hydrology 发音
英:[haɪˈdrɑːlədʒi] 美:[haɪˈdrɒlədʒi]
英: 美:
hydrology 中文意思翻译
hydrology 网络释义
n. 水文学,水文地理学
hydrology 短语词组
1、quantitative hydrology ─── 定量水文学
2、chemical hydrology ─── 水文化学,化学 ─── 水文学
3、hydrology research ─── 水文研究
4、subsurface hydrology ─── 地下水文学
5、descriptive hydrology ─── 描述性水文学
6、hydrology station ─── 水文站
7、marine hydrology ─── 海洋水文
8、isotope hydrology ─── [化] 同位素水文学
9、ground water hydrology ─── 地下水水文学
10、applied hydrology ─── 应用水文学
11、engineering hydrology ─── 工程水文学
hydrology 词性/词形变化,hydrology变形
形容词: hydrologic |副词: hydrologically |名词: hydrologist |
hydrology 相似词语短语
1、dendrology ─── n.树木学
2、geohydrology ─── n.[地质]地下水文学
3、hydrologic ─── adj.水文的
4、hydrogeology ─── n.水文地质学
5、pyrology ─── n.热工学
6、horology ─── n.钟表学;测时法;钟表制造术
7、hydrobiology ─── n.流体生物学,水生生物学
8、andrology ─── n.(研究男性特有疾病的)[医]男科学
9、hydrologist ─── n.水文学者
hydrology 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Also an introduction in hydrology and fluvial ecology, using the Ontario as an example, is given. ─── 同时对水文学及河流生态学也作了介绍(以安大略湖为例)。
2、Based on the theory of hydrology and ecology, the concept of river ecosystem health was defined and the influence factors were analyzed. ─── 摘要基于水文学和生态学原理,对河流生态系统健康的概念进行了界定。
3、LI-Ⅰ distributed hydrology model ─── LI-Ⅰ分布式水文模型
4、At the same time, this plan covers the developing and using of scenic transportation, building, environmental ecology, hydrology resource, biology resource, culture resource and scenic economic development. ─── 同时对景区交通、建筑、环境生态、水文资源、生物资源、文化资源、开发利用和景区经济发展等进行了规划。
5、The selection of structure type for the straddle monorail and overhead station is decided by the synthetic factors like the perimeter environment, city planning, engineering geology and hydrology geology, underground tube net etc. ─── 摘要对跨坐式单轨高架车站结构型式的选择,需根据其周边环境、城市规划、工程地质及水文地质条件、地下管网等综合因素确定。
6、The wavelet transform has the advantage of probing the multi time scale of hydrology and water resources time series. ─── 小波变换法分析水文水资源系统多时间尺度是优越的。
7、Wu, Fu-Chun and C. K. Wang,1998,"Higher-order Approximation Techniques for Estimating Stochatic Parameter of a Sediment Transport Model", Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics , (Accepted). ─── 吴富春、沈易徵,1998,"水库水质模拟敏感度分析与优养化风险评估",台湾水利季刊。
8、The main emphasis in the area of scientific research in hydrology and water management and field inspection solution fields. ─── 在科研方面重点主要在水文学和水管理及解决野外考察等方面。
9、Design of Hydrology Data Compilation System Based on GIS ─── 基于地理信息系统的水文资料整编系统设计
10、Primary Study on the Response of Hydrology on Land-Use Change in Miyun Watershed. ─── 密云水库流域土地利用变化水文响应初步研究。
11、This paper introduces the mentality of designing,design object,structure and function of the system of the computing system software with commonality for hydrology and water resources. ─── 介绍了具有通用性的水文水资源计算系统软件的设计思路、设计目标、构成及功能。
12、Restoration of degraded wetlands that may have died due to lack of water or pollution is easier to maintain than areas that never had wetland hydrology. ─── 恢复由于缺水或污染而退化的湿地,比建立新的湿地更加容易。
13、In that sense, catastrophes are as much the result of human choices as they are of geology or hydrology. ─── 在这种意义上,灾难不是由于地质或水文原因引起的,而是人类选择的结果。
14、Site hydrology assessment includes investigations into other areas like soils, depth requirements for aquatic organisms, wetland plant communities, etc. ─── 基地水文评估包括调查土壤、水生生物需水深度、湿地植物群落等其它方面。
15、The surface runoff simulation is used to involve geographic information data of landform, soil type, land use, hydrology and meteorology of the basin. ─── 径流模拟通常基于流域地形、土地利用、土壤类型等信息数据,以及水文气象资料。
16、Becaude of the multiple function of lithology,Condtructure, climate, hydrology and time, there are various types of landforms, typical red landforms and excellemt tourist resources in Langsha. ─── 在岩性、构造、气候、水文、时间等因素的综合影响下,山形成了复杂的地貌类型,为典型的丹霞地貌及优良的旅游资源。
17、Fractional Vegetation Cover (FVC) is an important ecology parameter, which is essential in the studies of hydrology, ecology, and global variation. ─── 摘要植被覆盖度是重要的生态学参数,对水文、生态、全球变化等研究具有重大意义。
18、In order to provide additional depth of knowledge to the study, SOM assembled a team of international experts specializing in organic farming, hydrology and sustainability. ─── 为了供给相关知识领域的深度力量,SOM专门组建了一支由国际专家组成的团队,专攻有机农业、水文地理与可持续发展等学科领域。
19、Soil moisture is an important factor in research fields of hydrology, meteorology, pedology, ecology, agricultural science and so on.But it is a difficult one to gain. ─── 摘要土壤水分是水文学、气象学、土壤学、生态学以及农业科学等研究领域中的一个重要的参数。
20、Robust estimation theory and its application to hydrology ─── 抗差理论及在水文学中的应用
21、Inadequate understanding of processes of hydrology, water quality, ecology. ─── 对水文、水质、生态等原理缺乏了解。
22、Climate change makes hydrology trickier still. ─── 气候变化使得水文地质更加的复杂。
23、Lithology, structure and hydrology are the essential conditions for the forming and developing of the cave. ─── 岩性、构造、水文地质特征等是控制洞穴发育的基本条件。
24、International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology ─── 国际医学水文学与气候学会
25、Through the brief introduction of "96?8" rain-storm flood, it is recalled the hydrology information &forecast in the period of "96?8" rain-storm flood. ─── 摘要对"96?8"暴雨洪水进行了简述,就"96?8"期间水文情报预报工作进行了回顾。
26、The Department of Water Resources (DWR), China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR) grew out of the Department of Hydrology established in 1956. ─── 中国水利水电研究院水资源研究所成立于1956年,其前身是水文研究所。
27、Earlier this year, Peter Cox at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Winfrith, Dorset, warned that if the cooling effect of aerosols turned out to be greater, it could trigger faster global warming. ─── 今年稍早,英国多塞特生态与水文中心的彼得?考克斯警告,如果悬浮微粒的冷却效果证明是更剧烈的话,这可能会造成更快速的全球暖化。
28、His research and teaching areas include hydrology and water resources management, meteorology and climatology, environmental modeling and regional development. ─── 他的研究和教育领域包括水文学和水资源管理、气象学和气候学、环境建模和区域发展。
29、The establishment of the scheme for the solution to hydrology information distribution system is proposed by using MapXtreme and ASP of MapInfo Company. ─── 提出了利用MapInfo公司的MapXtreme和ASP建立一个水利信息发布系统的解决方案。
30、Mr.Holloway has over 4 years of experience with hydraulic analysis and design,watershed hydrology analysis, and river engineering. ─── 他在水力分析和设计、流域水文计算、和河道工程有超过4年的工作经验。
31、The development and design of hydrology telemetric system hardware platform, power module, communication interface module, memory interface circuit, and LCD driver have been finished. ─── 具体完成了对硬件平台、电源模块、通信模块、存储电路、液晶显示驱动程序等的开发设计。
32、forest and agricultural hydrology ─── 农林水文学
33、Therefore, close attention is paid increasingly to ecohydrological functions of forests in ecology and hydrology. ─── 因此关于森林生态水文功能研究已成为生态学和水文学的研究重点之一。
34、The paper summaizes the natural environment, topography, landforms, geology,hydrology and meteo-rology for MaHuiNing Oil Pipeline located at the loess plateau. ─── 对马惠宁输油管道所处黄土高原的自然环境、地形、地貌、地质、水文气象和管道所遭受的水毁灾害类型进行了总结。
35、The soil water characteristic curve is one of major hydraulic parameters, and its measurement is a basic teaching experiment in hydrology. ─── 土壤水分特征曲线是土壤主要水力特性参数之一,其测定是水文学等学科教学中的基础实验。
36、Atmospheric hydrology is knowledge systems on researching exist, motion, change, effect and utilize of atmospheric water. ─── 大气水文学就是研究大气中水分的存在、运动、变化、作用和利用的知识体系。
37、The increase of wetland was remarkable in valley, gentle slope and the area with thick permafrost active layer, and also in area of regulating capacity of forest hydrology decreasing. ─── 在森林水文调节功能下降的地区、地势较低的谷地,坡度平缓的坡地以及冻土活动层增加的地区,湿地面积明显增加。
38、The results of hydrology simulations in the three basin using Xin'anjiang model,the excess storage-infiltration model,the vertical mixture model,ARNO,VIC, TOPMODEL are analyzed and evaluated. ─── 分析评价了新安江、蓄满超渗兼容、垂向混合、ARNO、VIC和TOPMODEL共6种模型在3个流域进行水文模拟的结果。
39、International Association of Scientific Hydrology ─── 国际科学水文学协会
40、This paper show a series of Hydrology water resources response have been occurred along with the change of land use and land cover change (LUCC) in 1981,1990,1996 and 2003 of Zhangye city. ─── 摘要本文通过对张掖市1981年、1990年、1996年及2003年土地利用情况的分析,发现随着张掖市土地利用/覆盖的变化,研究区产生了一系列的水文水资源效应。
41、The filter for underground extracting liquid can also be used for the suction filtration of underground water in a hydrology well. ─── 该过滤器还可用于水文水井中地下水的抽滤。
42、Considering of the characteristics of the hydrology telemetric system, the hardware system is realized by taking the embedded microprocessor ARM as the core. ─── 基于对水文观测现状的分析,结合水情自动测报系统的特点,本论文以嵌入式处理器ARM为核心,辅以其他芯片和外围电路,实现测报系统的硬件设计。
43、The bridge was destroyed but the dam has influenced hydrology. ─── 这座桥已被摧毁,但水库影响着这里的水文。
44、The workstation gives support to GIEWS activities providing easy access to digital and spatially-related information such as real-time satellite images and baseline data (topography, hydrology, climate, etc.). ─── 工作站支持GIEWS活动,提供方便获得数码信息和空间信息,如实时卫星图像和基准数据(地形、水文、气候等)。
45、Significantly, Soz also sought an early meeting of the bilateral expert level joint mechanism to address the long pending issues and also explore new areas of cooperation in the field of hydrology. ─── 值得注意的是,为解决这些长期以来悬而未决的问题和探索水文合作的新领域,索兹也探讨了早日举行两国专家级协调机制会议的可能性。
46、The hardest bit is hydrology. ─── 水文地质学是最费劲的一块。
47、Outline Introduction to Hydrology of Wusuli River Basin ─── 乌苏里江流域水文概况
48、mountainous region hydrology ─── 山地水文
49、The model was applied to forecast the desalting tendency in Jian jiang River Estuary under different hydrology conditions. ─── 以鉴江河口为例,运用所建模型,定量预测了不同水文条件下,河口水库水质淡化的趋势。
50、Introductory or advanced courses in physical geography, oceanography, hydrology and chemistry are all subjects for consideration in choosing electives. ─── 介绍性或高级课程的自然地理,海洋,水文和化学是所有科目供选择选修科目。
51、highway hydrology regionalization ─── 公路水文区划
52、We suggest that a branch of atmospheric hydrology should be established to fill the theory gap. ─── 建议建立“大气水分学”这个科学分支以填补这个空白。
53、Geological Survey), and adjusted only initial model parameters of topography, agrology, and hydrology and the related parameterization schemes. ─── 只有合理地调整模式的初始参数,主要是初始土壤层的温度和湿度,才能得到与实测资料符合良好的结果;
54、Owing to the longer subsurface detention time, we can see hydrology processes at colluviums slopes and debris flow valleys are vary. ─── 崩积层相对于土石流坑沟有较长的蓄水稽延时间,显示崩积层蓄水机制较土石流坑沟连续。
55、The study object of many problems comes down to hydrologic time series in the field of hydrology and water resources. ─── 在水文及水资源领域,很多问题的研究对象都涉及到水文时间序列。
56、Snow cover is an important mulch of ground surface, as well as an important parameter of meteorology and hydrology. ─── 积雪是一种重要的地球表层覆盖物,是气象学和水文学中一个非常重要的参数。
57、This improvement is also a comprehensive system engineering, which involves agronomy, engineering, hydrology, pedology, economics, ecology, etc. ─── 中低产田土改造也是一项综合的系统工程,涉及农学、工程学、水文学、土壤学、经济学、生态学等诸多学科。
58、The electronic version of the International Glossary of Hydrology mainly uses the UNICODE/UTF-8 encoding system. ─── 国际水文学名词术语电子版本采用了双字节对字符进行编码。
59、The recent advances in pore network modeling in the vadose hydrology are reviewed, and the problems and the future development of this technique are also discussed. ─── 在对其进行综合评述的基础上,指出了已有网络模型在建立过程中存在的不足之处,并进一步明确了今后的研究方向。
60、Introduces the hydrous layer hydrology feature in the period of constructing and production,analyses the pouring Water in 12202 coal face.discusses theprevention and cure water measures. ─── 介绍屯兰矿含水层概况,建井及生产期间水文特征,12202工作面落山出水分析,探讨回采工作面防治水措施。
61、As for further studies, the paper comes to conclusion suggesting to emphasize the interdisciplinary science study of hydrology and climatology in the next IPCC Assessment Report. ─── 在介绍国内外研究的基础上,为第五次IPCC评估报告提出了加强交叉学科综合研究的建议。
62、LJ ship with computer surveying flow system is the hydrology test instrument which can volunteer to complete sounding,surveying velocity,surveying calculation and so on. ─── LJ船用微机测流系统是能自动完成测深、测速、流量计算等一系列工作的水文测验仪器,经过哈尔滨水文站检验,证明该系统可以在大中河流测站使用。
63、Furthermore, the Arctic Ocean hydrology is profoundly influenced by the surrounding rivers discharge. ─── 在北极海冰区的降水量大于蒸发量,并且在全球大洋中北冰洋受到河流径流的影响最大,对北冰洋的盐度分布有决定作用;
64、A rapid survey of the theory of subsurface hydrology is presented in Chapters 1 and 2. ─── 在第一、二两章中,我们介绍了地下水文学理论的概况。
65、Based on the spatial precipitation data,the system of waterlog forecast was founded with SCS hydrology model,and it was validated by the heavy precipitation process happened in August,2005. ─── 以扩展后的降水资料为基础,利用SCS水文模型建立了辽宁积涝预警系统,并在2005年8月一次强降水过程中进行了应用。
66、Joint International Isotope Hydrology Programme, ─── 国际同位素水文计划
67、Is existing use already "accounted for" in hydrology records? ─── 当前用水是否已在水文记录中“说明”?
68、learned societies of hydrology in China ─── 中国水文学术团体
69、The aim of the GRDC is to facilitate and optimize the information exchange in surface water hydrology worldwide.The center works under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). ─── 全球冲积物数据中心旨在推动全球地表水水文学信息的交流及使其信息最优化,该数据中心由世界气象组织(WMO)主办。
70、Urban Hydrology and Water Affairs ─── 城市水文与水务
71、The innovation of this research project is to colligate the advantages of pedology, hydrology and environmental hydrodynamics. ─── 对指导改良盐碱地和合理种植、灌溉有较大的科学意义和应用价值。
72、International Society of Medical Hydrology ─── 国际医学水文学会
73、Build GIS-based rban flood control and disaster diminishment information system,water resources assessment information system and related management information system in the field of hydrology and water resources. ─── 在水文水资源领域内,应用GIS技术,建立城市防洪减灾信息系统,水资源评价信息系统,以及相关的管理应用信息系统。
74、It is analyzed that the current hydrology information Sc forecast work in Hebei province. , The necessity of continuously strengthening hydrology information Sc forecasting work is presented. ─── 分析了河北省当前水文情报预报工作现状,浅析了继续加强河北省水文情报预报工作的必要性。
75、The tour gauging is one of the current means of collecting hydrologic data, which is a sign that hydrology changes from traditional to modern. ─── 摘要水文巡测是当前水文资料采集的手段和方式之一,是传统水文向现代水文转变的重要标志。
76、Cunnane,C.Statistical Distributions for Flood Frequency Analysis[M].WMO Operational Hydrology Report No.33,Secretariot of WMO,1989. ─── 参考文献[8]中,自1153年计算至1990年,N取整为840年.本文延至2004年(下同),故N取整为850年由此引起的经验频率值略有改变,但不影响已有的适线成果.
77、International Association of Hydrology ─── 国际水文学会
78、Yunnan has abundant hydropower resources and good development conditions, its quickened hydropower development will exert further influence on the characteristics of its hydrology and water resources. ─── 云南水能资源丰富且开发条件好,随着水电开发步伐的加快,水电开发对河流水文水资源特性的影响将进一步增大。
79、feature of geology and hydrology ─── 地质水文特征
80、According to the application of distributed hydrology model, this paper has carried out a case study on the Yellow River Basin. ─── 对黄河干流17个主要流量控制站进行了连续径流模拟。
81、WWW Virtual Library Irrigation &Hydrology, an information service since 1995. ─── 描述:灌溉与水文学虚拟图书馆创建于1995年,是一种信息服务系统。
82、It will cover:hydrology, dynamics, architecture;of rivers and their floodplains;with adjacent and interacting processes;integration of geomorphology and sedimentology. ─── 它的信息及资料涉及到水文学、动力学、建筑学、河流及河漫滩、河流与环境的相互作用、地形学与沉积学综合。
83、Applying QP Software to Hydrology Statistics ─── 应用QP软件进行水文统计
84、"Ice loss on such a scale may have substantial impacts on regional hydrology and water availability, " it warns. ─── 该研究警告说“如此规模的冰川损失可能对区域水文和水供应产生重大影响”。
85、In teaching research projects focus on hydrology, water resources management and water infrastructure and so on. ─── 在教学研究方面重点在工程水文、资源管理和水基础设施建设等方面。
86、Hydrology in China [ M ] . Beij ng : SciencePress , 2000. 84 - 89. ─── [杨针娘,刘新仁,曾群柱等著.中国寒区水文[M].北京:科
87、For this purpose, a variety of guidelines have been developed at the Federal Institute of Hydrology and ... ─── 为了实现这个目标,德国联邦水文学会已经成功制定并实施了大量的以生态保护为导向的指导方针。
88、digital hydrology geology map spatial data base is one of the important components of "digital land" . ─── 在集成环境下,数字工程图文件的数字签名是一项很重要的工作。
89、For the average hydrology model , after confirming model structrue, ensueing account adopt what function form, as adopt what contributing and afflux compute form and equation. ─── 对于一般流域水文模型而言,确定出模型的结构后,接下来就要考虑采用什么样的函数形式来描述水文物理循环的数量关系,即采用什么样的产、汇流计算方式和计算方程。
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