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09-16 投稿



imparity 发音

英:[[ɪm'pærɪtɪ]]  美:[[ɪm'pærətɪ]]

英:  美:

imparity 中文意思翻译



imparity 词性/词形变化,imparity变形

名词复数: imparities |

imparity 短语词组

1、imparity clause ─── 不平等条款

2、imparity check ─── 奇数 ─── 奇偶性较验

imparity 相似词语短语

1、impartibly ─── 不偏不倚地

2、parity ─── n.平价;同等;相等;胎次;分娩

3、impart ─── vt.告知,传授;透露,透漏;赋予,给予(尤指抽象事物)

4、disparity ─── n.不同;不一致;不等

5、imparts ─── v.传授;给予;告知(impart的三单形式)

6、immaturity ─── n.未成熟;粗糙;未臻完美;不完全

7、imparities ─── n.不平等;不同;不配合

8、primiparity ─── n.[妇产]初产

9、impurity ─── n.杂质;不纯;不洁

imparity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、show number par or impar complete source code can be used directly. ─── (译):查看人数杆或impar完整的源代码可以直接使用。

2、Information Imparity: A Reason of the Peasants'Difficulty in Hunting for Jobs after they Coming into the Cities ─── 信息不平等:进城农民求职难的信息成因

3、ganglion impar ─── 奇神经节

4、can ignore environmental protection, do not assume social function, state-owned colliery is no good, this itself is the competition of a kind of imparity. ─── 可以不顾环境保护,不承担社会职能,国有煤矿则不行,这本身就是一种不平等的竞争。

5、Improving on weight's imparity and binding thedie in the process of pressed tablet by wet grain producing technology according to troxerutin's quality. ─── 根据曲克芦丁的性质,采用以乙醇为润湿剂湿法制粒工艺,改善了压片过程中的片重差异大和拉模现象。

6、The imparity of the international monetary system and its influence on China's monetary system ─── 国际货币体系的非均衡性及其对中国货币体系的影响

7、pars impar telencephali ─── 端脑非对称部

8、Open the imparity agreement that give to also be signed to a few units, to work in the future brought hidden trouble. ─── 对于一些单位开出的不平等协议也签订,给日后工作带来了隐患。

9、After that, for the imparity communication between operate station and the Communication Control Processor, a method of operating the ARCNET board by the Windows is considered in the thesis. ─── 对于过程级网络操作员站和通信控制器之间存在的不对等通信问题,提出了Windows对网卡硬件直接进行操作的解决方案。

10、The article tries there also is major effect in explaining imparity is run in economy. ─── 本文试图说明不平等在经济运作中也有重大作用。

11、imparity check ─── 奇数奇偶性较验

12、The become divided that studies current city society from collective consumption and imparity are one of footing of new city sociology. ─── 从集体消费研究当今城市社会的分化与不平等是新都市社会学的立场之一。

13、The main reason that forms this kind of imparity has: It is the difference of sunny industry and industry of the setting sun above all. ─── 形成这种不平等的主要原因有: 首先是朝阳工业与夕阳工业的差别。

14、plexus thyreoideus impar ─── [医] 甲状腺奇[静脉]丛

15、it is imparity, the person call in that because it gives,differs and invite a boy or girl friend the pay with different ceremonially. ─── 它又是不平等的,因为它给予不同的来访者和邀请对象以不同的礼仪上的待遇。

16、tuberculum impar ─── 奇结节

17、The idea of equality of men and women or imparity, the idea that is him people completely just. ─── 男女平等或不平等的观念,完全是人们自己的观念而已。

18、The income that overcomes hard allocates imparity to endanger capitalism to live etc. ─── 难以克服的收入分配不平等危及资本主义生存等。

19、Male, female the cent that is sexual distinction only originally, the difference of nonexistent equality and imparity. ─── 男、女本只是性别之分,不存在平等与不平等的差别。

20、Persistent tuberculum impar ─── 单结节续存

21、In globalization economy imparity sexual influence falls, one when seek the development pattern that fits oneself to become a developing country weighs wanted job particularly. ─── 在全球化经济不平等性的影响下,寻求适合自身的发展模式就成为发展中国家的一项尤为重要的任务。

22、Most element also drove the amplification of income allocation imparity significantly while stimulative economy grows. ─── 大多数因素在促进经济增长的同时也显著推动了收入分配不平等的扩大。

23、Plexus impar of the thyroid ─── 甲状腺奇静脉丛

24、Her dancing symbolizes the visual imparity of thought diving in it beats, approaching the infinity with the metronome of its indestructible fragility. ─── 她的舞蹈象征着思想的起伏在视觉上的差异性,伴随着节拍器的节拍,她不断的跳着一直将那坚不可摧的脆弱延伸向永恒。

25、In our country socialism primary level, distribution of personal incomes is put in imparity phenomenon really. ─── 在我国社会主义初级阶段 ,个人收入分配确实存在不平等现象。

26、Why does imparity ground treat the child? ─── 为什么不平等地对待孩子呢?

27、tubercula impar ─── [医] 奇结节, 单结节(胚)

28、Triceratium impar ─── n. 不等三角藻

29、Digital chasm already was together with the imparity of 2 1 century and impoverished connection, become current and henceforth a hot issue inside period of time. ─── 数字鸿沟已与 2 1世纪的不平等和贫困联系在一起 ,成为当前以及今后一段时间内一个炙手可热的问题。

30、Open degree and income allocate imparity issue, the research document of this respect is very much, and the majority is to make the research that cross a state, gotten verdict also each are abhorrent. ─── 开放程度与收入分配不平等问题,这方面的研究文献很多,而且绝大部分都是作跨国研究,得到的结论也各不一致。

31、" (1 ) say again: "Civilized before every farther, imparity also advances at the same time one pace. ─── (1)又说:“文明每前进一步,不平等也同时前进一步。”

32、Effect of Harmful Imparity in Salt Bath on Quality of Heat Treatment Parts ─── 盐浴中有害杂质对钢件热处理质量的影响

33、To live, the factory sufferred all sorts of anguish, with sweat and toil, with exchanged the imparity collaboration with the foreign trader difficultly. ─── 为了生存,工厂忍受了各种痛苦,用血汗、用艰苦换取了与外商的不平等合作。

34、Much to a regret, Giddens somewhat ignores the problem of imparity in the course of modernity globalization. ─── 吉登斯对全球化的思考很有价值,但他对"现代性的全球化"过程中的不平等性等有所忽略。

35、Before this, "Chastity " it is a pair of chains that male people gives a woman only, reflected the sense of imparity of male and female. ─── 在此之前,“贞操”只是男人们送给女人的一副枷锁,体现了男女不平等的观念。

36、1. Gini coefficient arid Theil index are both guidelines to weigh imparity, their factor analysis are the better method to clarify income disparity. ─── 摘要基尼系数和泰尔熵指标都是衡量不平等性的重要指标,特别是它们的分解能进一步对不平等性进行因素分析。

37、Using binary statistic coding image processing method, the effect of decoy enclose target is simulated by computer in imparity average radiance. ─── 用二元统计编码图像处理方法,对不同平均辐射强度下干扰弹遮蔽目标效果进行了计算机模拟。

38、Effect of Harmful Imparity in Salt Bath on Quality of Heat Treatment Parts ─── 盐浴中有害杂质对钢件热处理质量的影响

39、Geometrical Construction Method Used in Analyzing Horizontal Imparity Distribution of Soil Water Content ─── 几何作图法分析地基内含水量变化沿水平方向的差异分布

40、nervi impar ─── [医] 终丝

41、ganglia impar ─── [医] 奇神经节, 尾神经节

42、This kind of influence behaves the imparity position in equal competition to go up above all. ─── 这种影响首先表现在平等竞争中的不平等地位上。

43、When both targets exist imparity, the enterprise may modify its accounting statements that lead to distortion of the data of profit of accounting statments. ─── 当两者目标之间存在差异时,企业就有可能对会计报表进行粉饰,从而导致报表利润数据失真。

44、Here setting falls, the lopsided phenomenon of drama is added increasingly between developed country and backward country, do not cause by the imparity of world economic system. ─── 在此背景下 ,发达国家与落后国家之间日益加剧的不平衡现象 ,不是由世界经济体系的不平等造成的。

45、Philippine government thinks, the land tenure of imparity and agricultural fertility are low it is two when cause a lot of Philippine poverty main reasons. ─── 菲律宾政府认为,不平等的土地所有制及农业生产力低是造成许多菲律宾人贫穷的两个主要原因。

46、labyrinthus pubicus impar ─── [医] 阴部丛

47、Before this, "Chastity " it is a pair of chains that male people gives a woman only, reflected the sense of imparity of male and female. ─── 在此之前,“贞操”只是男人们送给女人的一副枷锁,体现了男女不平等的观念。

48、Parsing the Imparity Competition and Behavior Criteria ─── 解析不平等竞争与行为规范

49、On very old rate, global environment problem is the international economy order that northward country uses imparity the result of agelong plunder earth. ─── 在很大的程度上 ,全球环境问题是北方国家利用不平等的国际经济秩序长年掠夺地球的结果。

50、Firstly, there is some imparity in people"s thought. ─── 投资体制的不合理是导致我国基础教育非均衡发展的根本原因。

51、To solve this problem, we must insist on the principle of social fairness and try to change the imparity of information encountered by the peasants after they coming to the cities. ─── 解决进城农民求职难问题,必须坚持社会公正原则,对进城农民信息不平等问题进行有效调适。

52、Digital chasm already was together with the imparity of 2 1 century and impoverished connection, become current and henceforth a hot issue inside period of time. ─── 数字鸿沟已与2 1世纪的不平等和贫困联系在一起,成为当前以及今后一段时间内一个炙手可热的问题。

53、pars impar ventriculi telencephali ─── 端脑室非对称部

54、pars impar ─── 奇部

55、The imparity of the international monetary system and its influence on China's monetary system ─── 国际货币体系的非均衡性及其对中国货币体系的影响

56、Advertisement first then charge you, that's imparity clause. ─── 先做广告再收你费用,那是霸王条款。

57、Show level our country to had been become from the national development of an equalitarianism be current one therein the country that spends imparity. ─── 现阶段我国已经从一个平均主义盛行的国家发展成为一个中度不平等的国家。

58、the reinforce decorated with the crowned Royal Arms of France flanked by palm fronds and beneath a sun-in-splendour bearing the motto NEC PLURIBUS IMPAR on a tripartite scroll; ─── 加固的冠饰有皇室徽号的法国两侧由棕榈枝等和太阳底下在辉煌的座右铭同时NEC公司合众IMPAR的三方滚动;

59、Geometrical Construction Method Used in Analyzing Horizontal Imparity Distribution of Soil Water Content ─── 几何作图法分析地基内含水量变化沿水平方向的差异分布

60、The monopoly system of Russia is mixed after " the entrepreneur of famous portion " the imparity that the activity caused competition, affected economic development with the most depressed form. ─── 后苏联的垄断制度和“有名份的企业家”的活动导致了竞争的不平等 ,以最抑郁的形式影响了经济的发展。

61、Game players cannot be offerred besides relevant credential outside, very important is at the beginning of playing game, they had signed an imparity agreement. ─── 游戏玩家们除了相关凭据无法提供外,很重要的一点是在玩游戏之初,他们就已经签下了一份不平等协议。

62、The asymmetry of each element in the system, the imparity that brings about economic globalization process, inequitable. ─── 系统中各元素的不对称,导致经济全球化进程的不平等、不公平。

63、On the Imparity of the Administrative Right and Duty in Climacteric ─── 对转型期行政权责失衡问题的思考

64、Legal capacity is just something tiny of legal subject system.But it indicates deeply the attitude of law to imparity. ─── 行为能力只是法律主体制度中的微小一环,却鲜明地反映了法律对待不平等的态度。

65、Say Ma Yun is commendable, depend on him after winning out by good luck in the contend that from this him field is in extreme imparity position can abandon triumphal fructification easily again. ─── 说马云可贵,就在于他从这场自己处于极端不平等地位的角逐中侥幸胜出后又能将胜利果实轻松放弃。

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