾被医生用于为病人放血。
48、A similar enlargement In the digestive tract of annelids and Insects. ─── 环节动物或昆虫的消化道中的类似扩大部分。
49、any of numerous velvety-skinned wormlike carnivorous animals common in tropical forests having characteristics of both arthropods and annelid worms. ─── 许多皮肤柔软蠕虫样食肉动物,常见于热带森林,有节肢动物和环节动物的特征。
50、The first part of the alimentary canalof an arthropod or annelid, which includes the buccal cavity, esophagus, crop, and gizzard. ─── 前肠节肢动物或环节动物的消化道的第一部分,包括口腔、食管、嗉囊和砂囊。
51、any of various sporozoan protozoans of the order Gregarinida that are parasitic within the digestive tracts of various invertebrates including arthropods and annelids ─── 簇虫任一种簇虫孢子虫类的原生动物,寄生于各类无脊椎动物,包括节肢动物和环节动物的消化道内
52、If, indeed, it did belong to a different phylum, how did that group connect to the molluscs , annelids and arthropods? ─── 如果它真的属于不同的门类,那么这个种群又如何连接软体动物、环节动物和节肢动物呢?
53、any of numerous velvety-skinned wormlike carnivorous animals common in tropical forests having characteristics of both arthropods and annelid worms ─── 许多皮肤柔软蠕虫样食肉动物,常见于热带森林,有节肢动物和环节动物的特征
54、Any of various terrestrial annelid worms of the class Oligochaeta,especially those of the family Lumbricidae,that burrow into and help aerate and enrich soil. ─── 蚯蚓,任一种土中生活的环节虫类,属于寡毛纲,尤指正蚓属的动物,它的挖穴动土有助于疏松和肥沃土壤。
55、All of these three transects were set in mid-tidal zone. 13 zoobenthos species were observed, with 7 species of arthropod, 4 species of mollusk, and 2 species of annelid. ─── 采集到底栖动物13种,其中节肢动物7种,软体动物4种,环节动物2种。
56、The ancestral arthropod has traditionally been envisaged as an animal similar to annelids but having cuticlized exoskeletons and jointed appendages. ─── 然而分子生物学的研究结果认为,环节动物与节肢动物并无演化继承关系,它们分别属于原口动物两大不同的谱系。
57、a similar enlargement in the digestive tract of annelids and insects ─── 环节动物或昆虫的消化道中的类似扩大部分
58、The proteins associated with Zhikong scallop LGBP have been reported in bacteria, fungi, poriferan, annelid, arthropod, echinodermata etc. ─── 与栉孔扇贝 LGBP相关的蛋白现已在细菌、真菌、海绵动物、环节动物、节肢动物、棘皮动物等中报道。
59、A similar enlargement In the digestive tract of annelids and Insects. ─── 昆虫的消化道中的类似扩大部分。
60、Chitosan is material from deacetylation of chitin, which from arthropod, coelenterate, annelids, protozoans, part of algae and fungi. ─── 壳聚糖是来源于节肢、肠腔、环节、原生动物及海藻和真菌类的甲壳素类物质脱去乙酰基的产物。
61、A swollen, glandular, saddlelike region in the epidermis of certain annelid worms, such as the earthworm, that secretes a viscous fluid to form a cocoon for their eggs. ─── 环带,生殖带某些环节动物蠕虫表皮的膨胀、含腺的鞍状带,例如蚯蚓,分泌一种粘性液体而在其卵上形成一层防护层
62、Many molluscs and marine annelids have a trochophore larva in their life cycle. ─── 在许多软体动物和海洋环节动物生活史中具有担轮幼虫。
63、annelid infectious ─── 水蛭病
64、A bristle or seta, especially of an annelid worm. ─── 刚毛尤指环节动物毛虫类的毫毛或刚毛
65、As we all know, Bilateral symmetry, three-layer embryo, metamerism and having a relatively developed head are the common characteristics of the Arthropoda and Annelida, So it is believed that arthropod originated from annelid. ─── 由于节肢动物具备环节动物两侧对称、三胚层、身体分节、头部较发达等特征,所以一般认为节肢动物起源于环节动物或类似环节动物的祖先。
66、Chitosan is material from deacetylation of chitin,which from arthropod,coelenterate,annelids,protozoans,part of algae and fungi. ─── 壳聚糖是来源于节肢、肠腔、环节、原生动物及海藻和真菌类的甲壳素类物质脱去乙酰基的产物。
67、This hypothesis groups annelids with mollusks and brachiopods in another superphylum, Lophotrochozoa. ─── 该假说将圆环类动物与软体动物和腕足动物归为另一类,冠轮动物。
68、Standard Guide for Conducting Sediment Toxicity Tests with Marine and Estuarine Polychaetous Annelids ─── 用海洋和港湾多毛纲环节动物作沉积物毒性试验的标准导则
69、Any of various annelid worms of the class Polychaeta,including mostly marine worms such as the lugworm,and characterized by fleshy paired appendages tipped with bristles on each body segment. ─── 多毛目环节动物,多毛目中的任一种环节动物蠕虫,主要包括海生蠕虫,如海蚯蚓,特征是其身体的每一节上都长有尖端带刚毛的、多肉的成对附属物。
70、hermaphroditic terrestrial and aquatic annelids having bristles borne singly along the length of the body. ─── 雌雄同体的陆栖和水栖环节动物,只在沿身体部位有鬃毛。
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