Genoese 中文意思翻译
Genoese 短语词组
1、Aragonese-Genoese War ─── 阿拉贡-狼人战争
Genoese 相似词语短语
1、genoise ─── n.清蛋糕
2、genome ─── n.基因组;染色体组
3、Genovese ─── adj.热那亚的;热那亚人的;n.(美、意)杰诺韦塞(人名)
4、geneses ─── n.创始(genesis的复数)
5、genes ─── n.[遗]基因(gene的复数形式);n.(Genes)人名;(俄)格涅斯
6、genoises ─── n.清蛋糕
7、genies ─── 神怪;妖怪(genie的复数)
8、Genoese ─── adj.热那亚的;热那亚人的;n.热那亚人;热那亚方言
9、genoas ─── n.热那亚(意大利西北部港市)
Genoese 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、French is the only official language, but English, Italian, and the local Monegasque language (a descendant of Genoese) are also spoken. ─── 法语是唯一的官方语言,但是也有人说英语、意大利语和摩纳哥当地语言(Genoese语的延续)。
2、For use in melee Genoese Crossbowmen are also equipped with a long sword. ─── 弩兵们同时还配有长剑,以备近身肉搏。
3、3.He began to serve as a privateer in the Ottoman Navy as a youth and after many years of fighting against Spanish, Genoese and Venetian navies, he rose to the rank of Reis (Admiral). ─── 他年轻的时候在土耳其海军服役,多年之后打败了西班牙,热那亚和威尼斯海军,他晋升到里斯(海军上将)的军衔。
4、This dissertation studies the process of Genoese rise and decline from the 11~(th) century to the 17~(th) century. Genoese history of this time was divided into three phases. ─── 本文就11世纪初到十七世纪初热那亚兴衰的历程进行了研究,并将这段时间内热那亚的历史分为三个阶段。
5、The regions of the right-hand side are Apulia (though not all of it), Rome, the Duchy, Tuscany, and the Genoese Marches; ─── 右手边是阿普利亚(尽管不是全部)、罗马、公爵领地、托斯卡尼和热那亚的马尔凯;
6、There were many reasons why the thought of a Genoese should be turned in this direction. ─── 为什么一个热那亚人的思路居然会朝着这个方向,其中有许多原因。
7、Genoese pastry ─── 哥诺斯式肉馅卷
8、Not long after Marco came home, the Genoese captured him during a battle at sea. ─── 马可 - 波罗回到家乡不久,在一次海上的战役中被热那亚人俘虏。
9、It was influenced by cultural contacts with Frankish Crusaders and with Venetian and Genoese merchants passing it along trade routes to the East. ─── 它受到法兰克十字军的影响,威尼斯和热那亚的商人们沿着贸易路线也把他们的影响带到了东方。
10、" The Genoese, believing that it was of emerald, accepted it in lieu of a large sum of money. ─── 热内亚人相信这就是裴翠,要了它,代替了一大笔的钱。
11、While the French cut down their allies - the Genoese - the English rained down arrows on both. ─── 法军一面格杀和他们同阵线的热那亚人,英军就一面乱箭向双方射去。
12、The Genoese said that this was the only thing they wanted from the sack of Almeria. ─── 热内亚人说这是他们在对阿尔梅里亚的洗劫中唯一想要的东西。
13、Genoese embroidery ─── 热那亚刺绣
14、This dissertation studies the process of Genoese rise and decline from the 11~(th) century to the 17~(th) century. Genoese history of this time was divided into three phases. ─── 本文就11世纪初到十七世纪初热那亚兴衰的历程进行了研究,并将这段时间内热那亚的历史分为三个阶段。
15、The hexagonal Genoese vessel is known as the sacro catino, the holy basin. ─── 这个六角形的热那亚容皿被认为是基督在最后的晚餐中使用的圣杯,也就是圣盆。
16、A Probe on Reasons for Genoese Rise and Decline ─── 热那亚兴衰原因论
17、There were many reasons why the thought of a Genoese should be turned in this direction. ─── 为什么一个热那亚人的思路居然会朝着这个方向,其中有许多原因。
18、Dr. Lorente has found that Catalonian Coloms and Genoese Colombos are so closely related it is hard to distinguish them with the standard Y-chromosome tests. ─── 罗伦泰发现,加泰隆尼亚的哥伦家族与热那亚的哥伦坡家族的关系极为密切,无法以标准的Y染色体检测区分哥伦布属于何者。
19、When on Oct. 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus, the son of a Genoese weaver, stepped ashore on the island he later named San Salvador in the Bahamas, ... ─── 1492年,10月12日,克里斯托弗.哥伦布--热那亚的一个纺织工的儿子,踏上了位于巴哈马群岛之间的一个他后来命名为圣萨尔瓦多岛,...
20、Genoese analyst noted that with the passing of "Lord Manuel of divine memory, the most blessed emperor of Constantinople ... all Christendom incurred great ruin and detriment." ─── 曼努埃尔一世在当时的法国,意大利地区和十字军国家中被视为当时世界上最有力量的君主...
21、Quagliarella joined Sampdoria last summer from Ascoli, although his sporting rights are co-owned by both the Genoese club and Udinese. ─── 夸利亚雷拉去年夏天从阿斯克利加盟桑普多利亚,但他的体育权利是属于乌迪内和Genoese共同所有。
22、The Genoese commander wanted to throw his cannon into the sea, to hide the soldiers between decks, and to slip along in the dark as a merchant vessel. ─── 那位热那亚船长打算把炮沉到海里,让士兵们藏在中舱,伪装成商船暗地溜走。
23、Moreover, it is possible that the Genoese was one of those shrewd persons who know nothing but what they should know, and believe nothing but what they should believe. ─── 当然,也许这位热那亚人也同那些明智的人一样,他们除了自己应该知道的事以外别的都不想去知道,除了愿望相信的事情以外,别的都不相信。
24、During this period, the trait of Genoese history can be described as: war and expansion. ─── 在这一时期热那亚历史的主要特点是:势力不断削弱,国家几经沦丧。
25、Columbus was a Genoese-born navigator and discoverer of the New World. On his fourth voyage he explored the coast of Central America. ─── 哥伦布是出生于热那亚的著名航海家,新世界的发现者。在他的第四次航海中,他发现了中美洲。
26、"I know not; but my own opinion is she is a genoese." ─── “我不知道,但依我看,它是一条热那亚船。”
27、Until its capture by the Turks in 1453 Constantinople had been an impartial trading mart between the Western world and the East, and the Genoese had traded there freely. ─── 直到1453年被土耳其人占领为止,君士坦丁堡一直是东西方两个世界之间不偏不倚的贸易中心,热那亚人曾在那儿自由交易。
28、The conclusion is made that Genoese decline during the period due to the frequent political struggles, many natural disasters and the failure of competence with its opponents. ─── 分析指出,同西班牙结盟,商业的发展,金融业的成功是热那亚这一时期兴盛的原因。
29、He sent 4000 mercenary Genoese crossbowmen against the English line.They were cut down by the English longbowmen. ─── 四千个雇佣的热那亚籍十字弓手奉他命令,向英国阵营进攻,不少死在英国长弓手箭下。
30、But the "Latin" Venetians, the bitter rivals of the Genoese, had been the allies and helpers of the Turks against the Greeks, and with the coming of the Turks Constantinople turned an unfriendly face upon Genoese trade. ─── 但是说拉丁语的威尼斯人是热那亚人的死对头,他们充当土耳其人的盟友和帮手,共同反对希腊人,因此,随着土耳其人的到来,君士坦丁堡对热那亚的贸易摆出了一副冷面孔。
31、Part Two firstly briefly introduces the process of Genoese decline, then analyzes the reasons for Genoese decline from its prosperity, in terms of its changing internal and international situations. ─── 第三部分首先简单介绍了热那亚再次兴盛的历程,然后着重从商业和金融以及和西班牙的关系方面分析了热那亚再兴盛的原因。
32、The Venetians and Genoese did not have the field to themselves very long.Portuguese, Spanish and Dutch adventurers soon were leaders in the profitable business of piracy. ─── 威尼斯与热那亚并没有在这块领域得意很久,很快地葡萄牙、西班牙与荷兰人成为这块有利益的掠夺事业领先者。
33、Two centuries later, among the readers of the Travels of Marco Polo was a certain Genoese mariner, Christopher Columbus, who conceived the brilliant idea of sailing westward round the world to China. ─── 两个世纪后,《马可 - 波罗行纪》的读者中有一位热那亚的水手,名叫克里斯托弗,哥伦布,他设想了向西航行环绕世界,最后到达中国的绝妙主意。
34、Genoese sailor ─── 热那亚水手
35、Columbus, a Genoese in the service of the Spanish Kind Ferdinand, wrote to the Royal Treasure, " Because my undertakings have attained success, so it will be pleasing to you". ─── 为西班牙国王费迪南德效力的热那亚人哥伦布在致财政大臣的信中写道:“盖因鄙人事业已获成功,鄙人知道阁下将为此感到高兴。”
36、For use in melee, Genoese Crossbowmen are also equipped with a long sword. ─── 为了肉搏热那亚十字弓手也会装备一柄长剑。
37、the price agreed upon between the Englishman and the Genoese builder was forty thousand francs. ─── 这一幕告别结束以后,唐太斯就去了热那亚。
38、Thus the Genoese, subtle as he was, was duped by Edmond, in whose favor his mild demeanor, his nautical skill, and his admirable dissimulation, pleaded. ─── 所以那个热那亚人虽然精明,却被唐太斯用温和的态度和熟练的航海技术蒙骗了过去。
39、Early examples of these trousers were made for the Genoese Navy, which required all-purpose pants for its sailors. ─── 这种裤子早期的款式是为热那亚海军而设计的,因为他们需要多功能的水手裤子。
40、The Genoese , believing that it was of emerald, accepted it in lieu of a large sum of money. ─── 热内亚人相信这就是裴翠,要了它,代替了一大笔的钱。
41、The Genoese said that this was the only thing they wanted from the sack of Almeria. ─── 热内亚人说这是他们在对阿尔梅里亚的洗劫中唯一想要的东西。
42、Again, as in the days of old, the Venetian caravels and the Genoese galleys plied regularly between Alexandria and Famagusta. ─── 和古老的日子一样,威尼斯的快帆船和热那亚的平底船又在亚历山大港和法马古斯塔开始了频繁的交易。
43、.. 2 Genoese. ─── 凑毛毛们 .
44、4.Italians are world renowned for their love of the crossbow, and none more so then the Genoese. ─── 意大利人因为热爱十字弓而享誉世界,其中尤以热那亚人为甚。
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