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09-16 投稿



inaccurately 发音

英:[[ɪn'ækjərətlɪ]]  美:[[ɪn'ækjərətlɪ]]

英:  美:

inaccurately 中文意思翻译



inaccurately 同义词

erroneously | mistakenly | wrongly |imprecisely | incorrectly

inaccurately 词性/词形变化,inaccurately变形

名词: inaccurateness |副词: inaccurately |

inaccurately 反义词


inaccurately 相似词语短语

1、inaccuracy ─── n.错误;不精确

2、immaculately ─── adv.完美地;干净地;纯洁地;毫无过失地

3、inaccuracies ─── 不准确;误差

4、inarticulately ─── adv.口齿不清地;难以表达地

5、accurate ─── adj.精确的

6、inaccurate ─── adj.错误的

7、inaccurateness ─── 不准确

8、arcuately ─── 弓状的;弓形(结构)的;弯曲的;拱式的

9、accurately ─── adv.精确地,准确地

inaccurately 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cheung stated that bad customs of writing news inaccurately of Chinese Journalism had been retained until today, he added that the mass media was responsible for cultivating and leading readers. ─── 张圭阳指电子传媒运作独裁,或者像很多传播媒介中有影响力的人一檥认为传媒是一盘生意,不是文化产业, 这些是颠覆传媒的行为。

2、"The Director may, upon receipt of a certificate from an authorized surveyor specifying that a ship is insufficiently or inaccurately marked, detain the ship until the insufficiency or inaccuracy has been remedied. " ─── 处长在收到特许验船师所发指明某船舶的标记不足或不准确的证明书后,即可扣留该船舶,直至该标记不足或不准确之处获得矫正为止。

3、We have found that there are still some problems such as incompletely and inaccurately recording according to the recently statistics to affect its development and raputation. ─── 通过对部分职业院校学报进行统计,发现还普遍存在著录项目不全、著录内容不准确等问题,这影响着职业院校学报的发展和声誉。

4、To date(a document or an event, for example) inaccurately. ─── 误标日期把(如一个文件或事件)的日期标得不正确

5、Further more, this algorithm also provides the criterion distinguishing edge inflexion and sleek curve section and the method computing inaccurately curvature radius and approximate perimeter. ─── 同时给出了利用这些参数判别边界角点,边界光滑段的判据,以及估算曲率半径,等效周长的方法;

6、In the past,certain struggles in the Party's history were inaccurately categorized as two-line struggles,and that's one reason why we don't favour using this term. ─── 过去评价历史上的路线斗争并不准确,这是我们不主张提路线斗争的一个理由。

7、8. Court records reveal every day how inaccurately "eyewitnesses" see. ─── 法庭记录每天都显露出“见证人”看得多不准确。

8、The money mechanism began to work stiffly and inaccurately. ─── 贷币机构开始周转不灵和不准确了。

9、Varieties that did not replicate, or that did so inaccurately, would have become relatively less numerous. ─── 然而,随着这种趋势而来的也有危险。

10、"Bella and I are going to fix up these bikes, " Jacob explained inaccurately . ─── “贝拉和我准备把这些电单车修好,”雅革做出了错误的解释。

11、this student works rather inaccurately and sloppily. ─── 这个学生的作业有很多错误,真是粗心。

12、Freud came under severe criticism for his advocacy of the drug and defended himself by claiming(inaccurately)that he had never advised its use in subcutaneous injections. ─── 弗洛伊德因倡导这种药物受到了严厉的批评,他为自己辩护道(不确切地)他从没建议过以皮下注射来使用它。

13、We have decided not to refer to them by that term because in the past the formulations "struggle between two lines" and "error of Party line" were used inaccurately, indiscriminately and too often. ─── 我们不提路线错误,是考虑到路线斗争、路线错误这个提法过去我们用得并不准确,用得很多很乱。

14、Fragments of memories could be recombined inaccurately and thus lead to false memories. ─── 记忆碎片在重组过程中可能发生混淆,于是记忆就不那么准确了。

15、The results shows that our model perform excellent in both In-Sample test and Out-Sample test, and it also can find the inaccurately priced bonds. ─── 实证的结果表明,这种方法具有优良的样本内、样本外性质,并且对错误定价的债券有一定的甄别能力。

16、In case the shipper fails to notify the carrier or notified him inaccurately, the carrier may have such goods landed, destroyed or rendered innocuous when and where circumstances so require, without compensation. ─── 托运人未通知或者通知有误的,承运人可以在任何时间、任何地点根据情况需要将货物卸下、销毁或者使之不能为害,而不负赔偿责任。

17、Unreal chemistry questions usually make teachers and students understanding chemistry inaccurately. ─── 非真实性化学问题往往会误导师生对化学学科的认识。

18、Court records reveal every day how inaccurately “eyewitnesses” see. ─── 法院记录天天都表明“目击者”所见是多么地不准确。

19、"Bella and I are going to fix up these bikes," Jacob explained inaccurately. ─── “贝拉和我准备把这些电单车修好,”雅革做出了错误的解释。

20、For true events, the children either accurately confirmed that the event had occurred or inaccurately denied that it had happened. ─── 真正的活动,孩子们要么准确地证实,事件发生或不准确地否认说,它已发生了。

21、It was even inaccurately labeled “ a culture tax” by at least one critic. ─── 最少有一位批评人士误把这项提案视为开征“文化税”, 但是葛瑞芬解释:“这是一种网路授权模式。”

22、The claims against the cargo insurers are based upon agreements contained in what are usually, and again inaccurately, called letters of guarantee. ─── 针对货物保险人起诉则是基于通常但同样也不确切地被称为信用保证当中包含的合同条款。

23、The money mechanism began to work stiffly and inaccurately . ─── 贷币机构开始周转不灵和不准确了。

24、This condition is sometimes inaccurately referred to as an alcohol allergy. ─── 这种情况有时被误认为酒精过敏。

25、Anyone can create a web page that describes you inaccurately or criticizes your performance at a company. ─── 随便哪个人都可以建立其一个网页,他们可能错误的描述你,还可能批评你在公司中的表现。

26、To match unsuitably or inaccurately. ─── 使不适当地或不正确地搭配在一起

27、5.BOCOG reserves all rights to refuse or accept any applications which are not completly filled, are inaccurately filled, or do not satisfy any or all of the terms or conditions under this document. ─── 5、北京奥组委保留基于任何原因拒收任何门票预订单的权利,包括拒收填写不完整、填写有误,或其他未满足本购票须知全部或部分条款或条件的预订单。

28、To explain inaccurately. ─── 错误地解释

29、Be very careful when handing in documents, for you may have flaws that you aren't even aware of, such as having pulled the wrong figures, quoted someone inaccurately, or other errors. ─── 上交文件的时候请小心,因为你可能会有一些你自己甚至没有意识到的瑕疵,比如采用了错误的数据,应用了不恰当的言论,或者其他错误。

30、This is regardless of whether or not I warned of whatever goes/went wrong accurately, inaccurately, or not at all!Build, test, and/or operate Tesla coils only at your own risk! ─── 其不论我在文章中是否精确的指出(或者根本没提出)相关危险性的情形下皆成立。

31、Using the psychrometric chart with these data,we can get the other air properties inaccurately. ─── 工程施工或精度要求不高的情况下,该方法能满足要求;

32、He didn’t think much of the high priest of the nouveau roman, to whom he was often and inaccurately compared in the past. ─── 1992年邓小平发表了著名的南巡讲话,号召加快改革,经济开始起飞。

33、Court records reveal eVery abundance day how inaccurately “eyewitnesses“ see. ─── 法庭记录每一天都显露出“见证人”看得多不准确。

34、Additional InformationA damaged ICC profile can cause colors to display inaccurately. ─── 其它信息 损坏的ICC 外形可能导致颜色不精确地显示。

35、But even in viewing the most spectacular sights the eyes are lazy.Court records reveal every day how inaccurately "eyewitnesses" see. ─── 最近,我的一个很好的朋友来看我,她刚从一片森林里散步许久回来,我问她看到了什么,她答道:“没什么特别的。”

36、Two or three lonely readers wrote in to complain that the report had inaccurately presented the findings of the research. ─── 仅有势单力孤的两三位读者投书,抱怨这份报告提出的研究结论不够精确。

37、Inaccurately made parts will not assemble and fit properly with mating parts. Hence, the finished product may not operate properly, or may wear out sooner than it should. ─── 制作不精确的零件不能用来装配,也不能与相关零件吻合。由这些零件装配的产品不能正常地运行,或者提前磨损。

38、In the first step, the large modification problem is transferred to a small one by using a mass distribution weighing function, which copes with the inaccurately given mode shapes. ─── 在第一步设计过程中,通过将参考振型作为节点质量配置的位置加权函数,有效地将大修改问题转化为小修改问题。

39、A common industrial test for the protein content of dairy products or animal feed gives an inaccurately high reading if melamine is present. ─── 如果奶品或动物饲料中含有三聚氰胺,常规的工业监测中蛋白质含量会呈现虚假的高数值。

40、Inaccurately Priced Bonds ─── 错误定价债券

41、Court records reveal every day how inaccurately “eyewitnesses“ see.A given event will be “seen“ in several different ways by as many witnesses. ─── 但是你曾经有过用你的视觉去看透一个朋友或相识的内在本质的时候吗?

42、For true events, the children either accurately confirmed that the event had occurred or inaccurately denied that it had happened. ─── 真正的活动,孩子们要么准确地证实,事件发生或不准确地否认说,它已发生了。

43、No convergent drawback of the weight vector due to choose the dispersion constant inaccurately in the normalized constant modulus algorithms (NCMA) is overcome. ─── 该算法克服了在一般的常系数盲数字自适应算法中,由于估计幅值选择不合适,所造成加权矢量不收敛的缺点。

44、Original documents which are inaccurately and incompletely recorded shall be returned for correction or supplementation. ─── 对记载不准确、不完整的原始凭证,予以退回,要求更正、补充。

45、The document also inaccurately described a trustee that safeguards invested assets. ─── 文件对保护这些资产安全的托管公司的描述也不准确。

46、A scientist who has found that many foods are inaccurately labelled is calling for a change in Australia's labelling laws. ─── 一位科学家发现,许多标明食品营养成分的标签都不准确,他呼吁要对澳大利亚的食品标签法进行一次改革。更详细。

47、The president's speech was interpreted rather inaccurately. ─── 总统的演讲被翻译得相当不准确。

48、However, the traditional AHP and FCE have the shortcoming of inaccurately calculated weights of the evaluation index. ─── 然而,人工评价过程复杂且效率不高,传统的层次分析法和模糊综合评判法存在着影响因素权值计算不准确的问题。

49、His speech was interpreted rather inaccurately. ─── 他的演讲被翻译得相当不准确。

50、Original documents which are inaccurately and incompletely recorded shall be returned for correction or supplementation. ─── 对记载不准确、不完整的原始凭证,予以退回,要求更正、补充。

51、To interpret inaccurately. ─── 错误地理解

52、Considering that some bonds in domestic market are inaccurately priced, we proposed a robust spline model to fit the term structure of interest rate in our bonds market. ─── 摘要针对我国国债市场部分债券价格扭曲的情况,提出一种基于抗差估计的样条期限结构模型,来拟合我国国债利率期限结构。

53、Furthermore, we provided the criterion distinguishing edge inflexion and sleek curve section and the method computing inaccurately curvature radius and approximate perimeter. ─── 同时给出了利用这些参数判别边界角点、边界光滑段的判据 ,以及估算曲率半径、等效周长的方法 ;

54、People sometimes unwittingly provide evidence of their own guilt because they inaccurately believe that their behavior does not amount to criminal conduct。 ─── 因为误以为自己的行为不构成犯罪,人们有时无意间向警察提供了自己有罪的证据。

55、The decision-making model has overcome the defection of including over-many subjective factors and inaccurately weighing them in the traditional method. ─── 该模型克服了传统决策方法中存在的主观因素过多、权重不确定等问题。

56、It is often diagnosed inaccurately because of its low incidence, and its clinical symptoms and colonoscopic findings mimic those of inflammatory bowel disease. ─── 由于其发病率低,临床和内镜表现与炎症性肠病相近,很易延误诊断。

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