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09-10 投稿



intrinsic 发音

英:[ɪn'trɪnsɪk]  美:[ɪn'trɪnsɪk]

英:  美:

intrinsic 中文意思翻译



intrinsic 反义词


intrinsic 短语词组

1、Castle's intrinsic factor ─── [医] 卡斯尔氏内因子(胃液内的粘蛋白,为吸收维生素B12所必需)

2、intrinsic coercive force ─── [电] 本质载子浓度

3、intrinsic brightness ─── [电] 本质能障晶体管

4、intrinsic admittance ─── 内在导纳;固有导纳

5、intrinsic basicity ─── [化] 固有碱度

6、intrinsic albuminuria ─── [医] 内因性蛋白尿, 真性蛋白尿

7、intrinsic conduction ─── [电] 本质传导

8、intrinsic bronchitic asthma ─── [医] 内因性支气管性气喘

9、intrinsic angular momentum ─── [化] 内禀角动量

10、intrinsic carrier concentration ─── [电] 本质亮度

11、intrinsic concentration ─── [电] 本质载子浓度

12、intrinsic acidity ─── [化] 固有酸度

13、intrinsic asthma ─── [医] 内因性气喘

14、intrinsic contaminants ─── [化] 内在杂质; 固有杂质

15、intrinsic coordinates ─── [计] 本征坐标

16、intrinsic conductivity ─── [电] 本质传导系数, 本质导电度

17、intrinsic coercivity ─── [电] 本质矫顽力

18、intrinsic activity ─── [化] 固有活性

19、intrinsic barrier ─── [化] 内禀能垒

intrinsic 同义词

deep-rooted | original | intrinsical | inherent | fundamental | underlying | subjective | basic | deep-seated | core | key | central | component | constitutional |organic | innate | essential

intrinsic 词性/词形变化,intrinsic变形

副词: intrinsically |

intrinsic 相似词语短语

1、intrince ─── 内在的

2、intrinsicality ─── 内在性

3、intrans. ─── abbr.不及物动词(intransitive)

4、extrinsic ─── adj.外在的;外来的;非固有的

5、intrinsical ─── adj.本质的;固有的;内在的

6、introns ─── n.[生化][遗]内含子;基因内区(intron的复数)

7、intrinsicate ─── 内在的

8、intrinsically ─── adv.本质地;内在地;固有地

9、intrans ─── abbr.不及物动词(intransitive)

intrinsic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In general, wastes do not have or exhibit an intrinsic hazard of infectiousness, except in very specific cases. ─── 从总体上看,一般废物并不具备或显示出具有感染性的内在危险,但极少数物质例外。

2、Intrinsic PGP is “Pretty Good Privacy” the abbreviation ,is the one adhibit publicity encrtption technology. ─── 原有的PGP是“Pretty Good Privacy”的缩写,是一个采用公开密钥加密的技术。

3、Fundamental particles have an intrinsic mass known as their rest mass (those with zero rest mass are called massless). ─── 基本粒子有个称为静止质量的内在质量(静止质量为零的粒子称为无质量粒子)。

4、In the management literature, the importance of intrinsic motivation has been emphasized by W.Edwards Deming. ─── 在管理文献中,内部驱动的重要性已经被重点的强调过多次了。

5、An intrinsic can also be optimized based on the block size of moves or copies. ─── 也可根据移动或复制的块大小对内部函数进行优化。

6、We humans appear to be meaning-seeking creatures that have the misfortune to be thrown into a world devoid of intrinsic meaning. ─── 我们人类似乎是寻求意义的生物,而很不幸,我们却进入了一个本质上缺乏意义的世界。

7、Yet this fondness for its intrinsic elegance seems to have bred a form of conservatism. ─── 但是这种对固有的雅致的偏好,好像促使了保守主义的滋生。

8、What is Intrinsic Value and Time Value? ─── 什么是时间值和内在值?

9、The innervation of small intestine includes extrinsic and intrinsic component. ─── 中文摘要肠道包含内、外源的神经支配。

10、No good reason to doubt the authenticity or the intrinsic clarity of what John records. ─── 对于约翰的记载,我们看不出有任何充分理由去怀疑它的真确性。

11、He did not want to claim social superiority, he would not claim intrinsic personal superiority. ─── 他不想炫耀优越的社会地位,他也不会炫耀他个人出众的内在力量。

12、Distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. ─── 区分外部激励和内部激励。

13、Being different to camera calibration,intrinsic parameters are calibrated only with extrinsic ones provided. ─── 与摄像机标定不同,畸变校正中仅标定内部参数,外部参数作为已知条件。

14、It analyses the intrinsic evolvement mechanisms of IC synergy in the course of M& A. ─── 但是,知识资本的无形性与复杂性使得协同的实现并非易事。

15、A man's courage and talent are intrinsic advantages; his wealth and family influence are extrinsic advantages. ─── 一个人的勇气和才智是内在的优点,他的财富和家势是外在的优点。

16、The following topics show examples of how the intrinsic objects can be used. ─── 以下主题显示如何使用内部对象的示例。

17、At the theoretical level, there is an intrinsic conflict between EJ and non-Anthropocentric environmentalism. ─── 在理论的层次,环境正义与根源于自然中心主义的环境主义间,存在著难解的矛盾。

18、A security selling below its intrinsic value or below the market price which analysts determine it should hxdye. ─── 低估证券价格低于其真实价值或分析师认为其应当具有的市场价值。

19、"Sidewall effect" is one intrinsic phenomenon in the sintering process . ─── “边缘效应”是烧结过程中固有的现象。

20、Deleting from the lower right to the upper left maps to a strong, intrinsic mental model, so it seems natural. ─── 从右下角到左上角的删除映射到一种强烈且固有的心理模型,这看起来很自然。

21、The study of SHR red cells may lead to a new understanding of intrinsic factors of erythrocyte deformability. ─── 对于SHR红细胞可变形性的研究也许会对红细胞可变形性的内在因素有一个新的认识。

22、Diamonds have little intrinsic value and their price depends almost entirely on their scarcity. ─── 钻石没有多少内在价值,它们的价格几乎完全取决于其稀有程度。

23、Intrinsic clearance (Cl int ) of BNF group was increased significantly comparing with control group and PB group. ─── OFLX对映体之间的 Clint在对照组与 BNF组没有显著性差异 ;

24、He did not want to claim social superiority, he would not claim intrinsic personal superiority. ─── 他不想炫耀优越的社会地位,他也不会炫耀他个人出众的内在力量。

25、Something of no intrinsic remedial value that is used to appeaseor reassure another. ─── 安慰的话,宽心的话某些没有内在补救作用的东西,仅仅用来安慰他人。

26、She always tries to feel the intrinsic elan of trans-dimension in a chink of the real space. ─── 她总是在现实空间中所裂开一条细缝,寻找跨越相度的巨大骚动。

27、Pepperl+Fuchs is the market leader for intrinsic safety interfaces and hazardous location equipment. ─── 倍加福公司是内在安全界面和危险区域设备市场的领导厂商。

28、It is an intrinsic but unmanifested part of every sound, every musical note, every song, every word. ─── 寂静是每个声音、每个音调、每首歌、每个词中中固有却是“未呈现”的部分。

29、It was as if the garden had become a sort of embodiment of the domestic dreams forever intrinsic to human consciousness. ─── 整座花园仿佛就是人类意识里的梦中庭院变成了现实。

30、Existing as an essential constituent or characteristic;intrinsic. ─── 固有的作为一种基本成份或典型特征而存在的;内在的

31、At the moment when the poetry is flowing, all the intrinsic fragrant of times unfolds with the wind. ─── 在所有诗意灵动的瞬间,内在的岁月之香,一一随风展开。

32、EMD method decomposes pulsar signal into a group of Intrinsic Mode Functions(IMF). ─── 利用经验模态分解将信号分解为一组固有模态函数(IMF)。

33、Let me introduce a couple of technical terms: extrinsic value and intrinsic value. ─── 让我来介绍几个术语:外在价值和内在价值。

34、He with Hong Kong person's egoism behavior, is stems from one kind intrinsic the economical rationality. ─── 他与香港人的自我主义行为,都是出于一种内在的“经济理性”。

35、A bright - red intrinsic variable star, 527light - years from Earth, in the constellation Orion. ─── 参宿四位于猎户星座的一颗鲜红色固有变星,距地球572光年

36、Another way to evade a singularity could be the intrinsic nature of spacetime. ─── 另一个避开奇异点的方式,就是从时空的内在本质著手。

37、If all the session state values are intrinsic types and none have changed, the session is not saved. ─── 如果所有会话状态值都是内部类型并且都未发生更改,则不保存会话。

38、You have a natural and intrinsic talent and skill. ─── 你天生就具备内在的天赋和才能。

39、SCN owns a intrinsic rhythm itself, and is entrained by photoperiodic signal and some endogenous chemicalsubstances. ─── 它具有自身内在的节律性,同时也受光照周期信号和一些内源性化学物质的调节。

40、The intrinsic musculature of the larynx was found to be relatively undeveloped and not very strong. ─── 喉头本身的肌肉组织被发现是相对地未发展及不是非常强壮的。

41、The name "intrinsic permeability" is now generally accepted as being characteristic of the medium alone. ─── “间隙渗透率”这个名词现在一般只作为介质本身的特性。

42、Developability is one of the most important intrinsic properties of surface, which is applied widely in practice. ─── 可展性是曲面的一个重要内在性质,在工程中有着广泛的应用。

43、The remaining nasal intrinsic muscles are of doubtful importance in nasal airway patency. ─── 其余鼻内肌群在保持鼻气道通畅方面可能会有一些作用。

44、His intrinsic beauty and power meant nothing to the hundreds of thousands who were acclaiming him and buying his books. ─── “你怎么不来买我的东西了呢?”那天晚上那葡萄牙商人见马丁从车上下来,便抢出门去招呼他,并问道。

45、At the moment when the poetry is flowing, all the intrinsic fragrant of times unfolds with the wind. ─── 在所有诗意灵动的瞬间,内在的岁月之香,一一随风展开。

46、Extrinsic Value The difference between the option value and the intrinsic value. ─── 外在价值期权价值与内在价值之间的差额。

47、An intrinsic problem of urban-growth analysis is how to actually measure the economic growth of a city. ─── 城市增长分析中的一个本质问题是如何实际地测定一个城市的经济增长。

48、Many planetary and astrophysical bodies such as the Earth and Jupiter have intrinsic magnetic fields. ─── 地球自转与磁场是影响全球环境两个重要的天文地球物理量。

49、Your only responsibility is to be responsible for your intrinsic nature, don't oppose it. ─── 你唯一的责任是对你的本性负责,不要反对它。

50、The spirit of christianism is the requisite and intrinsic idealistic ingredient in Helin's New Ideology of Mind. ─── 在贺麟的新心学理论体系中,基督教精神是其不可或缺的内在的思想质素。

51、Form was treated as something intrinsic, as the very essence of the thing. ─── 作为事物的本质,形式被视作内在的东西。

52、Something of no intrinsic remedial value that is used to appease or reassure another. ─── 安慰的话,宽心的话某些没有内在补救作用的东西,仅仅用来安慰他人

53、The result of simulation indicates that this method can effectively predict intrinsic safety parameters. ─── 仿真结果表明,该方法可有效预测本质安全参数。

54、The intrinsic value of a coin is the value of the metal it is made of. ─── 一枚钱币的内在价值是造这枚钱币的金属的价值。

55、The intrinsic randomness commonly ascribed to quantum mechanics is the result of this postulate. ─── 一般算在量子力学头上的内在随机性,其实正是这个外加假定的结果。

56、Paralysis of the extrinsic or intrinsic eye muscles. ─── 外在或内部的动眼肌瘫痪。

57、A variety of intrinsic and extrinsic factors determine whether microbial growth will preserve or spoil foods. ─── 各种各样决定微生物生长的内在与外部因素的变化将使食品得以保存或是腐败变质。

58、Like it or not, Singlish has become an intrinsic part of Singapore life. It is used in everyday conversation of the average Singaporean. ─── 不管你赞成也好,不赞成也罢,“新加坡式英语”已经成为新加坡人生活中不可缺少的一部分,在普通新加坡人的日常会话中一定会用到。

59、They argue that sexuality is intrinsic, while polygamy is a choice with grievous social consequences. ─── 他们认为,性取向是与生俱来的,而选择一夫多妻则会带来严重的社会后果。

60、Sun researcher Dave Dice presents an improved algorithm for intrinsic locks. ─── Sun的研究人员Dave Dice提供了一个针对内部锁的改进算法。

61、The intrinsic property in radiation that produces photochemical activity. ─── 光化性辐射线固有的产生光化作用的特性

62、The intrinsic value of a dollar bill is only that of a piece of paper. ─── 一元纸币的实际价值不过是一张纸而已。

63、It is concluded that the absorption in turbid medium is an intrinsic gating mechanism to refuse the scattered light. ─── 因此,混浊介质样品对光的吸收作用是样品本身所固有的分辨散射光的门机制。

64、He thought the life the perfect condition is esthetic, must develop "the intrinsic life". ─── 他认为人生的理想状态是审美的,应当开发“内在生活”。

65、Real estate should be bought for intrinsic rather than resale value . ─── 买房与其用转售价格,不如用其固有(指现金流)价格。

66、It's got extrinsic and intrinsic value for me. ─── 对我来说,它有外在和内在的价值。

67、Cultivation is to correct evil thoughts, and recover the inherent conscience and the intrinsic ethics already in you. ─── 修道就是要改正不好的念头,回复本来就有的良知良能、本来就知道的道德观。

68、You get next to him and you feel an intrinsic strength and intelligence. ─── 在他身边,你会感到一种内在的力量和智慧。

69、Existing as an essential constituent or characteristic; intrinsic. ─── 固有的作为一种基本成份或典型特征而存在的; 内在的

70、No prior knowledge about the scene is needed to build the 3D plane models but the intrinsic camera parameters. ─── 关于被建的场景中相关的位置资讯不用事先取得,必须先取得的只有相机的内部参数。

71、Eighth conclusion) What is not caused by extrinsic causes is not caused by intrinsic causes. ─── 26(第八个结论)非由外在原因引发的亦非由内在原因引发。

72、Audit risks consist of intrinsic risk, control risk and examination risk. ─── 审计风险由固有风险、控制风险和检查风险构成。

73、Are there compensating or complementary controls which reduce? its intrinsic importance? ─── 存在补充性或替代性的控制来降低其内在的重要性吗?

74、Their study is called the intrinsic geometry of the surface. ─── 它们的研究被称做曲面的内蕴几何。

75、CFB boilers are being perfected in China now,and Fujian anthracite has intrinsic character itself. ─── 同时.福建无烟煤有着自身固有的特性。

76、Includes links to topics that explain the syntax and uses of the intrinsic JScript objects. ─── 包括指向特定主题的链接,这些主题解释内部JScript对象的语法和用法。

77、There must be intrinsic mechanism of land desertification behind these activities. ─── 在这些破坏行为背后,存在着更深层次、更具决定性作用的荒漠化内在机制。

78、If the market price is below the intrinsic value, then the stock is undervalued and should be bought. ─── 如果市价低过实值,就值得买进。

79、Chinese and Western arts both pursue the unity of opposites, but Chinese arts lay particular stress on the harmony of intrins ic mentality and Western arts on extr i ns i c form. ─── 中西和谐美都是追求对立因素的融合统一,但中国偏于内在心理的和谐,西方则偏于外在形式的和谐。

80、If the product requires protection against explosion, it may involve intrinsic safety design. ─── 如果产品要求防爆,可能会涉及本质安全的设计技术。

81、Provides a base designer for all intrinsic HTML controls. ─── 为所有内部HTML控件提供基设计器。

82、Therefore,its quality decides the intrinsic quality of the whole standard matter. ─── 因此,分包装的质量决定着整体标准物质内在质量。

83、Intrinsic Error Growth in a Large-Domain Eta Regional Model. ─── 大范围Eta区域模式固有误差的增加。

84、If the property type is intrinsic, the function returns the original type of the member. ─── 如果属性是内部的,则函数返回成员的原始类型。

85、The messenger RNA codon-anticodon linkages seemed to operate on a coding intrinsic to the molecules themselves. ─── 信使RNA上密码子与反密码子的结合似乎是一种分子自身内在的译码运作。

86、OK anyone can sing karaoke, but there are innate differences of people calling out the intrinsic Tianlaizhiyin. ─── 卡拉OK谁都可以唱,但是也有天赋异禀的人唱出天籁之音。

87、The thermally generated dark current intrinsic to the photodiodes is always working to charge the diode. ─── 光电二极管固有的热产生的暗电流不断为二极管充电。

88、Thus, a new approach was available to utilize the potentiality of intrinsic unsteady flow. ─── 为固有非定常潜能的利用提供了一类新途径。

89、DTI allows for visualization of WMT and benefits surgical planning for patients with intrinsic brain tumor. ─── MR-DTI技术可进行脑白质纤维示踪,使其清晰地可视化。

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