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09-10 投稿


cerci 发音

英:[[sɜ:saɪ]]  美:[[sɜ:saɪ]]

英:  美:

cerci 中文意思翻译



cerci 词性/词形变化,cerci变形

名词复数形式:cerci 原型:cerci

cerci 短语词组

1、cerci insect ─── 昆虫圈

2、callus cerci ─── 臀胝

3、cerci body ─── 身体循环

4、cerci lannister children ─── 兰尼斯特儿童

5、cerci got Cerci ─── 有

6、cerci goddess ─── 女神圈

7、cerci gift CERCI ─── 礼品

8、cerci in game of thrones ─── 权力游戏中的搜索

9、cerci tea ─── 茶圈

cerci 相似词语短语

1、-cerci ─── n.尾须(cercus的复数)

2、cercus ─── n.[无脊椎]尾毛;n.(Cercus)人名;(法)塞尔屈斯

3、ceric ─── adj.铈的

4、certie ─── 证明

5、cercis ─── n.紫荆

6、ceci ─── n.塞西(女子名)

7、cercal ─── n.(Cercal)塞卡尔;adj.尾的

8、merci ─── n.(Merci)(意、美、法)梅尔奇(人名)

9、cerris ─── 塞尔里斯

cerci 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An insect has an abdomen that is free of appendages except terminal sensory ( cerci ) and reproductive (ovipositor) structures. ─── 昆虫具有除体末感器(尾须)和生殖结构(产卵器)外没有其它附肢的腹部。

2、That said, the Giallorossi are looking to raise capital in the winter with the sales of Julio Baptista, Stefano Guberti and Alessio Cerci. ─── 据称,红黄军团打算在冬季卖出朱里奥.巴普蒂斯塔,斯蒂法诺.古贝尔蒂和阿莱西奥.塞尔奇来筹集资金。

3、Cerci reminds me of Muzzi when he was young, but, in my opinion, he's even stronger than my ex teammate. ─── 切尔奇让我想起了年轻时候的穆齐,但我认为他比我这位前队友更出色。

4、callus cerci ─── 臀胝

5、The 11th segment carries a pair of segmented appendages, the cerci ─── 第十一节有一对分节的附肢,即尾须。

6、Cerci had an outstanding season at Pisa last season and Genoa are now keen to take him off Roma's hands. ─── 切尔奇上赛季在比萨表现出色,热那亚正在着手从罗马将他引进。

7、3 An insect has an abdomen that is free of appendages except terminal sensory (cerci) and reproductive (ovipositor) structures. ─── 昆虫具有除体末感器(尾须)和生殖结构(产卵器)外没有其它附肢的腹部。

8、Genoa are chasing Roma midfielder Alessio Cerci. ─── 热那亚正在追逐罗马中场切尔奇。

9、"Cerci? We like him a lot," said Osti. "We are just waiting to know what decision Roma are ready to make. ─── “切尔奇?我们很喜欢他。”奥斯蒂说,“我们在等待罗马将做出什么决定。”

10、Gigi) Del Neri knows him well and Cerci would be happy to work with him again." ─── “德尔内里很了解他,切尔奇将会很高兴再次与他合作。”

11、Generally the only appendages seen in the abdomen of an adult pterygota insect are those on the genital segments (external genitalia) and the cerci. ─── 在有翅亚纲成虫体表,最常见的附肢是生殖节的外生殖器和末节的尾须.

12、Cerci has joined Atalanta on-loan for this season, but Spalletti says: "The boy is recovering from a serious injury and his passage to Atalanta can only serve his growth. ─── 切尔奇本赛季租借至亚特兰大,但斯帕莱蒂称:“小伙子刚从一个严重的伤病中恢复,去亚特兰大能帮助他成长。”

13、Roma coach Luciano Spalletti insists the long-term future of midfielder Alessio Cerci is with the Giallorossi. ─── 罗马教练斯帕莱蒂称切尔奇在罗马的长期计划中。

14、The prey items in the drops were identified with morphological characters of the fecal fragments, such as heads, abdomens, chelicerae, palpal organs, legs, cerci, scales and wings. ─── 在检视排遗中的碎片时,依头部、腹部、螫肢、触肢器、步足、尾毛、鳞片与翅等的形态特徵确认楚南氏山椒鱼的食物项目。

15、Roma youth product Alessio Cerci is on stunning form for Serie B side Pisa and could be brought back to base in January. ─── 罗马的青训球员切尔奇或许会在一月份从乙级球队比萨回到罗马。

16、of Biattlla germanica cerci were observed under scanning electron microscope. ─── 扫描电镜观察了德国小蠊尾须的细微结构。

17、Atalanta sports chief Carlo Osti has confirmed their interest in Roma midfielder Alessio Cerci. ─── 亚特兰大体育经理奥斯蒂确认了他们对罗马中场切尔奇感兴趣。

18、According to the absence of the cerci in both Collembola and Protura, B?rner in 1910 grouped them together into a class Ellipura, which has long been supported by many entomologists in the world. ─── 鉴于弹尾目 (跳虫 )和原尾目的尾部都没有尾须 (cerci) ,B rner于 1 91 0年就把这两类归并为一个类群缺尾纲 (Ellipura) ,这一分类阶元长期被许多昆虫学家沿用至今。

19、Del Neri knows him well and Cerci would be happy to work with him again. ─── 德尔内里很了解他,切尔奇将会很高兴再次与他合作。

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