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09-16 投稿


neatness 发音

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neatness 中文意思翻译



neatness 网络释义

n. 干净,整洁

neatness 短语词组

1、neatness syn ─── 整洁度

2、neatness means ─── 整洁意味着

3、neatness standard ─── 整洁标准

4、neatness mats ─── 整洁垫

5、neatness clue ─── 整洁线索

6、neatness award ─── 整洁奖

7、neatness counts ─── 整洁很重要

neatness 相似词语短语

1、nearness ─── n.接近;密切;近似

2、deftness ─── n.熟练;灵巧;敏捷

3、meatiness ─── 多肉性

4、inertness ─── n.惰性;无生命力;不活泼

5、fatness ─── n.肥胖,油腻;肥沃

6、peartness ─── 梨性

7、ineptness ─── n.拙劣;荒谬

8、nextness ─── nextness公司

9、greatness ─── n.伟大;巨大

neatness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was tall with a neat, erect carriage. ─── 他个子高而腰背挺直。

2、She had small, neat writing. ─── 她的字写得小而工整。

3、He made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool. ─── 他修筑了几条整齐的小路,并且在池子上架起了一座木桥。

4、Are your eyebrows trim and neat? ─── 你的眉毛是否需要修剪?

5、She was a model of neatness. ─── 她可以成为整洁的典型。

6、He placed his books in a neat stack. ─── 他把书整整齐齐放成一堆。

7、There was a neat safe burglary in Indiana. ─── 在印第安纳发生了一起不落痕迹的保险箱盗窃案。

8、A lecture on housekeeping with emphasis on neatness; paused for emphasis,then announced the winner's name. ─── 一个强调整洁的客房管理演说;停顿一下以示强调,接着宣布胜利者的姓名

9、He keeps his office neat and tidy. ─── 他保持办公室清洁整齐。

10、The next person I met was a neat little man. ─── 下一个碰见的人是一个衣冠楚楚的小个子。

11、Only a snag down the knee of her tights leavens her impenetrable neatness. ─── 为有在膝盖下方长袜破的一个洞影响了她无懈可击的整洁。

12、Everything was neat and come. ─── 一切都是很整洁适宜的。

13、Her hair was tied back in a neat bow. ─── 她的头发扎在脑后打了个整齐的蝴蝶结。

14、She always looks neat and trim. ─── 她看上去总是整洁、俐落。

15、His bedroom is not as neat as his sister's. ─── 他的寝室没有他姐姐的整洁。

16、She is small and neat of person. ─── 她长得娇小玲珑。

17、Efficiency, organization and neatness in the work place; filing for results. ─── 保持职场效率,条理和整洁;进行结果归档。

18、He wore dungarees and a singlet, patched, but neat and clean. ─── 他穿着粗布工装裤和背心,上面打着补丁,却很整洁。

19、It doesn't teach him to value neatness or show him how to accomplish it. ─── 唠叨不会教会孩子整洁的重要性和教他如何去收拾整洁。

20、The members in Fig. 1-45 have a neat fit at the time of assembly. ─── 图1-45中的杆件在安装时已调整好。

21、In an uncharacteristic urge for neatness, I decided to tidy the collection into a single iTunes library. ─── 出于一种对整洁的不同寻常的渴望,我决定把这些藏曲清理到一个单独的iTunes曲库中。

22、Five-star cabaret have neat equipment. ─── 五星级酒店设备齐全.

23、You can see a row of neat summer cottages on the lakefront. ─── 你能在湖边平地上看到一排整齐的避暑小屋。

24、Keep your cubical or workstation neat and clean. ─── 保持你的办公隔间整齐、干净。

25、Housekeeping &keep work place clean and neat. ─── 保持工作环境清洁和整齐。

26、He has great neatness of person. ─── 他衣冠十分整洁。

27、To make trim or neat, especially in dress. ─── 使整洁或漂亮,尤指穿着

28、Keep neatness in the office. Clean the desktop and floor once a day. Make a thorough clearing once a week. ─── 保持办公室内整洁。每天打扫一次办公桌面、地面,每周彻底清扫一次卫生。

29、He was praised for his neat and careful work. ─── 他因工作认真、利索而受到赞扬。

30、His appearance is very neat. ─── 他外表很整洁。

31、Neat, it is true, yet a bit naive. ─── 其实这个想法真是帅呆了,不过有点过于天真。

32、Her apparel was neat and plain. ─── 她的衣裳朴素而清洁。

33、His neat rooms bear witness to a well-ordered mind. ─── 他那整洁的房间说明了他是一个很有条理的人。

34、She lived too much in the neat little airless room of her mind. ─── 她老是守在自己心灵的整洁而闭塞的小天地里。

35、If you keep neat and tidy, you can camp inside my ground. ─── 你们如果保持整洁的话,可以在我的地里宿营。

36、He folded his newspaper into a neat rectangle. ─── 他将报纸折成一个整整齐齐的长方形。

37、Her written work is a model of care and neatness. ─── 她做的书面作业是认真清晰的典范。

38、The neatness of his attire was almost incredible. ─── 他的服装整洁得令人难以置信”。

39、She went, with her neat figure, and her sober womanly step, down the dark street. ─── 她顺着黑暗的街道走去,显出利落匀称的身材,迈着端庄的女人的步子。

40、No matter what, always be neat and clean. ─── 不管是何种要求,永远要保持整洁。

41、She was a small, neat woman, modestly dressed. ─── 她是个身材矮小,干净利落的妇女,穿着朴素。

42、She likes to have her room look neat and tidy. ─── 她喜欢让自己的房间显得整齐利落。

43、Appearances count, be well-groomed and neat. ─── 外表很重要,要精神和整洁。

44、She was a small, plump, fair woman, with a bright, clear eye, and an extraordinary air of neatness and briskness. ─── 她是个娇小、丰满的漂亮女子,两眼清澈明亮,带着一付不寻常的利索敏捷的样子。

45、Only a snag down the knee of her tights leavens her impenetrable neatness. ─── 为有在膝盖下方长袜破的一个洞影响了她无懈可击的整洁。

46、After the work, remember to shut off the brake and remain neatness. ─── 使用后必须拉闸,要保持卫生。

47、He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool. ─── 他在花园里铺上整洁的小路,并在池塘上架起木桥。

48、People don't often fit into neat categories. ─── 人常常不能简单归类。

49、Gucci: It's the only neat decision we made today! ─── 古奇:这是我们今天做的唯一正确的决定。

50、She was a neat, honest, and a good manager. ─── 她是一个忠诚、精干、善于理财之人。

51、Children's toys lay abandoned over a small patch of neat garden. ─── 在光秃秃的花园的小路两旁乱七八糟地扔满了儿童玩具。

52、Answers will be marked for neatness as well as for accuracy. ─── 回答要简练而正确。

53、Henry normally wrote in a neat and italic script. ─── 亨利经常写得一手工整的斜体字。

54、His neatness is a carry-over from his army days. ─── 他爱整洁的习惯是他当兵时养成的。

55、She has her room looking neat and tidy. ─── 她把她的房间整理得整齐干净。

56、Her fiance sported a neat ginger moustache. ─── 她的未婚夫留着触目的姜黃色小胡子,修剪得很整齐。

57、She put the forks in a neat pile and started on the knives. ─── 她把餐叉整整齐齐地叠好后立即又收拾起餐刀来。

58、He keeps his room clean and neat. ─── 他使房间保持清洁和整齐。

59、The term "organization" often connotes a sense of neatness. ─── 组织”这个词常常给人一种整洁的感觉。

60、The land being spacious, houses set out in neat order. ─── 初极狭,才通人;

61、He looked at the greasy veal and peppers splattered all over the kitchen walls and his finicky neatness was outraged. ─── 他望着油腻腻的小牛肉和溅得满墙都是的青椒,他那讲究整洁的癖性受到了刺激,便勃然大怒。

62、She laid her dress on the bed to keep it neat. ─── 她把连衣裙放在床上以保持平整。

63、He surveyed his neat garden with satisfaction. ─── 他满意地环视着他那整洁的花园。

64、His bad manners sorted ill with his neat appearance. ─── 他不文明的举止与他整洁的外表不相称。

65、How did the party go? It is really neat. ─── 党怎麽是?它是真正地整洁的。

66、Your new car is a neat little job , is not it ? ─── 你这辆新汽车很精巧哇,是吧?

67、She always keep the kitchen neatness. ─── 她总是保持厨房干净整齐。

68、Their troop is famous for its neat carriage. ─── 他们这个部队向来以军风严整著称。

69、Your work is always neat and tidy. ─── 你的作业总是又干净又整齐。

70、He gave a neat summary of the financial situation. ─── 他对财务状况做了简要的概括。

71、She was wearing a neat black suit. ─── 她穿着整洁的黑色礼服。

72、He needs a neat diet and plenty of hard exercise to toughen him up. ─── 他需肉类饮食和大运动量的艰苦锻炼使自己强健起来。

73、She always kept her room neat. ─── 她总是保持房间整洁。

74、Looks extremely neat and beautiful. ─── 也显得格外明凈而美丽。

75、He looked fresh and neat in a clean white shirt. ─── 他穿上干净的白衬衫显得清爽利落。

76、He arranged the documents in neat piles. ─── 他把文件一摞摞地码得整整齐齐。

77、Your room is a marvel of neatness and order. ─── 你的房间整洁得出奇。

78、Billiards table must be very neat. ─── 台球桌必须十分平整。

79、They sat in her neat and tidy kitchen. ─── 他们坐在她那干净整齐的厨房里。

80、Our administrator is a paragon of neatness, efficiency, and reliability. ─── 我们的管理者是整洁、高效、真实可信的杰出典范。

81、His mother has been preaching at him again about his lack of neatness. ─── 他母亲又唠叨他不整洁。

82、We must dress in neat and with smile for work. ─── 十年后我们必须衣冠楚楚,面带微笑的去上班。

83、She endeavours to keep things neat in her apartment. ─── 她力图把她房间里的一切东西保持整洁。

84、Lined paper helps keep handwriting neat. ─── 印有横线的纸有助于书写工整。

85、Ten is a neat number, but a messy stage in life. ─── 10是一个完美的数目字,但在人生中则是一个杂乱的阶段。

86、General speaking , it's a neat idea. ─── 大体上来说,你的想法还不错。

87、Small neat ears and thick silky hair. ─── 一对精巧的小耳朵,一头丝一般浓密的毛发。

88、His neatness is a carry-over from his army days. ─── 他爱整洁的习惯是他当兵时养成的。

89、Presumably, the neatness of our pigless yards would impress him. But it is hard not to feel that he would, at least, be ambivalent. ─── 推测来看,我们整洁干净没有猪跑来跑去的草坪会给他留下很深的印象,但他很难不感觉到自相矛盾。

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