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09-10 投稿



lancing 发音

英:[læns]  美:[ˈlɑːnsɪŋ]

英:  美:

lancing 中文意思翻译



lancing 常用词组

oxygen lance ─── 氧气喷枪

free lance ─── 自由作家,自由撰搞人;自由骑士

spray lance ─── 喷雾杆;喷液枪;喷杆

lancing 短语词组

1、lancing pimples videos ─── 切痘痘视频

2、oxygen lancing ─── [化] 氧气切割

3、lancing blackheads ─── 刺刀黑头

4、oxygen-lancing process ─── 氧枪法

5、lancing boils ─── 刺痛

6、lancing a boil ─── 用刀刺开疖子

7、thermal lancing ─── 热喷管

8、free-lancing v. ─── 自由契约的, ─── 自由投稿的( free-lance的现在分词 )

9、rate of lancing ─── 喷管速度

10、lancing boils 2020 lancing boils 2020 ─── 年

11、secondary lancing system ─── 二次喷管系统

12、lancing needle ─── 切缝针

lancing 词性/词形变化,lancing变形


lancing 相似词语短语

1、-ancing ─── 古代

2、-lancing ─── v.用刀切开;(用矛)戳;突然快速地移动;(诗/文)投,掷(lance的现在分词)

3、balancing ─── n.平衡;结算;调零装置

4、glancing ─── v.瞥一眼;浏览;斜击某物后斜弹开来;(尤指光反射后)闪光;轻擦;朝(投手)斜击一球(glance的现在分词);adj.斜擦而过的,斜击的

5、dancing ─── n.跳舞;舞蹈;v.跳舞;摇晃(dance的ing形式)

6、elancing ─── 大白鲨

7、-dancing ─── n.跳舞;舞蹈;v.跳舞;摇晃(dance的ing形式)

8、landing ─── n.登陆;码头;楼梯平台;v.登陆(land的ing形式);n.(Landing)人名;(冈、瑞典、塞内)兰丁

9、lacing ─── n.花边;结带;饰带;v.用带子束紧;交织在一起;抽打(lace的ing形式)

lancing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、if you love illustration or photography, try your hand at free-lancing projects that let you put those skills to use. ─── 如果你喜欢画插图或摄影,尝试一下让你可以利用这些技能的兼职项目。

2、Maggie: Jason, you make our marriage sound like a boil that needs lancing. ─── 麦琪:杰森,你把我们的婚姻说得像个需要刺破的脓包。

3、Originally a journalist noted for his lancing wit, he co-founded a political-humor magazine in 1950. ─── 他在最初是一名因具有锋芒的幽默感而闻名的记者,在1950年与人共同创办了一本政治幽默杂志。

4、lancing door ─── 清洁孔

5、Multiple Circuit Time Relay Realize Automatic Control on Cyclic Air Lancing ─── 多电路时间继电器实现循环防堵吹扫自动控制

6、Keywords Thenar lancing phlebotomy;Neonatal screening;Soak in the warm water;Efficiency; ─── 足底定位采血;新生儿疾病筛查;温水浸泡;效率;

7、The content of this page is from the LANCING port or LANCING customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自LANCING港口或LANCING海关的进出口公司目录;

8、As communication technologies advance and networks become more efficient, the shift to e-lancing promises to accelerate. ─── 随着通信技术的进步和网络的效率更高,朝着电子自由职业方向的转轨有望加速。

9、Top Submerged Lancing ─── 顶吹浸没式喷枪

10、It would seem their wounds want lancing; ─── 是在等待某种圆满的结果?

11、Book online the cheapest hotels in Lancing - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 Lancing 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

12、Methods of prediction of lancing time of cement concrete pavement slab ─── 水泥混凝土路面板切缝时间预测方法

13、inspection and lancing ─── 检查与冲洗

14、Less Pain:The Rightest GM100 system includes Bionime's NEW GD500 lancing device designed to produce the least amount of pain and reduce the risk of blood contamination. ─── 几乎无痛:瑞特血糖GM100监测系统中的GD500采血笔可减少您在采血时的疼痛感及血液血液交叉感染的机会。

15、Mike: She's busy dad. She's lancing a grease pocket. ─── 迈克:听着爸爸,妈妈正在紧张战斗。

16、Design of the process and lancing die for the front crust of the car vacuum booster ─── 汽车真空助力器前外壳成形工艺及切舌模设计

17、Lanc?me Renergie Morpholift R.A.R.E. Repositioning Eye Cream ─── 质地轻爽,芬芳扑鼻,专为娇嫩的眼部肌肤设计。

18、E-lancing sites are confident that their model of work will find a way through the regulatory maze. ─── lancing网站信心十足的认为他们的工作模式必将从调控迷宫中走出来。

19、Sludge lancing hydraulic cleaning for steam generators in Nuclear Power Station ─── 核电站蒸汽发生器的泥渣枪水力清洗

20、E-lancing sites are confident that their model of work will find a way through the regulatory maze. ─── E-lancing网站信心十足的认为他们的工作模式必将从调控迷宫中走出来。

21、For the advantage of its low costs ture real-time information, ultrasound has the ability such as outlining a tumor,lancing abscesses and biopsies. ─── B型超声拥有实时、安全、可重复的优点,有助于颅脑手术术中定位。

22、free lancing ─── 自由行动

23、Provides design services by free lancing the jobs to more than 200 awarded local and overseas designer. ─── 以聘请自由撰搞设计师的形式为客户提供创作服务。

24、powdering lancing ─── 氧熔剂穿孔

25、Design of the Flank Punching, Flanging, Lancing and Bending Combination Die for Box Part ─── 盒形件侧向冲孔翻孔切口弯曲复合模设计

26、Originating from the hood of ancient noblewoman, the shade lancing, grey-green cloth and yellow gauze will obtain a harmonious assortment of exotic sensation. ─── 设计理念源自古代贵妇人的头罩,帘头的花边、灰绿的主布、杏黄的纱布,天衣无缝地相互配合,让空间 充满异国情调。

27、Even the simplest operation-the removal of a single joint of a finger, the lancing of an abscess-would prove fatal. ─── 就连最简单的手术(切除一个手指关节,刺破一个脓疮)结果也可能是致命的。

28、Ask: can you tell the differences between the Mekong River and the lancing River? Look at the map carefully. ─── 通过多媒体向学生提供一些著名河流的图片,引导其进行热烈的讨论。然后分小组举手发言.

29、Four ways of OEC (Oxygen-Enhanced Combustion), including air enrichment, oxygen lancing, oxygen/fuel and oxygen-air/fuel, are introduced. ─── 摘要简要介绍了富氧燃烧的4种方法:空气增氧、吹氧、全氧和空气-氧气双助燃剂。

30、At the same time.The article analyses the parameters of the floor strengthening and the floor lancing ... ─── 同时分析了底板加固、底板切缝的参数对底鼓灾害的影响程度。

31、bath lancing ─── 熔池吹氧

32、The article analyzes the technologic property of the front crust and describes the working procedure and the structure of the lancing die as well as the character and working principle of the die. ─── 该模具的凸模和活动凹模镶块分别在斜楔和楔形滑块作用下水平相向运动完成冲裁。

33、Mike: No no no no. Guys, it doesn't say lancing, it says dancing. ─── 迈克:不不不,不是这么说的那叫跳舞。

34、lancing die ─── 切缝模

35、oxygen lancing ─── 氧气切割

36、Free lancing: is it viable? ─── 免费采血:这是可行的?

37、Keywords progressive die;lancing;close_shape bending;lever;movable punch; ─── 级进模;切舌;封闭弯曲;杠杆;活动凸模;

38、For a moment he saw nothing but dark tree-shapes and slivers of lancing daylight. ─── 有一会儿功夫,他看到的,那些黑乎乎的树的形体,还有透射下来的一缕缕阳光。

39、The dermal tissue target site is thereafter lanced with the dermal tissue lancing device. ─── 随后皮肤组织穿刺器件穿刺皮肤组织目标位置。

40、In the future, as communications technologies advance and networks become more efficient, the shift toe- lancing promises to accelerate. ─── 未来,随着通信技术的快速发展网络更具效率,势必加快通向电子自由职业转换的步伐。

41、Other niceties include a built-in electronic lens cover, a LANC connector, and a flash for still photos. ─── 其他的细节包括内置的电子镜头盖,LANC连接器,拍摄静态图片的闪光灯。

42、Analysis of the Difficulty of Taking Out the Part after Lancing and Bending and the Measure to It ─── 切舌折弯取件困难分析及措施

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