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09-10 投稿


inundate 发音

英:[ˈɪnʌndeɪt]  美:[ˈɪnʌndeɪt]

英:  美:

inundate 中文意思翻译



inundate 网络释义

vt. 淹没;泛滥;浸水;(洪水般的)扑来

inundate 短语词组

1、inundate crossword ─── 淹没填字游戏

2、inundate define ─── 淹没定义

3、inundate flood ─── 淹没洪水

4、inundate flood surround ─── 淹没洪水包围

5、inundate sentence ─── 淹没句

6、inundate definition ─── 淹没定义

inundate 词性/词形变化,inundate变形


inundate 相似词语短语

1、inundated ─── adj.洪泛的;v.淹没(inundate的过去分词)

2、inundation ─── n.洪水;泛滥

3、to inundate ─── 泛滥

4、inundant ─── adj.泛滥的;势不可挡的

5、undate ─── 波浪似的;波状的

6、inundator ─── n.浸泡器

7、inundating ─── vt.淹没;泛滥;浸水;(洪水般的)扑来

8、incudate ─── 孵化

9、inundates ─── vt.淹没;泛滥;浸水;(洪水般的)扑来

inundate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In this paper,introducing the way for ascertain design flood water level of inundate area using Saint-Venant equations and some special methods. ─── 在内涝区采用圣维南方程组及一些特殊处理的方法来推求设计洪水位是比较科学的。

2、1.non-specific; 2.to inundate; to flood3.extensive; widespread ─── 泛

3、5.The reservoir of Longtan Hydropower Station will inundate some areas of Guizhou and Guangxi Provinces, with large inundation area and a lot of relocated people. ─── 摘要龙滩水电站水库淹没涉及贵州、广西两省区,淹没面积大、移民人数多。

4、And you inundate me with me with ironic, evil advice. ─── 而且你还以冷嘲热讽的恶意劝告对我疲劳轰炸。

5、A flood control area means an area where floodwater is likely to inundate,which is classified as a flooded area,a flood storage and detention area or a flood control protected area. ─── 防洪区是指洪水泛滥可能淹及的地区,分为洪泛区、蓄滞洪区和防洪保护区。

6、Tiles in the use of the former half-day to inundate ; ─── 2.瓷砖在使用前要浸水半日;

7、In many people, this leads to a heightened endogenic defense capacity against those toxic influences and environmental stresses which inundate us from many sides. ─── 在好多人,这会导致增强内部抗毒性物的影响和在很多方面淹没我们的环境压力的防御能力。

8、Article 29 A flood control area means an area where floodwater is likely to inundate, which is classified as a flooded area, a flood storage and detention area or a flood control protected area. ─── 第二十九条 防洪区是指洪水泛滥可能淹及的地区,分为洪泛区、蓄滞洪区和防洪保护区。

9、And you inundate me with me with ironic, evil advice. Since your refer to my nails several times, let me tell you what they are all about. ─── 而且你还以冷嘲热讽的恶意劝告对我疲劳轰炸。由于你好几次提到我的指甲,容我跟你坦率以道罢。

10、A policeman told The Associated Press that rescue officials were worried that water from the choked river would inundate the town. ─── 一名警察告诉美联社记者,救援人员担心堰塞造成的湖泊将会淹没城镇。

11、The corps commander uses his vision statement not to inundate his subordinates with details, but rather to communicate to them a simple idea of how the corps team will defeat the enemy. ─── 军长下达他的命令不是要让他的部下淹没在细节里,而是要把如何让全军击败敌人的想法简洁地告诉他的下属。

12、Settlement Analyses And Reinforcement Strengthening Of Loessial Subsoil After Inundate ─── 黄土状地基土浸水后的沉降分析及补强加固

13、A makeshift levee failed in Winfield, Missouri allowing the Mississippi River to inundate the town. ─── 密苏里州温菲尔德地区的一处临时防洪堤决堤,使得密西西比河河水淹没了整个城镇。

14、2, tiles in the use of the former inundate half-day ; ─── 2、瓷砖在使用前浸水半日;

15、3.Bring the water wash functions for children, the elderly inconvenient and easily contaminated water and soap inundate plug locks, preferably not. ─── 3.带洗手功能的水箱,对儿童、老人不方便且容易浸水污染水箱和肥皂堵塞排水口,最好不用。

16、water inrush and inundate mine ─── 突水淹井

17、kilometer east of the maturity South China Scenic Garden 2 "inundate Valley" will launch 180 sets of new units. ─── 随着东部片区的逐渐成熟,华南御景园二期“漫谷”将推出180套新单位。

18、A Swiss government panel recommended that the country sell about half of its gold reserves and this raised fears of other countries that do the same and inundate the market. ─── 瑞士政府的一个小组建议该国出售大约一半的黄金储备,这引发了对其他国家采取同样做法并淹没市场的担忧。

19、But the tunnel has been more than a month without pumping, stagnant water more inundate very serious. ─── 因为金穗路和华厦路一带的车流量和人流量都不大,地下人行隧道尚未投入使用,所有出口都用砖头或木板封起来了。

20、Further North is a piece of crops and inundate shortage everywhere. ─── 再往北就是成片的庄稼地和漫荒遍野。

21、Police say rescue officials are worried that water from a choked river could inundate towns near the epicenter. ─── 警察说官方救援部队担心存在溃决危险的“悬湖”会淹没震中地区附近的城镇。

22、Flood waters inundate the river plain each spring. ─── 沿河两岸的平原每年春天都洪水泛滥。

23、Keywords Three Gorges Reservoir;water-fluctuation-zone;phosphorous release;inundate;drain; ─── 三峡库区;消落区;磷释放;淹水;落干;

24、To overwhelm; inundate. ─── 淹灭淹灭;泛滥

25、Spring scenery inundate a stage of a very full stomachs, it seems to inundate the door after penetrated to the pond where dark green. ─── 春色漫上了台阶,鼓胀得很满很满,似乎就要漫过后门,侵入到碧绿的池塘里去了。

26、The earthquake took there a tsunami that could inundate low-lying lands as far away as Japan. ─── 地震在这些地带引发了一次海啸,远至日本的一些低地都被海水淹没。

27、Application of Hydraulics Method to Ascertain Design Flood Level in Inundate Area ─── 应用水力学方法推求内涝区设计洪水位

28、The course changes frequently, and the area is so flat that a small change in the level of the river may inundate a considerable area. ─── 河道变化多端,下游地区却很平坦,水位少许上涨河流就会淹没一大片土地。

29、And you inundate me with me with ironic, evil advice. ─── 而且你还以冷嘲热讽的恶意劝告对我疲劳轰炸。

30、Sink to inundate here and sorrow of in the atmosphere, seem to be so not to gentle. ─── 在这沉浸和悲伤的气氛中,显得那麽不协调。

31、An Object Oriented Methodology for Automatic Analysis of Inundate Extent Using Multi-Polarized SAR Image ─── 面向对象技术用于多极化SAR图像地表淹没程度自动探测分析

32、Keywords Jiaozuo coal mine;water inrush and inundate mine;countermeasure; ─── 焦作矿区;突水淹井;防治水对策;

33、The waters of suffering gush forth To inundate my Sahara. My desire swollen with hope Will float upon your salty tears, ─── 涌出你的眼睑,去淹没我的撒哈拉沙漠。我充满希望的欲望,将在你咸苦的眼泪上漂浮

34、So please do not inundate the developer with E-mail's requesting support! ─── 所以请不要随便向开发者发送请求支持的电子邮件!

35、6.A global rise in sea level of one metre would almost completely inundate the coastal areas of Bangladesh.Island nations and continental beaches and cities would be endangered. ─── 地球海平面上升一米,将会淹没孟加拉国的沿海地区,危及岛屿国家以及沿海的乡村和城镇。

36、If this phenomenon, called "outgassing," were to kick in, it could inundate the atmosphere with carbon dioxide, perhaps doubling or tripling the effect of the past century of human industry. ─── 如果这种被称为“出气”的现象开始发挥作用,它可能以二氧化碳淹没大气,也许比过去一个世纪人类工业的影响还要大一倍或两倍。

37、Police say rescue officials are worried that water from a choked river could inundate towns near the epicenter. ─── 警方称救援人员担心堵塞的河流一旦决堤将会淹没震中附近地区的乡镇。

38、One after another, they called for intensified measures to tackle global warming that threatens to inundate low-lying islands and melt the snow and ice off the world's mountains. ─── 在经过一次又一次的波折后,他们认为有需要加强管理措施,来解决全球暖化可能使低洼地区惨遭淹没,或是全球高山地区融雪及冰川溶化的种种威胁。

39、"Behold, He restrains the waters, and they dry up; And He sends them out, and they inundate the earth. ─── 他把水留住、水便枯乾.他再发出水来、水就翻地。

40、deluge:To overrun with water; inundate. ─── 淹没:被水淹没;使泛滥.

41、But floods occur in many other ways, heavy rains and thawing snowfall can overwhelm rivers, storm surges caused by hurricanes and tsunamis inundate the coastline, landslides and mudflows can displace large volumes of water. ─── 但是,洪水的暴发也有其它的情况,暴雨和积雪熔化可导致河水泛滥,暴风雨和海啸引发的洪水会淹没海岸,并引发泥石流和滑波,从而分流了大量洪水。

42、Soon after, the door frames surfaces, the ledge inundate, toilets also eventually (for two people did not solve the problem - but to call downstairs to the business of film plastic book). ─── 之后不久,门框开裂,窗台浸水,厕所还滴漏(找人补了两次也没解决问题,只好请楼下的用塑料簿膜兜着)。

43、To overrun with water; inundate. ─── 淹没被水淹没;使泛滥

44、Tzu Chi disaster relief teams provide free clinic, home visits and free hair cuts for Sichuan earthquake victims An exceptionally high tide threatens to inundate the Indonesian capital. ─── 慈济赈灾团为四川灾民,提供义诊和往诊以及义诊;

45、I think the rain would inundate your answer, but it is so clear, ─── 我以为雨中听不到你的回答,它却那么清楚啊!

46、Whether they signal an impending tip, with rapid melts causing Earth's seas to inundate heavily-populated coastal plains, is debated. ─── 随着冰雪的迅速融化,人口稠密的沿海平原被海水淹没,这些是不是预示着大难即将临头?然而,对于这些问题,人们还是在争论不休。

47、To cover or submerge with or as if with a flood; inundate ─── 淹没;泛滥:以洪水或象以洪水似地覆盖或淹没;泛滥

48、But in the vicinity of repeated questioning, or the local inadvertently omitted a mouth : "We can not be prolonged inundate material, or else previously used on the White spent, pumping is no way you. ─── 但在附近市民的连番质问下,工地方无意中还是说漏了嘴:“我们的材料不能长时间浸水,要不然以前用的就白用了,抽水也是没办法啊。”

49、Even high school students can reel off some projected outcomes: the oceans will warm, and glaciers will melt, causing sea 1evels to rise and salt water to inundate settlements along many low-lying coasts. ─── 甚至中学生都会对可能产生的结果列举一二:海洋将会变暖; 冰川将会融化,引起海平面上升,海水将会淹没许多地势较低一带海岸附近的民居。

50、To overrun with water;inundate. ─── 淹没:被水淹没;

51、Every November, muxes inundate the town for a grand ball that attracts local men, women and children as well as outsiders. ─── 每年11月,器淹没城镇的一个大球,吸引了当地的男人,妇女和儿童以及外人。

52、Such a delay is a direct result of home owners all inundate floor deformation. ─── 这样一拖就是一星期,直接造成业主家的地板全部浸水变形。

53、Walking in the street, let us inundate Chung from the crowd have a feeling that what we roared and to vehicles with dizziness. ─── 走在大街上,漫涌而来的人群让我们产生一种压迫感,呼啸而至的车辆更让我们感到晕眩。

54、So please do not inundate the developer with e-mail's requesting support! ─── 所以请不要随便向开发者发送请求支持的电子邮件!

55、I rigid seek in inundate on the road, that praise and immortal real love. ─── 我执着地求索在漫路上,那传颂和不朽的真爱。

56、When the river burst Its bank the field be Inundate ─── 河岸决堤後, 田地遭洪水淹没

57、During the competition, these old people visited during the New Year's Day sale at the Garden Park "inundate Valley" A, M Huxing model Housing. ─── 在比赛期间,这些老人们参观了御景园在元旦期间发售的“漫谷”A、M户型的样板房。

58、Application of Dry Vibration Compressing Spall Piles in the Huanghe River Inundate Area ─── 干振碎石挤密桩在宿迁市黄泛区的应用

59、Training is inundate, however, there is still some problems in medium/small sized private hi-tech companies. ─── 尽管培训浪潮势不可挡,然而,在中小型民营科技企业的培训中仍然存在很多问题。

60、It shows how anyone can become a more intelligent, critical, and empowered consumer of the statistics that inundate both the social sciences and our media-saturated lives. ─── 显示任何人变得能怎样一更聪明,批判性,并且授权消费者的淹没社会科学和我们的媒介饱和生活的那些统计。

61、South China Scenic Garden official responsible for the sales, The development phase "inundate valley" in 11 official public sale, the people flow, sales have substantially increased. ─── 华南御景园销售负责人介绍,该楼盘二期“漫谷”在十一正式公开发售以来,现场人流量、销售量都有大幅度的增加。

62、inundate a person with letters [ questions ] ─── 信件[问题]如雪片飞至某人处

63、not maintain a large number of dry and clean water rinse, to avoid long-term inundate partial floors. ─── 保持干爽和清洁不要用大量的水冲洗,注意避免地板局部长期浸水。

64、Even high school students can reel off some projected outcomes: the oceans will warm,and glaciers will melt,causing sea levels to rise and salt water to inundate settlements along many low-lying coasts. ─── 甚至中学生都会对可能产生的结果列举一二:海洋将会变暖,冰川将会融化,引起海平面上升,海水将会淹没许多地势较低一带海岸附近的民居。

65、1.to overflow; to brim over; to flood; to inundate; 2.all over the place; everywhere3.free; casual; unrestrained ─── 漫

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