paved 发音
英:[peɪvd] 美:[peɪvd]
英: 美:
paved 中文意思翻译
paved 词性/词形变化,paved变形
动词现在分词: paving |动词过去分词: paved |动词第三人称单数: paves |动词过去式: paved |名词: paver |
paved 短语词组
1、roads paved with gold ─── 用黄金铺成的道路
2、all paved ─── 全部铺砌
3、paved trails ─── 铺砌的小径
4、all-paved intersection ─── 所有铺装交叉口
5、paved meaning ─── 铺砌的意义
6、be paved with ( ─── 路面等)以…铺成
7、paved road ─── 铺有路面的道路; ─── 铺面道路 ─── 铺有路面的道路; ─── 铺面道路
8、paved channel ─── 铺砌渠道
9、paved the road ─── 铺设道路
10、paved yards ─── 铺面堆场
11、paved roads ─── 铺面道路
12、data on paved roads ─── 铺面道路数据
13、tar-paved a. ─── 铺柏油的
14、bituminous paved road ─── 沥青铺面道路
15、paved paradise ─── 铺砌的天堂
16、paved path ─── 铺筑的道路
17、paved surface ─── [网络] 用石或砖铺的面;铺好的路;铺砌表面
18、paved roads by country ─── 按国家划分的铺面道路
19、percentage of paved roads by country ─── 按国家划分的铺面道路百分比
paved 常用词组
pave the way for ─── 为…做好准备;为…铺平道路
pave the way ─── 为...作准备;为...铺平道路
paved with good intentions ─── 充满着善意的
paved 相似词语短语
1、paged ─── adj.分页的;被寻找的;v.给…标页码;翻阅浏览;喊叫寻找(page的过去分词)
2、paced ─── adj.步调的;步伐的;v.踱步(pace的过去式)
3、laved ─── v.冲洗,冲刷;洗浴;顺流或逆流;用勺子蘸或倒;n.剩余物,残留
4、pared ─── vt.消减;削皮;剪;修掉(边等);n.(Pare)人名;(英)佩尔;(法)帕尔
5、paled ─── vt.使失色;使变苍白;用栅栏围(pale的过去式和过去分词);vi.失色;变苍白;变得暗淡(pale的过去式和过去分词)
6、paned ─── adj.用杂色小布片拼做的;有…窗格的;镶嵌玻璃的
7、caved ─── v.洞穴探险;塌落;倒坍(cave的过去式和过去分词)
8、paveed ─── 铺砌
9、eaved ─── 屋檐
paved 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He voted in the Gombe neighborhood of Kinshasa, one of the few parts of the country with nicely paved roads. ─── 他在毗邻金沙萨的贡贝进行投票,贡贝是全国少数几个道路铺设良好的地区之一。
2、You say you will do this. Let me see some evidence. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. ─── 你说你会干这事的,让我看看证据吧,光有良好愿望无补于事。
3、Our way Home was paved inside us long ago. Should we forget this lifesaving map, we will be forever trapped in the cycle of life and death. ─── 回家的路早已烙印在我们内边,如果忘了这张救命的地图,我们将永远困在生死圈里跑不开。
4、The movement this year is meant to pave the way. ─── 今年这个运动,就是开辟这条道路。
5、The road was paved with smooth stone slabs. ─── 道路用平整的石板铺成。
6、These ties paved the way for the Spencers to move to Parkhouse on the Sundream Estate. ─── 她家与皇室的这些联系使他们一家人顺利地搬进了阳光般的花园别墅。
7、An open, often paved area adjacent to a house serving as an outdoor living space; a patio. ─── 内院,庭院紧邻房间的一块开阔、通常铺过的区域,作为室外活动场所; 庭院
8、Without these small tests,if they be like a smoothy paved ,straight ,flat road to nowhere. ─── 如果没有这些琐碎的考验,没有疾病和各种复杂的关系,那么生活就会如同一条铺好了却没有目的平坦道路。
9、The paved strip in front of and around airport hangars and terminal buildings. ─── 停机坪飞机机库及建筑物端饰前及周围的铺过的临时跑道
10、Intermittent rain paved the small streams, bursting out with a beautiful blossoming flowers, appears to be so in tenderness beauart. ─── 淅淅沥沥的雨水铺就的小溪流绽放出一朵朵美丽的花朵,看上去是那么地柔情瑜美。
11、Their economic policy pave the way for industrial expansion. ─── 他们的经济政策为工业发展铺平了道路。
12、An outdoor space for dining or recreation that adjoins a residence and is often paved. ─── 室外就餐处与住宅相连的常常铺以石板等的门外空地,用来进餐或娱乐
13、Emma made a good presentation of the product, which paved the way for the sales director to clinch the deal. ─── 埃玛把产品介绍得头头是道,这使得销售经理轻而易举地达成了交易。
14、His economic policies paved the way for expansion of information industry. ─── 他的经济政策为信息产业的扩展铺平了道路。
15、It was more than thirty kilometers from our town to the county and the road was paved with sandstone. ─── 从小镇到县城有三十多里的砂石路,非常难走。
16、There are some paved, streets, and you pass along these ancient paths to reach the great galleries and concert halls of Venice. ─── 城内有一些铺平的街道,这些古老的街道可以通到威尼斯的大美术馆和音乐厅。
17、A second-half double from Steven Gerrard paved the way for a 3-0 win in Barcelona, which kept England in the Euro 2008 qualifying mix. ─── 史蒂文.杰拉德在巴塞罗那下半场的两粒进球为英格兰奠定了3-0的胜利,保持住英格兰打进2008年欧国杯的资格。
18、The way of the sluggard is like a hedge of thorns, But the path of the upright is paved. ─── 19懒惰人的道路像荆棘的篱笆;正直人的路径是修平的大道。
19、Schopenhauer once said: "Life is a red-hot coal from the ring road paved. ─── 叔本华曾说:“生活是一条由炽热的煤炭所铺成的环形道路。”
20、They' re trying to blast away the hill to pave the way for the new highway. ─── 他们试图炸掉这座小山丘为新公路通过。
21、The avenue had never been paved, and deep mud made it impassable in winter. ─── 这条大街从来没有铺过,深泥使其在冬天无法通行。
22、Several months later, Mr.Fink paved the way to be involved in the problems at AIG. ─── 几个月后,芬克为插手AIG的问题铺平了道路。
23、The Land for Peace Agreement reached recently by the Israelis and Palestinians has paved the way for the use of the Gaza International Airport. ─── 以色列和巴勒斯坦最近签署的以土地换取和平的协议,为起用加沙国际机场扫清了道路。
24、English: Hell is paved with good intentions. ─── 中文:良好的愿望不一定有好的结果。
25、By the navigation of microwave, the navy paved a pavement on the wavy sea. ─── 借助微波导航,海军在多浪的大海上铺了一条路。
26、But Saddle Road, which crosses the top part of the island, is smooth and paved. ─── 但令人意外的,这条穿越岛屿顶端的沙德路,却铺设得相当平坦。
27、Today's leaders can pave the way of the future. That is our responsibility. ─── 今天的领导者可以为未来铺平道路,这是我们的职责。
28、Hell is paved with good intention. ─── 地狱里满地都是好意。
29、We quikened our pave more and more as the time sped by. ─── 光阴荏苒,我们也在不断地加快步伐。
30、Even paved parking lots often display a few tufts of tough grass poking up through the cracks. ─── 即使是在铺砖的停车场,也常会有几簇顽强的小草从缝隙间探出身来。
31、The Renminbi Settlement System is launched to pave the way for a fully fledged renminbi RTGS system. ─── 人民币交收系统投入运作,有助日后发展成为全面的人民币即时支付结算系统。
32、An open,often paved area adjacent to a house serving as an outdoor living space; a patio. ─── 内院,庭院紧邻房间的一块开阔、通常铺过的区域,作为室外活动场所;庭院
33、Liu Guoqiang in the works, he chose the image of clapping, and home through repetition. We paved the way for China's unique political landscape. ─── 在刘国强的作品中,他选择了拍手者的形象,通过重复与并置,为我们铺陈了中国特有的政治学景观。
34、On the other hand, the modern world is being paved with mirrors. ─── 与此相反,当今世界是一个充满了镜像的世界。
35、The road to the park was paved with cobbles. ─── 去公园的路是以鹅卵石铺成的。
36、The road is being paved in front, and that is why it is blocked time and again. ─── 前方正在铺路,这就是这条路时常堵车的原因。
37、Dear Master, you said the roads of Heaven are paved with gold. Also, do spirits need palaces in the next world? ─── 亲爱的师父,您说天堂的道路是用黄金铺成的,但灵魂在另一个世界还需要宫殿吗?
38、A public thoroughfare, usually paved in a village, town, or city, including the sidewalk or sidewalks. ─── 乡村、小镇或城市中的公共通道,通常经过铺设,并包含一条或多条人行道。
39、My grandma said:“1 never expected it should be so great! But why cannot People build a wall or pave steps with it? ─── 奶奶说:“真看不出!它那么不一般,却怎么连墙也垒不成,台阶也垒不成呢?”
40、By mid-century the first paved road ran from Jaffa to Jerusalem;by 1892 the railroad had reached the city. ─── 从中世纪,由佳发通往耶路撒冷的首条道路开始,至1892年,铁路已经伸展到这个城市。
41、They paved the way for the agreement . ─── 他们为此协议铺平道路。
42、The Hubble Space Telescope paved the way for new advances in astronomy. ─── 哈伯太空望远镜为天文学的新进展带来契机。
43、Thus she paved the way to success. ─── 于是她走上了成功之路。
44、Modern industry has established the world-market,for which the discovery of America paved the way. ─── 大工业建立了由美洲的发现所准备好的世界市场。
45、At twilight, the stillness was broken by the sound of hooves, clattering on the paved courtyard. ─── 在一个黄昏,沉静被庭院上一阵清脆的马蹄声所打破。
46、He also persuaded the city to pave and light its streets. ─── 他也说服这个城市铺上人行道,安上路灯。
47、The two countries established formal diplomatic relation, which paved the way for the further communication. ─── 两国正式建立了外交关系,从而为双方进一步的交流铺平了道路。
48、The Bradfield Highway, which is the paved section of the bridge and its approaches, still bears his name to this day. ─── 它是大桥在陆地的一个组成部分,也是通往大桥的必经之路。
49、They drove their Buicks and Fords down the lane, turned onto the paved county road, and headed toward Winterset, wiper blades pushing aside the rain. ─── 他们开着别克和福特车驶出小巷,转入县柏油公路,向温特塞特方向奔驰而去,刮水器来回拭去车窗上的雨水。
50、As an interim measure a single lane would be paved, adhering to one side of the road for a few miles and then switching to the other side. ─── 作为一个过渡的办法,车道都是单线的,司机靠着路的一侧开上几英里,再切换到路的另一侧。
51、Main haul road shall be paved and sprayed to suppress the dust. ─── 应以帆布盖上或以水喷洒易生尘埃物料。
52、A timber concession here, a stretch of paved road or a Bongo stadium there, disarmed anyone who objected to his way of doing things. ─── 这里一个木材特许权,那里一段铺路延伸工程或庞戈运动场,任何想反对他做事方法的人都被解除了武装。
53、His serendipitous discovery paved the way for a whole new branch of science: electromagnetic. ─── 他偶然发现铺平了道路,为一个全新的分支科学:电磁。
54、The regional respect China earned, its diplomats argue, paved the way for the charm offensive that soon followed. ─── 中国外交官称,这赢得了地区尊重,为其后不久展开的魅力攻势铺平了道路。
55、Schopenhauer said: "Life is like a hot coal paved ring road." This is the profound suffering of living sentiment. ─── 叔本华说:“生活犹如一条炽热的煤炭铺成的环形道路。”这是他对生活苦难的深刻感悟。
56、The town council decided to pave the square before the Hall. ─── 市议会决定在市政厅前铺一个广
57、An open,often paved area adjacent to a house serving as an outdoor living space;a patio. ─── 内院,庭院紧邻房间的一块开阔、通常铺过的区域,作为室外活动场所;庭院
58、His visit paved the way for an agreement. ─── 他的访问为达成协议铺平了道路。
59、The unsullied and shining floor was paved with white mosaics. ─── 干净明亮的地上镶嵌着白色图案。
60、It's likely that your rut will be replaced with a well-paved path leading to better health and a stronger sense of well-being. ─── 很可能你过去的常规会被取代,成为一条通往健康幸福的大道。
61、The floor of a fireplace,usually extending into a room and paved with brick,flagstone,or cement. ─── 壁炉,地面通常伸入房间并铺有砖头、板石或水泥的壁炉的地面。
62、An aircraft has nosed over on the paved runway, airport closed. Please divert to your alternate. ─── 一架飞机在跑道面拿大顶,机场关闭,请改航到你的备降机场。
63、Growing up is often a very painful experience. You begin to realize that the road of life is not paved with roses. ─── 长大是一件痛苦的事,你会开始发现通往未来的路并不平坦。
64、In the wonderful autumn years, paved the vicissitudes of the years, cemented the red memories. ─── 在美妙的秋夜里,铺满了沧桑的岁月,凝成了火红的回忆。
65、The main street of Hibiscus was not big. Paved with flagstones it was wedged between a dozen shops and a few scores of houses. ─── 芙蓉镇街面不大。十几家铺子,几十户住家紧紧夹着一条青石板街。
66、The new system relieves disadvantages such as poor efficiency and great cost. It paved the way for the Cost Leadership. ─── 优化后的系统在一定程度上缓解了目前航空货运效率低、消耗大的弊病,为企业的成本领先战略铺平了道路。
67、Today's leaders can pave the way of the future.That is our responsibility. ─── 今天的领袖可以为未来铺平道路,这是我们的责任。
68、"They paved the road for me," Jordan says. ─── 乔丹说:“他们为我铺平了道路。
69、Location: Scattered in sunny lawns, roadsides, and crevices of paved roads. ─── 分布:草坪、路边、墙角、水泥裂缝等。
70、The paved strip in front of and around airporthangars and terminal buildings. ─── 停机坪飞机机库及建筑物端饰前及周围的铺过的临时跑道。
71、The chapel was paved with white mosaic which was subsequently damaged when graves were dug through it. ─── 小教堂铺上白色马赛克,后来因为其中有挖坟墓,马赛克被损毁。
72、They town council decided to pave the square before the Hall . ─── 市议会决定为市政厅前的广场铺路。
73、Therefore,the Second Balkan War paved the way for the First World War. ─── 因此,第二次巴尔干战争铺平了道路,为第一次世界战争。
74、But the papal success at Canossa paved the way for an even more spectacular assertion of clerical power. ─── 但是卡诺萨的神权之胜,却为之后神职人员更大程度上的掌权奠定了基调。
75、His economic policies paved the way for industrial expansion. ─── 他的经济政策为工业的扩展铺平了道路。
76、In this forest, trees are made of broccoli, with peas hanging as fruits and the highways are paved with cumin. ─── 在森林中,树是以甘蓝做成并吊著豆子当作果实,以及以小茴香铺成的道路。
77、Her way through life was paved with success. ─── 她一生处处成功。
78、A new expressway is being paved from Shenyang to Dalian . ─── 从沈阳到大连的一条新的高速公路正在修建。
79、The cottage also boasts an enclosed, paved garden with pretty flower beds. ─── 小屋也带有封闭的铺地花园,里面有美丽的花坛。
80、Your beliefs can pave your way to success. ─── 信仰可为成功铺路。
81、It has paved the way for the Paraguayan team marching to France. ─── 为巴拉圭队进军法兰西铺平了道路。
82、The floor of a fireplace, usually extending into a room and paved with brick, flagstone, or cement. ─── 壁炉地面通常伸入房间并铺有砖头、板石或水泥的壁炉的地面
83、A good education will pave the way to finding a decent job. ─── 好的教育是好的工作的基础。
84、The dirt road will be paved next week. ─── 下星期要铺那条泥路。
85、Zipping down a paved country road toward the end of my time in the MR, I passed a turnoff for a winding dirt road. ─── 压缩了国家铺平道路即将走到尽头时,我的时间在问,我通过了倒胃口的土路蜿蜒。
86、road to climate hell is paved with our good intentions. ─── 通往气候地狱的道路是用我们的正面目标铺成的。
87、She also helped to pave the way for women in journalism. ─── 布莱也协助女性在新闻业界的发展。
88、Experiments that paved the way for future research. ─── 为将来的研究工作铺平了道路的实验
89、Last year, a dirt path to the local town was paved, allowing motorbikes to cut an hourlong walk to a 12-minute ride. ─── 去年双窑村铺了一条土路通往镇上,乘坐摩托车可以使一个小时的步行路程缩短到12分钟。
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